CBC News: The National | Alberta’s sweeping gender protection adjustments


CBC News: The National | Alberta's sweeping gender protection adjustments

Tonight Alberta's aggressive changes to gender policies for young people we want to make sure that they're making those choices as adults from schools to surgeries sweeping changes and strong reaction in Alberta and Beyond I'm deeply Disturbed and at issue on the politics behind the policies 10 years after the Bangladesh.

Factory tragedy CBC News returns to ask were promises made Promises Kept I am not happy you're not happy and another big streamer adds commercials for Canadians like if I'm paying money I want I don't see any eyes at all why those advertisements are here to stay or you'll have to pay from CBC News this is the national.

With Chief correspondent Adrien Arseno thanks for joining us Danielle Smith is standing firm and defending her sweeping new policies focused mainly on transgender youth while the response from Ottawa tonight is Stark the federal health Minister says he's deeply Disturbed that the plan will put Children at Risk the Justice Minister.

Accuses Alberta of playing politics Alberta's Premier firing that same accusation right back at her critics among her proposed rules new age restrictions for teens to get gender affirming surgery hormone therapy and puberty blockers prohibiting sex ed in schools without explicit optin from parents and requiring schools to inform.

Parents or get parental consent in the case of younger students before honoring a kid's name or pronoun changes Aaron Collins starts our coverage tonight with the look at how far the policies go and the reaction isn't just coming from politicians but from families directly affected Alberta Premier waiting into Uncharted political Waters I support the.

Journey of of adults who want to transition to another gender but legally that support in Alberta won't extend to minors looking to transition proposed laws would ban provincially funded gender affirming surgeries for albertans under 18 and require a parent doctor and psychologist to approve of underage teens looking to use hormones to.

Transition we want to make sure that children do not prematurely make decisions that are going to be irreversible the legislation will have big impacts on schools too kids under 15 looking to change pronouns will need their parents' permission parents of all minors will be informed of any pronoun change making it the third Province to.

Introduce a pronoun policy after New Brunswick and Saskatchewan Alberta parents will also need to opt their kids into sex ed classes this mother of a transgender child supports the new laws I support Ed my child in every way that I I knew how her teen began taking hormone therapy without her consent at 16 we've.

Agreed to conceal their identity to protect their child I think we just need to focus on airing on the side of caution which I think that these policies do without exclusion without um bigotry or transphobia that they're two very different things a view not shared by Ottawa I'm deeply Disturbed.

Um the decision that was made by Alberta places kids at risk uh we know that uh one of the one of the number one reasons why kids take their life uh is uh conf is problems around sexual identity this trans feminine lawyer agrees they sayable kids I was absolutely floored by just how much further it went than what we're expecting this is an extremely.

Cruel law that will harm immensely trans kids across the province the mother who supports the proposed law has complained to Alberta's College of Physicians about their child's treatment their teen now 17 has moved out for the the child that you've cared for for so long to say that they don't feel safe when you know that they are is heartbreaking the government.

In Alberta says it plans to table the cont controversial law in the fall opponents are already lining up to challenge it in court Aaron Collins CBC News Calgary Alberta's proposed ban on gender affirming treatment for youth is getting a lot of attention but healthc care providers told toaa Reed it's already.

Rare and the road to getting it already long 17-year-old cely rarts transition has been a journey RAR told his family he was trans after a suicide attempt h ly it's it's it's a very long process since then he's received gender affirming care from doctors and has been on a wait list for testosterone for more than two years I've been waiting so long.

Because we had to go through the the mental health and make sure that I'm I'm in an okay place to be ready for all of the changes that will happen to my body with testosterone now Alberta is proposing new restrictions to accessing gender affirming care puberty blockers and hormone therapies will not be permitted for children aged 15 and under.

Top and bottom surgeries will be banned for children 17 and under supporting and standing but this doctor says the restrictions aren't necessary in my 8 years of practicing gender affirming medicine I've had zero patients under the age of 18 receive a gender affirmation surgery we have Dr James makus says surgical.

Options are extremely rare for anyone under 18 and no surgeon in Canada will do bottom surgery for a minor he is worried about excessive barriers to gender affirming care when young people are growing up in a body that does not reflect who they are puts them at severe risk for self harm whether that's cutting whether that's excessive drug or.

Alcohol use or risky behaviors and that further puts them at risk for suicide clinics providing gender affirming care say they follow the latest research including guidelines developed by the Canadian p atric Society I'm really concerned that trying to go down this path is going to limit a lot of people's options where there there's different.

Needs that are needed as well the concern among some experts is that Alberta's proposed rules but treatments for transgender youth Out Of Reach and puts them at risk TOA Reed CBC News Toronto Rosie and that issue are going to dig into the story including that sharp reaction on Parliament Hill that's in just a few.

Minutes now to an excl exclusive investigation that takes us back to Bangladesh a decade after a garment Factory collapsed killing more than 1100 people many of those workers were making clothes Bound for Canada some under the Joe Fresh label the tragedy prompted Promises of big changes by the L owned company the fifth Estates Mark Kelly was.

There after the tragedy and has since traveled back to find out if those promises made were Promises Kept ra Plaza collapsed in just 90 seconds 1134 people died 2500 were injured lbla promised Fair wages and safer working conditions for the people who make their Joe Fresh clothes in Bangladesh our.

Priority is to do what's right for those affected by the tragedy this factory makes clothes for Joe Fresh a Canadian company thank you but today a look into safety inspection reports for the factories used by lbla tells a different story and these are the inspection reports and you've had ongoing fire safety issues in the 21 factories used.

To make Joe Fresh cloth since 2019 we counted 100 and 76 documented safety violations then there's the issue of wages this is a garment workers protest that has come here to the site of the Rana Plaza disaster they're demanding an increase in their minimum wage currently the minimum wage in Bangladesh is lowest in the region of garment.

Countries the government recently increased the minimum wage paying the workers the equivalent of about 75 cents an hour laen octar makes pants for Joe Fresh 11 hours a day 6 days a week she makes about $150 a month well below what's considered a living wage I am not happy you're not.

Happy in a statement lbla says we remain committed to transparency and accountability in our Global Supply Chain to drive positive change and protect the rights and well-being of workers where our products are made I think the brands really need to stop their double standard you know I think they talk about commitment to workers.

Rights only as a PR strategy you know because they don't want their work consumers to to have to to have to deal with the guilt of buying from sweat shops in Bangladesh Market seems pretty clear that the fast fashion business model is playing a role here 10 years ago a t-shirt made by Joe Fresh in Bangladesh.

Cost eight bucks we went into a store here the other day it cost $8.94 so how could that be in the face of inflation well that's the price squeeze that International brands are putting on Factory owners they then pass that squeeze on to the workers they're the ones who are bearing the brunt they're the ones we're feeling that squeeze to.

Make the clothes we wear all right Mark Kelly thank you you can watch Mark's full investigation Friday on The Fifth Estate that's on CBC television and CBC gem at 9:00 p.m. 9:30 in New Finland or stream it on the fifth Estates YouTube page starting at 1 pm Eastern in another exclusive CBC News has learned of more.

Problems with Canada's long troubled Cyclone helicopter Fleet a dangerous flaw that could see helicopter blades disintegrate midair Marie Brewster is breaking the story for us tonight Pilots often say helicopters unlike planes have to be coaxed to fly temperamental machines even small technical issues can cause big problems.

And CBC News has learned of a potentially catastrophic one after Canada's Air Force was warned of a defect with some of the main rotor blades on its Cyclone helicopters we obtained this internal air worthiness risk assessment from June 2022 that warns of potential debonding meaning the blades could fly off in mid-flight it.

Goes on to say unless fixed the risk level is A1 extremely high several months of inspections have have so far uncovered at least four defective blades seven others are possibly faulty none have failed in Flight as this industry video shows testing the blades is a labor intensive process that the Air Force is now.

Required to do every 50 flight hours they should be concerned about this because with the more frequent inspections it's possible that they'll be able to use the Cyclones less they'll spend less time in the air and more time getting checked out debonding happens when moisture gets baked into the blade during manufacturing with time weather.

And Under Pressure the blade peels apart from the inside defective blades on multiple kinds of helicopters have caused several fatal civilian crashes over the last two decades including at least one in Canada I've not seen this by the way CBC news showed the internal report to defense minister Bill Blair he says the Air.

Force remains committed to the Cyclone I rely on the advice we receive from um D and and and from CF the people that operate them and and also those who are responsible for their maintenance and procurement secorski the US manufacturer has begun replacing the defective blades but this is just the latest concern about the Cyclones a program where the.

Overall cost has ballooned from roughly 9 billion to$ 15.9 billion Marie Brewster CBC News Ottawa the federal government now says it's delaying an expansion to medical assistance and dying until at least 2027 proposed changes to the rules would expand eligibility to those suffering solely from mental illness earlier this week.

The federal government said it agreed with a report that said the Health Care System wasn't ready for the move today it tabled legislation to press pause the change was supposed to begin in March and had already been delayed by a year British Columbia's provincial Health officer is calling for an expansion of the province's safer Supply drug program.

Bonnie Henry is making that recommendation after a year-long review but as Lindsay Dunc tells us while it saves lives the program also comes with some unintended risks three times a day Claudia West goes to a clinic for prescribed heroin it's been helping me keep clean from street drugs for it's over two years now.

That's how BC's safe Supply program is supposed to work replace deadly toxic drugs with a prescription save lives that's happening says the province's health officer but a review of the program highlights some unintended consequences where we have concerns of course is when diversion happens to people who are not using opioids they.

Say part of the problem the opioid pills frequently prescribed aren't strong enough for people dependent on powerful fenel so some users sell them to buy stronger drugs I sold them all the time when my appointment would come up the day before I would hold hold on to one dilata and swallow it so it would show up on my urine the review was sparked in.

Part over concern that the prescribed drugs were then being sold to young people the rate of diagnosis of opioid use disorders among youth are not increasing the review recommends prescribers have access to more potent drugs but stop short of calling for those drugs to be available without a prescription we're not going to get.

There through a medical model we're not going to get there through prescriptions and uh so I'm disappointed to see that this report doesn't really address that and doesn't really push the the ball forward at the same political opponents say the government should shift Focus adopt recovery oriented programming so not only um prescribed.

Pharmaceutical Alternatives but actually making sure that there is a requirement to have a plan to help people move to the next stop evaluating the impact of safe Supply on BC's overall drug crisis is tough because it only represents a fraction of the people's suffering there are about 4,300 people who received prescribed opioids in a province where.

More than 100,000 have been diagnosed with opioid use disorder Lindsay duncomb CBC News Vancouver the latest streaming giant is telling its subscribers to pay more or watch commercials everyone has a choice but will avoiding ads be one of them it's.

Getting so expensive already a new movie puts a spotlight on a rare disorder now then what's the date of your last period I haven't gotten it yet the director tells us why it's personal and The Curious Case of a little boy stuck in a toy machine he loved every moment of we're back in two.

Some shocking news for Formula 1 fans after 11 years with Mercedes leis Hamilton is walking away from the team the 39-year-old has agreed to a new deal with Ferrari that will start in 2025 Hamilton has already won seven championships and is regarded as one of the best F1 drivers of all time so next week it will cost you a little more to.

Watch Amazon Prime video uninterrupted it's the latest streaming service to add commercials anise hadari now on why cheap adree streaming may be a thing of the past Amazon Prime video won't be commercial free much longer unless you pay more if I'm still paying and they putting ads then for me that's absolute like no go like if I'm paying money I I.

Don't see any ads at all I hate having to be forced to pay to not have advertisement in my face like it's there's so many subscriptions it's getting so expensive already it'll cost $3 more a month to avoid ads if customers don't pay up ads begin on Monday experts predict either way it will be lucrative for Amazon you look at.

The majority of their business which is really the e-commerce business you know a grocery business a retail business the margins on that business are 2% the margins on Advertising for Amazon is upwards of 50% Netflix made similar moves over the past year h prices for adree content and at Bell media's crave price hikes to keep commercials away.

People don't like ads but people really don't like bad irrelevant advertising but this ad exec says customers won't mind if commercials are targeted and if you give people the right ad at the right time it's actually a really good tradeoff for folks another example is the Super Bowl nobody likes ad but ads but everybody watches a Super Bowl ad if.

Consumers want to keep their streaming ad free they may have to turn off the TV and cancel because this is a kind of new thing these companies are going to be watching the metrics very closely and so this is kind of now is the time if you want to try to make a difference vote with your dollars so far those votes have led to more commercials at least at.

Amazon's competitors YouTube gained more than $1 billion in ad Revenue in just one year and at Netflix 40% of new signups have also said yes to ad andari CBC News Calgary a new Canadian film hitting theaters tomorrow hopes to shed new light on a painful medical condition it's about a 16-year-old girl who suddenly learns she was born without.

Much of her reproductive organs as I'm ma to gber salasa shows us for the filmmaker behind it the story is deeply personal now then what's the date of your last period I haven't gotten it yet labeled a tredy by its director the film fitting in centers around a 16-year-old's shocking discovery about her body Lindy appears to have M KH.

Syndrome what is that mayor rokitansky Custer Houser syndrome affects the female reproductive system Lindy learns she was born without a uterus a cervix and much of a vaginal Canal Canadian director Molly mcglinn decided to shed light on the syndrome that changed her life affected uh my sense of self in terms of how I viewed myself was a woman.

Uh what having sex like for the first time would be um you know really just is a nucular bomb I'm pissed and sad I can't have a kid at the beginning they're just quite shocked this doctor has seen the wave of emotions that come in real life too she diagnoses MRK syndrome once or twice a year the condition occurs in about one in 4500 to.

1 in 5,000 um patients who are assigned female at at Birth she says patients can still have biological children with the help of medical interventions still MRK remains a medical mystery for many people I was not familiar with this never heard before yeah until Molly shared her story with us the film stars.

Believe the movie will move audiences and specifically the MRK community and I think the impact of visibility with anything that feels taboo or like not spoken about enough is can be a miracle for people and I think so many others will see themselves um in this film Ashley Clark has seen the movie twice and while it took an emotional toll she.

Says it was also just really really cool to see that um and to see yourself and a character on a big screen really representing something that isn't really shared to the public very often she and others are hopeful that MRK is now out of the the shadows and in the spotlight to stay Mak gab salasa CBC News.

Toronto a growing number of children in Gaza are undergoing painful amputations I had many patients most of them are children how children are paying a price for deteriorating care but first Rosie's here with issue hey Rosie hey Adrian tonight we are going to talk more about Alberta's new gender policies for young people we want.

To make sure that children do not prematurely make decisions that are going to be irreversible what are the politics driving these issues and why are so many conservative Premier picking up on them Shantel Alia and Andrew join me to talk about that and those are some of the hundreds of.

Farmers who've converged on the European Parliament building in Brussels Clash ING with police during protests over their compensation some started fires and threw objects at officers they were met with water cannons and tear gas from Riot police protests by Farmers have been escalating for days in parts of Europe sparked by demands for more pay.

Lower taxes and restrictions to Imports in the United Kingdom Metropolitan Police are searching for a 35-year-old man suspected of throwing a corrosive chemical substance on a mother and her two young children last last night in South London we take violence against women and girl very seriously in the Met police and we have got a.

Significant asset looking for this male the woman and one of the children have injuries that could be lifechanging police say nine other people were treated for minor injuries after they tried to help including five officers a local politician said the victims were in a car when they were assaulted UNICEF is now describing Gaza.

As the most dangerous place in the world to to be a child beyond the risk of death comes that of Life altering injury Caroline bargoot now on the devastating toll on the kids trapped in the war zone before the war Mustafa shna used to run around with his friends now the 12-year-old spends his days trying to sell boxes of juice on the side of the.

Road I sit in the sun just so I can try and get something for us to eat he says Mustafa lost his leg early on in the war when a building he was in was bombed his uncle was killed Mustafa now lives in the South with his extended family in a makeshift Camp his parents are still trapped in the north no one looks at me he says I want.

Someone to come and take me out of here UNICEF estimates at least 1,000 children have had one or two of their legs amputated through to the end of November but it doesn't have updated numbers I had many patients most of them are children even I had the babies surgeon Alder Rodriguez been spent 5 weeks in Gaza with Doctors Without Borders he was.

Shocked at how many amputations he had to perform on children even toddlers I didn't understand why our patient had one year two years baby had had to suffer an amputation Palestinian doctor Ismail Al hams says because of the lack of resources they were forced to sacrifice limbs in order to save lives we have to be able to care for.

Every patient that comes to us not at the level we would like but at the level we must accept he says that level includes performing some amputations without anesthesia or pain medicine for Recovery the degree of pain unmanaged post-operatively would be absolutely unimaginable Canadian orthopedic surgeon Dr dearra Nunan has previously worked.

With amputees in Gaza she says children can have a normal life but only if a number of conditions are met it's not only surgery it's not only a prosthesis it's not only medical care it's it's the whole 360 degree picture that uh that would need to be in place for Palestinian people who have sustained an amputation even before the war she says.

There was a long wait for Prosthetics because of Israel's blockade on Gaza which restricts the importation of some medical devices and supplies when Mustafa grows up he says he wants to be able to walk like other kids and hopes he'll be able to get a prosthetic leg to help him do that Caroline bargoot CBC News.

Winnipeg now let's break down the news shaping our world Rosy's here with that issue at issue this week Alberta's sweeping changes to gender policies for Young People The Province plans to limit access to health care for transgender minors students will also need parental approval to change their name or pronoun at school I would say that we are.

Supporting kids in in their right to make decisions about their own Journey the move is being met with opposition in Alberta Danielle Smith is playing dangerous politics with the lives of young people and Ottawa is not becoming of her office and is in fact actually targeting and perhaps even demonizing those.

Children so what's to be made of these changes why are so many conservative Premier tapping into this issue hi there I'm rosar Barton let's bring in our at isue panelists tonight shantell bear Andrew coin and Alia Raj good to see you all Alia going to start with you if I can I I we've seen policies uh like this although this is the one that is has.

Gone the furthest in New Brunswick and saskatch one um why do you think this one in particular has drawn I think an even stronger response from the federal liberals uh well it's more wide sweeping um I just want to stay very clearly off the bat that some of the stuff that she said is actually that I think a lot of viewers would probably.

Think sounds reasonable to them is actually common practice healthc care best practices which is all this gender reassignment surgery you can only get that if you are an adult so that is like a moot point her press conference was all about that that is already basically what is happening um the reason she's doing it is because it gets people like.

Us to talk about it it plays to people that she is courting a lot of people are watching Fox News and reading uh right-wing news outlets who are obsessed with this topic the other thing is it's a great distraction if you read um Alberta news you will know that there is a huge crisis as an emergency hospital rooms uh while we're talking about this.

We're not talking about that we're not talking about the fact that in Calgary rents have um increased more than anywhere else across the country year-over-year we're not talking about the over period crisis we're not talking about homelessness we're not talking about all TPS of issues that are actually what the government should be.

Focused on instead we're having what she wants to have is a culture War and the other thing is it liberals and progressives tend to overreact on this issue in the way that I don't think they explain what they're trying to accomplish well and then they sound like they're offside with the majority of public opinion so it's like a perfect.

Storm a perfect wedge issue a perfect distraction I I will say on the issue of of minors getting uh surgeries uh the P the the premier did say that there were I think aund just over a hundred surgeries done uh on trans people in Alberta last year and of that uh the people between 18 to 25 there were a quarter of them uh so 25 people had that.

Done but there were no minors to to althist point that is not something that happens Shantel so that's the point right way we are being presented albertans are at least with legislation uh and numbers that show that uh it's addressing what is a nonissue someone 18 whether you like it.

Or not as an adult uh and it's also not I mean the impression you get is there's an industry out there it's waiting to pray on young kids uh and the the these kinds of legislation seem to be based on the premise that every parent is better advised more open more likely to communicate with their kids uh than.

Anybody else including teachers and others as if kids are always allowed to have those discussions in an open and respectful way with their parents I think conservative Premier who have been using this believe that it's a wedge issue that will pay off at election time I think that those who are still careful about using it are waiting.

To see what will happen in New Brunswick and Saskatchewan two provinces that will be going to the poll and that have been pushing this issue big time it it is framed as an issue in in all of those provinces as an issue of parental rights Andrew why why do you think that politicians choose to frame it that way because that's a very hot issue uh I.

Think this goes far beyond anything to do with transgender uh issues per se I think it feeds much more into a narrative of there is a cast of public servants teachers academics Etc who are looking down their noses at you who don't trust parents to make good choices who think they're more educated more smart Etc uh and you know frankly.

There's an element of Truth in that but it certainly plays well to that particular section of the conservative base um I think there's a mutual interest in for both the populists or social conservative right and the liberals or liberal left to wind up this issue because it appeals to both of their bases and and uh you could.

Certainly see the Liberals jumping in with two feet on this because why I'm sure partly because they sincerely believe it but also because they can tie Daniel Smith and this sort of activity to Pierre PV uh you know Daniel Smith of course who who fresh from having met with and and and basically endorsed Tucker Carlson including homophobic.

Jokes that he made so anything they can do to tie that back to to Pier PV uh will be at least to the Liberals perceived advantage and you noticeably saw him not commenting on this and not letting anybody else in his C because I don't think comment on it um so I think those are the you know Daniel Smith's got a a very U rabid base that she's got.

To pay attention to and has to you know throw some raw meat to every now and then per poer is got a more varied base not quite as homogeneous as you might face with in the Alberta conservative party uh and secondly he's got to be concerned much more now about reaching out to Centrist voters and this so this issue is not played to his Advantage.

Except I suppose that by not commenting he can he can pose as kind of the moderate middle between the Liberals and the Alberta conservatives yeah he he didn't comment today he has previously though said that Justin Trudeau has quote a radical gender ideology so he's used some of these kinds of phrases and words uh in the past although he didn't.

He he doesn't tend to put it in the front window he does it when he wants to when he wants to nod to the base but it's not his primary message yeah Shantel and then Alia but that's twice in the almost as many weeks that the conservative caucus inwa uh via a Rec a recommendation I'm being polite from the leader's office is trying to not see.

What's happening in Alberta the same scenario was in play with the Tucker Carlson evening where you had zero uh comments now this it's it is obvious that to the conservatives in Ottawa uh conservative premieres but in particular a premier like Daniel Smith are a threat to their capacity to attract voters outside of their tent I.

Also suspect that there are members in the conservative caucus federally who believe that uh this kind of approach uh to LGB btq rights is wrong Alia yeah I agree with what shant said the thing with the um Federal conservative caucuses it's quite a big tent and there are people who will be um as outraged as Marcy Ian for example the liberal CL.

Minister who uh came out and very heavily criticized this as they are people who would frankly Champion what Daniel Smith has announced so it is you know for caucus management it's wise of him I also do think he's kind of doing the not sure where the wind is blowing on this issue yet so let me wait and see how it settles before declaring what my.

Position is um what she announced today are really three or what you announced last night on social media really three pillars and I don't want to make it sound like they're not concerning especially I find the one about um children at school you know it is quite hypocritical for a party who wrap themselves around this Freedom ideology.

And my body my choice and I'm against vaccines and the government should not be forced to tell me to take a vaccine to protect the most vulnerable in society because that was really the message at the time now dictating to parents and children what their health care choices should be and really kind of hurting not really but actually.

Hurting young people uh in their self-confidence and their own development and is quite something to have the state tell you you know uh what they're going to do about the pronouns that you choose to use at school or whatever you choose to call yourself it's I it's really the big hand of government and how to ideologically.

Square that together I find really interesting I I'm I'm glad you raised that I've had some of the same questions today how that fits into the uh conservative ideology quickly Shantal and quickly Andrew and then I got and how about government approved sex ad education do you really want that uh for a cabinet to.

Have a say and what the information is being given on on in sex ad classes I don't see how there are more qualified than teachers to handle these kinds of topics last word to you Andre just two things on play ever one is whenever he's talking about affordability prices housing Etc he's winning if he's talking about any other issue I don't think.

That's a good one for him and I think the nature of this issue is even if people might agree more more agree with the conservatives on the merits of the issues I just think the the Ambiance around this whole issue plays into people's misgiving and fears about conservatives generally it's one he really needs to stay away from okay uh.

We'll leave this part there thank you very much still ahead though the Liberals are considering ways to Rebrand the carbon tax been certainly thinking about how can we communicate better would rebranding the federal carbon tax help the liberal government that's next the liberal government is looking.

At ways to re Rebrand the carbon tax or at least better explain it we are trying to make sure that people understand how it works in in Canada and and right now there's more work to be done it comes as the conservatives continue to hammer the government on issues around affordability including the tax with promises to get rid of it all.

Together so is the carbon tax a problem of bad marketing or is the policy itself part of the problem or both it could be both let's bring back at issue Shantel Andrew and Alia Andrew why don't you start off on this one um I mean I have talked to many a cabinet minister who has said very openly in front of TV cameras we don't explain it well enough.

People don't understand it and you know we're however many years eight years in now to this thing is the idea that they could Rebrand it now even possible well I don't think there's it's entirely without Merit they have not explained it well the marketing has been bad they have left things to people's uh understanding that people don't you know.

Have busy lives and aren't paying close attention it's not necessarily they're going to pick up all those nuances but I actually think the problem is more in uh a the marketer uh and be the market yes so the marketer meaning the conserv the Liberals themselves uh have undercut themselves terribly particularly of course by making that exception for.

Heating oil in Atlantic Canada uh that that essentially conceded that affordability was a concern when in fact the rebates cover you know more than cover the cost of it for most people and more broadly that they you know only onethird of their planned and and future emission cuts are to be done by the carbon price so they didn't really.

Believe in the carbon price enough to make it the actual as opposed to theoretical showpiece of their approach they use all kinds of other approaches that basically signal carbon they don't really believe in carbon pricing but I think the really most fundamental thing is the market itself has changed the public I think was much more receptive.

To things like carbon pricing and and frankly getting serious about climate change when everything was ticking over very nicely for the economy the minute it became housing and prices and inflation as being the number one issue uh people uh didn't seem to be quite as interested in Saving the planet Shantel it's amazing uh that the places.

Where uh this carbon tax issue resonates are the places where people are getting rebates and the two provinces where people are getting no rebates BC and Quebec it's not even a wedge issue provincially between the parties that is amazing that is amazing uh I mean if if you have not managed to drive home the fact that this check that uh I've never.

Seen but that apparently you're getting uh is for to make up for the carbon tax thing you really are poor communicators but I looking at this it's now become it it's a bit late for rebranding it's now become the equivalent of the GST to Brian morrone stories in the sense that they could forever explain that it was replacing a manufacturer stacks that in.

The end it it was better and more transparent that poorer people lower income people were getting a rebate and a check it never worked and we still have the GST by the way uh despite the fact that someone spent a campaign saying act the GST they sure did it is called climate incentive in in at my bank but it's not the same name at at.

Everybody so you you could never really even know that you got the rebate like you might I mean obviously if you if you needed the money you would know but but you there's no there's no one saying to you oh by the way we sent it to you and that does seem to be a problem in my mind Alia if you want to take credit for something and there's no way to do.

That I think CRA at the outset did advertise can of Revenue Agency did advertise that it existed but they have stopped advertising um and it is true that most people who do receive it well actually Abus had some data on this a while back that said two-thirds of people are aware of it yeah but half don't actually know what it's for yeah.

Um I would say there's two things one I I think better late than never I don't understand why it's called climate action incentive payment uh we were tossing around names in the office like why not just carbon rebate or something clearer yeah the other thing is the policy works because people feel a squeeze on the front end so it was.

Always going to be a hard sell to people that you're getting more money back but you H you have to feel the squeeze in order Chic that's it works um so it was always going to be a hardell but I do think the Liberals decision to not do government funding like Steven Harper's government did we all remember the big Billboards.

Across the country sometimes Billboards cost more than what the actual program was like changing a light bulb um uh but instead of going okay we're going to reduce and we're going to be more diligent and we're going to take away the party colors they went we're just just going to stop doing this yeah and this is a government Pro no like.

There's very very few federal government advertising the the spend has dropped and it's so bad that we all know that there's no liberal Affiliated Ad Agency doing these ads yeah I I hope the remedy though is not okay let's now open the floodgates and spend a lot of money on there not two binary choices right you could advertise but to hear liberals.

Talk know what it is to hear liberals talk these days that's what they really need to do is spend a lot of money on on what is effectively partisan advertising there's no issue here about people needing to hear about the thing to actually get the money the only issue is whether the Liberals get the credit yeah yeah they could have done that.

Originally like at the outset to explain people what the program was we also don't want to go back to to Big checks remember we had a we had a decade of big large checks as well and I don't mean I mean actual as long as people know what a check is it also it also doesn't help that for.

For a number of years the Liberals motto was never say the words carbon tax or taxing pollution well if you're going to have a debate over what that is and it is a carbon tax uh then you should address it headon not say I so fear this word that I'd rather never use it which drove them where they are today which is what they did in BC of course BC was it.

Was absolutely clear what they were doing it was we bringing in a carbon ta and we cutting income tax rates with the revenues from the carbon tax so it was very clear it was very open and they were rewarded politically for it and and I I also always wonder when governments are blaming Communications around an issue whether that is not a sign that.

That maybe the issue is is more problematic than just how they're marketing something but that that's just well and I I I don't think it's coincidental also that the the chief salesman is in bad order yes yes all right well we'll we will leave it there thank you all very much appreciate it I'll see you back here next week and.

With that I will send things back to Adrien she is in Toronto thank you Rosie next a toddler gets stuck in a tricky situation I saw him like put his head into look but I honestly didn't think he would be able to get inside how many coins to get him out we'll tell you in our.

moment well would you look at that little guy three-year-old Ethan in a Australia trapped inside a claw machine you can tell by his face he knows he's in trouble so how on Earth did he get in there to his parents surprise apparently very quickly the scramble to get him out is our.

moment I was paying for the groceries and my partner was over with our three boys and I look over and Ethan's just standing next to the machine I look back over to talk to the lady I look back over and he's inside the machine I saw him like put his head into look but I honestly didn't think he would be able.

To get inside that lap thing is supposed to stop things from being able to be stolen so I didn't think he was able to get in you did it Ethan go to that back corner I was definitely scared to the corner over there I was more embarrassed at first because it was like only he could have done this do you know what I mean he loved every moment of it he.

Started throwing teddies down the street going free toys free toys everyone was staring at him and he loves the police they got Ethan to cover his eyes Ethan cover your eyes and then they broke the machine then they grabbed him out yesterday he walked past the same machine and he said I won't do it again Daddy I won't do it again you want a PR.

Which one do you want so this this went wild in Australia a one news program called it an episode of claw in order uh apparently he didn't take a Teddy home with him because his parents really don't want to encourage this but about a week later the cops came back with a stuffed koala so there you go from all of us at the national.

Thank you for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm Adrien Arseno take care w

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