CBC News: The Nationwide | DeSantis ends presidential expose, endorses Trump


CBC News: The Nationwide | DeSantis ends presidential expose, endorses Trump

Tonight Ron dantis drops out of the race for the White House and endorses Donald Trump I am today suspending my campaign Donald Trump and Nikki Haley will now battle it out for the Republican nomination you think the race is still a race or is it done now it's done CBC News is in New Hampshire ahead of a critical.

Test the Urgent calls to address Canada's doctor shortage 1 and three one or three of us will not have a family doctor why some fear a dire situation could soon get worse and Michael bé on the moments that changed everything and why he almost gave up before becoming a superstar they would all say the same thing they would.

Go you know you're a talented kid but there's there's nothing here man this is the national with Ian hansing and we begin tonight with a major shakeup in the race for the White House Florida Governor Ronda santis is suspending his campaign and he's throwing his support behind Donald Trump desant is making that announcement in a.

Surprise video this afternoon leaving just two candidates now vying for the Republican nomination former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and the former US president Donald Trump all of this is playing out just days before the next major test for the pair the Republican primary in New Hampshire on on Tuesday and that's where our Paul.

Hunter is tonight and all of a sudden it's down to two accordingly I am today suspending my campaign it's clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance fla Governor Ronda santis once seen as a likely heir to Donald Trump in the Republican Party dubbed younger and.

Smarter than the former president now ending his bid to be the Republican nominee for the White House this November leaving Trump and former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley as the last two candidates with DeSantis now backing Trump he has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yester year a.

Repackage formed of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents we want Trump we want Trump outside of trump rally in Rochester New Hampshire that State's Republican primary just two days away Trump supporters all kinds of them who' waited hours in the cold and dark just for a glimpse of him were thrilled have you heard the news today.

About Ronda santis oh yeah what do you think about that goodbye goodbye do you think the race is still a race or is it done now it's done hilly can't handle it so it's Donald inside Trump made clear his view the contest for the Republican nomination is over two days from now we're going to win New Hampshire and.

Then we're going to defeat crooked Joe Biden and we are going to in fact make America great again indeed Haley seen by some as the last of the anyone but Trump candidates is far behind Trump in most polls this weekend stepping up her criticism of the former president after Trump repeatedly misspoke once seeming to confuse Joe Biden with Barack Obama.

Later seeming to confuse Haley with former Democrat speaker the house Nancy Pelosi Nikki Haley Nikki Haley Haley pounced though say some too little too late we can't have someone else that we question whether they're mentally fit to do this we can't and Paul is in New Hampshire tonight what are you watching for in the.

Lead up to Tuesday well in truth in not much I mean Nikki Haley could drop out though I suspect that won't happen right away but with the santis now gone look it's basically over no one doubts Trump will win big Tuesday night that he will then win in South Carolina Nikki Haley's home state that he will he will then win big.

On super Tuesday and in the multitude of states that follow and so no one doubts now that Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination and that come the fall it will be Joe Biden versus Donald Trump for the White House again Paul Hunter and Nicole Old Concord New Hampshire tonight the possibility of another Trump.

Presidency is expected to be a focus at the liberal cabinet Retreat underway tonight prime minister Justin Trudeau and his ministers are meeting until Tuesday in Montreal in addition to discussions about Canada US relations housing and the rising cost of living are also on the agenda rafy Bui Canyon is in Montreal.

For us tonight and Rafi the Liberals are under a lot of pressure heading into this retreat Ian pi and his conservatives have been hammering away at the Liberals over cost of living issues for the last year accusing them of being out of touch with Canadians at a time inflation has sent grocery prices skyrocketing.

Mortgages have become unaffordable for many so it's Small Wonder the government cabinet is holding panels on housing as well as the middle class they're expected to hear from academic experts in housing and the economy during these sessions and the Liberals are also expected to tackle immigration issues there have been reports a little over.

Week ago that they ignored internal warnings that said that raising immigration levels could lead to higher housing prices the government has come to admit that that may be an issue though they've also defended raising immigration levels citing the needs for the Canadian economy post pandemic and there's also what's playing out South of.

The Border the race for the White House that is correct now that may seem a little bit counterintuitive but there will be a panel on Canada US relations Donald Trump is a concern for many Canadians he's unpopular here the Liberals know this this may be the start of a bit of a political wedge issue for them we've already seen messaging from.

The Liberal Party trying to link Trump to pv's conservatives so it's clear the prime minister is watching his own polling numbers but he's also keeping an eye on what's going on South of the Border and what that could mean for his own electoral fortunes Ian rfy buja Canyon in Montreal it isn't just housing that.

Hasn't kept pace with Canada's booming population millions of Canadians don't have a family doctor JP Tasker now with why some fear the shortage is only going to get worse Marilyn gford is fed up with The Chronic shortage of family doctors in her area that's one in three one in three of us will not have a family.

Doctor she's been out pounding the pavement in sney Ontario collecting signatures for a petition aimed at changing that it says here your family's life may depend upon it it's part of a Grassroots effort calling on the provincial government to fund more medical residency spots I talked to over 2900 people.

Myself and the stories are horrible there is no Primary Care available to the average person now a CBC News analysis of medical school data shows the number of medical residents has been stagnant for the last 10 years Nationwide there's only 167 more spots than there were a decade ago meanwhile Canada's population has surged by about.

5 million the numbers are staggering another concern a waning interest in Family Medicine only 30% of new medical residents choose to work in that field down from nearly 38% in 2014 according to school records that's one reason this doctor says why 6 and a half million Canadians go without primary care we are simply not graduating enough Family.

Medicine residents to meet that need you can actually magnify the image one solution is making it easier for foreign trained doctors to practice here Canada's employment Minister says the provinces need to speed up credential recognition you can put artificial barriers to people accessing the labor market we can't afford that anymore.

Gford won't give up her fight we are in crisis mode here it's there's no way we're going to catch up um by continuing to do what we're we what we've been doing because we're falling behind what isn't falling emergency room visits they spiked to 15 million last year according to the latest data that's up more than a.

Million from the year before JP Tasker CBC News Ottawa in the UK The Duchess of York has been diagnosed with skin cancer just months after receiving treatment for breast cancer Sarah Ferguson had several moles removed while undergoing reconstructive surgery following a myectomy one of those has been identified as cancerous the 64 year-old.

Will undergo more tests a number of planes struggled a touchdown at Heathrow Airport in the middle of a powerful Windstorm oh she's up she's down she's gone the storm disrupted travel and prompted wind warnings across the UK tornado watches were also issued in Northern Ireland parts of England and.

Scotland wind gusts of more than 140 km an hour have been reported and another bitterly cold weekend across much of the us as lingering Arctic air brought winter storms from the Northeast to the Midwest it's expected to warm up in the next few days but with that comes the risk of.

Freezing rain and flooding more than 80 people have died across the US due to the extreme winter weather over the the past week Israel's prime minister is explicitly rejecting the possibility of a Palestinian State as Israel and Hamas continue their War Katie Simpson now on the outrage and fear as the reported death toll in Gaza passes a terrible new.

Milestone they want the pressure to be relentless demonstrators Gathering well into the night outside the Israeli Prime Minister's residence my son is one of 36 hostages still being held somewhere in Gaza and it's been 107 days and I'm here to make noise to say we need to bring these hostages home it followed yet another large.

Weekend protest where thousands denounced the government's handling of this crisis but there is no change in course for now the war continues on all fronts according to Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is rejecting calls to back a two-state solution despite a fresh push from US President Joe Biden.

During a weekend phone call I told President Biden he says Gaza must be demilitarized under Israel's full security control I will not compromise on full Israeli security control of all territory west of the Jordan River denying Palestinian people estate will prolong this conflict says the UN Secretary General who called.

Again for humanitarian ceasefire Israel's military operations have spread massive destruction and killed civilians on a scale unprecedented during my time as Secretary General since the October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel which killed 12200 people the Hamas run Health Ministry in Gaza says more than 25,000 people have.

Been killed there in Rafa prayers are said over the bodies of men who mour forers say were killed when an Israeli air strike hit their vehicle where is safety asks this mother who says she's lived through multiple air strikes as she traveled to and from different camps for displaced people.

Where is safety she asks over and over Katie all of this comes amid more concern this weekend that this conflict is expanding yeah there are a couple of significant developments to point to at least two US soldiers stationed at an air base in Iraq were hurt in an attack by an Iranian backed militia and that came hours after Iran vowed retaliation.

For the killing of five senior Iranian intelligence officials in Syria Iran is blaming Israel for that air strike in Damascus so Ian instability is expanding across the region Katie Simpson reporting from Washington there is also growing concern over Russia's war in Ukraine after an attack this weekend killed dozens in.

Russian held territory officials in the Russian held city of dunesque say Ukraine shell this Market killing at least 27 people the Ukrainian president didn't address the attack but blamed Russia for strikes across the country with keev short on soldiers and ammunition it's gradually losing ground Russia is.

Wearing Ukraine down on several fronts with another setback in the country's Northeast where Russia has been advancing slowly for months this weekend Ukraine acknowledged it lost another Village here Ukraine had captured the same Village along with Russian prisoners of War more than a year ago ke downplayed.

The loss but there is concern in Washington where AID packages for Ukraine have been held up in Congress if we walk away and Russia is able to sustain their Onslaught and bring down Ukraine what do you think is going to happen in the Balan countries the worry is the time for Ukraine is running out as attention turns to the US.

Election thousands are gathering in India's northern city of ioda ahead of the opening Monday of a temple to prominent Hindu god Ram Construction isn't even complete but prime minister Narendra Modi will host an elaborate ceremony tomorrow the contested site once held a 16th century mosque destroyed by a Hindu mob in 1992 the.

Temple was a key promise from Modi and his Hindu nationalist party and its opening is just a few months ahead of India's national election police in Winnipeg are investigating the circumstances behind a video that shows an indigenous woman being restrained in the lobby of a hotel the hotel says she was threatening people with a knife but.

As Karen Pauls explains there are angry calls for answers tonight shut them down protesters took over the lobby of the Marlboro Hotel these sisters angry and anguished I'm here because what happened at this hotel was wrong my heart it just hurt I was just I was so devastated I was like cuz.

These things happen all the time they saw this video posted on social media of an incident on Christmas day we're taking in a b now apparently the woman sobbing her hands apparently tied behind her back with zip ties she calls one of the men a pervert and tries to leave but is restrained she's no one from the Marl.

Buau would talk to us about what happened here on that day but they provided a statement saying that at about 1:00 an intoxicated female came into this lobby with a knife and started threatening people they phoned Winnipeg Police who told them to Pro protect our guests and staff which they did using RIS restraints police did come and.

Arrest the woman she was charged with assault with a weapon indigenous people stay here when they come to Winnipeg for medical appointments first nation's leaders want that to end what has happened here is inhumane what has happened here is a disgrace we'll make sure that we will follow up with health Canada who puts our people here they're.

No longer they are no longer going to disrespect our people that are put here police say it's not clear if this can be considered a citizens arrest but that wrist ties can be used to restrain people although handcuffs are preferred they've opened another investigation into the circumstances of the video Karen Pauls CBC News.

Winnipeg the head of FIFA is calling for major changes following multiple racist acts by fans nobody should get off to Da with that the potential penalties facing offenders and the team they're supporting plus customers call out labl after its latest PR blunder they don't seem to care they just you know want.

Their very high profit margins why some say we're at a Tipping Point and and I'm Feeling Good Michael blé opens up about breaking into the music industry I said but if you give me a chance I will work my ass off and the the call that confirmed he finally made it we're back in.

Two tens of thousands of people took to the streets across Germany this weekend to protest a far-right political party this comes after reports that members of the afd or alternative for Germany party met with farri extremists to discuss the deportation of millions of people the afd has denied the claims that party is currently polling second in Nationwide.

Opinion surveys the head of soccer's governing body FIFA is calling for change after a pair of disturbing incidents this weekend in Europe two black players subjected to racist abuse from fans in different cities on the same day Thomas Dagan now on the condemnation and the possible consequences two disturbing events on.

The same day are raising concerns about the ugly side of the beautiful game spotting what appeared to be racist taunts in the crowd Coventry City soccer star Casey Palmer turned to the referee to complain fans of the opposing team Sheffield Wednesday FC were caught on camera making monkey gestures the racist abuse prompting an outcry across the.

English football league and this social media post from Palmer racism is a disgrace he wrote it feels like things will never change when it's racism it oversteps I mean nobody should have to deal with that well man has left his goal but the same day in Italy's top League it happened to another black player AC Milan's Mike Mel walked off.

The pitch the game suspended after the French goalkeeper reported hearing repeated racist chance thrown in his Direction this shouldn't exist in the world of football he said but unfortunately for many years this is a recurrence last year it was real Madrid Superstar venicius Jr speaking out about racist abuse before him three black.

Players on the England team suffered harassment after missing penalty kicks at the Euro Championship now Johnny Infantino the head of soccer's Global governing body FIFA is calling for harsher penalties including an automatic forfeit for the team whose fans have committed racism I hope that what he does then is to provide the further.

Information behind what he means by forfeit Infantino has led FIFA for nearly eight years and some domestic leagues are still failing to crack down on long-standing racism says this activist I know having watched American Sports that that this sort of uh degree of problem is not something that that most North Americans can envisage now.

That anti-discrimination Advocate has a warning for cities like Toronto and Vancouver getting set to host the men's World Cup in 2026 he says that tournament is likely to bring with it racist abuse in stadiums and on the streets Ian an unsettling warning uh Thomas police are investigating at least one of the incidents you mentioned yeah.

Local police in England have confirmed they're investigating and working to identify the fans involved in the racist taunts captured uh on video in Sheffield and in cases like that the head of FIFA has said that not only should police get involved D but the perpetrators need to be banned from stadiums 2 Ian Thomas Daga in.

Toronto despite L laws reversal customers are lashing out after plans to reduce a discount to have that idea in the first place that kind of I don't know makes me kind of regret going here now the calls for more competition in Canada's grocery landscape plus a Canadian school is easing a longtime ban on nuts there wasn't great.

Lit to support the practice the reason for the change and the push back from concerned parents why reverse it but first he's a global Superstar who nearly called it quits they would go uh you know you're a talented kid but there's there's nothing here man the moment that change the course of Michael bublé's career the national.

Breaks down the stories shaping our world next ottawa's redo Canal has finally reopened to Skaters it remained closed last winter for the first time in its history because of the unseasonably warm weather so today was the Public's first chance to skate on the canal in nearly 700 days.

Oh I love being outside and it's a beautiful sunny day so I'm glad it's open and I'm glad that we can actually enjoy some winter weather even though it's freezing still only one kilometer of the nearly 8 kilometer Skateway is open officials say they'll open more sections as ice conditions become safer lots of reaction this weekend.

After grocery giant lbla suddenly reversed its plan that would have rolled back discounts on food that was about to hit its best before date Sarah Lev now with why some are still calling out the company that's well I think it's kind of shady even after lbl backtracked Shoppers are still frustrated at least they reverse it I mean but to have that.

Idea in the first place that kind of I don't know makes me kind of regret going here now you know lbla plans on cutting its discount on food that's about to expire from 50 to 30% saying the shift would have been consistent with the other major grocers in a statement the company said we've listened to the feedback from our.

Customers and colleagues that feedback was outraged from across the country prompting lbla to reverse its decision and to keep the discount at 50% they don't seem to care they just you know want their very high profit margins and you know it's kind of like a middle finger to people we have to live with it and we have no control.

Over it over it nobody's helping us the Canadian grocery Giants have been under increased scrutiny their CEOs called to Ottawa to come up with a plan to stabilize food prices Canadians see lbla as the poster child for like most wanted this retail analyst says many shoers feel there isn't much they can do to counter High grocery prices you take the.

Big three Metro la blah and Empire you add in Walmart and Costco and you got maybe 70% of the market that's a very concentrated Market okay where the players have a lot of power and Canadians are mad this latest reversal from lblock could be a Tipping Point I think it's important to actually make grossers accountable as much as possible.

And right now they're they get away with a lot in this case it was the public holding lbla accountable the company says the reduced discount hadn't yet been implemented in Atlantic Canada and the rest of the country should see 50% stickers back in their stores in a few weeks CRA Levitz CBC News Montreal now let's break down the the.

News shaping our world a school is lifting the ban on nuts in kids lunches there wasn't great literature to support the practice though not everyone's on board why reverse it but first and I'm Feeling Good Michael bublé's meteoric career had a rocky start and it finally.

Got to a point where it was it was just over but one man helped set him on a path that changed changed everything I have done this I sat down with a Canadian Superstar at his home in the Vancouver suburb of bernabe to discuss his incredible success and the people who.

Inspired him for people who don't know your music Don't Know Your Story how does a kid in bernabe in the 90s Embrace Sinatra well partly because I had a grandfather who I was really close to who just loved music loved that music you know this was his it's funny you know a plumber never.

Had a never sang in his life but just had a deep reverence for Dean Martin Bobby Darren elitz Gerald the M the inkpots The Mills Brothers and then you mix that with a kid who loved it I genuinely thought it was the greatest I didn't understand how other kids my age weren't how could they not love it too and then add the fact that I felt.

Like it made me unique and I think all of us want to be unique all of us want to be special all of us all of us want to have that different thing that different hair do you know stylistically listen to a different music or like that movie that no one else likes because that that's us that's why you know I'm different from you and that's what makes.

Me unique and uh so I think a big part of that was like wow this really imprinted on me and I I listened achd studied lived I fantasized about it I would manifest it and I still to this day manifest things I I have a really rich imagination and I would sit whether it was working on my dad's fishing boat.

Or in my car in my Pontiac l6000 you know with my cassette that grandpa had made I would constantly just visualize and try to make this happen I've interviewed a lot of people and and a number of them will talk about the impact their parents had MH you're the only person I've ever spoken to who speaks about their.

Grandfather in the way you do yeah I mean that that sounds like it was an incredible relationship you know what sometimes sometimes God puts people on the planet that are just sympatico they're just that was my soulmate and it's interesting cuz now I that soulmate was reborn and my kids you know but uh I was 17 when I started working my grandpa.

Started getting me gigs you know grandpa said you know he's a plumber I'll do free Plumbing if you let my grandson get up in the bar with you there was going to Dave Korn's house who was a trumpet player and Grandpa fixing his uh his uh I believe it was his garburator and uh Dave taking me to the Hotel Vancouver for a corporate event and uh I think I.

Got 20 bucks and uh but it was not about getting there was no money it was just you know my grandpa Tak me auditions um and of course man uh it's exhilarating though to live on potential potential is a really beautiful feeling you know it it's one thing though to to Manifest this life as a singer of Standards it's another thing to actually turn that into.

Success you know I read that things were so bad for you Michael at one point yes you are considering becoming a journalist so Terri can you imagine how low you have to go to want to be a journalist for me you know what I mean oh I know what you mean you know what though truthfully I have I'm not saying this because you're.

Sitting here okay I have a ton of reverence for journalism and for people that have this impossible hunger to tell the truth and actually truly are interested in human beings and wanting to tell that story and so I I like people and I I love this business and I was like man you know what if I'm not the one they're doing the story on.

Then you know what maybe I can be the one who tells the story so yeah I thought of going back cuz I just couldn't just wasn't going to happen for me it wasn't I was 20 25 living in Toronto working at uh doing Healey Jeff Healey had a place but by the by the time I would finish on a Monday or Thursday night and i' get paid I I.

Wanted the best player so I had no money left and uh and I wanted to have a couple beers so I'd have even less money left and it finally got to a point where it was it was just over I had met with every agent every manager every any record company that would I never got in the door but at least you know I'd get a meeting at a.

Bar and they I was like did they did they talk to each other cuz they would all say the same thing they would go uh you know you're a talented kid but but there's there's nothing here man there's no way for this to ever work and you know and so uh when I finally got that meeting and David finally took me in to talk to Tom Wally the president of.

Warner in the US I realized that there was maybe if you want to talk about one moment and it's not a moment that made me but it's a moment where I landed on a aore and literally I would live or die I was going to break through to the beach at Normandy or I wasn't and if not it would have been over and.

Uh the president was sitting like this I sat down and he said uh hi why should we sign you we have Sinatra on repri and I said with all due respect Mr Wall-E he's gone he's dead I said but if you give me a chance I will I will work my ass off and I will I will try to take over I will try to keep this music alive and you know stand on.

The shoulders of my heroes and make you proud you know and three or four days later they called and said you know you're you are with Warner and that uh that changed my life forever and I'm feeling good thank you can feeling there she.

Is so however you measure it number one albums uh singles that have been played around the world the concert dates you have you are a huge success now so I was trying to think like like I don't think you mentioned sexiest man live with People magazine but that's were you the Sexiest Man Alive With People magazine the sexiest man alive but I was in the.

Magazine a it may have been an ad I paid for I don't know yes you're right I next time I'll lead you back I just think it's important not to get to go gloss over that but what's it like to have Paul McCartney call you sir Paul like how is that like oh my are you kidding me this is well it's cool now because you know what it went like this hey Sir.

Paul it's Michael bé hey man uh I know that uh you were talking about me doing one of your tunes and it's a great song but I think that for me to really do this in in a way that that it's deserving I think it would be amazing if you produced and then he said uh oh you know what yeah that sounds great I'd love to.

And then then this is and this is the truth MH and then he said hello hello and I said hi and he said Oh I thought I lost you I said no I just I said I said no I just I just might have pooped my pants I said and but and the truth is I was in my car pulled over in Los Angeles and in that.

Time that he had said yes I had done this literally like that and then when he came in I was so cool hey Sir Paul how are you but I mean I still have moments like that every day this will I am so Burnaby you can take the boy out of bernabe but don't ever think you can take the Burnaby out of the boy um dude I did that when I met you.

Today of course you did yes of course you did Ian here I can't believe it yes I I sense that for sure um speaking of Paul McCartney The Beatles obviously had this new single with the help of oh artificial intelligence does that scare you not their project but Ai and music I think it's uh I think it's the wild west I.

Think we're going to have to figure it out um I think if we can get around the legality uh of of this new technology and make sure that artists and creators are rewarded and compensated for for their for their work or their intellectual property then then I'm okay with that I just think that we have to get started I think as artists we have.

To join together and uh start to take a stand against things we feel strongly about and that's going to be hard and uh but it's interviews like this too where I know I have an opportunity to look out there and say Taylor Swift this is your job lead us Taylor I am part of your army I am your Swifty and Michael bé is Right telling you right now you call.

Sharon and Sharon calls Drake or something I will be there with you guys but we need to start doing something because this it's crazy um how often are you on the road uh uh I've said this before I'll say it again I am literally the uh the most financially irresponsible.

Touring act probably on the planet because you don't do it enough it's not enough I just uh I just won't leave my kids if they can't come with me then I'm doing 3 weeks on and two weeks off and three weeks on and two weeks off I understand that if I'm not happy in my real life and my home life if I don't think I'm a good father or if I can't.

Make out with my wife enough uh then I'm going to be terrible out there I'll be miserable I can't fake it um and I need them I need them they sustain me and uh I happen to fall in love with my hero there's this woman who loves me who who keeps me grounded um who makes me laugh she's just my she's my my everything for a kid out there watching yeah who is 14.

Or 15 years old and weirdly loves music from a completely different era and is unique but maybe a little weird yeah and not sure of themselves what do you say to him or her oh own it be so weird it's so beautiful to be so weird own it you know know that you're special and unique and go and download and steal and borrow and find yourself through all your.

Heroes and then gently stand on their shoulders and continue their legacy it doesn't matter if you're playing for one person or one million people you know it doesn't just know that the relationship that you have with that music will never disappoint you your partner might break up with you you might get fired from work you may fail this the math test you.

Know but you will never ever find disloyalty in that deep romantic relationship you have with music and the songs it'll it'll stay with you your whole life your whole life there is a lot more of that interview including how he came up with his biggest hits and his love of hockey you can probably guess what NHL team he adors the full.

Interview is available on the Nationals YouTube page right now and that love of of hockey will be on full display next month bé will be one of the celebrity captains at the NHL All-Star Game in Toronto and he's going up against some prominent Canadians Justin Bieber Tate McCrae will Arnette lots of star power on and off the.

Ice a white horse school is moving away from Banning nuts and some parents are worried others will follow suit a parent of a child who can die from ingesting something I never have a sense of security the reason behind the shift and the response to those.

Concerns an elementary school is now allowing Foods once thought to be dangerous we basically all agreed that nuts and peanuts were uh nutritious but lifting the ban on nuts is making some parents uneasy as a parent of a child who can die from ingesting something I never have a sense of security ever never so why are some schools making the.

Change Dean suak Johnson explains there's Canadian research behind it at this White Horse Elementary School's cafeteria happy sounds of kids reconnecting after the holidays and a few sites you wouldn't have seen in Canadian schools in years nuts and peanuts are now allowed for students in.

Grade three and up the initiative says the principal came from the parent the school invited them for a big meeting we basically all agreed that nuts and peanuts were nutritious and they were part of a healthy eating abits so parents were very aware of the research and they were also very aware of the risks like the pros and cons of.

Allowing the school does have other measures in place youngest grades still have food restrictions and the office is stocked with epipens for years Banning things like nuts and peanut butter from Canadian schools was considered the gold standard in preventing severe allergic reactions in students but a major 2021 study led by Canadian researchers found.

That there just isn't enough good evidence that bands even work I don't know if they have what Dr Susan waserman was the lead researcher on that study what we found is that there wasn't great literature to support the practice but the study came with major caveats if you are going to eliminate food restriction is just one of the things that may work.

That everything else has to be in place meaning that the staff and whoever looks after children do have to be aware of who the food allergic children are epinephrine Auto injectors need to be on site and preferably carried by the students plus of course rigorous handwashing and cleaning of surfaces but those best practices may not be possible.

In all schools the first module is all about food allergy food allergy Canada is an organization dedicated to helping Canadians who live with food allergies a group that includes at least 600,000 school children we have to balance you know the what the desire to send in nutritious lunches without any restrictions to the safety of these.

Children this expert says schools are advised to have many policies in place not just band but that those recommendations have to contend with reality some schools are so strapped for staff that older kids supervise younger kids lunches when it comes to removing restrictions or removing bands I think that a a lot of schools will be very.

Hesitant to consider that because you know it does have a lot of implications Simon now nine almost died when he was 18 months old his throat started closing after he had a single cashew it completely changed kind of the trajectory I thought I was on as a parent sending Simon to.

School leaves his parents racked with anxiet something they say would be even worse if more schools were to scrap food banss why reverse it like what if the argument is that it it is giving people a false sense of security I want to assure everybody that as a parent of a child who can die from ingesting something I.

Never have a sense of security ever never dean How likely is it that more schools will will scrap the bands well Ian Dr werman believes that change won't happen anytime soon soon but she sees a move in this direction generally speaking and Canada is certainly not the only country dealing with this issue Australia also has some new research.

That suggests Bans are not as effective as once thought and the UK does not have blanket bands in place but use lots of other measures to keep kids safer allergy UK points to that false sense of security from restrictions we mentioned and say that banss don't prepare children for environments where Nots may be present instead they advocate for.

Education and awareness such an interesting issue thanks Deana thank you so much Ian coming up a Canadian's Twist on the classic snow shovel don't have to lift anymore so you just put it aside then yeah how is designed to save your back next in Our.

Moment you're looking at the snow shovel for seniors he is a prototype designed by a retired custodian and it's aimed at saving your back Paul robol built it almost entirely out of salvaged parts and tonight his creative solution to an age-old problem is Our Moment this is one of my invention in this call is call it this.

Snow shovel for seniors instead of uh lifting the shovel if you the Orin shovel you have to just uh bend the shovel and just dump the snow so since I'm already uh getting old so I developed this one to save my back so you just put it aside then yeah I'm inventor back in the Philippines I developed I was the first to patented uh.

The folding bicycle uh back in 1982 because back home when I was a kid I don't have the luxury of buying K so i' make my own uh toys you can always improve anything because necessity is the mother of invention instead of uh lifting the shovel you don't have to bend and you turn it like in the side.

And you can dump the snow there it's not simple but helps my back so first of all I love tinkerers or you know people who and and you probably know one who who have little inventions to kind of deal with household problems the other thing is that's the Nationals moment it is just crying out for the Dragon's Den moment thank you for being.

With us you can watch anytime anywhere on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm mean Hannah man sing in Vancouver see you Friday

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