CBC Info: The Nationwide | Ottawa neighborhood grieves


CBC Info: The Nationwide | Ottawa neighborhood grieves

tonight in the aftermath of a horrific Mass killing a community in shock and mourning they will remember that nice always with smile so sweet kind supportive Family new details about the victims and the accused plus allegations of assault in a secretive Christian sect I want to heal.

That's my motivation for doing it a CBC News investigation and Canadians on the red carpet I think I just missed him did he miss you you definitely get your calls returned quicker Could Oscar winds this weekend supercharge their careers from CBC News this is the national with Ian.

Hansing we are getting a clear picture tonight of the victims of that horrific attack in Ottawa six people killed in their own home they're being mourned by their community and by loved ones half a world world away five were members of a single family four of them just children and tonight we're learning the sixth victim had children of his own the Lone.

Survivor of that attack continues to recover from his injuries as all those who knew the victims come to terms with the loss Nicole Williams with how people are remembering them this growing Memorial a sign of a community overflowing with grief and coming to together to cope nearby counselors helped students and teachers.

Through the shock and sadness a lot of Tears a lot of questions on how do we start these conversations with the students as they come in police now say it was a mass stabbing that claimed the lives of six people in this town home Wednesday night including a mother and her four young children between 7 years of age and 2 months old.

Our community members how they did and and family members cannot uh forget that family sweet family you know with the with the tiny little babies the other victim 40-year-old Gamin amaron from Sri Lanka who had arrived in Canada a few months ago he has two kids and a wife and a mother uh and a sister whom uh he was supporting amarakone was living with.

The family as was the accused 19-year-old febrio dooa an international student also from Sri Lanka who attended alanin College he's charged with six counts of first-degree murder and one count of attempted murder the landlord currently out of the country unaware either were living in the townhouse until a call from police I was shocked I.

Don't know how to put this in words like you're never prepared for these kind of calls husband and father danishka wkr Singa is the only survivor of the attack he was badly injured this family friend visited him in hospital one of the things that he said you really touched me he said you know what he he's a 19-year-old kid uh you can see that he.

Thought about that s you know the accused side too that uh that we should have compassion uh towards uh him as well um again the strength that he has as a person to even think like that and Nicole there are plans to remember the victims of the attack this weekend that's right Ian there is a vigil scheduled uh at this park for tomorrow.

Morning so that the community can come together to honor the victims for its part the Sri Lankan uh High commission is working with family members back home with the VISA process so that they can come to Canada to attend the funerals of the victims Nicole Williams reporting from Bar Haven this evening the federal government has now.

Made it official Canada is lifting its suspension on funding to the United Nations relief agency unra it's also helping a charity in Jordan buy supplies for airdrops into Gaza and supplying cargo parachutes to get that Aid in rafy Bui Canyon with why Ottawa says now is the time to act after 5 months of War this flow is desperately.

Needed food and there is not enough people in Rafa Gaza scramble to get what they can what unra provides is not enough this man says we have children who need milk they cannot stand on their feet the United Nations agency has been the main source of Aid in Gaza but many countries including Canada pulled their funding in January when Israel alleged.

12 members of its staff were involved in the October 7th attacks by Hamas 1,200 people were killed another 253 taken hostage the UN launched an investigation this support simply cannot wait now amid dire warnings of famine a move by Canada Andra forms the backbone of the humanitarian response in Gaza and in the region because of its networks because.

Of its presence and its history on the ground um so we are resuming uh our relationship and funding part of the government's decision hinging on an inim un report that has not been made public Canada's ambassador to the UN says it neither exonerates unrest staff nor does it confirm wrongdoing the report couldn't either do either without.

Getting a full full dose of the information from the government of Israel and that's the information that people are still waiting for and that we still haven't received CBC News was the first to report Canada's announcement was coming earlier this week hearing it some in Gaza said they hoped others would follow.

Suit people are dying of hunger said this man they've been starving for 2 3 months many of Canada's allies have not resumed payments and ottawa's decision is controversial here Jewish organizations and even a couple of liberal MPS have said it is the wrong call especially without conclusive evidence that clears unra rafian CBC.

News arwa there's also criticism tonight over a new plan to get Aid into Gaza by sea it's being met with questions and doubts from Palestinians cbc's senior International correspondent Margaret Evans has more from Jerusalem Jerusalem's Damascus gate and the flow of Muslim worshippers to alaxa.

Mosque for Friday prayers the last before the holy month of Ramadan well-worn paths and well-worn tensions Israeli Border Police stopping young Palestinian men from entering hopes of an Israeli Hamas ceasefire ahead of Ramadan have all but disappeared and there is skepticism.

Amongst Palestinians here over the plans for a humanitarian sea Corridor to ease the suffering of their brethren in Gaza I'm suspicious about what's driving the United States says this man all they care about is the Israeli population there are land routs to deliver Aid directly says IM Omar not through the.

Ocean the European commission president unveiled details of a plan for a coalition of the willing to ship aid from Cyprus we're now very close to the opening of the corridor hopefully this Saturday this Sunday it's a clear sign of Western frustration with Israel for not letting more Aid in the UN saying a quarter of gaza's population is now on.

The brink of famine the move follows Washington's plan to build a temporary floating Port off Gaza critics say it gives Israel permission to Simply carry on its military campaign regardless of the cost to civilians and so giving uh Israel no restraint no no substantive constraint.

On money and weapons people in Northern Gaza are so desperate for food they continue to surround any sign of Aid arriving these patients at alifa hospital say Israeli troops fired at them when they did we run towards the aid because we're hungry says Muhammad ATA further south in Rafa more air.

Strikes and more funerals for those caught in their path including the smallest of victims instead of telling us they will build a port to help us says Hassan m tell them to stop providing Israel with the weapons they throw at us and Margaret Evans joins us from Jerusalem Margaret how will this Maritime Corridor.

Work it's pretty confusing Ian the British foreign secretary today said that Israel will have to ensure that the Israeli Port of ashdod is available so Aid could then reach that port and then be trucked in to Gaza but that has people scratching their heads because they're already land cross Crossings into Gaza and it's not working uh the.

American plan to build a temporary Port is expected to take weeks they say Israelis will be in charge of security and of course Israel is criticized for not doing enough for turning back Aid as it is and Aid agencies say that the amount of Aid that's going to get in is just not going to be enough Margaret Evans in Jerusalem.

Tonight US President Joe Biden has repeatedly urged Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin net Yahoo to exercise military restraint and allow more Aid into Gaza last night after his State of the Union Address an open microphone captured his apparent frustration I told him bab good that was good when asked about.

It today Biden did not walk that comment back while his vice president camela Harris went further saying he meant every word today Biden hit the campaign trail with new momentum after that fiery State of the Union Address and as Paul Hunter explains Democrats are hopeful that he's found his stride on his way to a campaign event in.

Pennsylvania Joe Biden had quite literally a bounce in his step jogging across the tarm at least for a bit the rally itself self underlining indeed the contest for the White House is now underway in Earnest Biden telling supporters Donald Trump is targeting their freedoms well guess what we will not let him we will not let him Biden's.

Energy fueled no doubt by the thumbs up he's had from fellow Democrats on his State of the Union speech the night before smoking Joe Biden was on fire during the State of the Union Address he was lit I know it may not look like it but I've been around a while in the speech Biden made light of his age emphasizing with Trump it's the.

Ideas that are old and with vice president kamla Harris then quickly off to Arizona for a key speech as Biden was in Pennsylvania both critical Battleground States the Electoral symbolism was hard to miss the truth is so too the contempt for Biden from Republicans president Biden's border policies are a.

Disgrace this crisis is Despicable as for Trump he met today in Florida with hungary's prime minister Victor Orban who critics deride as Nationalist and authoritarian congratulations while the group that helped set the Republican Party platform named a new co-chair Trump's daughter-in-law Lara the goal on.

November 5th is to win and as my father-in-law says big league and so it is the campaigns now kick in in Earnest just under eight months until the election and a contest certain to be brutal Paul Hunter CBC News Washington this is international women's day a day to focus on the achievements of women and to push for equality and.

Marking it governor general Mary Simon highlighted the importance and struggles of female leaders the importance of women in leadership can cannot be overstated women who bring different perspectives diverse voices and lived experiences to the table which can then contribute to more inclusive decision making and problem solving building a.

Will help build a better future for all of us the day was marked across the country and the world in various ways including this March in downtown frederickton for many it's a day to draw attention to the work that still needs to be done women still underrepresented in leadership roles Nisha Patel on how Canada is falling behind on equality in.

The boardroom we've all had to break through traditional barriers these women are on a mission to bring more balance to the boardroom it's still something that we need to work hard on and that I'm encouraging at the board level they're coming together to network and mentor and give a boost to women in fields that.

Are traditionally dominated by men there's data to prove the the more diverse your board is the better the decision-making new numbers from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce suggests progress has been slow and Canada is falling behind countries such as the US Mexico and Hungary women make up almost half of the workforce but hold just 21%.

Of board seats and if the current Trend continues women won't reach parody in Senior Management this Century there are trickle down effects of these low representation numbers on how management looks like in the rest of the company researchers say businesses with outdated corporate culture often prevent women from advancing Beyond middle management.

And that needs to change making sure that we're holding corporations and other stakeholders accountable in terms of their ability to promote um and recognize women Advocates urge companies to track hiring and promotions and offer opportunities for upskilling and flexible work we have managed to at least put a proper crack.

In the glass ceiling some aren't waiting for companies to act instead making equality the law the EU has mandated that by 2026 big companies must ensure that women hold 40% of the seats on their board for now these women in business are pushing hard seeing those women in those positions kind of drives me and.

Shows me that I can make it there too I left my own country my comfort zone to do something to make an actual impact so that is what I want to do hoping one day soon they'll get their own seat at the table Nisha Patel CBC News Toronto a fierce winter storm is battering Eastern and Central newf land right now bringing up to 85 cm of snow.

To some areas schools and businesses were closed all day flights in and out of St John's cancelled the mixture of snow and ice pellets isn't expected to taper off until tomorrow but the work of clearing all of this well underway our cruise are out and uh we continue to uh try to keep the main Thor fares open and the.

Emergency routes and uh everybody is uh seems to be complying so uh we're uh we're doing our best just to keep everything moving a lot of people though say they're sick of shoveling and ready for warmer weather the hell with this I don't even want to see it naively hoping that this was it for the year and yeah then we got that it seemed to come out.

Of nowhere as well this is the second storm to Pummel the region in the past month the Oscars red carpet has been rolled out and ready for Sunday's big party you should stop by so cool but does a golden statue lead to Golden opportunities you definitely get your calls returned quicker a life-saving training all done.

With a headset it's amazing how realistic the wounds look and a mob of kangaroos hits the golf course if one runs the whole mob will run we're back in two our newest Walk Of Famer Eugene Levy while a Canadian comedy Legend finally has his own star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame Eugene Levy has earned a.

Claim and multiple Awards over his decades long career from SCTV through the American Pie movie series to shitz Creek Levy described this latest honor to Eli glasner who's in Hollywood for Sunday's Oscar awards we've seen these ceremonies since I was a kid to be honest the thought of actually being in one of these things stand.

Standing on your own star it just I I mean I don't I don't even have any words some of Levy's former co-stars also attended the ceremony including his daughter Sarah and longtime friend Katherine O'Hara and Levy is not the only homegrown talent in Hollywood Spotlight this weekend many Canadians are up for.

Academy Awards this year in one of this country's stronger showings in years Eli glasner talks to Canadian nominees past and present about what it means to win an Oscar on the RO welcome to Canada's house the home of the consul general of Canada in Los Angeles and this year there's lots to celebrate from writer Direct Seline.

Song's past lives to Ryan Gosling's cantastic performance in Barbie I'm coming with you okay once again Canadians are Oscar contenders one of the first people I introduced myself to was Steven Spielberg after I won Ben proudfoot has already won one Oscar with the last prepare shop the Halifax filmmaker is aiming for his second these.

Little little kids you know who are amazing musicians dedicated musicians who a year ago were just you know practicing their instruments are now going to be walking the red carpet so it's an amazing opportunity to shine a light on deserving people IO Margaret hello Bob Bob's birthday won back in 1995 the Vancouver animators who created.

It say it was a blur when they heard their name called that night Tom Hanks and Sharon Stone were clapping they say that wi helped them turn the short film into a full series it opens those doors so people went oh you're an Oscar winner okay uh we'd love to hear what you're thinking you definitely get your calls returned quicker like I will say that.

This Toronto producer won for the shape of water a Strange Love Story brought to life by an army of artists all of these Canadian filmmakers you know are sound people and everything it was just such a wonderful affirmation of their work to be able to shine a light on on their those people and their careers and their accomplishments like that was really.

Gratifying Canadian composer Michael Dana's Global music style helped make life of piie an Oscar winner over a decade later he's still getting thank yous but Hollywood can be fickle you still have to get the job and and by the way you could get fired like in a minute and your Oscar wouldn't save you from that it's how good are you right now.

Today still Oscars can change lives especially the smaller categories just your average young person can aspire to you know to try and aim for an Oscar or a war WS or festivals just to get their voice heard so Eli tons of Canadian talent this year but what are you watching for Sunday uh well a few things first is.

Oppenheimer really going to rule the Oscars this has been the storyline for months now something about this movie about the father of the atomic bomb really has captured the imagination and affection of Academy voters so I could see it taking home some really big prizes but you mention those Canadians Seline song with remarkable past lives.

Will she break through but finally Ben proudfoot you saw him there as the Director of the last prepare shop he is going to be pulling up to the red carpet with some of the kids featured in his documentary in a school bus a nice way to come to the Oscars Ian Eli Glassner in Los Angeles thank you Canadian baseball Legend Joey vodo.

Is heading home to try out for a spot on the Toronto Blue Jays the team offered VTO a non-roster invite that means he's not officially part of the team but he can compete for a spot VTO is a former National League MVP he played 17 Seasons with the Cincinnati Reds which included six All-Star appearances and I spoke with Joey vad.

Last year as part of our it changed everything series he shared the ups and downs of his long career including his battle with grief and anxiety you can watch our full interview on the website as well as CBC gem or YouTube a BC woman is speaking out about the abuse she says she endured as part of a secretive religious group no jewelry no.

Hair cutting after a certain age you're expected to put your hair up CBC News investigates the insular church with no name and the sneaky fees that increase the cost of so many things and then they got the service fee and service fee and service fee we look for the worst Defenders the national breaks down the story shaping our world.

next an investigation is underway after a tire fell off a United Airlines plane on Thursday it happened moments after the Boeing aircraft took off from San Francisco the wheel Came Crashing Down in an airport parking lot it damaged several Vehicles no one was hurt and the plane made an emergency landing in Los.

Angeles from car crashes to Burns trumatic injuries are the leading cause of death in children now surgeons at McGill University have come up with a new virtual training system to help doctors navigate those challenging situations as Christine Buck shows us the new technology could help save lives if a child survives a horrific.

Crash burn or fall they can have less than an hour to live but even doctors can be rattled instead of seeing the patient this length you actually have a 6 kilo baby right right and those are the most difficult for people that are not used to this he says kids are not small adults emotions can run High care slows.

Down and deadly mistakes are made nearly 1 million children die from injuries worldwide every year we found that lots of deaths could be prevented if the health providers had better training and pediatric surgeons at McGill University have come up with a way to to offer it so this is apparently a 4-year-old that was involved in a car.

Crash it's called petite VR a virtual ER where all the patients are injured kids so this patient is bleeding inside the abdor right no expensive medical mannequins travel or courses this training can be done anywhere anytime the idea of being able to train all these people literally in their homes with a $300 headset on their head and.

That's it is so exciting this auttaa surgeon says the more simulations doctors and nurses can do the better petite VR would give staff in rural parts of Canada and lower income countries a chance to work with leading Specialists when you have something like virtual reality that could um allow multiple users in different location to.

Come together um this is this is something big all right let's give it a try we are instantly inside an operating room my my leg hurts so bad I think it's broken it's amazing how realistic the wound looks the doctor stops the bleeding orders tests and scans the system tracks what he does how fast and scores him Mill is hoping to offer up.

The first simulations this summer okay thank you very much it's been a pleasure working with you fun training in Tech that could save young lives around the globe for decades to come Christine be CBC News Montreal now let's break down the news shaping our world I think it's robbery completely.

Like flat out consumers ambushed by junk fees all these extra charges that are hidden and we shouldn't be paying them deceptive sometimes illegal but first a secretive Christian sect they're really off the radar because they don't own buildings they don't own structures now under screw yeah my parents had implicit trust in.

The organization in the workers as allegations of child sexual abuse Mount there are hundreds and hundreds of allegations over 700 perpetrators have been named I am not an only demanding answers from the church with no name also known to Outsiders as the 2 by tws the church has a history going back more than a century but as Karen Larson.

Shows us now it's facing a reckoning that some former and current members say is long overdue 1986 okay so this is my grade seven graduation this is a very typical look as a kid lindel Montgomery is going public for the first time about alleged sexual abuse she suffered as a teen here.

I am at 12 starting to get pimply it happened inside an insular and secretive Christian sect that has no official name but is most commonly referred to as the 2 by two but no makeup no jewelry no hair cutting after a certain age you're expected to put your hair up into a bun um and pulled back that's that's the look quite.

Typical that's the look exactly Montgomery says there was violence in her home growing up and at age 14 after a particularly traumatic incident she was sent to live with Leanne mzn a 2 by two minister or worker as they're called in the faith my Frank hurt go-kart from 1988 89 right around the time when Leanne would have entered my world while.

In her care montgomry says mzn sexually abused her how I ended up with Leanne is a million-dollar question I can't answer that I wish I could that might bring me some sort of clarity as well did anyone know what was going on in 1989 did the church know did your parents know did any adult in your life know for me personally I can't say if they did they.

Didn't do anything yeah my parents had implicit trust in the organization in the workers in the way it all yeah just in in all of it they are truly believe it's the one true way where's this one you ready thank you ready Montgomery lived with the secret for 35 years until last.

Year when she saw this news story I looked at the page front page of our comx Valley record here and on it was a story of one of the the workers who had been charged with child pornography and they actually went into quite a bit of detail about the 2 by tws so it was undoubtedly they're talking about and it just blew my mind Montgomery brought her.

Story to authorities early last year in January of this year police from the community of Delta arrested mzn on charges of sexual assault and sexual exploitation none of the allegations have been proven the charges come amid a number of international media reports about child sexual abuse within the 2 by tws a few.

Weeks ago the FBI took the uncommon step of publicly announcing it was investigating the 2 by tws in the United States asking for help identifying victims of a religious group that traditionally has not had a name but has been referred to outside the group as the 2 by two the way the truth and the church with no name that's in the.

What would you like to see something similar in Canada very much so yeah it's an international crisis and so ask me now why did it take me 36 years to do it because I know the difference between revenge and healing I want to heal I want to heal that's my motivation for doing.

It the 2 by tws were founded in Ireland in the 19th century by Scotsman William Irvine followers brought the faith to Canada in the early 1900s the sect does not promote itself publicly sermons are most often held in members homes but we visited a public gospel meeting at this Funeral Chapel hoping to speak to a minister about the.

Allegations we were invited in but without our camera the minister we spoke to declined comment they're really off the radar in many ways because they don't own buildings they don't own structures Steve Kent is a professor amerit at the University of Alberta who studies alternative and controversial religions many groups have antagonistic.

Attitudes toward the outside secular world the outside secular world is evil Fallen uh even uh satanic and consequently they almost never go uh to outside authorities to report of incidents of abuse what often happens is groups have either in internal investigative procedures that are very very poor.

Or they get uh their uh the abusers to to repent that say they had a conversation with God and God has forgiven them when you heard the FBI was investigating the 2 by tws and asking victims to come forward what did you think well my very first reaction was it didn't have to come to this there's been plenty of warnings over the years okay.

So this is our landing page for our wings for truth 2 by two's member Bruce Murdoch runs a website from his Cranbrook BC home and has been posting about child sexual abuse cases within the church for over a decade there are hundreds and hundreds of allegations that have not gone to uh to to the legal authorities and for many many years the.

Leadership of the church would not go to the authorities on purpose and so all this conspires to hold things back and hold progress back and um it had to come to this meanwhile or organizers of a 2X two victims Hotline in the US tell us they have documented 1,500 unconfirmed allegations of sexual abuse and other offenses I want to bring publicity to.

The fact that I am not an only over 700 perpetrators have been named over 1,500 allegations have been made naming perpetrators more than once come here Goose I feel fortified finally you ready that I'm not screaming in the wind anymore and Karen you've heard from the leader of the group inbc Ian his name is Merlin Affleck and.

He declined our request for an interview and didn't answer questions we sent about mcchesney's arrest or her status within the church or even the FBI investigation what he did say is that steps are being taken within the church to protect children including the development of a Minister's code of conduct and and a child safe policy and.

As you mentioned in the story you you went to uh a gospel meeting last Sunday right so this would be like a sermon and this was a public event it was held at a port kitum funeral home we were invited in not with our cameras uh for the sermon we attended for I attended for an hour but in the end the minister in charge declined our request to be.

Interviewed Karen Larson in our Vancouver Newsroom coming up the extra fees we can't seem to Escape junkies I don't like them it's kind of annoying what you should look out for next things should be more transparent.

And upfront yeah not cool travel shop online or go out expect surprise fees and dodgy excuses it's a processing fee and I'm not sure why it's there we're paying a lot of money for things that we have no idea what we're paying for politicians promise action we're cracking down on junk fees we're tackling junk fees I'm also getting rid.

Of junk fees but can consumers fight back let's bring in vas bedar executive director of public policy in Digital Society at McMaster University she joins us from Toronto and Chuck Bell is program director Consumer Reports he is in New York I'm going to ask each of you this question vas I'm going to start with you how would you define junk.

Fees well Canada hasn't legislated a definition so I'd pull back on language that the FTC has used that they are hidden surprise and and often illegal fees we use the short form junk because they're charge simply because they can often they don't have corresponding value we're going to get lots of examples from each of you but Chuck what.

About a definition no that's a great definition and what we've focused that on the consumer reports has been hidden fees uh especially those that are buried in the bottom level of the shopping cart where people may not see them online so junk fees hidden fees I've seen the term drip pricing in news coverage though I've.

Never heard anybody use that term annoying is a term a lot of people use uh vas give me an example of what would be at the top of your list of junk fees top of my list would probably be having to pay an airline so that I can sit next to my child um that's something that the Biden Administration has uh focused on and something the Canada is.

Thinking about tapl but I just think it's a little bit silly and arbitrary and extractive all right and Chuck speaking of President Biden last night the State of the Union Address and I want to play a pertinent clip from that speech here it is look I'm also getting rid of junk fees those hidden fees at the end of your bill that are.

There without your knowledge so he's the commander-in-chief the president of the United States I feel like if he makes that part of the state of the union he ought to be able to just with a wave of the hand get rid of them but Chuck where is the United States at with junk fees I think it's great that President.

Biden has this high level of ambition the challenge is you're trying to turn around a battleship because there's many uh companies in Industries all throughout the economy that are very devoted to charging additional fees um the airlines have sort of LED this uh process uh they have things uh people they hire called ancillary Revenue.

Consultants to come up with new fees such as a fee just to pick out your seat on the airplane but President Biden is taking an all of government approach to this and directing multiple government agencies to come up with ways to improve disclosure to customers at the point of sale that all mandatory fees should be included so you can see that bottom line.

Price yeah and and and just to give people a bit of context because they they've seen it in lots of different sectors what we're talking about here is you know you see one fee whether it's in in an ad or online at the top of the list by the time you get to check out or you you hand your credit card to somebody all of a sudden these other.

Fees appear Resort fees or you know seat selection whatever it is and and it it often comes as a surprise uh Chuck what's at the top of of your list here in terms of which ones bug you the most well I don't like the airline ones but the um ticket fees for live entertainment such as Sports and concerts that is sort of the classic.

Example of drip pricing because typically the sellers do not give you the full price when you first pick out your seat and they add lots of fees while you're on the way to the online checkout so I think that internet has made our lives better in many different ways but in this case it's made it a lot easier to hide the price and spring it.

On the consumer at the last minute and so that example is being copied by lots of other types of sellers yeah the last time I bought uh tickets I think it was to a comedy show I had a convenience fee because apparently they were doing me a convenience by me ordering it online um also a facility fee I kind of thought that was included in the ticket price.

But apparently not because it was an additional two or3 vas you talked about you talked about seat selection there vas um any other fees that you would like to bring attention to well the competition tribunal here in Canada just started uh just finished listening to a case related to clex so you mentioned a convenience fee right.

For digital maintaining digital infrastructure we often see this term and the competition tribunal said hey you're not advertising UPF front clearly enough that when you book a ticket online it costs an additional $150 um so I want to go back to two words very quickly we're using junk and we're using drip they're both like catchy and four.

Letters but they're not always perfect substitutes so in 20122 Canada made drip pricing illegal you have to advertise the full price upfront but if you're advertising the full price and you still include junk fees right in that price then there's still a conversation to be had the biggest conversation and I want to pick up on Chuck's word because I.

Love it battleship is that this is kind of uh a battleship of con of business behavior that exploits consumer trusts because I think no matter what the fee is what we see that it's there there tends to be an assumption that it's reasonable that there's a reason it's there that it's being vetted but through work that Chucks doing and others mostly.

LED in the US were starting to see that sometimes these are just totally phony and made up so Chuck your organization Consumer Reports has long been a champion of consumer rights and giving you know kind of empowering consumers giving them information um from an American perspective I mean if if these are annoying fees if some people.

Consider them duplicitous fees what can the public do at least in your country to to try to make sure the president for example uh follows through on his promise well when we surveyed our readers at Consumer Reports we found that a lot of readers are actually fighting back against fees uh sometimes demanding that the merchants uh remove.

Them but that's hard to do at a systemic level I think if the Consciousness grows among the public that you know synthetic or madeup fees shouldn't be charged at all then they will demand that regulators and and legislators do something to fix this for our telecommunication system we have many fees that are just completely synthetic.

That are invented the names are invented they sound like they're required by government such as Broadband deregulation uh administration fee uh it's just a fee that's imposed by the company because they want it they think it sounds good and they're thinking they can get money for it wow I have not seen a fe like that in Canada vast last word.

To you what what advice do you have to people who are watching who are upset with this is there anything they can do there's tons that people can do I mean here in Ontario we made it illegal back in 2016 for child care centers to charge a fee just to be on their weight list that was viewed I think as a form of a junk fee we made commitments last year.

In the uh federal budget that people are waiting to hear for an update on that the government of Canada was going to start taking a look at fees in federally regulated Industries Airlines we've been talking about Banking and Telecommunications but in Canada there's a stronger role for the provinces with consumer prot C and I think it's time.

For Canada to get a little bit more Brave and be comfortable maybe naming and shaming companies more often to talk about where these fees occur and how they should be rationalized and that also includes government service fees and fees that could be charged uh to students and on campuses public institutions may also charge junk fees.

And junk fees are also charged uh from business to business Conta well as you're both about to discover we have a Friday panel convenience fee so thanks for paying that and thanks for taking part in this conversation thank you thank you so much at a time of mass layoffs with big companies shifting away from traditional.

Media at least one company is swimming against the tide John pul part of that movement to save local radio stations buying them up and helping them grow I think if you put together a really good product and you care about your staff and you help your staff grow and teach them and train them and good provide good leadership and then you do the same.

In the community uh radio has always had a really good successful run at if you give a lot to the community they'll take care of you my full interview with the champion of smalltown radio John pole you can catch that Sunday on the national next I'm our supal Takeover in Australia it's about 200 that is a large a large.

Mob the extraordinary Stampede in Our Moment well here's a rear site even for Australia some 200 kangaroos disrupting a game of golf apparently it's not unusual for kangaroos to jump on a course but the sheer number was certainly startling the kangaroo.

Takeover is Our Moment look at him go you just don't see large mobs anymore they're generally forest animals who live under trees and then come out onto grass areas to to to graze they were moving through and they were moving fast and away from something is my first thought they can get spooked and they will take off it is a fair Inc Stampede.

Was about 200 that is a large a large mob better not stand on my golf wall a mob is the collective noun for a a large group or a small group of kangaroos they are flight animal they're not a fight animal you will only get attacked if you Corner one or if you get between a male and a female that he would like to reproduce with but their.

First instinct is to flight and you can see they were all running together it's something we would like to see more of they're magnificent and wonderful animals I mean like to see more of I I guess so but I mean that is a lot of kangaroos and potentially disruptive uh what we all learned today across Canada is that the collective noun for.

Kangaroos as you heard is Mob but there's some disagreement on the internet I'll save you the time there's some who say also you can use Court as a collective noun or troop so there you go that is a national for March 8th join me Sunday for cross country checkup on CBC radio and CBC News Network and later that night I'll be back here for the.

National have a great Saturday

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