CBC News: The National | Canada to reimpose visas for Mexicans


CBC News: The National | Canada to reimpose visas for Mexicans

tonight there are multiple breaking stories as we come on the Air Canada is about to impose visa requirements on Mexican visitors that is incredibly disappointing what we've learned about the sudden move and possible retaliation pharmacists say Shoppers.

Drug Mart pressured them to build for services patients did not need that was the last straw that broke my back because I would not do it accusations of borderline abuse in a CBC News exclusive and they spent decades in prison for a murder they didn't commit we're free we're do the go from here we break down how they were finally set.

Free so you found proof that the police had been paying the main witness yes it was it was incredible and why their fight still isn't open from CBC News this is the national with Chief correspondent Adrien Areno thanks for joining us on a very busy Wednesday night we begin tonight with a sudden change that will affect thousands.

Of Travelers coming into Canada our colleagues at Radio Canada have learned Ottawa is reimposing visa requirements for many Mexican visitors and according to senior government sources we can tell you it will take effect in just hours from now at 11:30 p.m. Eastern on Thursday Kate McKenna now with details on the changes who will be impacted and.

What's behind it all Canada is about to reimpose a Visa requirement on Mexicans for the first time since 2016 the move follows pressure from the US government concerned that Mexican Nationals are increasingly using Canada as a backdoor entrance into the United States we have an obligation to secure.

Our borders Quebec's Premier also called on the government to act I'm asking Mr trudo to put again in place a Visa for the Mexican saying the province is struggling to integrate a sharp rise in Mexican Asylum Seekers arriving at the Montreal Airport it is incredibly disappointing because it is a pattern uh.

Ongoing pattern of erosions of ability uh of human beings to come into Canada and seek Asylum senior government sources say the new Visa system will be less restrictive than the rules in place during the Harper government a source says the Visa requirement will affect about 40% of Mexican Travelers and take effect at.

11:30 p.m. Eastern on Thursday there will be exemptions for people with work and study visas including temporary foreign workers and for Mexicans who held Canadian or American visas in the last 10 years as for how it'll work it'll take 4 to six weeks to get a Visa it'll require Biometrics and the Visa will last 10 years allowing people to.

Stay a maximum of 6 months at a time even before Ottawa makes it official Mexico's president is already expressing his disappointment threatening to boycott The Three Amigos Summit this year and Canada's tourism industry also warns this move could come with a cost only in 2023 uh Mexicans um contributed about 754 million to our.

Visitor economy and that is a significant amount that we want to uh keep on the books and not um see it go away because of this new announcement so Kate March break isn't that far away lots of Canadians travel to Mexico is there any threat of retaliation here well we've just heard that Mexico is unhappy from the president himself but.

Mexico has no incentive to retaliate by putting a Visa requirement on Canadians because that would greatly harm its own tourist industry and we mentioned this all comes into effect Thursday night meaning only Mexican Travelers that are already in the air at that deadline will be allowed in without a Visa all right Kate McKennon Ottawa thank you we have.

Have a clearer picture tonight about why two scientists linked to China were escorted out of Canada's top infectious disease lab in 2019 then fired hundreds of pages of secret documents have just been released we're still going through them but Karen Paul's takes us through the story they tell subsequent termination of the employment of two.

Scientists after years of questions and political wrangling the Moment of Truth documents released detailing why Gian goou and her husband ke CH were fired from the national microbiology lab in Winnipeg they weren't disclosing information they weren't disclosing relationships um that the nature of other work that they were conducting.

Wasn't being disclosed good morning Chu was part of an award-winning team that developed Canada's Ebola vaccine now intelligence assessments also show she and her husband shared infectious viruses and scientific research with China had a close and clandestine relationship with Chinese officials and were considered a credible threat to.

Canada's Economic Security the documents also say she lied about her involvement with Chinese government and Military programs in January 2021 both XI and Chang had their security status revoked and were fired in letters saying you can no longer be trusted to safeguard information assets and Facilities you cannot be relied upon not to abuse the.

Trust and not pose the security risk to the government of Canada and hack we've never been able to talk to Chu or Chang and no one answered their door today will he acknowledge Espionage was involved in the Winnipeg lab incident for years the opposition has fought for details to be released accusing the government of using National Security to.

Shield itself from embarrassment the health Minister says the threat of Chinese influence wasn't as well known at the time I do think there was a LAX adherence to security protocols I think that there was um an inadequate understanding of the threat of foreign interference uh I believe that an Earnest effort was made um to adhere to.

Those policies but not with the rigor that was required but Security Experts are skeptical we knew a lot and had known a lot for at least a decade about Chinese foreign interference activities in Canada a lot of concern uh at at that time and so there's really no excuse as for the lab it says it's beefed up its security protocols and its rules for.

Collaborating and sharing research with other countries Karen Pauls CBC News Winnipeg CBC News has learned the Canadian government will begin airdropping Aid into Gaza Ottawa is still working on Logistics but it's expected to happen within the next week so these are images of a drop Jordan performed on Monday many previous.

Air deliveries have been carried out by the Jordanian Air Force Canada is not considering using a Canadian Armed Forces aircraft for the oper option and now to a CBC News exclusive Shoppers Drug Mart is being accused of taking advantage of a service designed to help patients in Ontario manage their medications it's free for patients but.

Pharmacies build the province CBC News spoke to over half a dozen former employees who say Shoppers is pressuring pharmacists to bill for the service Angelina King lays out the investigation Toronto pharmacist John Nan says Med checks are valid for patients if done appropriately but he and other.

Pharmacists we spoke to say in some cases the service is being exploited by Shoppers drugmart I worry that something like this really could set us back as a profession as a healthcare system Nan says that's partly why he left Shoppers last year he says his manager shielded staff from the corporate pressure but when a new person came in and introduced.

Targets that was the last straw that broke my back because I would not do it medication reviews are done across the country but it appears the concern over how Shoppers is doing them is striking a chord most in Ontario where the province allows meds checks to be done over the phone instead of iners as was required before covid-19 that phone call can.

Bring in up to $75 $37 more than a family doctor bills a letter obtained exclusively by CBC news said to Shoppers management from a group of Ontario Pharmacy owners says the pressure to bill is borderline abusive and is creating safety concerns for the provision of good medical care to patients and customers I'm wondering.

What you or Shoppers has done to address those concerns so once again we take those allegations very seriously we certainly continuing to follow up and and review this Shoppers president Jeff leir says there are no targets or quotas and management does not pressure staff to Bill Med's checks he says the service is having a positive impact we certainly.

See meaningful outcomes for patients based on our internal data four out of 10 times there's a positive intervention that's happening for patient it was really uncomfortable this former Shopper Pharmacy assistant says the pressure to cold call patients to schedule meds checks is partly why they quit CBC isn't identifying them because they now work.

For a different law Blas owned Pharmacy I didn't feel like I was really serving the community in a helpful manner I thought it was odd and Mary Fernando says she didn't realize she was even getting a meds check at first when her Shoppers Pharmacy called and asked a few general questions about her routine medications that is bothersome to have.

Something that was charged that was unnecessary Angelina this is really interesting what is the province of Ontario saying about all of it so today Ontario's Health Minister responded to the story saying that the government's going to do its due diligence to make sure the program is used appropriately now last fiscal year Ontario builded $60.

Million in meds checks we don't know how much of that went specifically to Shoppers I asked the president about that and he didn't have those numbers when I spoke with him now the Ontario College of pharmacist says that it's aware of some general concerns that some pharmacists may be feeling pressured to perform certain services including meds.

Checks they said that they're launching a series of town halls to try and kind of get a better understanding of the issue okay more to come on this Angelina thank you there are calls tonight for Canadian Banks to crack down on online abuse it comes after a CBC News investigation into a case of intimate partner violence.

As Katie Nicholson explains for as little as a penny abusers can send a hate filled message through e transfers Angie Sweeney blocked her ex on every platform email social media like you know phone but an hour before he killed her he found another way attaching abusive messages to e transfers for small amounts of money.

Like this one for one cent it horrified her friends she was probably thinking like oh my God you know I thought I had myself locked down and safe abusive e transfers were such a big problem in Australia during the pandemic Banks had to crack down did you know you can report abusive transaction Commonwealth Bank also launched a filtering program.

Which 400,000 abusive messages a year number one it's so successful it's offered its technology free to other Banks another bank down under introduced this reporting tool now advocates in this country want Canadian institutions to follow suit I think banks in this country should be.

Taking those steps immediately we reached out to all major Canadian Banks and interact to see what they had in place to prevent this type of abuse only TD and interact responded both said anyone experiencing abuse should notify their Bank e transfers are a particularly Insidious way to send abusive messages because the target is.

Often owed child or spousal support often times a Survivor has to decide on if they're going to actively resist and put up um and view these harassing and threatening messages um or not be able to put food on their on the table the federal government says its new online harms bill doesn't apply to abusive e transfers but threatening messages do.

Fall under the criminal code the thing is many survivors are reluctant to get involved with the criminal justice system it's one of the reasons Angie Sweeney's friends hope the banks stop abusive messages before they are sent any kind of change that can come about in a positive manner um from this tragic situation maybe somebody else won't have.

To go through something that you know know she went through and one less Avenue for abusers to Target survivors Katie Nicholson CBC News Toronto the US Supreme Court has agreed to decide if Donald Trump is immune from prosecution on charges of plotting to overturn the 2020 election the decision means one of his criminal cases will be.

Delayed significantly justices will hear arguments on April 22nd but Trump faces a new legal challenge tonight an Illinois state judge barred him from that State's ballot over his actions on January the 6th and a stunning announcement in the US Senate Republican Mitch McConnell the longest serving Senate leader ever announced he's.

Stepping down in November one of life's most underappreciated talents is to know when it's time to move on to Life's next chapter McConnell has been in that leadership position for 17 years he just turned 82 has visibly struggled lately but AIDS say the announcement was not related to his health a cluster of outof.

Control wildfires are ripping through Northern Texas tonight the area affected is mostly rural sending people and livestock fleeing Chris Reyes now with the Inferno and how it's upending people's lives intense and moving fast this was the harrowing Escape Route for so many in Northern Texas it looked like armag.

It looked like our town was just being engulfed in black and it was just disappearing right before us as we were walk driving in our rearview mirrors for some the Mad Dash to safety meant leaving everything behind we basically have lost everything this is the only pair of pants I've got the shirt that's it my mother's home.

Unfortunately has burned to the ground and there's absolutely nothing left the fires ignited Monday day in the state's Panhandle where about half a million people live warm dry and windy conditions Fanning the Flames lots of what we say fuel um in the area and that's going to be all of your dry grasses from this past winter that that.

Were just you know sitting out there in in the plains and in the fields the biggest Blaze spread fast quickly growing to more than 3,000 square kilometers even crossing state lines in the a city of Canadian where residents are slowly coming back they know there's a long recovery ahead the roads have all been.

Reopened uh the evacuation orders have ceased everyone is back in their homes and do it well the ones that still have a home Texas governor Greg Abbott has issued a disaster declaration for 60 counties in the state activating resources for struggling firefighters we have had fire crews out for for the last 48 hours plus I believe uh SE many of.

Them without sleep um they're doing everything they can to contain wildfires that continue to grow and could break records if not put out soon Chris Reyes CBC News New York the family of an elderly couple is demanding answers after the seniors were left without a phone line for weeks I actually couldn't remember my own number and I uh reacted.

In crisis like critics say it is unacceptable a hospital is hoping to reach more black women for cancer screening my first thought was I'm going to die the test that could save lives and remembering a comedy star you never call me you always pick the rest what are we married we're back in two comedian Richard Lewis known for his.

Dark dark and self-deprecating humor has died at the age of 76 his long running standup career ended last spring when he shared his diagnosis of Parkinson's disease but Lewis was still on TV in a recurring role on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm you never call me you always pick the restur what you are we married I don't I don't understand am I dating.

You you hate people your wardrob suck so what my w in a statement curb Creator Larry David said Lewis was like a brother to him Lewis died after suffering a heart attack at his home in LA new research out tonight suggests the privatization of Health Care around the world including here in Canada could come at a cost to patients a cost to the.

Quality of care they're getting Christine Beck explains why we all need health care and governments are increasingly paying private for-profit companies to deliver parts of it not just in Canada but in countries around the world I would be concerned that it will come at the cost of the quality of the health care they.

Receive a newly published review from Oxford University examined the effect of Health Care privatization on the quality of care it analyzed 13 studies from eight countries including Canada Sweden South Korea and the us while rare in Canada researchers found hospitals converting from public to private ownership tended to make higher profits.

Primarily through treating healthier patients and reducing sta researchers also found while they didn't directly follow patients privatization in larger areas or regions frequently corresponded with worse Health outcomes for patients so there's a little bit of a uh of cherry picking going on there this Canadian doctor argues the review.

Includes too many US studies he says more for-profit care will increase access we're trying to say how do we reduce weight times we've really never had a problem with quality of care in terms uh in in our hospitals this economist says the Oxford review backs up what many experts understand they say it out loud they say.

The quiet part out loud you can't be a for-profit service provider without putting profit first cutting staff lowering pay picking profitable patients makes money if you think your government is going to get a better deal by creating for-profit incentives or paying for-profit providers through public funds you're going to get worse care and.

Worse jobs with several provinces pushing for more private for-profit care Oxford researchers say this could be an important time that decides what the future of healthc care in Canada looks like Christine b CBC News Toronto a Toronto Hospital wants more black women to access genetic cancer testing the early screening tool can catch the.

Disease before many May notice symptoms on their own tashana Reed now on the push to save more lives at age 34 Alicia Brian discovered a lump Her diagnosis stage three breast cancer my first thought was I'm going to die after a lumpectomy and eight rounds of chemotherapy she did a genetic test to find out her risk of the cancer.

Coming back I do have a family history of breast cancer but it's not something I was aware of at the time genetic testing looks for a mutation to the brca 1 or brca 2 genes common known as braa by a simple saliva or blood test if detected it means a significantly greater lifetime risk for developing cancers such as breast ovarian or.

Prostate I mean it's not something that most people are aware of but lisia carried the brca2 gene she opted for a preventative myectomy I wanted to take a really aggressive step to make sure that cancer didn't recur by catching it very early you're able to change the path of that disease so you're actually able to literally save lives we offer genetic.

Testing because it's information that can Empower this Toronto Hospital has launched a campaign to bring awareness about genetic testing to black women so this is the tube that your saliva goes into who researchers say are vastly underrepresented in genetic screening we see these genes occurring in all ethnic and racial communities but what we do.

Realize is that the knowledge about these genes is lower than it should be in the black community black women with breast cancer face poor health outc this doctor says genetic screening could improve that there's a risk of more aggressive breast cancer that presents at younger ages like triple negative breast cancer and tends to be harder to.

Treat provincial healthc care plans cover genetic testing for patients with cancer or known family history or for hundreds of dollars people can self- test through a private company having access to genetic testing uh is key or at least knowing that it is available it's a tool that Alisia says offered her a path forward to focus on the future.

TSH Reed CBC News Toronto two New Brunswick men who spent years in prison for a murder they did not commit tell us what it took to be believed the only thing kept me going for the first 10 years was probably Revenge why their fight is not yet over I think that they should at least recognize what they've.

Done and Afghan migrants in Pakistan are living in fear as a critical dead line loons we have been explaining this to the government of Canada but nobody's hearing us it is unbearable the national breaks down the story shaping our world next the family of an elderly Nova Scotia couple is calling out Bell for.

Leaving them without a landline for two months cutting off a critical link to help and connect loved ones and as Angela mver explains Advocates say the case speaks to a wider issue for people in rural areas when Jim sacam man's landline stopped working last November he lost a Lifeline I actually couldn't remember my.

Own number and I uh reacted in crisis the outage lasted 7 weeks the 76-year-old and his partner struggle with memory issues and his loved ones say a cell phone is not an option there's a true disability there in terms of his ability to learn that new skill at this point in his life with his medical conditions CBC News took their.

Concerns to the crtc it says it's concerned about this situation and encouraged the family to file a complaint writing the crtc ensures that major telephone companies like Bell make basic voice telephone services available to their customers and these companies are required to maintain their networks effectively these folks have had a.

Disconnection this Advocate calls the case egregious and says he isn't surprised to hear sacan landline is still connected by old copper wire which makes repairs more difficult as Bell Works to replace that network with fiber op across the country he says many rural customers are left on the edge that's just too low a quality of service I.

Think um and the crtc could be doing more during this transition to ask or tell the companies to keep up their level of of service on the copper until it's replaced San's family believes landline should be a priority for phone companies calling them a right they're paying for it you know and that's what they need in this house they should have.

A consistent service provided to them in a statement Belle said the goal is to get customers back in service as quickly and safely as possible by prioritizing repairs with the largest customer impact like cell tower repairs Bell said once those are done Crews restore service to smaller groups of customers and individuals the company did not say why.

It took two months to repair San's landline but it did credit his account Angela mckyer CBC News Halifax now it's time to dig deeper into the story shaping our world time is up for desperate Afghans taking refuge in Pakistan we have been explaining this to the government of Canada but nobody's hearing.

Us but first why innocent men serve time for murder yeah they didn't have they didn't have nothing on me they've cleared their names at long last but the pain of Injustice remains where do we go from here this is the breakdown the case against them was disturbingly corrupt Nick puran breaks down the long fight for a legal victory.

That is Bittersweet at best well when they said not guilty I never got the feeling that I really want it because I know is overshadowed by cancer them dying I'm Robert milman I was convicted uh 1983 84 for killing a man I had I knew nothing.

About here we are 40 years later we are not guilty wal to Francis gitp I was charged for second agreement and on January the 4th we were found not guilty on a second degree murder Robert mailman and Walter Gillespie two innocent men who spent half their lives fighting for their.

Freedom and on January 4th 2024 they finally got it yeah I look the thank uh the judge there for doing this uh we're free uh I don't know uh I mean it's it's over at I mean where do we go from.

Here how is it possible that these two men got life sentences for something they didn't do to understand what happened we need to go back to a murder that took place 40 years ago November 1983 the burned body of George lhan was discovered here in this park could.

Be see I don't know for sure if that's the right spot Walter Gillespie wants to show me the exact spot where the body was found because what happened here changed his life forever maybe here maybe gesp keeps searching because with all the lies and the Fabrications in his murder case he likes to be.

Accurate no I I don't know I really can't tell you for sure call boobby maybe he might know how far was Gillespie calls Robert Bobby mailman anything to do with their case they consult each other uh yeah Bobby I'm at the Fisher Lake and I don't know where to where to spot is do you remember how far out it.

Was right to the gate right there by the gate yeah right there theate here right down through the woods I called boy beer and uh what did he say he pointed me to the direction and he said it's right there by the Gateway nobody knows for sure why George lhan a 55-year-old plumber was murdered but it came up at trial that he may have.

Been involved in drug trafficking I mean you think that's that's a bit of a trail there he yeah so this is where the police said you dropped the body the dead body uh yeah yeah I guess so yeah but you were never here no no never here never here it's remarkable hey all that about.

Something you didn't do yeah they didn't they didn't have nothing on me not say just that I was uh I was just uh that I was there they said I was there in January 1984 the police charged kesie with second deegree murder they said they had eyewitnesses well once he was in custody Gillespie says a St John police officer.

Went after him to get him to pin the murder on Robert mailman you got me in the office all by himself he wanted me to make a statement against Robert mailman and uh and I said no I'm not making no statement I said uh I wasn't there and I said I don't think Bob M was there either I said we home picking my car he said you want to protect them he.

Said you go down with them so what could I say May make up a story you weren't going to lie I I wouldn't do that not telling that lie meant Gillespie would spend the next two decades in jail and even though he wouldn't tell the police that mailman committed the murder 2 Days Later Robert mailman was charged.

Anyway the murder became what everyone was talking about in St John the papers wrote about it every day one storyline was that both men insisted they were innocent but mailman and Gillespie were convicted sentenced to life and sent to a maximum security penitentiary this is in.

Re so this is in the penitentiary you're in the penitentiary here both of my cell and Reen that was my life the only thing kept me going for the first 10 years was probably Revenge not to get out to hurt anybody but just to make them held accountable I wanted them to be bought before a court and I wanted them to be shamed in front of the public that's.

What I mean by revenge in prison from day one they worked on getting out and one day they met this man Ron Dalton a former bank manager who'd been convicted of murdering his wife and he helped them uh I was working in the library I could F fumble my way around the typewriter an old manual typewriter and we were writing the Justice ministers to try to.

Draw some attention to their their case and Wall-E used to run poker games inside and if he made a few dollars he would use that money to hire a private investigator out in the real world Ron Dalton could relate to mailman and Gillespie because he always said he was innocent too and he was 8 years into his sentence Dalton was.

Exonerated once he was free he began to volunteer with an organization that helps the wrongfully accused he made sure mailman and Les weren't forgotten that I don't think a lot of people might understand is that when we're reviewing the files we're also looking for Evans of guilt is this is innocence Canada's only office in the country it's from.

Here they investigate claims of wrongful conviction by inmates across Canada Bobby he he wouldn't shut up about being innocent lawyer Jerome Kennedy remembers the first call he got from Bobby mailman it's an example of a man saying I am innocent and no one is listening to me will you please help right looking at the case Kennedy says it was clear why.

The police targeted mailman Bobby uh mailman was a notorious uh alleged criminal back in the early 80s in in St St John and he had been uh acquitted of a couple of uh fairly high-profile uh charges and essentially they started the investigation with the view that Bobby mailman was the killer now we have to find the evidence to support that I.

Would simply describe it as out to get get Bobby mailman at any and all costs innocent Canada found that the mailman in Gillespie case was full of holes for example the eyewitnesses who put them at the murder scene admitted they made their stories up one thing I learned from this case is how important it is to go to the scene lawyer bin sodi.

Found the most damning evidence of all when she flew to St John and went to the police station and they gave us a single file folder I think it had a couple of envelopes in it and we didn't think there would be much but we're flipping through these pieces of paper and when I looked down and I said are these receipts of payments there's no way that.

The police would keep a ledger of hundreds of dollars of payments made to John lman Jr it's one of the key witnesses that testified against Robert milman and Bobby Gillespie so you found proof that the police had been paying the main witness that put the two gentlemen away yes it was it was incredible uh I don't of all the years.

That I've been doing this I've been doing this now for almost 10 years right there has never been an instance like that so in the end both eyewitnesses admitted they hadn't seen the murder payments of $100 and one of them had been paid by police but if you can believe it it actually gets worse mailman and.

Gillespie always said that they had an alibi that they were here at what used to be a car dealership buying a part to fix a friend's car at the time of the murder now the police did an investigation they found their Alibi credible but they didn't disclose that to the defense at trial this is a photo copy of the receipt that mailman and.

Gillespie got that day even though there was so much evidence pointing to a wrongful conviction Robert mailman spent 18 years in prison and Walter Gillespie 21 and it took until January 4th 2024 to clear their names well I don't we have too much to say really.

You just sorry I don't know I I remember when we first went in I said when we walked out of here we'll be walking over with our canes but I don't know that this day were coming up and I'm I'm glad it did glad it's over withone thank you good job something to.

Say well he's my brother now I mean we've been together for 40 years fighting this we were hoping that grab our arms put them up but I couldn't lift my arm after we come out of the courtroom I was so exhausted the Chief Justice apologized to mailman in glesby St John police haven't they commissioned a retired RCMP officer to look into the.

Force's handling of the case I think that they should at least recognize what they' done and uh and compensate us now hopefully that's what they'll do and and that's what we're fighting for now Gillespie says he's trying to figure out how to live as a free man I do this as a Pastime I don't think.

About anything I just I just mix all the paints up and see how it comes out they all come out differently I'm hoping maybe get a better apartment look at this red hole just a c in here it's you know just like just like being in prison more or less you.

Know Nick I gather you have some breaking news on this yeah the uh lawyer from innocence Canada Jerome Kennedy called me just a few hours ago and said the province of New Brunswick has reached a tentative compensation deal with Mr Mailman and Mr glaspie so what did they say I called them both and you know I was a little bit surprised by.

Their reaction Mr Mailman said quote you know every High I get I think of my can answer and it's a low and if people think we won this it's 40 years of my life I I didn't win nothing they're not wrong all right Nick thank you for staying on this you're welcome Afghan migrants in Pakistan are living in the shadows hoping they won't.

Be found well even those born in Pakistan are not safe from deportation Afghan migrants who helped Canadian Forces say Canada's foot dragging puts them in Peril it is uh unbearable.

They've been taking Refuge but now Pakistan wants them out it's part of a broader Crackdown on Afghans no matter where they're from so how many of you were were born here in Pakistan everyone our South Asia correspondent slima shii went to Islamabad to break down all the ways life is getting worse.

For Afghans a market day on the outskirts of Islamabad but fear is what permeates here this is where many of the Afghans in Pakistan's capital shop a majority of them undocumented living in hiding plagued with worry that local police will pick them up and Deport.

Them my life is ruined even hell is better than this place says sair sabba a former officer in Afghanistan who fled when the Taliban took Kabal in 2021 it doesn't matter what papers you have he says they're all useless if police here catch you Pakistan abruptly ordered all migrants in the country illegally.

Outlast fall forcibly rounding up those who didn't comply a Crackdown that led to a backlog at border crossings with Afghanistan tens of thousands of refugees forced to return to a country many have never known some families who had spent decades or their whole lives in Pakistan Afghans waiting to be resettled.

In a third country were given an extension but their time is now up even with Pakistan distracted of late during a tumultuous election camp campaign there's dread among refugees that the expulsions will pick up again now that the vote is over for so many here it's too risky to speak about the Crackdown out.

Loud this Afghan couple and their four-year-old daughter are in Pakistan on expired visas tears stream down the young woman's face as she tells me how difficult life is we can't go out she says I can't go to the doctor we don't have the money or papers another man so spooked he asks me.

To walk down another alley when too many people gather around us listening move down I was born in Pakistan the 31-year-old says but still if the authorities see my ID card they will tear it up or demand a br a harsh reality many human rights Advocates say that shouldn't be Pakistan's Constitution is explicit.

Says this lawy who's fighting for a reprieve for some of the migrants yes Pakistani law recognizes Birthright citizenship and right enshrined awarding all those born in Pakistan automatic citizenship he says so if Pakistan still has Birthright citizenship then these people are not ofans they're actually pakistanis only legal battles take.

Time and time is not on the side of those threatened with deportation this settlement at the edge of Islamabad for years is now half empty many of the families have already picked up and left for Afghanistan so how many of you were were born here in Pakistan everyone yeah and yet they feel exposed we were warned to leave shalik.

Khan says but with no precise timeline uncertainty they say dominating their lives even among those born here in Pakistan the fear over anti- Afghan sentiment from authorities is so acute there's also lot of frustration from those refugees waiting months for countries like Canada to let them in and worries that Pakistan's deadline for.

Issuing exit visas for a third country is fast approaching the last day of February for now that's when Pakistani officials say undocumented Afghans trying to make it to Canada and other Western countries need to leave Pakistan or else pay a hefty fine my eldest son a deadline that pains Muhammad yunas nimi a former.

Contractor for the Canadian Armed Forces in Kandahar his six children stuck in a hotel room for more than 2 years cartoons replacing schooling Pakistan government uh policies are changing in minutes and nobody's going to stop them because they will say it's our country unpredictable and aimi Powerless as he.

Waits for word from Canadian officials about his security clearance we have been explaining this to the government of Canada so uh but nobody's hearing us it it is uh unbearable it's the same for many others also in limbo constrained and wary of going out where the desperation among the many Afghans still in the country.

Without papers is deepening more than 20,000 Afghans applied to come to this country under a special program for those who helped Canada like The Interpreter you saw in Selma's story more than 14,000 applications have been approved at this Point 13,656 people have.

Arrived next a Canadian athlete crashes her way to Gold I was like if there is a time to let this happen it would be for a world championship title that chaotic win in our moment you are looking at Team Canada's Haley Clark she just be became the youngest athlete to win gold at the.

Skeleton World Championships but getting to the Finish Line was quite the roller coaster on the very last lap she nearly lost full control tonight her winding road to the top makes our moment at least a silver medal 569 was that the most painful crossing of the Finish Lines of your entire.

Career it was it hurt but it was worth it gold for how letting that happen is actually faster than steering to try and stop it and I knew I was like if there is a time to let this happen and just take whatever pain comes with it it would be for a world championship title wow as soon as I I saw the time and that I had uh at that point I didn't know.

That I had won it but I knew that I had got into medal and instantly pain just went away most people when they get hurt especially when you're little kids the first thing you do is look for your mommy and that's of exactly what you did she's a world chionship and her mom as soon as I looked over to her she was crying and then I just instantly started.

Crying I couldn't help it you know she's been there through everything I'm so grateful and I did it while repping the maple leaf on my back man she is tough she is 19 years old and wearing the maple leaf matters in in part because for a time she was competing in the United States but then she followed her coach home to Canada.

We're very glad she did from all of us at the national thank you for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm Adrian AR take care.

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