CBC News: The Nationwide | Gaza ceasefire talks and famine fears


CBC News: The Nationwide | Gaza ceasefire talks and famine fears

Tonight we're in Doha where urgent negotiations are starting again can Israel and Hamas find a deal can utter catastrophe be avoided in Gaza time is of the essence these people are starving children are dying on the ground a growing fear of famine in the air a flight of Mercy dropping a thimble of Aid into an ocean of misery once.

These pallets leave the plane they don't have much control over what happens on the ground CBC News has exclusive Canadian access the family's message to Canadians it's just been incredibly humbling to hear the outpouring of support as colleagues say farewell to the former prime.

Minister the new warning about car thefts what you need to know about the sudden spike in crimes this terrorizing criminal activity has to stop from CBC News this is a national in Doha with Chief correspondant Adrien Areno thanks for joining us it is here where negotiators from this country Qatar as well as from Egypt Israel and.

Hamas are trying to get to a deal to stop even briefly a vicious destructive war and to ease even a little bit a historic humanitarian disaster according to Hamas affiliation ated Health authorities more than 31,000 people have been killed in Gaza since the War Began and according to a unbacked report hundreds of thousands more are currently.

In catastrophic hunger that could balloom to more than a million in the coming days and weeks the highest number at one time in one place this kind of analysis has ever measured tonight we'll look at efforts to hold that horror back here in Doha in a Canadian exclusive we'll take you to the skies over Gaza aboard a plane dropping Aid and from.

Jerusalem we will bring you the latest from the war itself so let's begin right there Margaret Evans has the battle at a Gaza Hospital between Hamas and Israel's military and the battle civilians are fighting against hunger Northern Gaza penned in with no safe place to turn people are already.

Starving to death the fight to get what little Aid there is a dangerous Prospect people will die says Umi aliri they're killing people for 5 kilg of flour for God's sake look at us Yasmin TOA says she's been displaced 15 times her suffering is Indescribable she says hunger sadness loss and destruction.

The un's top food insecurity Watchdog says famine in the north is now imminent time is of the essence these people are starving children are dying Aid agencies accuse Israel of consistently blocking humanitarian supplies from reaching Gaza something Israel denies in Brussels the European Union's foreign policy Chief accused.

Israel of using starvation as a weapon of War while the world watches Gaza was before the war the greatest open air prison today is the greatest open air graveyard Israel insists its only target is Hamas overnight its Defense Forces raided alifa Hospital in Gaza City again we know that senior Hamas terrorists have regrouped inside the shifa hospital.

And are using it to command attacks against Israel the IDF claims it killed a senior operations commander in the South despite the US president calling the Israeli Prime Minister's plans to invade Rafa a red line there are signs the Israeli military is preparing to do just that the two leaders had their first call in.

A month but few Palestinians believe Washington is on their side if the United States was serious it would tell Israel they will stop supplying them with weapons with bombs that they are using against us Palestinian politician Mustafa baruti also says humanitarian air drops and plans for a sea Corridor are cloaks for Israel's inaction we have.

Thousands of trucks of goods waiting in Egypt Each truck would need only 15 minutes to get to Gaza alarm bells on famine in Gaza have been sounding for some time now when with the potential for a ground offensive looming in Rafa the worry is that conditions could soon go from very bad to worse and very quickly in that phone call earlier the.

US President Joe Biden told the Israeli Prime Minister it would be a mistake and Benjamin Netanyahu agreed to send a delegation to Washington to discuss Alternatives Margaret Evans CBC News Jerusalem a little later we'll take you right inside a desperate mission.

On each flight just 16 pallets air dropped from 3,000 ft an exclusive Canadian look at a last resort to keep the people of Gaza alive coming up all right we're going to bring in Asha Tomlinson in Toronto right now as we turn to other news Asha thanks Adrian just before we do that though I know that wasn't the only flight you've been.

On over there right yeah that's true uh the a drops that we talked about they're about getting emergency supplies in but but there's also a Monumental effort to get the most seriously wounded patients out of Gaza so we just got off a medical evacuation flight from Doha that flew to an Airfield in Egypt near Gaza it picked.

Up a few dozen really wounded kids and adults a little boy who'd lost his arms quite a few amputations head injuries Burns really frightened exhausted people many had never left Gaza before never been on a plane they get loaded into the belly of this massive loud rattling aircraft that becomes a flying Hospital bringing them back here to Doha to get.

Advanced Care I've never seen anything quite like this uh or really quite like the smiles of those kids once they settled in realized they were safe got some food these flights are very special and we'll bring you the story of that one tomorrow and I'll be back in about 20 minutes but for now it's over to you Asha talk to you soon Adrien let's begin.

In Ottawa the NDP put forth a motion that would have called on Canada to recognize an independent Palestinian state but Rafi bujak Canan is with us and Rafi that's not how things went down Asha the motion did end up passing but not without a lot of changes last minute amendments introduced a couple of things firstly they watered down the.

Idea of calling for a Palestinian State immediately instead calling for the government to pursue Middle East peace and eventually work toward the recognition of a Palestinian state secondly they appended a full day of debate on a motion that was very divisive honor M the debate began with a clear but controversial proposal now now.

Is the time to recognize Palestine the United States the United Kingdom have both signal that they are looking at ways to formally recognize the state of Palestine this motion is about rewarding Hamas for their Massacre this motion is a vote to reward the murder the rape the kidnapping of Israelis in this motion is deeply irresponsible for this Parliament.

But while the NDP and the conservatives were opposed the Liberals were caught in the middle some signaled their support in advance it is the immoral and the human thing to do it's a moment of Shame for us that we are seeing kids dying of hunger while one MP warned his loyalty to the party might be at stake should cabinet ministers side with the NDP it.

Would be something that would be psychologically devastating to me it would be I think devastating to many in is Jewish Community who have loyally supported our party and of course I'd have to consider what that would mean but it it would be this this motion again as drafted by the NDP is an anti-israel motion for the government.

There was a different issue of course there are issues with the motion that is presenting by the NDP and we can't change foreign policy based on an opposition motion then late Monday changes introduced an agreement between the NDP and liberal house lead leadership by replacing paragraph I with the following quote work with.

International Partners to achieve to actively pursue the goal of a comprehensive just and Lasting peace in the Middle East including towards the establishment of the State of Palestine so Rafi at the end of the day what does everyone walk away with the Liberals are able to get out of a big political conundrum Justin Trudeau and.

His cabinet supported the motion the liberal source told r that liberals convinced the NDP that they needed to water down the political temperature in the country think of the big protests that have been happening in in our cities something else they said that managed to convince the NDP was that Canada can't be seen to be out of step.

With the remaining G7 in recognizing a Palestinian State the NDP are saying this is a victory for them three liberal mpes though including housea did vote against the motion so that division in the governing caucus has not entirely disappeared Asha all right Rafi thank you and in Ottawa earlier today political leaders delivered tributes to.

Brian sharing anecdotes about his character and admiration for his achievements Ashley Burke now with what they said and who was in the Parliamentary gallery to hear them the family of Canada's 18th prime minister guests of honor in Parliament a place Bri Mone knew so well leading the country for nearly a decade now rise and.

Observe a moment of silence this tribute in front of Brian Mor's Widow Mila and their four children Nicholas Mark Ben and Caroline Brian mone's principles helped shape this nation and the world the Prime Minister described his last meeting with we talked about wisdom that he and my dad both shared that leadership.

Fundamentally is about getting the big things right politicians reflected on his legacy negotiating NAFTA protecting the environment and standing up against apartheid in South Africa he recognized that the diversity of our country makes us a richer and stronger Nation Brian morone quite literally saved all life on earth when Canada stood up and organized.

The Montreal protocol and saved the ozone layer the conservative leader says he sought advice from Maroon and says his phone calls were a gift in fact for Brian phone calls were like an art form using the the telephone the way Michelangelo might have used a chisel or a brush he would do it to make business deals charm foreign leaders and.

More importantly to comfort grieving or suffering friends afterwards Maron Sons gave thanks of their own for us sitting up in the gallery and hearing everybody speak so positively probably not what he was used to uh but he would have loved it and we did as well we're truly honored from all of the people across the.

Country uh and internationally that have taken the time to reach out to uh say nice things and words of support dignitaries and the public can pay their own respects to the morone family on Tuesday as the former prime minister lies in state near Parliament Hill Ashley Burke CBC News Ottawa as Ashley said Brian Malone will.

Lie in State starting tomorrow and CBC News will have special coverage Chief political correspondent Rosemary Barton will host along with David Cochran host of CBC News power in politics former US president Donald Trump has failed to get a bond to secure nearly half a billion dollars he owes as part of a civil judgment his lawyers say.

He approached 30 Underwriters without success Trump must secure a bond or pay in cash by next week in order to pause enforcement of the ruling it found him guilty of fraudulently inflating the value of his assets Trump is appealing that.

Decision in Moscow thousands gathered to Mark 10 years since Russia's illegal seizure of Crimea Vladimir Putin was there one day after he secured another six-year term as president that election was slammed by an independent Russian vote monitoring group as the most fraudulent and corrupt in the country's history there's a good chance that.

During the course of this this broadcast a car will be stolen somewhere in this country and new numbers from the Toronto Police Service show those thefts are increasingly violent Thomas dig on what you can do to protect yourself it's come to this thieves busting down doors to steal car keys sorry lady police in big cities are.

Reporting a steep rise in violence linked to auto theft in Toronto in this recent attempted break-in look close and one suspect is seen hiding a handgun this terrorizing criminal activity has to stop Toronto police chief myON demq says the city is seeing twice as many carjackings now compared to this time last year called the police directly.

When Cameron Hussein's 2022 Toyota Highlander was taken he went out looking for it but was warned by police the teams might be armed and it's not a good idea to approach the car consider after a recent carjacking outside the city officer seized this loaded AK style pistol it's a more violent approach than this thieves intercepting a key fobs.

Signal and then driving off undetected this is funding organized crime it's funding terrorism uh it's bringing guns and uh and uh drugs into the communities Toronto police were ridiculed in recent days in us and British tabloids and on Australian TV you mocking Canada and we should Mo Canada after one officer told homeowners to consider leaving their.

Fobs by the front door to avoid a violent confrontation a recommendation the force later walked back saying the officer was well-meaning cutting Hedges back making sure the lighting is good put parking your car in your garage Etc there are a number of things for residents to consider to prevent this type of activity already this year the.

Police chief says Toronto has seen more Breakin enters linked to auto theft than an of 2023 last year he says more than 12,000 Vehicles were stolen in this city that's one every 40 minutes Thomas dag CBC News Toronto Federal funding for HIV self- testing kits expires at the end of the month and that has some health experts worried as.

Itham Musa explains the kits have been crucial in early HIV detection especially in vulnerable communities Moren oo has dedicated her life to helping educate people about HIV I did see people die but I also saw people suffer Eno lives with the virus and says testing is key to getting people the care they need people have to.

Be able to get to test in spaces that they feel comfortable without HIV related stigma without having to face judgment without having to face discomfort and HIV self test kits provides this the first HIV self test was approved in Canada in 2020 it uses a drop of blood to deliver results in about a minute Shawn roor helped secure.

Approval for the atome test and in 2022 he worked to get them distributed across the country with the help of government funding it's been incredibly successful despite that Federal support is coming to an end on March 31st and roor says that's a mistake I mean do we want to be the first G7 country to stop a public health program that works it just.

Doesn't make any sense does it these test kits Community HIV Advocates who ship and deliver the free atome HIV tests agree in Canada we have all the tools we need to prevent HIV we just need to get them in the right hands there were more than 1,800 new HIV diagnoses in Canada in 2022 a nearly 25% increase from the year before Manitoba.

And Saskatchewan had the highest rates with Saskatchewan rate more than four times the national average there are a lot of people in Canada that live a long distance from a place where they can get tested this enables them to test in their home Community or in their home without traveling great distances the public health agency of.

Canada says it's exploring options to continue to make HIV self- test kits available after March 3st ielm say CBC News Toronto it is official now Canada has just gone through its warmest winter on record setting new highs across the country I'm concerned about the potential drought and you know uh the.

Fires and everything is so scary but what might it mean in the months ahead those worries next plus I'll be back from the Middle East with urgent efforts to get Aid into Gaza we'll go to the skies above the region on a plane trying to get supplies to a desperate population they are minutes away from dropping the a now.

Rare access inside an airdrop we're back in two a sweltering Heat Wave has hit Rio de Janeiro temperatures reached 42 degrees today and with humidity factored in it felt like a scorching 62.3 de people tried to beat the heat any way they could including hitting those famous.

Beaches of course it is summer there so Canadians aren't seeing anything on that scale but this has been Canada's warmest winter on record by a long shot this winter was 5.2 degrees warmer than the seasonal average according to environment Canada the previous record was 4.1 degrees above average set back in.

2010 BC smashed dozens of temperature records over the weekend and people have been making the most of it but as Lindsay duncomb shows us there are worries about what's to come as people in British Columbia weigh into spring mixed emotions the sun is definitely warming I can yeah the sun is a big difference because we haven't seen.

The Sun for a while Joy at the unexpected warmth fear about what it all means I'm concerned about the potential drought and you know uh the fires and everything is so scary over the past few days dozens of daily temperature records have been shattered not just in BC in the Yukon and Alberta too Beach weather in.

Mid-march the Sun the beach the water is cold but he's fine as the impacts of the climate crisis intensifies climate here in BC is changing uh really rapidly things aren't so fine though according to two provincial news conferences we are taking action now to prepare for what could be a very challenging season in fact we are taking action earlier.

Than ever and preparations for this year's wildfire and drought seasons are already well underway anticipating Wildfire BC announced plans to train volunteers and help people who are forced to flee their homes anticipating drought cash is Promised for the agriculture sector but what ranchers really want is rain those.

Insurance programs are designed to cover our bare costs only you can't make a living at it you know we just want to do what our jobs are and that's to grow food for people and animals Environment Canada says this heat could stick around our models are out and we're seeing that no cold areas um we're seeing every part of Canada looks like it's going to be.

Warmer than normal that means warm sun early blossoms spring Joy tinged with worry lindsy dcom CBC News Vancouver well you may be familiar with compatibility issues when it comes to technology like cell phones but did you know Farmers have similar concerns about the machines they use it's harder and.

Harder to get things to work together so the farmer out of frustration will end up spending more money why they say it's hurting their businesses plus inside a mission to get Aid into Gaza up in the air on a Jordanian plane airdropping supplies once these palets leave the plane they don't have much control over what.

Happens we have exclusive Canadian access and the head of the un's relief and works agency defends its Integrity after allegations some of its workers were involved in the October 7th attacks we have full transparency on all our P nurses doctors the national breaks down the story shaping our world next.

Crowds flocked to North London today to check out a new mural by bangy the artwork appeared Sunday the piece uses green paint to mimic the foliage of a tree that stands in front of it bsy claimed responsibility for the piece on Instagram a problem in the tech world it's finding its way into other Industries including agriculture more.

And more farmers are frustrated that they can't mix and match equipment because different brands are not compatible with each other but as Paula duik shows us a new bill might just change that for Farmers like Chris Alum it's normal to mix and match.

Equipment a tractor from one brand and a cedar from another but he says this isn't always as easy as it once was it's harder and harder to get things to work together so the farmer out of frustration will end up spending more money just buying two things that are the same brand so they work together problems with interoperability are.

Usually associated with Silicon Valley think of how Apple for years didn't use the USB cable for its iPhones forcing customers to buy a lightning cable instead the practice is spreading to other Industries some farm equipment comes equipped with digital blocks technology that prevents Farmers from using other brands.

Attachments the impact on our business today is measurable it's becoming more and more prevent every day and every year as we come out with the new makes and models right now manufacturers can't bypass those digital locks without the risk of violating the Copyright Act but a bill working its way through the Senate aims to change that the right to.

Innovate is what we call this bill so we we want to we want people to have the confidence that if they want to build a specific product for a specific purpose that they can still use the big company's platform the bill is being cheered by right to repair Advocates who see this as part of a broader issue companies controlling what customers do.

With their products can you fix the thing that you own can you buy products that interoperate with the thing that you own these are fundamental freedoms still manufacturers say the bill won't fully solve the problem they say all farm equipment should be interoperable to begin with in order to.

Be sold in Canada Paula duotek CBC News Calgary now let's dig deeper into our top story tonight the unfolding humanitarian crisis in that Gaza war and efforts across this region to help this is the breakdown this is Doha the gleaming capital of Qatar and our base for bringing you close close up perspectives.

On the Israel Hamas War negotiations towards a possible ceasefire are underway right here as our plans for delivering Aid to Gaza we've been on the move from the kingdom of Jordan to the Skies over Gaza to show you why feeding and caring for the victims of this conflict is such an uphill battle we speak to the head of the UN relief and.

Works agency unra who slams Israel for blocking so much Aid to Gaza and bombing a warehouse in Rafa what the hell how come but first we have exclusive Canadian access as Jordan drops food and supplies to save lives in Gaza and that's where a huge worry is here what happens when this hits the ground you're about to see for yourself why these.

Drops are simply not enough they are startling to watch Fast intense and when air drops come one one after the other for days you can catch yourself thinking for a moment maybe this does make a difference in Gaza careful with that come back down to earth to the tarmac of the king abdulla the second Air Base in Jordan and check.

This out for perspective Jordanian c130s loaded for this day's drop but just 16 pallets for each plane and all of it arrived on a single flatbed truck along with Global Partners Jordan's helped deliver more than 435,000 kilos of Aid so far with Israeli restrictions on what gets in by Road chaos and violence on the ground these airdrops.

Matter but they're pricey inefficient and precarious so there are two Jordanian planes making the air drop on this day they have a very limited window in which they can drop all this Aid they must coordinate the timing precisely with the Israelis consider the wrist on the ground the still Rockets coming out of Gaza there's still air strikes into.

Gaza so they know they have a very short window to do a lot no doubt you have questions what's in the boxes where's the aid from no one here is permitted to talk no time for a briefing and certainly no time to linger it's the start of the 46th Jordanian airdrop 63rd including the.

Coalition countries donations are global Canada offering hundreds of parachutes and that's key because Jordan is quickly going through its own weather wind the state of the sea the sense of the violence on the ground how many planes are in the formation they Factor it all in when deciding where to.

Drop 45 minutes from takeoff in Aman and they're approaching the coast of the Mediterranean still very high this is where they head out to see only to turn around and then get down to 3,000 ft the UN has talked of wanting a specified Landing Zone in the North like a stadium in which to drop this Aid it doesn't have that yet so once these pallets.

Leave the plane they don't have much control over what happens on the ground there's no GPS on the parachut and that's where a huge worry is here what happens when this hits the ground worrying what you can see from the air well looking at the coast we spotted smoke rising from the ground it's not a lot and it's tough to see.

From this angle we've circled it but we later learned what we saw might have been the aftermath of this moment an air strike in central Gaza not long before no wonder these are concerned and serious faces in the short weeks of these drops the teams developed a grid pattern for Gaza and they try to ensure each plane can drop in a certain grid to.

Spread the aid around and safely many crews would prefer being as low as 500 ft for precision you can't do that in an active war zone okay they are minutes away from dropping the a now we are just approaching Gaza the timing of this is incredibly precise even at this height it's clearly shattered ruined neighborhoods in the.

North crushed buildings even those standing largely look uninhabitable hundreds of thousands fled the north when the war started scared now to be in the South many returned are cut off from help that's why they're the ones who need the airdrops the most and here they go time to Da the safety gear to check.

The parachutes again and Load One Last crucial time the bay doors open Watch carefully this happens fast the crew cut the tethers then shove 16 pallets gone but look right there one parachute seemingly entangles in another soon.

They're both disengaged two loads appearing to plummet it's too fast for anyone up here to see if the shoots eventually reopen but the potential for mishaps terrifies within the last few weeks several children were reportedly killed by these falling Aid parcels when their shoots failed so anxiety is.

Real working with local videographers in Gaza we alert them to the time of the air drops were're following so they can offer a sense of what is and has been happening on the ground with some six drops this day they capture what they can and look at what they see near the South you can feel the panic.

Yeah and in the north Telltale chaos each drop from each plane unpredictable and devastating if you're the one who's hungry and in need S Abu Rafi says he was beaten trying to get almost anything he could pick up this is the can of milk for my son look how many people crushed it this is what I got 10 people attacked.

me sometimes gangs or armed groups grab then sell the aid leaving the desperate even more so there's a 1% chance we'll get something RZ Abu Amir says they dropped 10 parachutes what are 10 parachutes for a million people Fatima Abu kumsan told the local.

Videographer it hurts to see children watching this curse the countries that treat us like dogs running after our food she says they know this isn't a solution so do Aid workers 25 human rights organizations have signed a letter making that point UNICEF says one in.

Three kids under the age of two in Gaza is acutely malnourished more supplies delivered urgently by truck are all that can Stave off famine they fear until then this is what help looks like the C130 crew after dropping this day climb and speed up as soon as they can they have to to get out safely and make room for other planes coming.

In and as soon as they're back in Jordan back on the tarmac it's back to planning for the next one desperate moves in a deeply desperate moment when we return I speak with the head of the UN relief and works agency unra about the pressures it's now facing.

And how fast the humanitarian situation in Gaza has unraveled there is something extremely medieval behind this that interview is just ahead on the breakdown welcome back to Doha where negotiations are in progress for a possible ceasefire between Israel and Hamas a stop to the violence cannot come.

Soon enough for the people dangerously hungry the level of childhood hunger is simply unprecedented says the latest un report so we sat down with Philipe lazarini who heads unra the main Lifeline for 2.2 million Palestinians trapped in the constant upheaval of War not long after he gave this interview he was denied access to.

Gaza I began by asking about Israel's strike on this Warehouse in Rafa just days ago even that you have daily conversations coordinating movement of people when a warehouse that you know Israel knows that's your warehouse and where it is when something like that happens and it's attacked and you get on the phone.

What's that conversation like well the conversation would start by saying what the hell how come you know the that this is a distribution center you know that our staff is there you have all the coordinator how come this could have happened is this deliberate not deliberate uh was behind it and after that an.

Investigation starts and this operation in Rafa that is that is looming what will that mean you know this war is already the war of all the superlative uh basically uh more than 30,000 people have been reported killed and there have been more children more journalists more United Nations staff more Health worker killed in five months.

Than anywhere else in any other conflict uh last week uh we basically had more children killed in four months than the number of children killed in four years in every conflict across the world combined combined have you ever seen uh hunger accelerate this quickly I have seen hunger in the world I have been based in Somalia I have seen it in easn.

Africa but in these places most of the time it's a combination due to climate change there are slow onset and looming famine but I have never ever seen in the world a place which never experienced hunger that within four or five months the entire population experience hunger in a certain extent there is something extremely mediev.

Behind this what goes through your mind when you knowing the challenges that you have on the ground when you see air drops happening or an NGO uh like World Central kitchen cooking food and world food program able to get some trucks into the north what what's the what's the difference there I I I don't think that any of these partner are in a.

Position to do more than what on what we are all confronted to the same kind of challenges and one of the challenges on the ground is that there is no uh Supply at scale for the population we have now challenges on outside Gaza for the aid being authorized to come into Gaza extraordinary combersome inspection uh mechanism on the Israeli side plus the.

Only real Crossing being Kim Shalom from the is side some days it shut down some days it is openen sometimes you have demonstration blocking the supply and then you have the situation inside Gaza where basically we used to have also some protection from local police but with the ongoing military operation number of them have been targeted and.

The Civ the remaining civil order has also imploded and this is the reason why you see regular the SC scenes of peoples just jumping on the tra uh trucks and trying to help themselves of the assistance and most of the time the assistance has already gone before it properly reaches destination you talked about the cumbersome process of getting.

Aid inspected what sort of things have been have been turned away what sort of items in in the trucks I mean for example you had um um medical season for children uh this has been turned back uh I keep hearing that incubator uh for newborns uh have been turned back a ventilator also for the you know emergency unit at the hospital have also.

Been turned back so basically basically beside the food mattresses clothes and fuel there are very little other other items allowed to come into the Gaza Street and when that's turned back back it's not like take this pallet out because we find medical scissors the entire truck which will be turned back the UN relief and works agency and its.

13,000 Gaza employees serve Palestinian refugees as the official mandate but the agency is also fighting for its very existence there is right now and not for the first time a campaign underway to cut it down currently with allegations made in January by Israel that a dozen of its workers part participated in the attacks of October the 7th lazarini.

Immediately fired those accused workers now this allegation of the 12 staff has been conveyed to me in person by a senior official of the ministry of forair it has been conveyed orally to me having it's absolutely horrible to think that staff might have participated to the massacre of October 7 would this be the case this would be a terrible.

Betrayal for not only Vis un but especially Vis the palestin communities all the Palestinian refugees but and we have taken I have taken Swift action as from that day but since and despite our call for cooperation to the Israeli government we haven't received any additional element uh subst intiating this allegation so.

For people who are sitting at home but are left with the question do I trust anra how do you vet your staff and and how do you coordinate it with Israel we are sharing on a yearly basis our list of Staff with the government of Israel and also with the Palestinian authorities we we have full transparency on all our teacher nurses doctors.

Engineer or or Operational Support staff with Israel and never ever over the last few years I have received any concern or about a possible political affiliation of our stuff but this conversation regardless of whether you're watching it in on social media or or you're watching it in in more of official or or mainstream places the there is a melding.

Of of per ceptions there is there is an attempt to suggest where unra stops and Hamas Begins the lines are blurred you know we are in a kind of a propaganda and communication War also to say there is absolutely no differences between Hamas and un this is a complete nonsense I'm heading a UN agency providing human development to Palestinian refugees.

Education primary and secondary education to more than 300,000 girls and boys only into Gaza Street and more than half a million across the region here we provide Primary Health Care to million of Palestinian refugees how can you equate even uh the UN agency with Hamas Hamas is in control since 2005 more than half the population are children between.

The age of the one to 18 years none of them have elected Hamas there are calls from within Israel to expel the organization seize its headquarters a number of countries when hearing the Hamas allegations said they would pause funding many like Canada have since vowed to renew but not the biggest donor the United States a shortfall of nearly.

Half a billion dollars from the Americans could be ruinous and then there's a reality that other un leaders have not had their visas renewed phip lazarini doesn't know what will happen to him or unra or the Palestinians the agency is supposed to help care for so along with getting Aid into Gaza there are efforts to get the most seriously.

Injured out we will take you inside that effort tomorrow now let's send things back to Asha in Toronto thank you Adrien well next a blind man tracks 160 kilometers across Pei congratulations buddy you did a great job I didn't know if you're going to stop here and just keep going his journey to raise money for.

Homelessness in our moment that's Robbie Bert and he just completed a remarkable feat he walked 160 kilm from tiges to Hunter River in PEI to raise money for homelessness it wasn't easy for Robbie who is also blind it was long days in tumultuous weather but he didn't let any.

Of that stop him from achieving his goal his dedication to help others and keep going is Our Moment uh my right foot's still quite s that's little to pay for you know for a good cause like this I decided Well homelessness was a very big issue I've heard for the last year or so everybody talked about but no.

One doing nothing so I decided Well I can walk and let's do a fundraiser and see how much money we can raise how much have you raised so far uh just a little over 10,000s I have nothing but admiration for Robbie cuz legally he's blind he's only got 5% Vision it's 160 km so you know it's quite a distance to walk he.

Said instead of walking a mile in their shoe he was going to walk a 100 miles in their shoes I'm feeling good at trying to do what I can to help whoever needs the help congratulations buddy you did a great job I didn't know if you're were going to stop here and just keep going so Robbie's fundraising goal was $5,000 initially but he of course doubled that.

The money will go to two Charities one called Hope House it's a five- bed emergency shelter for mothers at risk who have infant children and the village which helps a group of volunteers working to end homelessness kudos to you Robbie that is absolutely inspiring for all of us here at the national thank you for being with us you can watch anywhere.

Anytime on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTu yoube Channel I'm Asha Tomlinson take care

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