CBC News: The Nationwide | Fortress McMurray wildfire


CBC News: The Nationwide | Fortress McMurray wildfire

Tonight running from a wildfire thousands in Fort McMurray forced to relive a nightmare when I see the clouds I cried a lot I'm traumatized from the last fire flames are once again bearing down a their Community we're with the vacue and those preparing to leave at any moment we are also the only Canadian.

Journalists on the ground in Haiti a country still gripped by violence here in Capen they're taking steps to make sure the gangs don't get into this city and grocery shopping at the dollar store looks a lot different in the US it cost about $50 Canadian I would say I have about 4 days worth of food here fresh food that is cheap why isn't it.

Happening here from CBC News this is the national with Chief correspondent Adrien Arseno thanks for joining us the Flames are still dangerously close to Fort McMurray Alberta but officials say there is Reason for Hope tonight the weather appears to be helping at least for now fire crews are spraying trees lining.

Evacuated neighborhoods with fire retardant nearby tree trunks charred by the devastating fire back in 2016 they stand as Testament to the threat so the fire driving the fear is just 5 kilm west of Fort McMurray several neighborhoods are already already under evacuation order the rest of the community under evacuation alert but for.

Much of the day the wind has been coming out of the North hopefully blowing the fire away from Fort Mack Julia Wong is south of Fort McMurray in labish where evacuees are gathered so Julia you you've spoken with many of them yeah I have and I'm hearing a range of emotions you know for many of them the 2016 Wildfire is still very fresh on.

Their minds and some are not taking any chances thousands packed highways to get out of Fort McMurray as Wildfire got dangerously close you want some water it was like deja vu for Melanie panita she was forced to run from the Flames that destroyed her home and so many others in Fort McMurray in 2016 now she's had to.

Do it for a second time I'm traumatized from the last fire but this time you smell it and then you see the clouds you know the fire is coming to your house so you're going to again you're going to feel the same even some not under the evacuation order say they could not bear to stay stress a lot of stress it was contained but you you could feel still.

Feel it there my son was projecting a lot of that stress as well looking in a rear view mirror and seeing that black and red was it was I know I made the right decision to leave just for own mental well-being as of Wednesday afternoon the fire was mere kilomet from the community standing between them 117 firefighters.

Backed by 21 helicopters but there's cautious optimism winds are expected to push the fire away from Fort McMurray these are really favorable winds for us we're seeing uh lower winds and uh firefighters of course winds can change but that's what's being anticipated for today back in 2016 the Wildfire caught many off guard when it suddenly jumped a.

Highway and a river burning trees like candles this fire is burning in the same area as 2016 but with the forest still growing back this time it's fueled by dried grass it's unlikely that a fire will reburn a recently burned areas for about 10 to 20 years unless things are extreme and with the extreme drought we've been seeing that's the reason it's.

Spreading not everyone is scrambling to leave this woman is not under the evacuation order but is packed and ready to go and she isn't going to worry unless she has do there's a lot of panic there's a lot of spreading and um I just protecting myself and I'm still at work so I need to concentrate on my work and for the people there where you are it.

Seems like they're going to have to wait it out a little bit longer yeah a little bit you know local officials don't want to make any promises and they say they don't want to let people back in until it's safe to do so so those who have been evacuated have been told to prepare to stay away until next Tuesday at the earliest but really A a lot depends on.

The weather of course Julia Wong and La laish Alberta thank you all right next let's bring in Sam Samson who is right in Fort McMurray tonight so Sam a portion of the city has been evacuated what's the situation for those who are still there on alert well it's kind of a mixed bag of uh the community happening here right now so uh.

One portion of Fort McMurray those who stayed during the evacuation alert they are anxious they've got their GO bags ready they have dried Goods souvenirs all the things that they want to take with them should they be forced to leave at a moment's notice that anxiety many people are telling me uh is coming from 8 years ago when that massive fire.

Ripped through here and forced the entire Community to flee all at once it's triggering a lot of traumatic memories now the other group uh that I'm speaking with here in Fort McMurray the other group of people are really calm about this situation one woman really said she's trying not to waste her energy uh until she absolutely has to on.

Feeling these really intense feelings she said she's not going anywhere uh in her home until someone knocks on her door and orders her to go the group of people that have been forced from their homes uh this is a barricade into one of those neighborhoods there are four neighborhoods in Fort McMurray if you can prove that you live in one of those.

Neighborhoods the RCMP will let you through but only for a brief matter of time to gather the things that you may have forgotten during uh that frantic period when you're trying to uh gather all of your items right before you uh leave your home so there's quite a few emotions and a lot of anxiety in the air here at Fort McMurray I bet all right.

Sam Samson in Fort McMurray thanks Sam in BC firefighters are throwing everything they've got at a fire right on the edge of the town of Fort Nelson the mayor tonight says he is hopeful with the weather the way it is and if it holds then they've they've pretty much crowed this thing and uh they're going to kill this beast but he went on to.

Highlight fears about a second fire that's about 25 km away out of control and growing pretty fast in Manitoba the fire that raced towards cranberry Portage has weekend is still being held at Bay just a kilometer from the community well tonight CBC News can take you inside Haiti a country in crisis gripped by violence that's displaced.

Thousands and left thousands more dead gangs have taken full control of the capital but the misery extends well beyond PTO press Capen is one of the safer cities in Haiti but it too is grappling with extreme poverty hunger and frustration so that is where Paul Hunter is tonight Paul you and the team are the.

Only Canadian journalists in Haiti right now your insights are really valuable what are you seeing hey Adrian yeah the worst of Haiti is in the capital right now but the effects of the gang violence are being felt throughout the country not least here in capan in central cap Hassen another spot.

Check on so many street corners throughout the city police are on the lookout for gang members infiltrating from haes destitute and gang ridden Capital Porter Prince indeed Security in this city is on Full display because the fear is that the violence in Haiti's Capital will spread to the South the gunfire in PTO.

Prance is near constant Haiti's capital is one of the most violent and deadly places on Earth paramilitary gangs now control almost all of the city including roads in and out for Haitians who haven't fled their capital in fear famine now looms there is no functioning government in this country back in Capen the effects of the.

Gangs in the capital are felt everywhere with poverty and hopelessness at times overwhelming here frustration at Haiti's worsening spiral has turned to anger life in this country we're told is unbearable we need Freedom we need job we need hospital we need education we need to live like a human beings we need to live like people we are not living we.

Live like a unimal Haitians now await the arrival of foreign forces led by Kenya aimed at helping hades's police in the capital who are simply outgun the help is welcomed by most but some Haitians worry the incoming foreign forces some of them trained by the Canadian military will act as occupiers imposing their way on.

This country I want the world to let Haitians find the way to help Haiti this man told us others underline the needs in Haiti go well past simply the capital I just hope we're told by pieros mayor of Capen that the international plan to help Haiti focuses on more than just PTO Prince we also need help she.

Says and so they wait but desperation grows daily and Paul I gather you're heading south soon to the capital but but as you mentioned the roads in and out are are controlled by gangs yeah so we expect to helicopter in Adrien and land in the capital but just outside the worst parts of that City but then we'll go in uh with security of.

Course the reason for going in is to speak with Haitians caught in the middle of all this and to hear from them directly their thoughts on the situation their thoughts on the foreign forces coming in and their thoughts quite frankly on whether there's still reason to have hope for this country Adrien okay please look out for each other Paul.

Hunter in kapasan Haiti Slovakia's prime minister is in hospital tonight after being shot multiple times in what his office is calling an assassination attempt so the shooting happened while Robert fito was speaking to a crowd in the town of handlova he was airlifted to hospital in life-threatening condition but is now.

Stable after an emergency surgery a 71-year-old suspect was arrested at the scene the shooting is being described by the government as politically motivated next door in Ukraine the president there is canceling all upcoming foreign trips to focus on the immediate War this as Russia pushes into the Northeast ke region as Kitty Simpson tells us new.

Military aid from the US is trickling in but the concern is it's too late in the heart of this residential harv neighborhood there is panic and pain as some 20 Ukrainian civilians are hurt in yet another Russian air strike the recent attacks seem Relentless triggering dangerous evacuations in some parts of the.

City all while Ukrainian soldiers have been unable to hold off advancing Russian ground troops along the northeastern front it is in this difficult moment that the US Secretary of State is wrapping up his reassurance mission to Ukraine highlighting the $61 billion weapons and Aid package American.

Lawmakers finally approved after months of contentious debate and delays we're rushing ammunition armored vehicles missiles air defenses rushing them to get to the front lines some now blame those delays at least partly for Ukraine's recent setbacks the United States Aid is crucial and the pause of arms had a.

Significant impact says this Ukrainian lawmaker the front line is moving faster than we would like he says it is a direct consequence of deliveries being on hold Ukraine really cannot wait for these us Munitions to uh arrive the $61 billion dollar in Aid um they are in a real uh hurt box right now Ukraine's struggles are being celebrated in Moscow.

Where President Vladimir Putin held a meeting with his military leaders the work is proceeding according to the plan Putin said vowing to supply his troops with all of the weapons they may need Russia's advances are so concerning that Ukraine's president has cancelled all of his travel to focus on Frontline fighting the White House says.

It's working on an additional weapons pack package Katie Simpson CBC News Washington thousands marched in the occupied West Bank marking the NAA the mass displacement of Palestinians during the creation of Israel in 1948 Chris Brown spoke with Palestinians today who tell him they think the ongoing conflict in Gaza mirrors the suffering all those.

Years ago in the occupied West Bank City of rala a siren wailed and people wore the color colors of Palestinian nationalism for most Palestinians the nakba or catastrophe in Arabic is the defining event of their history when in earlier generation roughly 700,000.

People fled or were expelled around the time the state of Israel was created it affects me because after 75 years H this is still happening and it's gotten so much worse it's sickening for many here there are powerful Echoes with the events of 76 years ago mass displacements in Gaza and Palestinian communities fighting for their existence.

Mustafa is 80 years old a child when his family fled from their Village close to where beneran airport was eventually built he tear up talking about his family's loss but he says it does not compare to what Gaza is enduring now the Israelis didn't kill like the way they're killing now he says what's happening in Gaza is unprecedent.

Children are in pieces in Gaza the UN says 450,000 have fled Israel's offensive in Rafa the southern city many have been told to move to for safety the 48 knba was easier than today's nakba said ammed musle today's nakba is General misery for everyone the UN says more than 35,000 Palestinians.

Have been killed in Gaza since Hamas attacked Israel on October the 7th killing 1,200 Israel then retaliated leaving Gaza in Ruins we were bombed and then we came here and 22 were martyred I buried them all one by one said Abdul nasar abdulbari.

This is the destruction of what we spent our entire lives building the fighting appears to be worsening with Israel claiming it's killed dozens of militant fighters in the last 24 hours in Gaza health of officials saying 82 more Palestinians are dead Chris Brown CBC News romala the Ontario man who calls himself.

The crypto King has now been arrested and is facing several charges Aiden platki is accused of running a $40 million Ponzi scheme spending investors money on lavish travel and luxury cars the 25-year-old is now charged with fraud over $5,000 and laundering the proceeds of crime we are expecting more details from police.

Tomorrow in saskat the town of ainoya is coming to grips with disturbing new allegations involving a man already charged with sex crimes against children as we first reported last night police now say there are at least 29 more victims Jason War takes us inside the community I just feel sick in the stomach you know just sad Fern Bouvier.

Says he is in shock after a man whose home was a license daycare was charged in the alleged abuse more than 30 children between the ages of 18 months and 17 years old it is surprise you know just a regular town like most towns are back in November Richard Dyke was charged with sexual offenses against three children now Saskatchewan RCMP say.

They've laid a total of 73 charges involving 32 alleged victims over nearly two decades they include sexual assault sexual interference making child pornography and voyerism according to court documents and residents his wife operated the daycare in their home while she is not facing charges some of the incidents are alleged to have occurred.

In that house as well as other towns across Saskatchewan one mom says she lived on the same block as Dyke she says she's now hesitant to trust anyone with her kids I'm terrified like as a mom of two I don't think I would send my kid to a day home Ever After hearing this another mom says she hopes someone is helping all of the those alleged victims.

In a small town we feel like we're a tight-knit community and everybody knows everybody it's almost like nowhere's safe what are we supposed to do for our children to protect our children as for investigators they say the volume and scope of the allegations make this case unique and they have not ruled out the potential for more charges and here's.

One final number 1.5 million that's the number of pieces of Digital Data analyzed by RCMP since his initial arrest back in November as for Richard Dyke he remains in custody his next court appearance is in early June Jason War CBC News a Cino Brazil and Afghanistan are facing flooding so severe it's become.

Deadly they've lost their houses they know that the future looks very very Bleak scientists explain what's behind the destructive weather a new study says more women in the O could be good for your care hiring and retaining more female Ians is not only about doing the right thing but it's really doing the smart.

Thing and the poodle that became Top Dog anybody involved in dog shows would know Sage if they didn't before yesterday they do now we're back in two a bridge in galston Texas was closed to traffic after this barge lost control and slammed into a support pillar there no reports of injuries although one man on the barge was knocked into the water.

But to make matters worse the barge is now leaking oil well devastating floods have submerged parts of Afghanistan killing hundreds and destroying homes and businesses that as Brazil is in the midst of another climate emergency Susan oron now with the severe toll of these powerful weather.

Events slash floods triggered by torrential rain swapped Villages and in hours tore through Farmland this man watched in horror from his roof mud suffocated crops and filled homes the worst flooding in Afghanistan.

In more than three decades they're now burying loved ones over 300 died Muhammad lost 13 family members and all his livestock they've lost their house but what they're most concerned about is having lost their livelihoods because they know that the future looks very.

Very Bleak the world food program and the International Rescue committee are rushing in emergency supplies Afghanistan had been bracing for another summer of crippling drought the severe flooding came without warning this season which is like very less likely for having this kind of friends and and Flash FL.

It is like a big alert and the International Community should consider this and we should act as soon as possible across the world flooding is also battering Southern Brazil the capital of Rio Grande dul is still submerged after Rivers burst their Banks over a half million people are out of their.

Homes I've never cried in my life says this man whose house was submerged this time I cried climate scientists say a much warmer South Atlantic Ocean coupled with water Vaper in Amazonia Unleashed torren in the South another climate emergency last year in 2023 we had the strongest drought in Amazonia over the last 120.

Years this shows how unprepared developing countries are to deal with this kind of climate extremes as Brazilian authorities warn more rain is on its way Susan ormiston CBC News Toronto the US Presidential campaigns of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden have now agreed to two televised debates and the trash talk has already started we'll.

Make my day pal I'll even do it twice so let's pick the dates Donald I hear you're free on Wednesdays that last bit is a reference to Trump's current criminal trial which is an in session on Wednesdays the actual dates of those debates are set for June 27th and September the 10th that is after the jury is expected to deliver a verdict.

Until that verdict Trump will be back in a Manhattan courtroom and our reporters will be on the case and here is the winning ticket that guarantees a seat in the courthouse no phones permitted in the courtroom only laptops there's been a lot of Blockbuster testimony from Star Witnesses our correspondents are here to make sense of it all next.

$8 for five slices of turkey and for Canadians feeling the pinch at the grocery store could dollar stores be the answer we have uh our local potatoes like I mean as you can see we uh can't keep it full the national breaks down the story shaping our world next new Canadian research suggests.

Having more female surger and anesthesiologists could lead to better outcomes for patients with fewer complications and fewer deaths TSH Reed takes us through the findings Dr Jana dangler has seen the benefits of working in a diverse team in the O it helps with generating new ideas it helps with um.

Innovation um and in this case in the operating room I think it helps with communication and care of the patient a new study backs that up Canadian researchers looked at more than 700,000 patients at Ontario hospitals who underwent major elective surgeries they estimate at hospitals with more than 35% female anesthesiologists and.

Surgeons there was a 3% reduction in the odds of serious health complications including death within 3 months of surgery 3% is uh pretty significant when you want to avoid having major complications and the struggles that come with that after surgery so I think any Improvement there is important researchers accounted for a broad.

Spectrum of variables from age to Patient volumes of all the operations analyzed in the study nearly 7% were performed by female surgeons and 27% involved female anesthesiologists hiring and retaining more female clinicians is not only about doing the right thing but it's really doing the smart thing it's not only.

About equity and Justice it's really about increasing performance and providing better care anesthesiologist Dr suu Sharda says the research is important and raises even more questions why do we have under representation of women in the O once we get them into the O why are they leaving and adds there could be other factors at play what we.

Also need to be thinking about is the power dynamics that are in that team and in that room and so gender plays into that race plays into that the particular culture of that organization plays into that researchers say a better balance of men and women in operating rooms could ultimately lead to better outcomes for patients Desa Reed CBC News.

Toronto now it's time to dig deeper into the stories shaping our world a Canadian dollar store aims to offer what US Shoppers already get more food choices at better prices meat chicken burgers okay but first there are no cameras inside Donald Trump's criminal trial in New York so if you want to watch it.

Unfold you need to get in line or you need a specific pass and here is the winning ticket that guarantees a seat in the courthouse the cbc's got one this week as part of the Foreign Press pool and once we enter this building it's cell phones off no phones permitted in the courtroom only laptops the reporters the cameras who are covering this case.

Uh they've been set up here since day one this is where we have to be you can't go any closer to the courthouse if trying to keep track of Donald Trump's legal battles has you maybe rolling your eyes we're here for you we're going to break down the so-called hush money trial with two people who have been there from the very start so CBC.

Correspondent Chris Rees and Alex Panetta are joining us now from Manhattan Chris you know this isn't the only legal case against Trump so why all the attention on this one yeah so Trump is embroiled in four criminal cases in total and this one is is getting a lot of attention because it's the first to go to trial and maybe the only one to.

Conclude before the election there's also jail time on the line and Trump being who he is being a former president gives this that instant massive Spotlight okay so what's the case about well it's often described as hush money payments to adult film star Stormy Daniels and others made right before the 2016 presidential election and then.

Unlawfully marked as legal fees now to get more technical the actual legal charges are 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up a crime that crime being fraud for the purpose of hiding the hush money payments from voters which in New York state breaks election laws so that's what makes these charges a Class E felony now all that.

Said Adrien if any other person were facing these charges we would likely never hear about it and that's because of all the criminal charges Class E is the least serious so criminal charges are categorized as a b CDE E Class A being the most serious so first-degree murder for example judges are typically more lenient on sentencing for Class E.

Felonies unless you're a repeat offender which we know Trump is not so it's a very real possibility that even with a guilty verdict Donald Trump's Donald Trump walks out of that courtroom at the end of this trial okay so we're now three weeks into this trial and Alex I really want to ask you what do you think's been the most standout moment up.

Until now yeah I'd like to go back for a minute to the testimony of David Becker okay hold up for just one second Alex I just want to remind people of who we're talking about here so this is David pecker um he was the publisher of the national Inquirer right exactly and and and Chris is exactly right falsification of business records is only a felony if.

It's covering up another crime and the alleged crime in this case is election Finance fraud David pecker ties this to the election he testified that in August of 2015 he met at Trump Tower with Donald Trump and with Michael Cohen to explain that he would be the eyes and ears of the campaign to offer to help the campaign by buying and burying.

Stories that were unflattering to Donald Trump and he did so in a couple of cases and alerted to the the campaign to the Stormy Daniels story as well so it connects Trump and Cohen and everyone involved in this story to David Becker who connects it all to the election okay firstly I I love that you're in a busy New York Hotel it it's loud it could.

Only be loud for New York but Chris uh whose testimony stood out for you and and maybe before you start answering I'm going to guess uh that we're talking about Stephanie Clifford otherwise known as stormmy Daniels correct I mean stormmy Daniels was memorable yes legally significant no I mean she said as much on the stand that she doesn't.

Know anything about Trump's business records and remember Trump isn't being tried for having sexual affairs with women in this case but here's why her appearance stood out it was dramatic emotional and at times even uncomfortably comical even awkward given the subject matter this alleged sexual encounter between her and Trump back in.

2007 and Adrian she went into salacious details what Trump wore how it happened how long it took and then it got volatile because of that there were two calls for a mistrial from Trump's lawyers because they felt Daniels said too much about about sex when that's not what the case is about they argued and then finally just her appearance in that.

Courtroom really solidified just how strange and Uncharted of a moment this is in American history imagine a porn star a president a judge and a jury I mean that was the scene for those two days of her testimony it was hard to look away even if you wanted to yeah I bet uh while we're talking about star Witnesses I mean we're really missing.

One right we have to we have to talk about this man this is my Cohen we've already mentioned his name a few times he was Trump's former lawyer for many years really a a critical voice in this that's right he's a big part of the prosecution's case why is he the start witness you I keep thinking about those Jenga blocks and how you have that one.

Block that holds the whole thing together and if you pull it out the whole thing comes crashing down Michael Cohen is kind of that block for the entire prosecution's case he's the only witness who can claim he has direct knowledge of Donald Trump allegedly falsifying these business records he's the only witness who's present in every.

Part of the story that leads up to the alleged crimes so the prosecution needs to make sure Michael Cohen's testimony holds up that that block stays in place that the jury believes him and for the defense you can believe uh they'll put all their effort in trying to dislodge that block meaning attack Cohen's credibility even bring up the fact that.

This is a guy who's already gone to jail for making these hush money payments and Cohen's pass really produced some of the most colorful moments of this trial I mean it was actually quite stayed in there in the the uh two days I've been in the actual courtroom so far but when the cross-examination started when Cohen started getting grilled about things he.

Has said and done in the past the times he said that he wants to see Donald Trump locked up like an animal to go to jail they really were trying to trip away at his credibility and you could hear jurors stifle laughs when they heard some of the very colorful things uh that Cohen uh said in the past some of the things I can't repeat on TV.

Because they're too vulgar uh and you actually hear some of the Republicans in the room you know making a political pilgrimage there to support Donald Trump potential cabinet members in a future Trump Administration uh who are coming there to show their support well they started laughing too and they appeared to be quite pleased with the uh the.

Cross-examination after what had been a pretty somber and sober um uh opening to the co and testimony so hey Alex you talked about Republicans in the courtroom everything's political here right so let's look at some polling data here's a question would you vote for Republican candidate Donald Trump or Democratic candidate Joe Biden if Donald.

Trump was found not guilty 46% guilty without prison 39% guilty and prison 37% what do you make of those figures Alex I mean that's huge I mean a drop of 7% 9% in a presidential election is is makes all the difference in the results of the race I will add a big caveat to that in a moment but I just want to say that people are looking closely at this trial.

As potentially the only thing VIs ible on the horizon that could actually change the trajectory of this race right now because if you're being honest um Donald Trump has got to be considered the front runner at this point or certainly is by most people uh if this were any other election involving any other candidate uh than Donald Trump.

You'd be looking at some of the numbers and some of the Swing States and saying he's favored to win at this point and not a decline in gas prices has helped Joe Biden uh um uh inflation softening hasn't helped Joe Biden so people are looking at this trial and saying well maybe this might might help Joe Biden that said I would add a big heap of salt.

Uh when looking at those numbers because one other thing you might notice from that chart that you just showed is that Joe Biden's numbers don't go up so these voters say well maybe I won't vote for Trump if he's convicted of something but they're not shifting to Biden which tells me that there is a likelihood that they're telling pollsters one thing in.

May of 2024 about a hypothetical scenario and it's not entirely clear it will be something that holds up until November all right Alex Panetta Chris Reyes thank you according to officials in Hamas ran Gaza Israeli forces have killed tens of thousands of Palestinians but how do we know how many of the Dead are women and children Ellen Morrow has.

Been looking into it here's a sense of the story she's working on tens of thousands have been killed in Gaza but the UN recently sparked confusion over the breakdown of those fatalities these numbers were posted on May 6th on May 8th another post the number of women and children killed appeared lower by nearly half what's.

Changed is the Ministry of Health and Gaza has updated the breakdown of fatalities for whom full details have been documented Israeli officials have slammed the UN and the data coming from the Hamas run Gaza Health Ministry but experts say it's always been accurate in the past and there's no reason to think that in this case it would not be so.

What's happening with the numbers and just how difficult is it to count the dead in Gaza the pace and the scale of the killing is so great that it's impossible to keep up with it in in real time you can look for the full story on the breakdown in the coming days we are also looking to the US for solutions to the high cost of food I.

Just got a ton of groceries at the Dollar Tree it cost about $50 Canadian dollar store dinners why it's a struggle to find the same here next cash strap Canadians are hungry for what US dollar stores offer name brand products excellent frozen vegetables now.

One Canadian chain aims to fill that demand the big stick balone uh absolutely in a new F land store we can't keep them they're even trying to bring in fresh produce so are dollar stores the answer to high prices at those big grocery stores Ana wowski breaks it down for us if you live in Toronto you need to.

Run to laas and get this right away you're going to get nothing zero you're going to buy nothing at L Blas because it's too expensive Canadians are fed up your total is $250 okay $8 for five slices of turkey are cheap groceries even possible we're actually making this breakfast with an omelette y yogurt.

Waffles even a smoothie with items bought at an American dollar store where there are more lowcost food options available because typically you can't find food like this at a Canadian dollar store but could that change we're in Buffalo New York because believe it or not a ton of grocery items fresh and frozen and cheap are available.

At Dollar Stores across the US let's make some Dollar Tree gumbo social media is buzzing with recipes made entirely with food bought at Dollar stores you can make this three cor State night dinner for just $15 prices start at $125 cheese bottles of milk frozen fruit with some like frozen pizza and meats maxing out at.

Five bucks I just got a ton of groceries at the Dollar Tree it cost about $50 Canadian but there is a lot of food in here I got food for breakfast lunches dinners I would say I have about 4 days worth of food here it's a big help for Shoppers like Joanne name brand products excellent frozen vegetables I mean I hear family.

That comes and runs here and gets stuff because it's cheaper than in the grocery stores and queen my juices um cabinet items you know Pantry Goods here in Canada you could probably find stuff like this macaroni at a Dollarama but not things like this frozen asparagus or this cream cheese that we used here which was $125.

American at the Dollar Tree here in Canada the comparable option we could find was about $2.50 Canadian or $3 Canadian so I don't eat meat but we found this frozen salmon for $5 American the Dollar Tree also had bacon sausage whatever you want really here in Canada we found a similar salmon for a dollar Canadian dollar stores are not typically.

Grocery stores but in Dollarama you can find bread soups canned foods at a discount in part because they limit Brands but they have no freezers no fresh food and no plans to expand their offerings they didn't tell us why five companies dominate Canada's grocery scene Canada's competition Bureau says more could help prices including by.

Allowing foreign chains into our Market canans are just shopping differently so they're looking at the Grocers and saying this is too expensive to me for me for my family so I'm going to uh channels where food is cheaper like dollar stores dous syan charb co-authored Canada's latest food price report families are spending $700 more a.

Year the biggest price jump was in Bakery meats and vegetables food inflation is just the tip of the iceberg it's a problem but the larger problem for canes is price volatility prices are usually more predictable in dollar stores but is Supply according to one investigation out of Halifax Dollarama was prohibited from selling bread.

Because it was too close to a soes in an email Dollarama said it doesn't comment on its leases soes didn't respond to multiple requests I'm in MTO New Brunswick about an hour and a half outside of monton where the Great Canadian dollar store is trying to expand its grocery offerings to meet demand it's nearly tripled since.

The pandemic could you show me some of the grocery offerings that you have absolutely so first off we have uh our local potatoes like as you can see we uh can't keep it full Belinda Hughes is with the Great Canadian dollar store they're in smaller communities across Canada with headquarters in New.

Brunswick just down from staple foods like beans and pasta and the party favors and greeting cards so this is where we're expanding fridges and freezers were installed two years ago we're trying to do our best again with the communities that we live in to bring in the staple products so starting here right and uh meat chicken burgers okay.

59 stores have done this so far selling frozen meats cheeses Dairy and it's new territory for stores like this but Belinda says customers asked them to offer more one big seller is baloney flies off the shelf wow the big stick balone uh absolutely and a newf land store we can't keep the so how does this Dollar Store do it they buy bulk as.

Local as possible and have high turnover of products so prices can remain stable it's predictable yeah we adjust our margins so we can keep those staple items that we know they need the basic items and uh we can adjust our margins with the other items that we have prices are pretty comparable to the local food land owned by soes still Belinda would.

Like to expand Beyond processed foods they may not be the healthiest but then they can go to a grocery store and supplement that with the add the fresh yes the fresh produce considered bringing in fresh produce we are that's it yeah we're sourcing that as we speak but produce is harder to stock and sell you see healthy categories like produce.

All these categories pric are incredibly volatile and that's the problem in Canada it can be tough to find fresh food items at affordable prices that person walks away from that thinking that that category is unaffordable for me and for my family so priz volatility is a killer uh for Healthy Lifestyles people want more options more.

Food in more stores that is healthy priced fairly and predictably so Ana Belinda mentioned that the that there is an increasing demand for fresh food at Dollar Stores any way to quantify that demand yeah studies are starting to come out one US study found that the vast majority of people more than 80% are interested in.

Seeing healthy food at Dollar Stores uh the same survey found that people avoid Dollar Store food because they worry about quality but they'd take advantage of dollar stores more if they could find fresh healthy options and have you seen any hint that doll stores have been able to do that offer fresh fruit fresh FEG in the US some Dollar General stores.

Have been able to offer fresh food or fresh produce rather it's just trickier because fresh produce has a shorter shelf life than things like eggs milk cheese and so the risk is that it won't sell before it goes bad but you know it's possible okay Ana thanks very much thank you so much Adrian coming up next the best in show.

At this year's Westminster dog show anybody involved in dog shows would know Sage if they didn't before yesterday they do now the perfect poodle in Our Moment ah that is Sage the poodle perfectly quaffed as she struts the runway of this year's Westminster Kennel Club dog show so she was crowned Best in.

Show beating out hundreds of other dogs and tonight her win makes Our Moment the best in show winner is the miniature poodle anybody involved in dog shows would no Sage if they didn't before yesterday they do now the Westminster Kennel Club it's considered the most important dog show in North America so they're judged against the breed.

Standards so they're looking for the dog that's as close to the perfect poodle as possible go check the bite the angles the coat the miniature pool one Bes in show what you really need to see is the one picture that's going around of the moment that the judge pointed at Sage and the reaction on Claus hak's face tonight first place goes to the.

Miniature poodle Sage's Handler the ca hosaka came from Japan probably 45 50 years ago both he and Sage were retiring after Westminster whatever happened there were over 2500 alog together and he went winning Best in Show Canada was well represented Frankie the colored bull terrier from Thunder Bay won the terrier group our breeding programs are.

Are competitive with the best of in the world so here's a coincidence or not K actually uh won this back in the early 2000s with a dog named Spice Girl guess what it was Sage's great great grandmother and maybe it's just me or maybe all of us here but can't stop looking at this without thinking about.

The movie Best in Show if you haven't seen it please do from all of us at the national thank you for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm Adrian arso take care.

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