CBC Nova Scotia News Apr. 29, 2024 | Third teen charged in mall homicide


CBC Nova Scotia News Apr. 29, 2024 | Third teen charged in mall homicide

This is CBC Nova Scotia news tonight's thir charged police arrest a 16-year-old in connection with a fatal stabbing at the Halifax Shopping Center controversy Brewing why some residents in the Annapolis Valley are pushing back against a proposed Campground and mobile meals the Salvation Army's food truck gets the.

Green light to hit the road in Sydney a blocking pack and will keep things unsettled for the next few days as a low spins to our East bringing in a few shower chances some clouds and some Breezy Northerly winds your full forecast is coming up good evening a third teen has been.

Charged with second deegree murder in the death of 16-year-old Ahmad Al marok Al marok was stabbed last week in a parking lot at the Halifax Shopping Center Police say a 16-year-old male youth who officers had a initially arrested shortly after the killing but later released was arrested again today the youth appeared in court this.

Afternoon he remains in custody last week a 14-year-old boy and girl were also charged with second deegree murder they are also in custody all three accused are scheduled to return to court May the 13th officers were called to the park gate on Mumford Road at around 5:00 pm. on April 22nd where they found alaro injured he died shortly after being.

Rushed to hospital meanwhile a vigil was held in downtown Halifax Sunday for Ahmad alaro roughly 100 people gathered at peace and Friendship Park Sunday afternoon to remember the teenager attendees prayed and shared memories of Al marok who came with his family from Syria to Canada as refugees eight years ago el maro's Father and best friend.

Spoke to the crowd I haven't slept I haven't slept in a while I've been missing school cuz I can't think but my brain is like in a tornado um everything it doesn't feel real nothing nothing feels real Hussein says he and his classmates have been getting a lot of support from the community a Halifax tenant is speaking.

Up about the residential tencies enforcement system Michaela rutley has spent a year and a half trying to get $1,500 she's owed by her former landlord but even with residential tencies and small claims court decisions in her favor she has turned to local bylaw officers police and sheriffs with no luck yet now she's left wondering if she.

Will ever see the money basically to have it enforced by the sheriff they're going to require some sort of information on your landlords like maybe their personal address or like their banking info but the problem is it's really hard for a tenant to access that information if they haven't given it to you openly uh I know like with the.

People I'm dealing with they keep switching around their banking and they will not reveal their personal address so there's no way for me to actually get the sheriff to help me out rutley is one of many tenants and landlords who have been advocating for a better system of enforcement for years and staying with that story it's been a.

Year since a consultant's report advised the provincial government to create an enforcement and Compliance Unit to regulate rental disputes but the province still doesn't have one Nicholas Sean reports whether you're a tenant or a landlord you may have had some kind of conflict landlords charging illegal deposits or jacking up rent above the.

Rent cap or tenants not paying their rent or damaging a property it's been one year since a report about tency enforcement was given to the province so is dealing with these sorts of issues getting any easier if you find yourself needing to take action no matter who you are you start by going through the residential tencies program an officer.

Hears the case then makes a decision but if one party doesn't comply the residential tencies program doesn't have its own way to enforce orders or Levy fines and police and bylaw officers won't get involved so each party has 10 days to appeal the residential teny decision then it can be inforced through the small claims court by hiring a.

Sheriff but the problem is this doesn't always work if you don't have the other person's banking information address or other personal information sometimes there's nothing the sheriff can do leaving some people fighting for months or years with no resolution landlord and tenant groups have been saying the province needs an.

Enforcement unit for years in November 2022 the Houston government hired a consulting firm to study Ontario's enforcement system and outline the scope structure and costs of setting up something similar in Nova Scotia then we heard nothing for months last May I asked Colton leelah the minister in charge of residential tencies if his.

Department had received the report he said yes but refused to release it publicly then in August CBC found out the report recommended a similar enforcement and Compliance Unit to Ontario it set out a timeline that would have had the unit in place by March in October Leblon said legislation wouldn't be introduced in time to meet the March.

Deadline now that takes us to the present it's been a year since the report was given to government and we've seen no movement minister Colton Leblon says an enforcement unit won't be a silver bullet to fix residential tencies and it might not even meet all the tenants and landlords expectations a spokesperson says the department is.

Still considering the report and won't release it yet landlord and tenant Advocates I've spoken with over the past year say the issues are getting worse and they're calling on the government to act Nicholas aan CBC News Halifax a proposal for a new private Campground is before a local government government in the Annapolis Valley and it's facing.

Significant opposition from some of the people who live nearby Taran Grant visited the community of Scott Bay to learn about the proposed Campground and the community's concerns on a remote corner of the Bay of funi in a small and historic Community there's a controversy Brewing some people support the notion and some.

People don't and because it's been going on for over 2 and a half years lines are being lines have been drawn in the sand sort of on which side people um feel and that is not good for Community cohesion and it's it's pinning neighbors against neighbors Lindsay steel owns several pieces of land in Scotts Bay totaling more than 300.

Hectares she breeds show horses raises chickens and Farms crops her nextdoor neighbors want to open a campground and she's worried it could come at the expense of her business with the campground we're very concerned as to um trespassing into our Marin full areas because it abuts um the the campground and people um think horses are romantic.

And they don't know and we would hate to see somebody hurt because they have wandered in to an area that they shouldn't other people flag concerns about excessive campfire smoke traffic litter and infringement on agricultural land the proposed site is a 40 hectare plot that's been in Julie scalings family for Generations.

I wanted to do something with the property that was useful it was always a place that anybody in the community could go for kind of different recreational things so I wanted to kind of embrace that my dad always had a little Campground there and and allowed anybody who wanted to Camp there um could camp there he never um charged.

Anybody for it so it wasn't really a business it was just um he just he just let them do that the new Campground would be a business and some of the revenue would go into a social Enterprise inspired by scalings daughter who has Down syndrome so he's trying to think there's a lot of other uh people who have physical disabilities cognitive.

Disabilities and some emotional disabilities that it would be nice to have a space where people could actually be um able to create their own Campground so be involved with the process of it or come and camp camp and feel like it's a very inclusive and accessible Campground Scott Bay has two provincial parks one with a public beach.

And the other with hiking trails that lead to the top of Cape split only a couple hundred people live here but thousands visit every year it's going to happen at some point that there'll be some other you know accommodations um maybe another campground who knows but um you know I'm trying to align myself with.

What the needs are um kind of Kings County needs in a sense scaling needs approval from Kings County councilors to move ahead they've asked her to address the community's concerns so she's consulted with experts and says everything can be mitigated a public hearing is scheduled for this week and later Council will have the final word.

By voting yes or no Taran Grant CBC News Scott Bay a third party review of last year's barington Lake and Tantallon wildfires says the province's response was well coordinated the report commissioned by The Province also called for improvements to training and air support among other items Jim rudderham is with the Department of Natural.

Resources well we've continued we we've already started some of these things as well we we've started some training more training always uh we have purchased some new equipment as well and we certainly looking at this report and we're going to take all the recommendations into play and start to work towards them right away.

I'll talk to Jim ruam of the Department of Natural Resources about how things might change this Forest season that's our newsmaker interview just after 6:30 and Ryan snoden with us now to talk weather and of course Wildfire season top of mind for a lot of folks this time of year yeah there were a few grass.

Fires over the weekend it doesn't take long this time of year I know the water table is fine but here at the surface it doesn't take long for things to get dry and yeah the risk of fire is certainly there now most of the province is in the low range that is true but we are in the moderate to high range in a few spots especially along the North umberland.

Shore and into the Halifax area as well uh this map looks a little more favorable than it did yesterday when of course the relative humidity was so dry and uh we didn't have those uh showers yet that we had a couple of those hours overnight so that did ease things a little bit and the burn band has gone from completely red overnight into this.

Morning back to restricted which is burning only allowed at night and into the early morning hours for most of the province minus Sydney metro area and Richmond County but this is going to be something we have to watch in the coming days because we're not going to be seeing any real substantial rain it's already been a week last Sunday was the.

Last time we had really any kind of a meaningful drink from Mother Nature and that's really not going to change over the next couple of days despite the fact that we've got this low swirling just to the east of newfinland that is going to influence us with the Northerly winds keeping things cool uh a little bit cooler I should say area of high.

Pressure though is going to for the most part keep us dry we do have a couple of shower chances overnight tonight into tomorrow morning maybe even a few flakes mixing in for tomorrow morning in the East and Northeast but generally dry and that's going to be the case over the next couple of days just some shower chances the clouds a little more d.

Dominant than not but we will see finally a chance of showers into the late Thursday Friday time period but really Tom and Amy looks like we'll have to wait all the way till early next week and so that fire map is something we'll be uh showing frequently here on the show and keeping you posted and if you are thinking about burning make sure you.

Do check that provincial website yeah keep an eye on that for sure okay Ryan thank you so much thank you well after a long delay the Salvation Army's food truck in Sydney will be hitting the road after inquiries by CBC the cape Britain Regional municipality has given the nonprofit organization the green light to offer meals while mobile cbc's Kyle.

Moore has a story The Salvation Army is known for helping community members in times of need their mobile food truck is another way for them to lend a helping hand but they have been waiting weeks for approval from the cbrm so really it's been conversations and emails Janelle derle says a team of.

Volunteers has been eager to launch a new mobile feeding program in the Sydney area the truck offered hot meals for those in need during Hurricane Fiona and recently during the snowstorm that dropped 150 cm of snow on the island the emergency measures act allows them to do their work without a permit but there's been some confusion around what's needed.

On a day-to-day bases we had a wonderful group of volunteers from the community um kind of come alongside of us and say hey we want to we want to help the Salvation Army with with your food bank volunteers and your emergency Des disaster volunteers we want to get this truck up and on the road and going out into the community as soon as possible.

After a call from CBC it turns out the Salvation Army doesn't need a permit mayor Amanda McDougall says they will soon receive the green light to hit the road because they are a nonprofit organization they are not required to get a permit um they're going to be giving food to those in need and so we're really grateful that they've.

Stepped up to do this McDougle says it took a little extra time to figure out the details because this is a request the municipality has never received from a nonprofit organization this being more of a a regular schedule um is new so again it's something that needed a bit of time to figure out okay how does this work.

Within our bylaws and policies durle says the need in the community right now is overwhelming and it's important that they start their work right away I think it's critical you know um people have really deep needs in the community right now they have a physical need for food they also have a need for friendship and for a smiling face and for a safe place.

Right and so we we provide that that's what the Salvation Army does we stand in the Gap when there's a need we show up bagged lunch and hot drinks will be provided on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the Sydney area in the coming weeks Kyle Moore CBC News Sydney the federal government says it will repair dozens of small craft Harbors in Atlantic Canada.

And Quebec in the coming year 40 were identified as part of an announcement today to promote spending in the federal budget some of the work will repair Harbors still not fully recovered from Hurricane Fiona two and a half years ago fisheries and oceans says more projects will be funded from the 463 million set aside for small craft.

Harbors over the next three years the Liberals say they want to put pressure on their opponents on one hand the Atlantic conservatives can't claim to be the voice of fishermen and their community and on the other hand vote against such measures such as investing in economic hubs in coastal Canada that to me is just pure hypocrisy.

Conservative Fisheries critic Clifford small says this is nothing but electioneering and the department has no idea that the money will be spent there will be 50 new spaces for children at a new child care center when the new NOVA scosha community college Waterfront campus opens in Sydney this September the center will be operated by.

The YMCA and priority will be given to students and campus employees but the center is open to the community the province is financially supporting the center and contributing money for the outdoor play area there is a virtual wait list for the spaces already open on the cap Retton YMCA website a restructuring firm says.

Several biders have offered to buy all or part of the two companies that operate Atlanta Canada's largest newspaper Enterprise Toronto based ksv restructuring Inc said in a report that some of those non-binding offers if accepted would enable the deeply indebted saltwire Network and the Halifax Herald companies to continue.

Operating as viable businesses ksvs report does not say how many bids were received the initial bidding deadline and it doesn't provide any details about who made the bids saltwire owns a number of news Publications across Atlantic Canada including Halifax's chronical hair the telegram in St John's Newland and the guardian in charlott town a team.

Of Nova scotians representing Canada are now world champions they won gold at the world seniors curling Championship on Saturday and this was the winning shot made by Skip Paul Fleming from Halifax.

Heading into the Final End team Canada was tied 3-3 with Team USA that throw in the eighth end gave Canada a 43 win cam Canada's women's team also won gold at the event held in Switzerland congratulations to them all done well Nova Scotia well represented that's it for us for the first break do stay with us quick break on the way yes we have a.

Lot more to C on CBC Nova Scotia News student protest a pro Palestinian encampment is growing at Montreal's McGill University campus true STS diplomatic efforts continue at the world economic Forum to secure a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas well it's always pretty in mahome Bay especially here Ryan is up next with.

The full weather forecast we'll see you after the break e e e e e e.

All right just a quick note to say that the curling championships we just talked about happened in Sweden not Switzerland as we said both sound a little similar wherever they were they missed out on a fantastic weekend in Nova Scotia because man was it ever nice it was gorgeous so long overdue to have a weekend like that yesterday was.

Phenomenal uh even got the sun on my neck to prove it yeah boy underestimated uh yeah it was uh it's terrific lot of folks in the 15 16 17 18 range uh Ki was uh almost 19° that was our hot spot uh just super super nice and as we mentioned earlier yes have to enjoy the Sun but safely and making sure we're keeping an eye on those burn.

Restrictions as things are dry now we need another shot of of rain for sure have a look at this our view our webcam shot and this just shows again that looks uh very summerlike and I'm sure there was a few folks on this beach yesterday H that should say uh not lower didn't recognize that Lockport that is of course Lockport Crescent Beach and a.

Beautiful shot there night 13 degrees is the temperature at Lockport right now and that's yes the high temperature uh down in that area today though 15 at Western head uh you can see that uh temps 15 at ingonish beach as well up in the Northeast so we did have some nice warm spots there for today temperatures have really dropped off uh here across.

The the north and east 5 degrees at last check at sheda camp and this is going to be the spot here we have to keep an eye on maybe a few flakes mixing in overnight into tomorrow morning Northwest winds and you can see yes sustain in the 20 30 37 range at last check at Beaver Island 28 in Yarmouth gusting to 40 in.

Yarmouth and gusting to 50 at the Beaver Island site gusting to 50 are just shy of it in the Sydney metro area as well lots of cloud in the mix over the last little bit uh really not a bad day overall but uh again yesterday was just the bar uh was set so high there's the low that's spinning to the southeast of newf land I mentioned it earlier in the.

Program if you're just joining us that low is not going anywhere anytime soon so it's going to be continuing to wrap some moisture in to the region for us this area of high pressure is going to uh keep us a little well maybe I should not answer that phone but uh yeah um don't they know I'm trying to do a forecast here also I should probably.

Have that on silent anyway this area of high pressure is going to continue to keep us overall dry as we move through the next couple of days some moisture going to try to get in in the form of some clouds maybe a couple of isolated showers but yeah we aren't going to be really getting that substantial drink that we need until early stages of next.

Week let's walk you through it uh yeah temperatures tonight ranging from around 2 to 5° one on the Eastern Shore those Northerly winds 20 25 even 30 and yes some gusts in the 50 to 60 km per hour range here in the Northeast including Fork Breton uh so that's something to keep in mind that that Northerly flow is definitely going to have a feel there is.

Uh yeah a couple of those flakes mixing in maybe even some patchy freezing drizzle overnight tonight into tomorrow Fork Breton and the Northeast note the brighter skies and the milder temperatures in through the West should get to around 8 degrees in the Sydney Metro area though with that northwest wind tomorrow cooler in veress and.

Across that North umberland Shore and again those winds are going to have a bite there gusting 50 to 60 those flurry chances even down towards the trle region tomorrow Halifax near 8 and this will be our hot spot down and through the Southwest 12 to 13 degrees with those Northerly winds could squeak down into the 131 14 range again on Wednesday.

Again clouds mostly dominant couple of shower chances here in the north and east but this is generally the setup over the next couple of days it's as I said Not until we work our way into the uh well Friday again isolated shower chances really not until early next week that we have that chance for some PR precipitation that for anything.

Substantial Tom and Amy and again Saturday Sunday at this point again looking pretty good so good that the phone is ringing off I'm dying to know who that was you got to answer that it feels like a Monday doesn't it yeah it certainly does okay call them back thanks Ryan thank you well CBC reporter jash recently hit a milestone three.

Decades of reporting at Nova Scotia legislature so it seemed like a good time to zoom out and look at the landscape and how it's changed tonight he and fellow reporter Michael Gorman explained how attempts to get answers and hold governments to account have changed over time I took this image about a month ago because I thought it.

Was a perfect illustration of how much things have changed during my time of a province house here you have a single reporter talking to a single cabinet minister surrounded by communication staff whether they're from government or from the three main parties and I'm not the only one who's noticed a shift everything is about control of the.

Information uh you know it's not about providing information it's about controlling it and and getting it out there on their own terms like me longtime journalist Steven Kimber remembers a time not that long ago when politicians didn't need handlers the public is the loser in all of this because it's a you know we're not.

Getting the information we need as Citizens to know what's really going on in in our Province and that's pretty much the way things were when I was here in the '90s um in fact there were a bunch of us who sat in the front row of the speakers Gallery bunch of reporters pretty much shoulder toosh shoulder but as you can see uh things have changed.

There's plenty of room now John what was it like back when there were horses and Buggies downtown I don't go quite that far back that's not a bad one though you go ahead I'll I'll roll with it so John when did you start seeing things shift down here well there's always been uh uh some control uh by the premier's office but.

Things like uh when Rodney McDonald became Premier uh they wanted us to use a single microphone so that the premier didn't look uh like he was under siege every scrum and then of course uh when darl Dexter and the NDP came to power for the first time there was really a a centralization of the message and and request by reporters really being.

Funneled through the premier's office massaged and then sent back out through uh Communications Nova Scotia and that's continued through subsequent governments right we saw Stephen mcneel come in he did away with the weekly release of the Premier schedule became more difficult to track what he was up to and access started to Titan we've seen that.

Continue with the Tory government um we see examples sometimes of Tim Houston taking trips and us not even being informed about it at all or at the very minimum after he's already gone and this is sort of the way things have progressed and this really is a bit of a pattern over the years and we're not the only ones who have kind of noticed it.

Every time a new government comes in they come in promising that they will do certain things open up the pro immediately they get into office and they recognize that that's not in their best interests and then they not only go along with what the previous government has done they up the ante a little further and make it that much.

Harder to get information out of them and that's sort of consistent with what we've experienced down here you certainly for much longer than me but all of that being said what was it that got you thinking about this and and wanting to discuss it now well because it's been so gradual that if you hadn't been down here for eons like I have um.

That you may not have noticed and not everyone pays as much attention uh to what goes on here as you and I and I think it's important for people to understand that it's not just um reporters complaining about access and that sort of thing we are asking questions on behalf of the public and that um that work is important to.

Democracy it is is important it's it's it's not uh sexy it's not uh fun in many ways but this holding politicians to account on behalf of the public is an essential part of democracy and if you don't have that then it's very easy for governments for individual politicians to make decisions to do things that have.

Consequences for all of us as as individuals with no accountability and really Mike that's the job of a political reporter it really is to hold governments to account for what they say what they promise and then what they do all right appreciate that perspective thanks much guys up next I'll talk with Jim ruam of the Nova Scotia Department.

Of Natural Resources about a report that looked into last year's fighting of the two major wildfires in this province that is our newsmaker interview yes please stay with us you are watching CBC Nova o news e.

E e e e e a thirdparty review of last year's barington Lake and Tantallon Wildfire says the province's response was well coordinated the report commission The.

Province also called for improvements to training and air support among other items Jim ruam is the director of the fleet and Forest protection with Nova scotia's Department of Natural Resources sir a recent report on the the barington lake fire and the tant thaen Wildfire last year it says the Department's response was well coordinated but it.

Also called for some improvements too more training clearing protocols strengthening air support how will the dep Department be better prepared for Fire season this year well we've continued we we've already started some of these things as well we we've started some training more training always uh we have purchased.

Some new equipment as well and we certainly looking at this report and we're going to take all the recommendations into play and start to work towards them right away and so how will the training be different or what kind of training do you see being needed no no different training just more of it last year we tapped into a huge part of.

Our department that doesn't usually get used so we we continued more training and drawn more people into training that normally wouldn't have had it before and we're trying to make uh um increase our capacity in all of our positions with with training for a regular staff as well what about training for firefighters who were who are used to.

Fighting you know structure fires and then are turning their attention to forest fires we've always offered training to our municipal fire departments around the around the province and that continues as well that it is a different different thing fighting structures are fighting wildfires for sure so what new.

Infrastructure or firefighting gear will you have available to you this spring well nothing but we have new with new hoses new uh new pumps new new regular gear stuff that we've always had in the past just just replaced after last year uh for the extra use we've had and an increas in capacity as well what about aircraft we are uh we are upgrading our.

Fleet of aircraft that was in place before before this this all started because you can't buy those overnight but that's in place as well to upgrade our helicopter Fleet so will you have uh a new helicopter or new helicopters this year no that's that's about a three and four year process to replace our Fleet as they come up but that that is in.

Place as well and of course our helicopters are are very versatile machines which we we like to have would having more volunteers have helped last year um I don't know we uh we certainly work with a lot of volunteer fire departments I believe there was almost 50 fire departments during that busy week we had that were actually working.

Helping with the fires um of course they were doing structure work or helping us uh supporting with water and other things as well and and on the fire line as well too um it's hard hard to organize that many staff sometimes but uh we'll continue to work with those and and work on our options for for doing whatever we can how will the new Nova.

Scotia guard roll into effect with fighting wildfires yeah that that'll be interesting to see that g is not in place yet that's that'll we're working towards that or that's being worked on now it'll be interesting to see how that rolls out and where they can where those positions might help us I don't know if.

It'll be specifically on the firefighting line they could be I'm not sure yet but certainly support roles as well they will be uh very beneficial I know it's still being imagined but looking back would having had a Nova Scotia guard have changed anything last year do you think I I think so yes they if they had been organized and ready to.

Help in certain capacities um whether it be with support for for feeding people or for helping House people or whatever I I think that support would have been helpful if we had it organized and ready to go yes so where else do you you need more help oh that's that's a that's really a hard question you don't really know.

Until you see it um we we we had we sometimes need help with capacity with resources which we can get to our other agencies all the agencies belong to in Canada to Cy we also have the compact we can deal with as well so when we do need extra help we can we can draw on those resources as well but maybe some of the uh closer to home stuff like I mentioned.

Before feeding all these people and and making sure they house could have been helpful well the report seems to suggest that that there should be a review of the Wildfire investigation capability that there maybe needs to be some more help there what what has been missing I don't think I didn't read that in the report Tom perhaps I'm wrong.

Though but but increasing capacity in all our positions might help um the investigations of course my my position is to help put the fires out and then the investigations fall into to other groups to deal with so I really can't speak 100% to that but more capacity and a lot of roles would help us the uh the two major wildfires.

Last year of course were caused by humans we are seeing some grass fires around the province already this year what do you want people to know I want people to be extremely careful with Wildfire s Tomy or any kind of fire it's really and last year shows it every it's everybody's responsibility to help with Wildfire prevention and if.

You're going to have choose to have a fire make sure you check our buring restrictions every day at 2:00 that's when they're updated and and to follow them closely and uh that's the most important thing it's it's all of our job to try to help keep these fires MERS starting given the conditions that we're seeing already this year are you able to.

In any way sort of look at what we might be in store for this year well I always tell people ask me again in September and I'll let you know exactly what happened but so far this year we're not as dry as we were last year at this point but that could change very quickly this was a very dry weekend we had uh numerous fires over the.

Weekend of course from from people not being careful um this little bit of rain we had today was very helpful we'll take any kind of moisture we can but but we really uh people need just need to be very careful anything they do what side that could cause a fire Jim rham thank you very much thank you coming up worried about foreign.

Workers conser want more details on ottawa's $15 Billion Honda EV deal e e e e e e the pro Palestinian protest taking place.

In US colleges have started to spread North demonstrators have set up encampments at both Montreal's McGill University and UBC in Vancouver they are demanding their schools divest from Israel related Investments the cbc's Sarah levit has more from the mill encampment this encampment has grown quite a bit since it first started on.

Saturday just to give you an idea of what it looks like here on Migel campus uh they've set up about 50 tents inside surrounded by fences obviously you can see that they have put their signs up for why they are here since not just here at McGill University but there have also been an encampment set up at the University of British Columbia copying.

In in ways or ging inspiration from what we've seen on us campuses uh across that country similar calls in this case they are asking for McGill University to divest from Israeli related funds as well as organizations they're here until the university meets their demands I think that Migel is not taking this as seriously as it should Migel needs to.

Understand that this is student tuition that is going into literal genocide and that these students have a right to use their voice have a right to speak up there's a lot of different people coming from different perspectives here uh we have a lot of anti-zionist Jews here a lot of people from independent Jewish voices or.

Igv um and we formed a really amazing Community I did speak with one uh Jewish man who lives nearby and came on campus to see what it looked like they shouldn't be taking over Miguel's territory and involving Miguel's campus they should be doing it peacefully on the streets and then go home Mill university has said that the encampment.

Goes against University policies they did say at one point that they understand there's the freedom to right of expression as well as assembly uh but that according to them they have seen video evidence of incidents of anti-Semitism and intim ation that's something that CBC hasn't independently uh verified and the protesters here have.

Said that's absolutely uh not true so far police haven't come on campus have given no indication that they will come on campus and as I said protesters say that they will stay here uh with or without police intervention until their demands are met Sarah Levitz CBC News Montreal There's A Renewed push for Hamas to accept the latest ceasefire.

Deal and to release the remaining Israeli hostages and Israel is being urged to allow more humanitarian Aid to flow into Gaza but hope remains in short supply for civilians enduring unrelenting violence every day for nearly seven months now Brier Stewart reports another morning begins preparing to bury gaza's latest victims air.

Strikes overnight killed more than two dozen people in Rafa among them at least one baby this woman shows where another infant was saved from the rubble earlier after three homes were destroyed surrounded by death there's no break from the sound of Israeli planes overhead every day people die who have.

Nothing to do with what's happening said this man speaking to a freelance journalist working for CBC News even as Israel vows to carry out an offensive in Rafa there are some signs that a ceasefire deal could be close the only thing standing between the people of Gaza and a ceasefire is Hamas there are reports the ceasefire could last 40.

Days potentially freeing thousands of imprisoned Palestinians in Israel in exchange for fewer than 40 of the 130 hostages believed to still be in Gaza the families of two hostages pleaded for leaders to agree to a deal we urge you to do everything and bring our people home now provide all kind Egypt's prime minister said the political situation in.

Israel and in Gaza is frustrating the negotiations a lot of pressure internally in both sides not to uh reach any kind of compromise and some of those trapped in an increasingly desperate war zone have little hope as ceasefire is coming everyone is fooling Gaza says this man even your own blood and flesh.

They fool you what is more likely they believe is what they've been experiencing for nearly 7 months another night of misery Brier Stewart CBC News London the federal conservatives want the government to provide more information about its multi-billion doll funding contracts with electric vehicle.

Manufacturers it comes as a union says some Canadian workers are being sidelined by Foreign workers Marina Von stackelberg explains release the information prove me wrong I Dare You conservative MP Rick Perkins says it's still unclear how many temporary foreign workers will build Canada's huge electric vehicle and Battery plants the.

Conservatives introduced a motion today at a House of Commons committee ask asking the federal government to make public details in those contracts about the hiring of Canadian and foreign workers what is the final number of allowable foreign replacement workers in this contract and how much are uh Canadians going to have to pay to to.

Employ these foreign replacement workers it comes after another massive funding announcement last week $2.5 billion from Ottawa to help haunt build four new electric vehicle plants in Ontario Canada's Building Trades union says it's in talks with the company to maximize the number of Canadians building that factory the union has accused another EV.

Manufacturer nextstar energy and LG of using foreign workers to build its facility in Windsor but the company says of its 2,000 employees 72 are not from Canada and necessary since they're installing specialized equipment the Next Generation with more opportunities the Prime Minister assuring the Union at its annual conference in the capital the.

Government will try to make sure as many Canadians as possible are employed in the construction projects when you have a Canadian worker sitting at home collecting Employment Insurance in their home community and there are foreign workers doing his or her work in a plant that is just completely inexplicable to that Canadian worker we can't have that.

Happen prime minister I agree entirely and we will be there to support you every step of the way we will be there to lean in to make sure uh that the intent and the support of the contracts is there this is about electric vehicles but it's also about courting support from workingclass Canadians something all the political parties are trying to.

Do another sign of that tomorrow conservative leader Pier PV and NDP leader jug meet Singh will also speak at this conference of trade unions Marina Von stackelberg CBC News Ottawa the idea of open banking is being called a game Cher for financial tech companies it will let consumers or businesses share personal and financial information.

Between approved Banks and institutions but Advocates say Canada is moving too slowly in rolling it out anise hadari has the details this Calgary tech company has been listening to open banking talk for years we're making some good strides towards it um at the same time you know we'd love to see the government you know.

Take more of a stance behind it and accelerate this for the the sake of Canadians open banking could let Canadians switch Banks automatically it lets consumers move personal data between businesses the ability to uh you know look at their entire Financial picture provide them with insights that are geared and personalized for them uh.

Those are the types of things that would really you know help us when we would have open banking in place the federal budget said it's coming with money allocated and a regulator named while there are already slower ways to share banking information experts say the government making it easier is also safer then open banking framework would.

Actually allow them to have access to the same type of services but know that the the service providers have been vetted by the government that they are bound by certain security requirements but the federal budget has no deadlines on this project and thinex say we're moving slowly compared to Australia like why can't we do this why can every other.

Western developed Nation do this in months to two years Max the Canadian Bankers Association says it supports moving ahead but didn't answer if it supported speeding up open banking back at Neo Financial they're still waiting at the end of the day it's consumers that are paying a higher price as a result of slower timelines more.

Legislation on open banking is expected in the fall andari CBC News Calgary e e e e e e e.

Okay you're going to have to take another call anytime soon what's the forecast going to be yeah that's in case you missed it earlier yeah in the middle of the forecast and the phone rang uh surprise surprise it was a Spam call so uh those telemarketers those telemarketers you don't need to call them back no definitely don't need to.

Return the call uh maybe they were looking for some little insight into the forecast which we will give you now uh first our viewer picture of the day and you can see that uh yes a beautiful shot here and I bet this was a terrific spot yesterday nobody there one of the best Nova Scotia beaches there it really is I've been in that exact spot on a day.

Just like that maybe a bit warmer but it was a terrific and such a beautiful spot as you said uh Christine thank you so much for sharing Ryan's picks at cbc.ca little cool melb tomorrow I bet around four de the high and actually chance of even a flake mixing in from basically Colchester Cumberland Eastern H and yeah east of that line so we'll be.

Keeping an eye out for that generally brighter and warmer the further Southwest you go a similar story temperature- wise on Wednesday I think we all will be looking at that uh Cloud fairly dominant some shower chances is all thanks to that low spinning off to the east not moving much at all and so we will be looking at those Northerly.

Winds tomorrow a little on the persistent side uh when Wednesday Thursday looking fairly similar again isolated shower chances again on Friday but a little more prevalent but really it's Monday we have to wait but the weekend looks good it does another one sure does all right finally tonight a Japanese celebrity is.

Turning 70 this year yes and as part of the celebrations he made a special appearance today in Tokyo yes it was 1954 that the first Godzilla movie debuted and this past weekend the radioactive reptiles image standing 100 m was projected onto a Tokyo municipal government building the show runs until May the 6th Godzilla in.

Fact holds an official title In The City ward where the building is located cultural Ambassador I don't know if I'd give him that title oh yeah all right that's it for us tonight thanks so much for watching we'll see you next time good night good night for.

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