CBC Nova Scotia News Apr. 25, 2024 | 2 youths charged in Halifax mall homicide


CBC Nova Scotia News Apr. 25, 2024 | 2 youths charged in Halifax mall homicide

Nova Scotia news tonight charged two young people face second degree murder charges following a death at the Halifax Shopping Mall overcrowded more designated tent encampments will open to make space for more homeless in Halifax and full circle a Halifax Brewery sends its leftover grain to a firm to grow its.

Burger bash beef today may have been cool it was quite windy but that sunshine was lovely and that sunny weather will be sticking around into the weekend I'll have your full forecast just ahead good evening there is a breakthrough in the homicide of a.

16-year-old Halifax youth today police announced that they have charged two 14-year-olds with second deegree murder Blair rhods reports the charges Come Just 4 days after the incident in this parking garage attached to the Halifax Shopping Center 16-year-old Ahmed alarak was stabbed early Monday evening he was.

Rushed to hospital where he later died alarak was laid to rest yesterday at a Halifax area mosque he and his family moved to Canada from Syria 8 years ago and mner said he was only just settling into life here in Canada police tracked down two 16-year-olds on a Halifax Transit bus in the hours after the incident and arrested them but they were.

Released without charges RCMP maintained a presence near three schools in the Sackville area yesterday because of reports of a Potential Threat but they say that threat was not still there today the two 14-year-olds were arrested earlier today our investigators are not looking for additional suspects at this time they say we have we have charged.

Two individuals and I I say we're bringing them before the courts police say their investigation is continuing but they say there is no further threat to the public at this time there's no information to suggest at this point that it was a hate motivated crime the two 14-year-olds will make their first appearance in youth court tomorrow.

Blairo CBC News Halifax Halifax is planning to open more designated homeless encampments with the number of people sleeping rough in the area continuing to rise as Selena Alders reports the current four tent encampments are overc capacity and are becoming more crowded according to a new staff report from the municipality there.

Are currently 60 to 70 people sleeping rough in Halifax and more than 1,000 are homeless some of them live here at this designated tenton camp on University Avenue this thin strip of land once only had a few tents but when the city evicted those living at Victoria Park around the corner people came here and it's been growing ever since City staff.

Say as the seasons change more tents are popping up including about 15 to 20 in other non-designated areas like Point Pleasant Park and the Halifax common to address this the city plans on creating more of these designated sites at this time it's unclear how how many or where they'll be located first we should just make sure that everybody knows that.

Encampments are not a solution to the homelessness crisis in any way encampments are bad for the people who are forced to live in them and they're not good for the community around them but we do know that they will not be at any of the sites that were D designated over the winter including Grand parade and Victoria Park the encampments will.

Also not be permitted within 50 m of schools daycare playgrounds or other Recreation facilities the staff report describes encampments as a temporary necessity not a solution this announcement comes as the province's solutions to the homeless crisis aren't coming fast enough for many a tiny home Community coming to Lower Sackville will.

Not be ready until the fall the 100 pallet shelters meant for Halifax not until next winter the timing for when those things will be ready and when we've got people looking for the space isn't quite lined up so that's the reason we need temporary um additional temporary location because we've got to give people a place to go and provide.

Some support until those new options are available and ready for occupancy The Province opened two new shelters in recent months but the one at the Halifax forum is set to close in August so the municipality is looking for a replacement the city says designated encampments will have porta potties and water but no power for now staff will.

Look at how many sites are needed at a council meeting next month Selena Alders CBC News Halifax Nova Scotia health is hosting its first provincial career fair tomorrow it will be offering in-person opportunities for job seekers in 11 communities Lauren Murphy of Nova Scotia Health says the time is right for a job fair like this for me the biggest thing.

Was educating Nova scotians on the number of positions that we have available at Nova Scotia health so last year we attended 155 external Career Fairs so you can imagine we are one booth and a sea of many booths one employer and a sea of many employers but really we have enough to do our own so here we.

Are I'll talk to Lauren Murphy of Nova Scotia Health about what job Seekers can expect at this first of its kind job fair that's our newsmaker interview just after 6:30 meanwhile the provincial government says it has recruited more than a dozen paramedics from Australia who will begin working in the province this summer 13.

Paramedics will be coming in July and more will come early next year an in-person recruiting Drive in Australia earlier this year also resulted in some interest from continuing care assistants and pharmacists the government says Australia has been identified as a good fit for recruitment in a number of Health Professions that have recently.

Added quote expedited licensing options to get them working quickly in Nova Scotia the Supreme Court of Canada has agreed to hear an appeal of a case from a Nova Scotia woman that deals with legislation passed during the pandemic the Canadian civil liberties Association and Kimberly Taylor are taking the province of new fandon.

Labador and the chief medical officer of Health to court over the travel restrictions they placed on non-residents in May of 2020 Taylor was denied a travel exemption to attend her mother's fun funeral in newfinland a Provincial Court ruled the ban violated the Charter of Rights and Freedoms but said a section of the charter allows for.

Exemptions and covid was a valid exemption the court of appeal here refused to hear an appeal last year that sent the case to the Supreme Court of Canada who said today it will hear the case the public hearing examining fire safety at a Halifax daycare continued today happy Tots in Fairview is appealing an order to have to install.

Fire sprinklers arguing it already has a fire safety plan and a sprinkler system would cost more than $100,000 the dayare says that would force them to close the infant room leaving 11 families with no child care a fire inspector who made the report told the inquiry about his reservations with the dayc Care's evacuation plan he says.

That involves placing those 11 children in a crib and bringing them out cribs aren't in my opinion necessarily rated or or intended for use for more than one infant um I don't know if you what the average weight of an infant is exactly I would wager somewhere north of 15 lbs so if you take 11 of them and put them in a in a crib that's you know 150 160 lbs in.

One crib for staff to be able to maneuver out through the building over the door thresholds down the stairs and away from the building um to my way of thinking there's there's some issues with that on a on a good day let Loan in a fire situation the three member pel panel asked to visit the daycare to get a close look for themselves at the.

Center a decision is expected at a later date Burger bash was a huge success for one business in Cole Harbor North Brewing sold 3,000 of their specialty bourbon Legend Burgers the beef used comes from an East Preston hobby firm that in turn uses leftover grain product from the brewery to feed its animals Paul paler takes us through the process.

From Brewery to Farm to Plate it's a busy day at North Brewing it's Canning day as thousands of cans are filled with one of their craft beer products to make beer they use barley and when the Brewing is done there is leftover grain that they can no longer use but North Brewing saves that grain for a local hobby farmer located nearby.

In East Preston you know he seemed really really keen and excited to get uh to get our grain to feed his animals so um yeah starting from that day when he stopped by and we agreed that he could just take a little bit and the relationship just kind of developed naturally from there Justin collie and his dad willber.

Have about 20 cattle on their hobby Farm it's close to pick up and um it offsets the feed costs it's their waste and they gold they use hay to feed their cattle but the leftover Green from the brewery is a h with the animals they love it they seem to love it they get different flavors from different beers they brew the relationship between the Collies and.

North Brewing reached another level last week one of the animals from the hobby farm that was partly fed by the green was made into hamburger at this Dartmouth Meat Shop the Hamburg was then sent to North Brewing where they used it for their bourbon Legend Burger as part of Burger Week Justin was mentioning he had cows.

And uh you know I knew Burger week was coming up and I was kind of like hey like let's see if we can we can make like make this happen um and it worked out it worked out really well Burger bash was an overwhelming success at the brewery over 3,000 bourbon burgers were sold with a dollar from each sale going to support feed.

Nova Scotia the specialty Burger may become a fixture on their menu we've had certainly lots of calls for this being on the menu all the time um so we are discussing you know what that might look like and if we'll do it but we'll definitely bring it back at some point Paul Pomer CBC News Cole Harbor and J Scotland back with us again.

Tonight pretty nice day here in Halifax at least although a little cool Jay yeah and that wind definitely had some bite to it very brisk conditions in terms of well we saw those winds gusting 50 kilm per hour or higher so did result in quite a biting windshield this morning I know out at Stanfield airport the windshield was aroundus 9 early this.

Morning is a lot of kids were getting off to school folks were getting off to work so there was a a bit of a bite in the air and temperatures were covered a smidge we stayed below that seasonal average certainly today see just looking at this map here of some Daytime highs from across the province anywhere from four to over 8 degrees warmer in a few.

Inland areas with that Sunshine uh though as well quiet conditions as we take a look at the satellite and the radar picture not much to show you in terms of what's happening now we have a lack of cloud cover and uh not much to show you into the future either we will watch just a few passing clouds and maybe some onshore flurries as we look.

To just the northern tip of Cape Breton uh but for the most part uh we'll be looking at a clearing Sky across the province overnight tonight as that wind eases those clouds should start to dissipate that are and it's not overcast by any stretch but some cloud cover at times over parts of Cape Breton as we start the day tomorrow lots of sunshine.

But we will watch for maybe some clouds to develop uh certainly as we get into the early to midafternoon tomorrow partly cloudy Sky will be possible slight chance as we look up into a Sydney for example for maybe a Sprinkle late in the afternoon but for the most part that sky is going to stay clear for much of the day as that cloud cover that.

Develops in the afternoon should dissipate into the evening here's a look at what you can expect across the HRM still chilly tonight but warming up to closer to seasonal with that Sunshine tomorrow afternoon and Breezy but not nearly as windy as what we saw today so windchill yes just not as bad as what we saw this morning sun always helps too.

Doesn't it okay thanks so much Jay we'll chat a little later you got it the federal government is opening a personal use bait fishery for mackerel this spring while extending the moratorium on Commercial mackerel fishing in Atlanta Canada and Quebec fish caught under a bait license are intended for personal use and cannot be sold traded or.

Bartered the department of fisheries and oceans says the bait fishery will help license holders Supply their other Fisheries such as Lobster with bait without jeopardizing the ongoing rebuilding of the stock Nova Scotia MP Mike kellway is parliamentary secretary to the minister of fisheries and oceans so today's announcement quite frankly is.

Really about striking the right balance between protecting the resource equipping the Harvesters with the bait they need and obtaining recent data from the ground which can only better inform Next Step steps in the fishery that is so vital to our Coastal communities the commercial ma mackerel fishery was closed in 20122 after steep declines.

Blamed on over fishing it has remained closed ever since mackerel arrive in different parts of the region at different times first off Southern Nova Scotia and later in Newland and Labrador Global negotiators are in Ottawa discussing how to deal with global plastic pollution one of the key problems is trying to track where it.

Comes from now a new study from Halifax's delh Housey University reveals which companies are responsible for much of the world's plastic waste but it's an incomplete RIT list an and ROM has a story these aren't scientists but this field trip to pick up trash is more than making the shores Scenic the younger grades will come and put it in my bucket.

And then I'll write it down what it is so we can keep track of everything we have a lot of stuff can you put that here that tracking is exactly the kind of observations that powered a new study on plastic pollution involving tens of thousands of volunteers cataloging the brands they saw during cleanups researchers Analyze That singling out.

These companies Coca-Cola Pepsi Nestle and Denon powerful brands that experts say deflect responsibility they often point to recycling being the Panacea or the solution to the problem but as we know with only 9% of all Plastics ever made only ever being recycled it leaves you know the other 90 or 91% going to waste or Worse into the.

Environment and it builds up in the environment this is a barricade in Guatemala just days ago collecting a wall of trash but experts say even striking images like this are out of sight out of mind for developed Nations it's also easy to think that when we're in Western countries with well equipped waste collection facilities it's hard to.

See the problem when you can't see the problem and as negotiators work in Ottawa on a binding Global treaty for plastic pollution some are taking that message directly to those in power I really want the developed country to stop export their plastic waste to developing country especially Indonesia I want them to take back their trash.

From our country only Coca-Cola responded to CBC news but didn't address the study specifically saying it's trying to make all its products recyclable by next year but keep in mind that the study had to disregard more than a million plastic waste items because volunteers couldn't clearly identify a brand meaning the true.

Picture of where plastic pollution comes from is likely a lot more hram CBC News Toronto some sad news to pass along now legendary hockey broadcaster Bob Cole has died he was 90 years old Cole was the hockey KN in Canada play-by-play voice for countless NHL games for 50 years he called his last game a Toronto Montreal matchup 5 years ago Peter Cowan.

Has this looked back at Cole's remarkable career Anders going in Bob Cole was there for all the big moments the wins the losses bringing his excitement for hockey and his catchphrases like during the 1991 Stanley Cup Final coming up look at Le oh my Heavens what a goal what a move Le oh baby he was the Storyteller of hockey.

For generations of people like me uh you could tell what was happening on the ice by the urgency of his voice you could kind of close your eyes and uh you knew what hockey was all about when you heard Bob speak Bob Cole got a start in newfinland calling Regional games in the 1960s he was behind the mic for his first NHL game on CBC Radio then in the.

1970s he joined Hockey Night in Canada on television where he stayed for 50 years Ron mlan first met Cole when he started hosting hockey KN in Canada in the 1980s and Bob Cole walked into the studio and he said watch the whole game last night don't change a thing and he just you know he elevated me then when I was a kid 26 and he elevated me uh this.

Weekend when I'm 64 so how do you thank someone for that Cole was a proud new finlander and his home was proud of him too the media box and the Mary Brown Center in St John's Bears his name Glenn Stanford has headed a half dozen professional hockey teams Bob Cole is a synomous in the hockey industry and obviously from from a provincial.

Perspective you know one of her own uh you know proud new land guys so uh you know a sad day for hockey and a sad day for the province for sure for a man who spent decades on television he didn't like to draw attention to himself for him it was all about the hockey never mind me or whomever broadcasting enjoy the game and I'm.

Trying to I'm trying to pass the message along to the viewers that I am enjoying the game done my job he kept calling games well into his 80s his last NHL game was just 5 years ago Bob Cole was 90 years old Peter cow CBC News St John's coming up Honda has announced a.

$15 billion investment to build four new plants in Ontario to build electric vehicles and their batteries Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein is getting a new trial a court has overturned his 2020 convictions for criminal sexual assault and rape and this is a look at Wolf Island from today Jay Scotland is back with.

Your full weather forecast in just a couple moments we'll see you right after the break e e e e.

E e J Scotland back with us now with the main weather forecast and uh yeah things looking pretty good in Nova Scotia for the next little while aren't they yeah if Ryan could plan his days off around days like this I think he does I would I would forever be grateful he gets a.

Nicer day off I have a lighter load in terms of forecasting that is nice to see not so nice to see those biing windshields uh this morning but that Sunshine was lovely this afternoon uh we're back to sunny conditions tomorrow again chilly in the morning but not as windy as we saw today so the windshield there just not as uh not as biting as.

What we saw to uh to start your Thursday is what we're going to see for your Friday morning uh temperature- wise it was below seasonal across the province today uh but we did really if you were on the sunny side of the street uh it did feel warmer and despite the wind it was really nice to see that sun and that blue sky across most of the province.

Today quiet conditions just some Cloud covers we look to a parts of Cape Breton just with that very brisk wind from the West coming in off the Gulf and off the straight and that has been resulting in some low Cloud uh that should continue to dissipate though as the wind dies down tonight uh we'll see much quieter weather picture overnight in terms of.

The wind conditions into tomorrow morning uh but that Ridge of high pressure is still keeping that sky clear to start the day few clouds do develop as we get into the afternoon tomorrow so I I don't want to say overcast conditions but you may see a few cloudy periods or passing clouds we'll say uh Sunny starts of the day for most areas.

And then a mix of sun and Cloud as we Edge into the afternoon and then those clouds do dissipate tomorrow evening as that Ridge of high pressure sticks with us for the Long Haul bringing us into what will be a very sunny Saturday forecast almost no cloud cover if any at all so uninterrupted Sunshine for your Saturday temperatures will still be near.

To below seasonal but we are looking at a lot of sunshine which for a late April forecast in the maritimes no complaints from this meteorologist here all right let's take a look at what you can expect uh through the overnight hours tonight temperatures uh dipping down to around or below freezing by a few degrees so you can expect another crisp start to.

The day for your Friday tomorrow the wind will not be as Gusty though so windshield vales not going to be as big of a problem but temperature wise yeah this is going to be another chilly night just a few clouds for Cape Britton otherwise we're looking at a clear picture for Mainland Nova Scotia and it will be mostly clear for much of Cape.

Breton as that wind dies down what little cloud cover you have uh should dissipates wind driven cloud cover just with that cold West Wind coming in off the water as we look to your Friday we are going to see um some clouds developing in the afternoon Southshore area up towards Kentville uh this is where you're looking at a sunny Sky.

Through the day uh but as we uh Edge into much of Mainland Nova Scotia certainly Northern more Eastern areas this is where you'll see a few clouds developing in the afternoon more of a mix of sun and cloud and I was mentioning this earlier as we look up into uh Eastern parts of the province up towards Sydney for example into cap.

Breton you do have that chance of a shower developing late afternoon and temperatures will still be a little bit below where they should be certainly going to feel that way into the morning hours tomorrow but 9° 10° for Inland areas not bad with a fairly Sunny forecast we're back to a sun sky with no cloud cover for Saturday or very little.

Cloud cover and then a mix of sun and cloud with that temperature up in the low to mid teens for Inland areas on Sunday taking a look at the long range Outlook we see those temperatures back at or above seasonal for the long range for Monday Tuesday but we do get a chance of showers Wednesday and a better chance for some steady rain with cooler.

Temperatures as we look to next Thursday but like I said earlier mentioning this on Tuesday we like a mix of the sunny days and the rainy days to keep that grass green keep that fire risk low and just keep everything nice so we can really enjoy that sunny or clear weather even Keel that's the way we like it isn't it yeah okay thanks so much.

Jay if you if you need a little inspiration Joe Dunn has you covered he's turning heads by doing flips handstands and rope climbing all at 79 years of age people try to keep up with them but well it's he Leaps and Bounds ahead of them have a look for yourself anytime I'd ever watch the Olympics or.

Anything like that it was the one sport would hold my attention and I said when I was in my 40s I said I'd love to give that a try sometime thinking I never get the opportunity every time I'm here I'm inspired by Joe with what he does he was definitely growing the sport everyone's always like oh no too old and like I can.

Sure you you were not we have someone who is 79 turning 80 um and he comes and he participates and he's cting better every time and I said to the coach well uh I'm not a parent I'm a grandparent he said well it's a pretty rugged class but if you want to give it a try you're welcome for 13 14 years later I'm still here the.

Young people that are here they seem to accept me fine you know so I I'm okay with that it's hard and I can't do it as high as Joe Joe rings the bell and I get scared and I go 34s it's a 2hour class first half hour is a warm up the middle hour you can do anything you want with the with the gear we have here and the last half hour we're back to.

Conditioning again what do people say to you when they see you doing gymnastics well they're surprised most of them well they think like you said they think it's for younger folks which it is if you're going to be a competitor and that it is too but you can still.

Have fun with it yeah okay I'll do it as long as I can as long as I feel healthy and great yeah give it a try you'll enjoy it there's a few Growing Pains until you get in condition for it but once you do it's great that is impressive well done Joe up next I'll talk with Lauren Murphy of.

Novas scoia Health but a first ofit kind healthcare worker job fair that's happening across the province tomorrow that is our newsmaker interview do stay with us you are watching CBC Nova Scotia news e e.

E e e e Nova Scotia Health says it's hosting its first ever provincial career fair tomorrow it will be offering in-person opportunities for job seekers in 11 communities Lauren Murphy is with Nova.

Scotia health so Miss Murphy why this career fair and why now that's a great question so I think uh for me the biggest thing was educating Nova scotians on the number of positions that we have available at Nova Scotia health so last year we attended 155 external Career Fairs so you can imagine we are one booth and a sea of.

Many booths one employer and a sea of many employers but we have enough to do our own so here we are we have uh a full day from 10 until 7 pm on Friday tomorrow with uh 11 different locations we have upwards to 200 Booth across all of those sites all representing jobs at Nova Scotia health so it's an opportunity for uh people to.

Come and chat with people who are living those roles ask them questions build those relationships we have a super easy QR code that you can scan and you enter to win a East Coast lifestyle gift box but also connects you to job opportunities so I think it's going to be really exciting well I I saw the list of departments that you're looking for.

Help in and it's it's pretty wide ranging from facility management to Physicians really what can you say about the range of needs well I think it's really I you know Nova Scotia health is kind of like a small City so if you think about every single type of job it takes to run a city that's the same as us we need of.

Course we need nurses we need doctors we need folks in Diagnostic Imaging Pharmacy respiratory therapy lab we need those people but we're more than scrubs and stethoscopes we need people who are administrative we need everyone in the trades we have amazing volunteer opportuni tons of it we're also really leaning into student recruitment so you.

Can imagine Nova scoa Health is not the only employer who's finding it hard to fill positions these days I think that's pretty standard across the board so what we're really trying to focus on now is getting those grads getting those high school students in the door so they can see a space for them here in healthcare um so we just posted a summer student.

Role we already have like hundreds of applications which we so EX excited about um so really you know bringing in that youth look and getting them engaged and excited about roles that we have and is that really the focus the youth people or you know young people or is it is it looking to to pull people out of the woodwork of Nova Scotia who may be a.

Little older maybe have more experience we are looking for everyone so we are inviting all Nova scotians to come and that's really another part of the reason why we wanted to host this provincially we want everyone to be connected to the facility in their Community we wanted to Showcase to folks that it's not just about Halifax we have.

Jobs for you all across the province so yes high school students postgrad everything but also just general public you mentioned career fairs that you've been at others over the past number of years I know this is the first of its kind for health Nova Scotia or Nova sco Health right now but overall how how a do you feel Career Fairs.

Are oh they're absolutely amazing and again it's an opportunity for people to talk to the people who are actually in the role you know we live in a virtual world right now I mean I'm talking to you through my computer everyone has to apply online um so but you kind of miss that interaction with the human where you're like what is it like to work.

There tell me the truth tell me the goods like you know asking questions about what is the compensation what is the education Pathway to get to this job you get to have that connection point and I've been to many many many career fairs in my my time and it makes me just so full of joy when I get to chat with people and I see that connection and.

Then they apply and they get hired and so if anyone's watching this and they are interested for more information where should people look absolutely so just go to Nova uh nsh health. cnews and it's the first thing that comes up on the page all right can't miss it Lauren Murphy thank you so much thank.

You coming up police and health authorities are investigating after an illegal avire was discovered in an Edmonton neighborhood e e e.

E e e e Japanese automaker Honda has announced a multi-billion dollar electric vehicle investment in Ontario it will build new manufacturing plants in the province and at its Center will be a complex north of.

Toronto the cbc's ithal Musa reports Minister it's being touted as the largest Auto investment in Canada's history this is absolutely historic Japanese automaker Honda is investing $15 billion to build four new electric vehicle manufacturing plants in Ontario the deal includes establishing Honda's First Electric Vehicle Assembly.

Plant as well as a new Standalone EV battery plant at Honda's facility in Alliston Ontario these investments will create well over a thousand well-paying manufacturing jobs the federal government and Province are each contributing about $2.5 billion in investment tax credits and through various direct and indirect incentives.

Canada is planning for zero missions by 2035 so a lot of these movements need to be done the demand will catch up eventually but in the meantime you have to make the investment this employment director in Alliston says Honda's investment will also have a positive lasting impact on the wider Community it's the uh spin-off jobs so there's a.

Lot of parts manufacturers that will now support that facility but it's the small little mum and Pop Shop shops around those facilities too that benefit from more customers the new Honda facility will be the third EV battery plant in the province after Volkswagen in St Thomas and stantis in Windsor the federal government and automakers say.

Once the assembly plant is fully operational in 2028 it will produce up to 240,000 vehicles per year it Mo to CBC News Toronto New York's highest court has overturned Harvey Weinstein's 2020 rape conviction and ordered a new trial the court of appeals ruled today that the judge at the disgraced movie Mogul Landmark met2 trial prejudiced him.

With improper rulings that included letting women testify about allegations that weren't part of the case the 72-year-old Weinstein is serving a 23-year sentence in New York he'll remain imprisoned because of a 2022 conviction in a Los Angeles rape case that resulted in a 16-year prison term Weinstein's lawyer called the reversal a.

Tremendous Victory while a dissenting judge called it part of a disturbing trend of reversals in cases involving sexual violence Donald Trump's hush money trial continues today in New York meantime in Washington the US Supreme Court is hearing arguments about Trump's immunity case stemming from charges over Trump's.

Efforts to reverse the 2020 election results it's weighing whether the former US president can be criminally prosecuted for actions he took took while in office Caroline Malone has the latest developments the Supreme Court Justices heard arguments from both sides of the case on Thursday both from the.

Prosecution side that want to move forward with an election interference case against former president Donald Trump but can't do so until the question of immunity is answered now Trump's lawyers of course have argued that he should be immune that's why this case has come all the way up to the Supreme Court they say in all the leading up to.

January 6th to the capital attack all the conversations he had he was acting in an official capacity as president in the White House at the time and therefore that he shouldn't be tried but this is an incredibly important case so the Supreme Court Justices um were debating back and forward over a number of details in particular because it.

Doesn't just influence Donald Trump this has an impact on future presidents as well if the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military or orders someone to assassinate him is that within His official acts that for which he can get immunity it would.

Depend on the hypothetical there's also a scenario in which the Supreme Court decide that it's so complicated they actually have to send the case back to the lower courts to debate some of the finer details of this argument at the moment they're not likely to give a full opinion until at least the end of June early July before they recess for the.

Summer that means that if any other trials do go ahead that wouldn't likely happen until Midsummer or later and by that time we're getting into the latest stages of the campaigning ahead of a presidential election here in the United States which of course is hardly likely to be between the same two candidates current President Joe Biden and former.

President Donald Trump Caroline Malone in Washington for CBC News hadi's prime minister Ariel Henry offici resigned today clearing the way for a new transitional government in the Caribbean Nation the country has been overrun by chaos and deadly gang violence for months a nine-member council has been sworn in it will help.

Set the agenda for a new cabinet and prepare the country for fresh elections in future meantime remaining cabinet ministers tapped Finance Minister Michelle Patrick B to serve as interim prime minister B will work with the council to address the gang fueled crisis more than 2500 people have been killed or injured since January and.

Thousands are displaced a new UN report says about 1 and a half million people in Haiti are a step away from famine a sweeping new report is shedding light on a quiet crisis unfolding in many Canadian hospitals the growing cost and longer treatment time for those dealing with homelessness some facilities are looking at new ways to.

Help these patients navigate the Health Care system better Lauren pel explains which one Mickey ball is a regular face at this Toronto Hospital I've been to the hospital about 60 times in the last two years all while she was living in a park downtown she says being homeless took a toll on her health from breathing issues to a mild heart attack.

I've been here for a lot of reasons you know my back I my legs swelled up really bad and um I was uh thinking that I had a blood clot since 2018 hospitals across Canada have been required to track when patients are homeless a new report shows there were nearly 30,000 hospitalizations among homeless individuals between 2022 and 2023 the.

Vast majority came through busy emergency departments the top three reasons were substance use disorders serious mental health conditions and cellulitis a bacterial skin infection hospital stays among homeless Canadians were also near nearly twice as long and cost more than double the national average they may.

Have very serious conditions they are also in hospital for a longer period of time and because there may be challenges to discharge that patient to maybe a more appropriate care setting the Outreach team here works with patients like ball to help them find a place to live this is my home street home for my house but the team says without enough.

Shelter spaces or affordable housing options in Canada those success stories don't happen often up until today it's been months and months since we've actually secured a shelter for somebody when there is no shelter space they come to us this physician says housing investments could also benefit Canada's strained healthare system I think we.

Really need to understand homelessness is a health care issue that uh just as much as we need food and water we need places to be safe and warm otherwise thousands of Canadians will remain out of the cold with all the health problems that come with it Lauren P CBC News Toronto police and health authorities in Alberta are warning consumers about a.

Black Meat Market a red Market rather a black market in red meat it's putting unsafe uninspected products into the local food supply as Terry reath explains eating them can potentially put your health at risk with the rising cost of meat consumers restaurants and Commercial kitchens are looking to cut Corners in whatever way they can and one.

Way is to bypass the inspection system according to police this can be done by stealing animals off Farmers Fields buying them cheap at auction or slaughtering animals that should never be put into the commercial food chain it can happen in so-called ghost avatars like this one discovered in a residential Garage in North Edmonton it.

Was found last last year after several goats escaped Slaughter and bolted into an alley John boss spotted them and snapped these pictures I've never seen anything like that in my life like I worked on a pig farm and never looked like that so yeah it was just it was pretty disturbing what I seen so that's why I took the.

Pictures the RCMP in Alberta have confirmed that they're investigating the illegal Slaughter of sheep and goats in Southern Alberta earlier this week several Calgary food establishments were shut down for the sale of uninspected meat Alberta Health Services has issued a recall for eight establishments in Calgary including a wholesale.

Distribution center and a caterer as for that back alley abire in Edmonton Edmonton Police say they have not pressed charges another way meat is being marketed is through online ads like this one this Facebook page was pulled down after we inquired about the sources of the meat they were selling dozens of other online sellers remain it.

Scares me um because they don't know where that meat's coming from they don't know that care has been taken in how the animal is killed and that you know that's one of the other issues for me is the Animal Welfare side of it 4 million Canadians are sickened by viruses bacteria and parasites every year according to the Canadian food.

Inspection agency about 238 people die and in 60% of those cases the cause of the food poisoning is never found Terry reath CBC News Edmonton a distressing story to share from Australia Marine experts are trying to understand why about 140 pilot whales beached South west of Perth at least 26 of the stranded animals have since died.

But local residents are trying to help the remaining whales back into the ocean here's a look at the latest rescue efforts we removed the dead whales um from the water so that's what you can see we tried to get them up out of the the water line to stop encouraging the other whales that are that were in the water to to restand or to strand back.

Again so we've got vessels out on the water and we've also got um spot a plane up in the air that's uh doing um searches over every couple of hours just to see where they are and um so far so good they haven't made it back to shore but um we will keep monitoring them sometimes it might be a member of the uh pod is ill and um the others.

Follow sometimes it might be some kind of noise disturbance disease can be a factor so it's very varied we're taking a number of samples particularly the priorities to exclude uh infectious diseases uh every whale stranding is is different and there's different circumstances and different situ ation so it's hard it's hard to say but we'll.

Try and take as many samples as we can to um see if there's anything happening in the population Canada's main stock index Eed out a gain today thanks to energy and base Metals here's a look at where the markets closed e.

E e e e e for news you can trust we have the latest on what's happening in your community and a weather forecast you can rely on no matter where you are in Atlantic Canada I'm Amy Smith and I'm.

Ryan snoden join us for Atlantic tonight right after the national Jay Scotland is back with us now to wrap things up weatherwise and Jay another beautiful day as we were staying here in Nova Scotia but things are getting off to a cool start these mornings aren't they yeah and we're in that awkward time of year where I know in my household not.

Only have we put away the winter jackets but we actually we we put that you know the the shrink wrap where you the vacuum seal bags you're serious opening those up is a opening those up is a bit of a chore so my apologies to anybody who's maybe packed away the winter gear you may need the thicker jacket or at least a good hoodie underneath the spring.

Jacket to start the day tomorrow but layers is key because we'll be starting out around or just below freezing most areas for 7 a.m. with that Sunny start to the day we do see a few clouds developing into the afternoon but the temperature does improve anywhere from 8 to 10 degrees for the HRM and most of uh Mainland Nova Scotia if you're not near.

The water we'll be up around or close to double digits tomorrow so dressing in layers is key thicker layers in the morning and of course you can maybe a layer or two in the afternoon certainly that wind will be the big story tomorrow it was very Gusty led to a biting windshield this morning still going to see a windshield tomorrow morning but 10.

To 15K from the Northwest gusting over 20 possible sustained between 10 and 20 uh for the afternoon that's Breezy not as Gusty is what we saw today so that windshield not as big of an issue for your Friday morning Tom all right looking forward to it for sure okay thanks so much Jay and finally tonight engineers at.

Columbia University have built a robot that can mimic human facial expressions researchers say the creation of the robot named emo represents a major advance in communication between humans and robots as robots become more advanced and complicated like those powered by AI models there's a growing need to make this interactions more.

Intuitive emo can anticipate human facial expressions and mimic them even predicting a forthcoming smile milliseconds before it happens robots have made strides in verbal communication in recent years but they have lagged behind when it comes to facial cues the engineers plan to integrate verbal communication into emo.

To allow the robot to take part in complex and natural conversations that is it for us tonight thank you so much for watching we'll see you next time

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