CBC News: The Nationwide | Boeing 787 Dreamliner mid-air plunge


CBC News: The Nationwide | Boeing 787 Dreamliner mid-air plunge

Tonight the investigation after a Boeing plane took a sudden and terrifying midair plunge people were screaming and shrieking and pain 50 people hurt the pilot apparently blaming equipment failure how in the world could this happen we break down what's going on at Boeing and has anything changed since.

Those deadly Max 8 crashes 5 years ago ha's prime minister promises to resign but the chaos continues everybody's being hiding in their place in their home we're waiting to see what's going to happen special counsel grilled politics played no part whatsoever the man who declined to charge the president defends.

His decision and neither side is Happy from CBC News this is the national with Asha Tomlinson thank you for joining us tonight A Is On Assignment Boeing is once again under scrutiny after yet another dangerous incident on one of its planes this one injured dozens those wounds the result of a Boeing.

Dreamliners suddenly losing altitude launching passengers from their seats some so forcefully they damaged the cabin just weeks ago a door panel flew off of Boeing after takeoff and tonight we're learning the resulting investigation reportedly found dozens of flaws in the company's manufacturing process Thomas Dela now with the.

Building concern and the traumatic flight that's adding new pressure wor passengers were thrown to the ceiling on this flight from Australia to New Zealand with at least one seen here attended to on the floor mid-flight it felt like a you know when you are in a roller coaster and you just go like this this Dreamliner flown by.

Chilean Airline latom abruptly dropped more than 300 ft leaving 50 people injured several sent to hospital I just realized I'm not in a movie this is actually for Real Canadian Brian jit was on the flight and took these pictures showing emergency crews boarding the plane after it landed in Auckland the pilot came to.

The back and I said uh what was that and he openly admitted he said I lost control of the plane my gauges just kind of went blank on me it's the latest in a string of terrifying incidents involving Boeing Jets a tire fell off this Triple 7 taking off from San Francisco last week smashing cars below that Alaska Airlines Max 9 that.

Saw a door panel blow out in January is prompting investigations and more scathing criticism of Boeing they need to go through a serious transformation here uh in terms of their responsiveness their culture and their quality issues the New York Times reports the plane maker recently failed 33 out of 89 audits carried out by us Regulators.

Boeing tells CBC News in a statement we continue to implement immediate changes and develop a comprehensive action plan to strengthen safety and quality Boeing culture has changed over the last 15 or 20 years uh and it's showing up in terms of the issues that we're having with this new generation of airplane Airlines including WestJet are awaiting their new.

New Max planes but the company is slowing production as the FAA Demands a plan from Boeing by this spring to address concerns over quality and safety so Thomas you mentioned slower production but how slow are we talking about here look at it this way on a monthly basis Boeing is making fewer than half as many Max Jets as it would.

Want to and for its clients this is a big deal um Southwest Airlines largest domestic carrier in the US it's looking at cutting its flight schedule later this year um United Airlines considering taking its business elsewhere to Airbus and here in Canada it's not at all clear whether WestJet is going to receive the 22 new Max planes that it intended to by.

The end of next year wow Thomas thank you you're welcome a retired Boeing Employee turned whistleblower has been found dead of an apparent suicide John Barnett was a quality control inspector at Boeing for 32 years after his departure in 2017 he filed a complaint about the company with Federal Regulators in the US and spoke.

Publicly about what he called catastrophic safety concerns Boeing has denied those accusations officials say Barnett died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound he was 62 years old it's been 5 years since Boeing safety failures put it under scrutiny with two deadly crashes of the max 8 we look at what's changed that's a bit.

Later on the breakdown after days of violence and Chaos Haiti's prime minister has agreed to step down when a new leader is found but as Sasha petrac shows us with gang leaders vying for control it's not clear who will take over or how streets calmed and patience applauded the resignation of prime.

Minister Ariel HRI I can't say he did much for us she says except let things get out of hand under his watch violence exploded and poverty spread gang power grew so much that Oni himself didn't dare return to Haiti quitting on video from Puerto Rico I'm asking Haitians to do whatever you can so peace and stability returns.

He says vowing to leave once a transitional council is formed to look for a new Prime prime minister but while many demanded his resignation people are as scared as ever everybody's been hiding in their place in their home all the schools are out for now we're waiting to see what's going to.

Happen gang leader Jimmy sherier known as barbecue ominously promises more violence we are in a bloody Revolution he says we must destroy the wicked system foreign powers who've been propping up Haiti now hope for a quick transition we expect that the members of the transitional Council will be appointed in the next 24 to 48 hours and.

Then they will take the step to appoint an interim prime minister in the near future after that Washington Ottawa and others expect their financial support to bring an international force that will restore calm but the only country actually willing to send police is Kenya and that's on hold until Haiti sorts out who's in charge in the meantime many.

Haitians starve says the world food program so we can't just focus on security we also need to support the population with humanitarian assistance patients are hoping this change will be for the better Sasha petk CBC News Toronto a new operation to get Aid into Gaza is now underway that is the United.

Nations says it delivered supplies to to the north for the first time in weeks but as Rafi bujak Canan shows us so much more is needed and time is running out casting off from Cyprus this boat is carrying much needed Aid to wartorn Gaza that need so pressing its Voyage is beginning as the makeshift dog to receive shipments is still being built.

We are working with different actors different governments different entities to make this possible Israel has cleared these Goods following an inspection by Cyprus the Open Arms ship and its 200 tons of supplies are traveling through an untested route one that could take two days and face other dangerous obstacles we're working in a very.

Complicated weather conditions in the mediterian sea Western countries including Canada support a sea Corridor for Aid shipments Milan reiterated the need for humanitarian support while visiting the West Bank in the meantime other countries including the US dropped Aid by air again still many warn too little is.

Coming medicine is needed medical supplies are needed people are building tents out of like loose plastic sheets nailed to to scraps of wood it's an ordeal few have been able to escape but Tuesday two Canadian Brothers spoke to a CBC News freelancer inside Gaza before crossing the Rafa border.

Both about their relief and their regret alhamdulillah I am able to leave um going to Egypt where I'm going to where my wife and my daughters are over there I am sad that my family and relatives are still in GZA dying under the threat of bombing and starvation more Aid could be on the way World Central Kitchen says it has another 500 tons lying in weight.

And the US is sending four army ships to build a temporary dock in Gaza but that project could take up to two months rafiu on CBC News AWA Ukraine is getting a much needed weapons Boost from the us a $300 million Aid package was announced today it includes anti-aircraft missiles and artillery rounds the makeshift plan will.

Only help Ukraine for a couple of weeks a much larger Aid package worth billions of dollars has been stalled in Congress for months blocked by Republicans a high-profile special counsel is defending his explosive report that cleared Joe Biden of wrongdoing in his handling of classified documents as Katie Simpson explains his.

Findings are Under Fire from Democrats and Republicans special councel Robert her is easily one of Washington's more polarizing figures so it came as little surprise his highly anticipated Capitol Hill hearing turned into a combative partisan spectacle with Democrats and Republicans drawing wildly different.

Conclusions the her rep report represents the complete and total exoneration of President Biden Joe Biden broke the law but because he's a forgetful old man who would appear sympathetic to a jury Mr her chose not to bring charges her defended his decision to not charge Joe Biden despite his report finding evidence that he.

Knowingly and willingly retained classified documents as I said the report is not an ex genation that word does not appear in my report her stood by his justification saying prosecutors would likely lose a jury trial since Biden comes off as a sympathetic old man with a poor memory my assessment in the report about the relevance of the.

President's memory was necessary and accurate and fair Democrats accused her of painting Biden as a scile old man to help Republicans in the election but you chose a general pajora referenced the president you understood when you made that decision didn't you Mr Herr that you would ignite a political Firestorm with that language didn't you.

Congressman politics played no part whatsoever Republicans also cried foul saying Donald Trump should have been treated the same way for his handling of classified documents despite significant differences in the cases they called charges against Trump unfair but the fact that the only person being prosecuted for this offense happens to.

Be the president political opponent makes this an unprecedented assault on our democracy lawmakers delivered performances that will play well on social media with their respective voting bases which is largely how this hearing will be remembered Katie Simpson CBC News Washington Atlantic Canada's largest.

Newspaper company is filing for creditor protection as it grapples with tens of millions of dollars of debt Kayla Hansel looks at what it could mean for local news for Bill Nan this is a ritual as old as time I bought this house 27 years ago and I subscribed to the hard copy of the newspaper the next day so it's been 27 years the paper itself The Chronicle.

Herald dates back 200 years the oldest independent newspaper in Canada but this is not just about that one paper in 2017 its owners went on a shopping spree buying up almost all of the newspapers in Nova Scotia New Finland and and Prince Edward Island creating the saltwire network now the private Equity Fund that financed those Acquisitions.

Says saltwire owes it more than $32 million and is trying to dissolve the company putting the future of those papers at risk the newspaper there's something behind it um there are people who went to journalism School uh who you know who've studied what you know what what news is all about and they refer to themselves as a cohort or you refer to.

Them as a cohort I think yeah at this journalism School the professor says everyone should be concerned about the trouble at saltwire no one else is going to those Town Town Council meetings no one else is reporting on uh Jane's Figure Skating Gold Medal so to lose that would be devastating in court documents the lender says it has lost.

Faith in Senior Management who have mismanaged the business used employee Pension funds for operations and failed to pay 7 million in taxes saltwire points to the unprecedented challenges facing the media industry and says it's filing for creditor protection to ensure the company's future as much as a a union employer Dynamic and you can be.

Adversarial you know we all are on the same side trying to keep the business going keep our jobs salt wire has 400 employees and another 800 contractors Who deliver the papers when I open that thing I know that people all over town all over the problems probably are reading the same paper same articles and that gives me it's like an automatic.

Sense of community for now the company says whether to mailboxes or inboxes the papers will still arrive Kaya Hansel CBC News Halifax a Canadian curling Champion says she's fighting to clear her name after failing a doping test the world curling Federation provisionally suspended 32-year-old Brienne Harris after she.

Tested positive for Trace Amounts of Leandra earlier this year Harris told CBC news she's shocked and devastated and is appear appealing the decision to the court of arbitration for sport Harris's team believes she was unknowingly exposed to the substance through bodily contact it is only March but already.

Provinces are preparing for Fire season it's already started out west where dozens of fires are burning in BC and Alberta Allison northcot starts in Quebec where memories of last year's record-breaking season are still fresh when Wildfire surrounded the cre first nation of waswanipi Last Summer residents had to leave their homes twice.

It was the first time that we had to evacuate for a forest fire in many many years now after a drier than usual winter in Quebec the community is preparing in case that happens again we know what to do now unfortunately that's the sad thing we we do know what to do we we do know how to evacuate the most vulnerable populations of our community.

Last year Canada's Wildfire season had the largest and most intense fires yet record-breaking is almost euphemism I mean it was uh it really shattered past records um so it's uh we've learned a lot and Fire Prevention agencies are concerned about what this year could bring in Alberta NBC some fires from last year were never fully extinguished.

And there are already new ones burning we didn't have the precipitation that we would normally see over the winter so we're already at a 100 times the amount of area burned uh this year than we would normally see Alberta is bringing in firefighting staff early Quebec is too its fire prevention agency issued a fire risk rating for southern Quebec.

Last week earlier than ever before amid quickly disappearing snow a few hours of Sunshine H and if you had some winds to it uh it's going to get dry very quickly so it's going to become very very uh easy to start a fire he says fire risk over the coming months depends a lot on how much precipitation there is this spring but Alberta Wildfire says even if.

They get rain it might not be enough to help we will still be in high or very high or extreme Wildfire danger in part of the province fire prevention agencies are watching the weather closely experts say climate change has increased Wildfire risks around the world and that Canada is no exception Allison northcot CBC News.

Montreal scientists in British Columbia are feeling optimistic about the rebound of a small fish in coastal Waters we have seen an increasing Trend over the last 10 years or so what it means for the health of fisheries and some endangered species next plus turbulent times for Boeing on the anniversary of a deadly crash when.

The door blew off the Alaska flight once again the doors blew off Boeing the safety concerns that continue 5 years on and later the hoop dreams of a BC grandma what's up everyone it's your favorite granny here her skills on the court go viral we're back in two streets turned to Rivers early this morning in parts of Buena Aries as.

Intense storms caused flash floods in some areas residents waited through waste high water pushing submerged cars to Higher Ground more heavy rain is in the forecast for the next couple of days off BC's Coast there are signs that efforts to protect a crucial fish population may be working Herring stocks appear to be rebounding in some areas as.

A vet Bren shows us the upward trend is giving hope to Fishers and scientists Taylor Forbes wrestles a hose fills tubs with ice to pack fish you always hope it's going to be a a good year in his six Decades of fishing Forbes grandfather Billy has watched Herring returns dwindle due to over fishing pollution and habitat changes as.

Long as you're ready you let Mother Nature decide each spring Herring turn Coastal Waters bright turquoise with their Milt or sperm most Pacific hering Fisheries have been closed since 2021 in an effort to protect wild salmon which rely on hering for food this year their numbers are forecast to increase sign.

Significantly they've even shown up early in some areas thanks to elino biologists are cautiously optimistic overall it's you know a bit of a mix but uh generally if you look at stocks coastwide as a whole we have seen an increasing Trend over the last 10 years scientists are examining what exactly has helped the species it's early days.

For this kind of work but I have to say the uh indications are extraordinary because it means you know if you've got Herring you've got everything Herring feeds salmon fish that in turn feed B's endangered orcas the fish is also part of the indigenous traditions and Fisheries uh it definitely offers hope um you know what we've seen though you.

Know in our territory has been decreases but not every provincial Coastline can expect a rebound for this first nation stocks are expected to decline this spring we want to be able to see the uh returns in you know in great abundance the hope is one day all Coast will see a robust spawn we've had some early spawns out there for some.

Reason and they're bigger than normal for this time of year his Nets are ready in the hope that nature offers an abundant Hall evet Bren CBC News Vancouver as communities look to reduce emissions some are finding ways to capture and reuse sources of energy how can we harness that and bring it here it's it's silly to be dissipating that.

To the atmosphere how Industrial Waste is being used used to heat buildings plus 5 years after two deadly crashes Boeing is still under scrutiny people asking you know has Boeing fixed itself and the answer is probably no Susan armiston looks at what's changed what hasn't and the ongoing fight for justice 346 people died and no one has.

Been held to account the national breaks down the story shaping our world next that's all by myself by Cleveland born musician Eric Carmen who died over the weekend at the age of 74 that beloved bid covered by countless artists like.

Seline Deon Carmen fronted the 70s power pop group The Raspberries before going solo he had three top 10 hits including Hungry Eyes from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack in a statement his wife said.

It brought him great joy to know his music touched so many people in the Ottawa area there's a creative new solution to cut emissions reusing Wastewater from a paper plant to heat homes Emily Chong shows us how it works Winters are cold in our national capital and for one developer the steam from this plant is precious heat being.

Thrown away how can we harness that and bring it here it's it's silly to be dissipating that to the atmosphere and burning gas are something to make heat the plant Burns natural gas to heat water to make paper for tissues and paper towels we are constantly seeking for opportunities to reduce our energy consumption and and reuse the energy.

From our process so when ZB knocked at our door this was perfectly in line just behind him is the tank where it all begins heat from the waste water is extracted in this shed and then we collect it and bring it back here to the plant and redistribute it to the buildings that it's capable of delivering enough heat for 4 million.

Square ft it's all nearby hot water from Krueger goes to Z then that's to nearby buildings in Ottawa and gatau including this apartment the system is is very responsive and very quiet and in terms of cost I'm paying about the same cost for heating and cooling than I was paying for at my old Department he loves the idea of using waste heat and also.

Because it's using local resources there's all kinds of energy available in the community there's waste heat from industry heat coming off Big Data Centers there's even warm water in our sewage sewage is a plentiful resource to tap into and underground here in Toronto one company wants to heat an entire hospital with it we're tapping into the.

Sewer we're going to be turning on these heat pumps and this will uh save the hospital money uh right now we've got it projected at about $685,000 a year back in gatau Z has plans to expand and as communities look for ways to decarbonize buildings and fight climate change more are warming up to the idea of using what they'd.

Normally waste Emily Chong CBC News Toronto now it's time to dig deeper into the story shaping our world Aviation giant Boeing suffers hit after hit to its safety record when the door blew off the Alaska flight once again the doors blew off Boeing it's been 5 years since a crash in Ethiopia killed everyone on board it's like this.

All over the world the entire fleet is grounded we trace the company's long struggle to salvage its reputation we are sorry this is the breakdown now Susan armist guides us through Boeing's bumpy ride and asks the question after 5 years is flying those planes any safer for Boeing the New Year began with.

A blowout I hear this boom I look to my left and part of the plane is gone at 16,000 ft a door panel on Alaska Airlines flight 1282 disappeared leaving a gaping hole Alaska or Seattle Alaska 12 A2 we just press we're declaring emergency we needed to send down to 10,000 looking at the flight attendant faces it was clear.

To me this wasn't going to go well the 7:30 7 max 9 depressurized oxygen masks dropped and passengers feared the worst yes we are emergency we are depressurized we do need to return back too we have 177 passengers still is 188 so I quickly realized I need to Pivot and start messaging to people to say.

Goodbye no one was sitting next to the panel but a young man two seats over had his shirt sucked out the opening the heavy cockpit door blows open the pilots said that their headsets were ripped off there's a checklist up here this thing gets blown out the door the cockpit is filled with noise and there's all kinds of debris blowing out of the cockpit but.

Now we're down to my eyes are glued to that opening and I'm just wondering what's going to happen next I'm not prepared for this I wasn't prepared to die on this flight2 power wind have 1 28 the plane landed no one was critically hurt but for Boeing its reputation was questioned once again 5.

Years after its worst crisis ever we were on the scene back then 5 years ago we went to Ethiopia where et302 dove into the ground and among the victims 18 Canadians in the aftermath Boeing promised to change the corporate culture to fix the planes and restore trust but has it 5 years later is Boeing any safer so here we are a familiar place.

For you uh just a little bit Dennis tager flies Boeing 737s for American Airlines o switch on in a simulator he shows us how the Alaskan Airlines Pilots may have reacted you don't know what happened did someone have a bomb back there did the piece that blew off the airplane hit another of the airplane this is happening in seconds and had the.

Plane been higher at cruising altitude the situation would have been far worse when that door blows open we're not talking about shirts just being ripped off from just near the door it's a massive suction that comes out of the airplane and who knows what could have gotten sucked out of the airplane including people when the door blew off.

The Alaska flight once again the doors blew off Boeing how in the world could this happen we had the same question after covering the two Max 8 crashes 5 years ago in 2018 it was a line Air flight that dove into the sea just 5 months later the Ethiopian Airlines flight plunged into the.

ground two catastrophic crashes both 737 Max 8 aircraft killed 346 people ever since the US's Federal Aviation Authority has been monitoring the 737 Max production a colossal moneymaker for Boeing Max aircraft flowing all over the world in February the FAA published a scathing report on.

Boeing safety culture even before the Alaska Airlines blowout the events of of January 5th it it really created two issues for us one what's wrong with this airplane uh but two what's going on with the production uh at Boeing the FAA sent inspectors onto Boeing's assembly line and ordered it to slow down the production of new 737 Max planes while.

Investigators pieced together how a door panel could drop from the sky how four bolts were missing on the door plug how the 737 Max 9 flew for 2 months before the panel ripped off passengers have already launched lawsuits as Boeing's CEO tries to blunt criticism we feeli safe airplanes our people do we have confidence in the.

Safety of our airplanes and that's what all of this is about and we fully understand the gravity when you heard about the Alaska Airlines problem what was your first thought shock and to have this happen um on a brand new airplane 10 weeks old um was a shock to me we asked John grck an aviation management professor at McGill.

University about Boeing's newest crisis what would you say was the reputational damage for Boeing and the max aircrafts uh it is a huge blow to Boeing Boeing has a mindset um of operational and financial performance that they are very much focused today uh on return to their.

Shareholders they're focused on the economics of building an airplane and the latest Alaska Airlines incident still has a lot of people asking you know has Boeing fixed itself and the answer is probably no would you like me to hold one yeah sure for the families who lost loved ones in those catastrophic crashes years.

Ago the latest problems with Boeing have only triggered new emotion I uh was thinking about the day that my wife received the call and uh she screamed out uh Danielle's Dead coming up how a blowout at 16,000 fet and those four missing bolts have rekindled their fight for.

justice adding up the human cost of Boeing safety failures 346 people died and no one has been held to account there have been lawsuits and heavy scrutiny by Regulators would I get on a Max airplane today we ask what has really changed once again here's Susan ormiston.

To get the answers and to add up the price Boeing has paid ever since Boeing's two catastrophic crashes the airline giant has been under intense scrutiny with a lot to fix not the least of all its reputation so there were no survivors Ethiopian Air flight 302 took off from Addis Ababa on March 10th 2019.

And crashed 6 minutes later among the Canadian passengers headed to Kenya was Paul in jogi's family his wife his kids and his mother-in-law all died I booked a flight for them they must have cried out there daddy it's what breaks my heart the pilots had struggled to control the plane which climbed and.

Pitched under a new software system called mcass before diving into the ground ultimately the max 8 aircraft were grounded for well over a year since it's like this all over the world the entire fleet is grounded and no dat Chris Moore's daughter Danielle died on that eth ethopian Airlines flight she was 24 years old from Scarboro Ontario.

Headed to Kenya for an environmental conference cradle me I'll cradle you in your you know we lost a a beautiful person uh 5 years ago his grief and anger was triggered again with the Alaska Airlines blowout yeah I uh was thinking about the day that my wife received the call and uh.

She screamed out Danielle's dead I feel guilty five years ago we spoke with Chris and his wife clariss after Danielle died every morning every night is is always a struggle and as what Chris said it's the new Norm but I don't like the new Norm I want my old Norm yeah since then almost daily Chris has.

Been researching Boeing and Aviation safety what is that this is part of my new life now uh this tragedy this grief and I need to engage myself in bringing about some justice and ensuring that the aviation industry can take a more positive approach in treating people um with with dignity and ensuring their safety the individuals the Flyers have.

Been ignored through this whole process it's all about the money from 2019 to now he's been pursuing Justice for his daughter's death part of a group of families that's dogged Boeing in court and on Capitol Hill in Washington trying to make as much money as possible he and clariss watched as Boeing's former CEO Dennis.

Mullenberg testified before a congressional committee promising to improve safety then on behalf of myself and the Boeing Company we are sorry deeply and truly sorry cold comfort for the families who'd lost so much Boeing finally admitted it installed the mcast control system on.

The max State without training pilots and without revealing it to them or the FAA the Federal Aviation Authority at the time the Department of Justice said Boeing's employees chose the path of profit over kander by concealing material information from the FAA in 2021 Boeing agreed to pay a $2.5 billion fraud settlement with 500 million going.

To the families Boeing avoided a criminal charge by striking an agreement with the Department of Justice to defer prosecution if maintain safety compliance for 3 years the door plug on Alaska Airlines blew out 2 days before that agreement expired the justice department now must decide in light of the Alaska Airlines.

Incident what it will do nine families are still pressing for criminal charges they meet virtually nearly every week nobody is happy with the way um Boeing has been handled with kid kid gloves uh throughout this uh this tragedy um we are still reeling from the grief with the grief uh from that crash Boeing did agree to pay money.

To the families and to other entities why isn't that enough money is the last thing on my mind mind uh in terms of Justice uh justice is about holding somebody accountable um 346 people died and no one has been held to account we the Boeing Company are under a tremendous.

Amount of scrutiny and what I will say is following the Alaska Airline blowout Boeing 737 program took a dayong break to focus on quality the most powerful tool we have is our people a month later Ed Clark the 737 executive was ousted from boing but the damage to the company is adding up says the pilot Dennis tager.

Who also speaks on behalf of the American Airlines Pilots Union yeah we we've got a problem here when Boeing management takes an amazing company which was built on engineering and a moral and principal obligation to keep people safe no matter what was replaced by managers who were studying the spreadsheet bad things happened you.

Still fly Boeing yes I do you fly the max I do just flew it last week no concerns about safety when I fly the max my alert status is on high it just is um would I get on a Max airplane today the answer is yes uh I would get on a Max airplane because I know it's gone through the the Looking Glass it's gone gone through the.

Microscope but it's cost deeply 346 lives lost and Boeing now under new scrutiny Chris do you think that Boeing is any safer today than 5 years ago I think they're slightly safer um because only because they uh they have the Department of Justice looking over the shoulder do you still fly nope don't fly at all not at all no I've um I've.

Basically taken myself out of that uh I will not support the industry um that way hey pumpkin the memories of Danielle too fresh he refuses to back down he simply lost too much so Susan what's next for the Boeing and the max airplanes well Boeing has fewer than 90 days to convince the FAA.

Can deal with these quality control issues but it's proving to be a huge Challenge and as you heard earlier Boeing failed this audit by the fa FAA after the Alaska Airlines incident it failed nearly a third of the safety Audits and there's also a big plug in the delivery schedule Boeing is trying to get its new generation of Max.

Aircraft certified that's the max 10 WestJet has ordered uh nearly two dozen but because of the forced slowdown those deliveries likely won't come in on time and our B business Aviation experts said that those costs will be passed on to the consumer when older aircraft more inefficient fly longer so there's a ripple down effect and you know all of.

This has cost Boeing its Competitive Edge against the other giant Airbus and they're looking at potentially billions more dollars lost in business and also facing new lawsuits yeah a lot of money uh on the line Stakes are high can you bring us up to speed though on the crash site in Ethiopia that you reported on 5 years ago yeah it's hard to believe 5.

Years ago today nothing much has happened to that site but the families want a permanent Memorial there on the African plane outside Addis Ababa uh Paul and jogi whom you saw briefly in our story who lost his entire family in that crash he's there this week trying to push that forward it could happen this week but as you saw there's a huge.

Lasting impact you saw Chris at his daughter's grave site he's determined to push on and every time there's a tragedy or a scare like this it makes more people wonder if Boeing can get a handle on these quality control issues and if so when that is for sure thank you so much you're welcome another story we're working on.

This week is out of California where a dried up Lakeside Resort is getting new life thanks to a valuable Discovery I'm je beloni near the suan sea the largest lake in California is drying up and the water you seees from the rain because that was all dry a couple weeks back and has turned over the years into a toxic nightmare but a new Gold Rush could soon.

Change all that a green one thanks to the large reserves of lithium deep beneath our feet that's enough lithium to manufacture about half a million electric vehicles per year I think it's interesting because it's could potentially make the US completely self-sufficient is a community set to.

Win no we're not and you'll see that full story right here on the national in the coming days next a grandmother from BC who's trying to make it to the WNBA it took me a few shots to find the range but once I did it it was straight cash money or goget her spirit in Our.

Moment that's something you don't see often right 84-year-old Shirley Simpson has her game face on as she prepares to take a shot she's been working hard to fulfill her dream of becoming a WNBA Champion tonight the ambitious bball granny is our moment it took me a few shots to find the range but once I did it it was straight cash money in a.

Nutshell we brought our grandma to the gym and started training her to play in the WNBA WNBA we coming my dream I would love to get to meet the GS in the game and and be able to shake their hand anyone hating on a granny trying to make a dreams come true must be down bad she actually hasn't played organized basketball.

Herself in about 60 years but watching us play high Lev basketball got her into watching it herself when we first started the series she couldn't really dribble the ball and shooting was really tough but she honestly picked it up pretty quickly to all the internet refs out there chill out please I know it's a bit of a carry we're teaching her jenz.

Slang this was the hardest workout I've ever done in my life on God man I just think that you get to be 84 and your life is almost over sitting around waiting to die uh you might as well live I love that and look my niece and nephew play college ball and mastering those skills is not easy at any age but.

There's lots of Buzz about that WNBA team here in Toronto if all goes well surely you could have about a year to practice and then you might just make the team you're an inspiration to so many that was awesome for all of us here at the national thank you so much for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free CBC News app And.

Subscribe to the National's YouTube channel I'm Asha Tomlinson take care

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