CBC Nova Scotia News Could well also 21, 2024 | Strive against for Pictou West


CBC Nova Scotia News Could well also 21, 2024 | Strive against for Pictou West


this is CBC Nova Scotia news tonight the battle for Picto West voters cast their ballots in today's.

Byelection Home on the Range a musaabad Valley Farm has big plans to grow its bison herd and Forever in Blue Jeans meet the Nova Scotia man nicknamed the denim Whisperer a beautiful day today and another nice one shaping up for Wednesday some summerlike warmth sunshine and a few showers your full.

Forecast details are coming up good evening residents in the Electoral District of pcto West will know in the next few hours who their next MLA will be the polls are open for two more hours and four parties have candidates on the ballot for more on thison tonight we have our legislature reporter Michael Gorman live in Picto.

For us Michael Tom this vote's necessary following the surprise resignation announcement last month by Carla McFarland the veteran Tor MLA announced she was stepping down as Speaker of the House and would be retiring from provincial politics Premier Tim Houston wasted little time in calling the.

Byelection since first being elected in 2013 McFarland built the reputation as a strong and steady constituency MLA and her voting results showed as much at the polls in 2021 she pulled 2third of the vote now the party is hoping that tonight political newcomer Marco McLoud can produce a similar result for the progressive conservatives the Liberals.

Are running Mary wrid Elliott she ran for the party in 2021 finishing second to McFarland the NDP candidate Melinda McKenzie has some political recognition of her own as a local Town counselor here in PCT so the ND the green party rather is running Claire Brett Brett ran for the party in 2021 finishing fourth as far as issues here in this election.

It should be no surprise that healthc care is top of mind for many people here in pctto West as it is for just about anyone anywhere in Nova Scotia but as far as more localized issues go there is a controversial proposal for a large windfarm development that's created some division amongst folks here in the district and there is always the looming.

Question of the future of the northern pulp Mill which closed back in 2020 polls closed tonight at 8:00 p.m. and it shouldn't take too long for results to come in folks looking to track those results and see the final count can check our website later this evening Tom all right Michael thanks very much for that the cbc's Michael Gorman reporting.

Live from pcto this evening a man from Mast town is facing a number of child pornography charges following a tip from a US police force according to a news release from the RC CMP a search warrant was executed at a home in Mast toown yesterday police in Lincoln City Oregon tipped off local officers that a person was communicating online in a sexual.

Manner with someone believed to be a child a 25-year-old has been charged with luring a child transmission and possession of child pornography among other charges major changes are coming to four schools in the Halifax area starting in September to cope with rapidly growing student population ations hrce is restructuring grade.

Levels at four of its schools it's happening at West Bedford school groer Wentworth Park Joseph how Elementary and Burton Edinger but parents say they wish they'd been consulted more on the decision they could have prepared teachers families students instead they're left scrambling and the teachers are scrambling the families are.

Scrambling and it's just really unfortunate that they uh called this consultation when it was a a basically a weekend of asking parents their opinion a spokesperson for hrce said other options were considered like modular or portable classrooms but those weren't enough to keep up with the growth there are now more than 59,000.

Students enrolled in schools across the Region 8 months after post-tropical storm Lee tore through rizer Beach Provincial Park repairs are moving into the final stages last September the storm surge and flooding along with strong winds caused extensive damage along the beach boardwalks that were torn up have now been fixed and the day.

Use area has also been cleared up camping opened on Friday at the North part of the campground know known as North rers construction on the new road providing access to the remaining campsites by the beach that haven't reopened yet it's being moved further away from the water to make it less susceptible to any future storms there.

Are calls to improve cell phone service in Southwest Nova Scotia local businesses complain the cell system has never been strong in many locations but it has been further weakened by natural events like last year's Wildfire Angelique Leblon is CEO of the Western Regional Enterprise Network it did there were some cell coverage issues even.

Ahead of the Wildfire um and not just the Wildfire but we are getting more frequent storms in in our region and I think our infrastructure is just uh taking taking a a beating so where there was maybe less than perfect cell service there are areas in our region now now that don't have coverage so that definitely is a.

Concern I'll talk to Angelique Leblon about for cell service in Southwest Nova Scotia and the impact it is having on the area that's our newsmaker just after 6:30 but right now let's check in with Ryan snoden in the weather center and a beautiful day out there today too bad it.

Wasn't day or so earlier always the way right uh back to work and the temperatures warm up and what a day is summerlike warmth today thanks so much Tom and Amy and yeah we did crack 26 even 27 degrees uh in through Eastern parts of the valley pcto and andenes counties as well couple of backyard weather stations there getting as warm.

As 27° and just widespread low to mid 20s of course cooler in those onshore winds and that is obviously the case as we know this time of year it's going to be a very similar story for tomorrow a mix of sun and Cloud now we will see some isolated shower chances crawling in into the afternoon across the north and east of the province into Cape Breton uh.

Anones pcto Colchester Cumberland uh up towards the ammer area now we will be watching uh once again the onshore wins to be a factor tomorrow so low to mid 20s in many es some high 20s most likely here in through the Southwest but can't rule them out here in through the north and east as well uh but again it's going to be much cooler more like 12 to 15.

Degrees in those onshore winds which tomorrow will be in from the West to Southwest so just be mindful of that now looking forward we will be watching again those shower chances as I mentioned for tomorrow afternoon there they are there pretty isolated in nature indeed Thursday another chance of uh showers once again the best chances are.

Going to be into the north and east nothing too prevalent here as we turn the page even into Friday we will be watching that system off to the uh to our North impacting us with a few more showers but really it's going to be not until later Sunday into Monday that we'll see uh perhaps a shot that will be even more noteworthy than that uh but.

Tom and Amy will talk about in that 7-day forecast the burn band which continues to be in in place and I suspect it'll be in place right through the next 7 to 10 days thanks so much for that Ryan we'll talk a little later thank you well there is a new kind of firm now in operation in the muscadet valley a.

German family that moved to the area four years ago now have a herd of bison on their property it's the first bison herd in Nova Scotia and the family has been plan has big plans rather for expansion our Paul paler has that story for us tonight this is the herd of bison that is now making themselves at home in the musk obit Valley 41 of them were.

Transported to the area from Ontario in two trucks two weeks ago they got here really calm actually we went inside and took the bolts we had to talk to them a little bit till they come up and out of sleep they were actually so relaxed and yeah so it was really much better than we expected it to be I guess they settled in really well after a couple.

Hours physically getting these animals to the farm was actually much easier than the behind the scenes work when they came from Germany they operated a deer firm and they had to go through a lot of paperwork to make everything happen here the permitting process was also not the easiest one because uh bringing a whole her from bison to Nova.

Scotia is kind of the first time that we somebody did this so um we had to understand how everything is working and to whom we have to contact in order to get all the permits that we need the teerling packed up all their belongings and heavy machinery into shipping containers and sent them to Nova Scotia to their new property they.

Had to build a 1.7 kilm Road around the Bison enclosure which is a mix of pasture land and woods but they saved a lot of money by using their own Gravel Pit on the site the post for the fencing also came from trees on the property that were knocked down by Hurricane Fiona which was another cost-saver and helped clean up the property at the same.

Time we got it all done and settled but it was uh long days and long hours but it worked out everything went well and we built the road entirely ourselves we had to open up our own rock pit here and we moved in total on the road you're walking today 40,000 tons of gravel but the hard work is far from done now they have an entire herd of bison to look.

After the herd Grew From 41 to 42 last week when this calf was born the teer Lings are planning to Market their Farm as an aggr tourism destination they are encouraging campers and tenders to visit the farm and are designating locations next to the enclosure so they will be guaranteed to see the animals they've also purchased a nearby Cottage and will.

Be building new ones to encourage more visitors to come they are able to just park their RV right beside our bison fence and I think that's pretty to pretty unique to Nova Scotia and also like for like can Canada so that's I think a good start one of the next projects is to finish the on-site butcher shop and prepare their own.

Retail space to sell bisen meat they will also be renovating the old Co-op store in Middle musket obit where they will have more retail space and a small restaurant Paul Pomer CBC News Lindsay Lake the home to a once much loved video rental business in Halifax is going to have a new lease on life video difference on Quinpool Road went dark in.

2016 after 34 years in business now it's being turned into an artarts Hub 2v Theater Company moved into the building earlier this year one of its Founders says the building will be used for rehearsals workshops and as a community workspace such a high level of Need for arts and creation space in the city that before we were ready before we.

Had even cleaned the carpets folks were calling us up saying please can we get into the space and use it and of course we've been in that position before so we said yes we found a way to make it work Barry says over a dozen art groups are already renting space in the building more Renovations are underway and should take about two years to fully.

Complete as we know jeans are a classic wardrobe staple but for anyone who shop for a new pair they know finding the perfect fit can be a struggle that's where the denim Whisperer comes in Alex Pearson helps customers go beyond just looking good to feeling good Jane sple visited him at his Kentville store there's nothing better than and someone.

Coming out dressing with jeans I mean like I love the happy dance actually happy dance is probably my favorite thing in the whole world I'm known as the denim whisper our friend Nikki came into the lunberg shop a couple weeks after we opened she has a very tiny waist but she's got a bum and.

Some hips as people do she mostly wore dresses and Lulu but you know really wanted a pair of jeans I believe believe she hadn't fit a pair of jeans since she was 15 I got her in pair of jeans came out of the dressing room faning her face ugly crying going oh my God Alex sh to Denim whisper to which Margaret my wife and partner said I've been calling him.

That for weeks and then it just kind of stuck so what are you looking for like when Nicki walked in how did you know what jeans were going to fit her I just generally have a knowledge of what eras of denim do what for which bodies you know and there's certain people that like contemporary denim right now just.

Does not work for them because they don't think about people with those bodies for the genes they make now because they're making genes for the average body and body averaging is terrible and I hate that we do it so uh I knew that she needed a pair of balloon jeans from the late ' 80s early '90s and I had the exact pair and they just.

Worked wonderfully she was very happy and the name stuck and here we are 6 years later still putting butts and jeans what if you had no bum but you want to look like you have a bum and a pair of jeans you know what I mean well that's what 501's are for okay Margaret refers to my gwg uh Cowboy Kings my Wrangler cowboy cuts and my.

501s as my equivalent of a push-up bra magically but from from nothing arises a bum I grew up blue collar was surrounded by denim my entire life just always really had something some affinity for it and since it's Inception there's denim's never gone out of style it's the one piece of clothing.

I think that is truly Timeless I was a creative director a photographer graphic designer and I also think that my particular neurodiversity also allows me to see things in three dimensions uh a lot of people with the particular neurodiversity that I have uh tend to see things in 3D rather than 2D so.

Between having spatial awareness a knowledge of denim and that third spidey sense we'll say I think that's what gives me the ability to do it I didn't even realize I was doing it until someone till Nikki often that someone comes in I say what's your blue sky you know what are you looking for and I kind of see what I'm working with do a quick.

Little check of the memory bank of what we have in stock and I grab the jeans I give them to them they go in the dressing room sometimes they're silence I'm always nervous when they're silence it has really good or really bad sometimes we get manal laughing giggling shrieking um we've had a lot of Snoopy.

Dances that old Trope of uh look good feel good I hate that it's terrible it's not true it's actually the opposite cuz we project how we feel so if you put some in a piece of clothing that makes them feel like a million bucks they're going to project that they're a million bucks there you go I thought denim was just denim no no it's way more layers to.

It than that you got to find the now you know okay nicely done thanks so much for that Jane all right first quick break on the way stay with us yes there is a lot more to come on CBC Nova Scotia news one person is dead and others injured after a Singapore Airlines flight hit severe turbul over the Indian Ocean Kindred Spirits a ballet dancer.

Takes her final bow as Anna Green Gables in front of a HomeTown crowd it's a lovely night out there and Ryan's up next with this full weather forecast we are back after the break e e.

E e e e pretty nice day in Halifax to say the least today yeah and outside of Halifax some folks probably got to the beach I'm guessing not in the water but you know the beach yeah definitely and if you are heading to the beach remember that it is.

Still significantly cooler uh as you will see in the to tomorrow forecast of course I do the the water temperatures and I noticed a big difference uh from uh when I last did Tuesday of last week to today of course off for a few days and so uh yeah temperatures are bumping up which is good but it's still much cooler in places like this this is.

Lockport that looks awfully nice though doesn't it sh yeah that's nice I mean that if you didn't know if you didn't know you figure it out pretty quickly there's almost an iceberg out there it's true and you know that spot even in uh August will uh can be a bit cool on the feet when you tread into the water there but uh uh sorry that should say Lockport.

Not lunenberg at 18 degrees at Lockport lots of sunshine a beautiful spot there of course and look at Western head just 9 degrees in those onshore winds yet 19 in shelburn it's all about the wind direction right so a little more of a Westerly flow there uh Western heads getting into the onshore wind uh shelburn that station there just.

Slightly shielded backo 11 Westport at 9 Yarmouth at 13 and then Ki at 23 so it is all about the wind direction uh this time of year we did in case you missed it earlier I hit 27 those were kind of our hot spots one spot in pcto one spot in anes County uh not far from the town of veganes and uh also Victoria County had a spot there up towards the 2627.

Mark so beautiful right uh even if it is cooler right along the coast just fantastic uh for this time of year uh you can see the winds in from the West to Southwest as we said and they've been a little bit Breezy this afternoon uh certainly noteworthy some gusts upwards of 41 at last check in emmer and 33 in Sydney but the cloud cover looking great.

Mostly sunny skies out there couple of cells popping up in through New Brunswick over the last little bit those are fairly isolated won't be impacting us we are watching that low moving out and we've got just an unsettled uh setup here just to our North over the next couple of days watching this system which is bringing some severe weather.

And some tornadoes to Iowa over the last few hours I'm sure you'll see some dramatic pictures of uh a tornado taking down a couple of wind turbines there in Iowa so some dramatic pictures there that'll be uh surfacing no doubt in uh in the news over the next day or so now again this is why we're seeing all of that unsettled weather the hot air.

Clashing with the cooler air off to the north and west just 13 in through the Prairies 17 in Winnipeg 30 degrees in Toronto and we hit 30 degrees in New Brunswick today as well in dok toown just north of frederickton now temperatures tonight will be ranging from around 8 to 12 a little milder in places like New Glasgow now let's walk.

You through the timeline here and show you uh things awfully quiet tonight fog patches to start it' be the similar story takes a while for the engine to get warmed up here in Nova Scotia this time of year we will do so we'll see those fog patches dissipating and then looking at a nice day mixed of sun and Cloud watching those shower chances.

Though developing into the afternoon along the Northumberland Shore and an isolated risk into Cape Breton as well temperatures warmest Inland uh and we'll be yeah looking at obviously temperatures in the low to mid teens along the coastlines for tomorrow especially along that Atlantic Coastline uh pretty comfy though across a good.

Portion of the province for tomorrow Halifax right around 20 3° I think will be around our Peak uh in around the peninsula region but cooler along the coast and I think this will be our hot spot tomorrow best chance of 28 maybe 29 degrees will be in through the Southwest including places like Bridgewater similar story on Thursday bit of an.

Onshore wind keeping things cooler uh but the warmest temperatures will be off to the north and a little stronger southerly component to the wind on Thursday so that's why it will be cooler along the Atlantic Coastline in places like Halifax uh we will be watching the best chance of showers over the next couple couple of days will actually be.

Thursday night uh isolated shower chances for Thursday afternoon more prevalent Thursday night clearing as we turn the page into Friday Saturday looks good shower chances back on tap for Sunday and the best chance really won't be until Tuesday of next week as temps cool off a little bit but that is noteworthy Tomy because that burn band.

Continues to be in place be safe for sure keep checking that website we could use some rain it is dry for sure okay thanks so much Ryan thanks Ryan thank you well the Dartmouth ballet dancer who embodied an of Green Gables is retiring after a 13-year career the cbc's Alex guy was there when Hannah May credtis took a final bow in front of her.

Hometown crowd it's surreal it almost doesn't feel like it's the end though I know it is it's kind of a little bit of maybe denial at this point my name is Hannah May credtis and I am a ballet dancer with ballet Jorgen.

I remember I think it was my 10th birthday I went to watch the musical with my mom and my brother and uh yeah I loved it I was always like I could do that but I I'm not a singer but I want to do like I could be an Han is an like she's incredible in 2019 I was feeling all sorts of emotions I was obviously.

Really really excited this was something that I had dreamt of so there was all of that like love going into the process but it was terrifying like I I had a heart monitor on at one point I was having like palpitations but I I didn't know what it was but it it was likely um just anxiety and just feeling the pressure of taking this beloved.

Character and knowing that this character is viewed by so many in so many different ways now coming back into it I feel as though I have grown along with a lot of the world I think perspectives have changed there's this huge desire and need for an's Joy right.

now so this is my home Studio I started here when I was I think four yeah this was where I I knew that I wanted to be a dancer I really had missed a lot of regular life for many years I yeah miss birthdays and and holidays and and special occasions with my family but.

It's a a sacrifice and it's a a great sacrifice for when you're younger but then as you get older it's you're like oh I I want to be able to have a family but I can't leave a baby and go on tour for seven months of the year also just body things like arthritis in my joints and um yeah feeling like it's it's time I want to be.

Able to leave of my own valtion and not have to leave because I have uh yeah a knee that doesn't work anymore you know because this show is already emotional and there are already many tears at the end I certainly felt like it bubbled up more but it it doesn't quite feel like the end yet and I think it's going to.

Hit me a couple weeks from now and I'm going to be it's done it's it's totally over but I've got these folks to oh we're moving oh oh great than this one right here is extraordinary um in so many different ways and I'm glad she's going to get to explore some new ways that she's.

Extraordinary what's next for you see that is a great question um I I have so many things that I'm interested in and I have always thought about education in some capacity and not necessarily dance education but I would love to incorporate some of the really special things about dance and movement and bring that into an.

Education um system somewhere it does feel like it's a part of us and then to be able to bring it home and to be in the place that is a part of me um yeah there's a sense of um belonging and she's earned the Limelight don't you.

Think I know I love how supportive her parents are too yeah impressive performer too all right up next I'll talk with a business representative who says for cell service is holding back development in Southwest Nova Scotia that's our newsmaker interview stay with us you're watching CBC Nova Scotia news.

E e e e e e there are calls to improve cell phone service in Southwest Nova Scotia local businesses complain the cell system is.

Hampering their efforts to grow the economy it's also leaving some concerned when it comes to warning people about emergencies Angelique leelon is the CEO of the Western Regional Enterprise Network which works to create a business and investment friendly CL in Southwest Nova Scotia so can you tell us how big of an issue is cell coverage or the lack.

Thereof throughout the southwest region it's a huge issue we launched a survey to our business community in h December into January of this year and um without even trying we received over 1300 responses back from uh from the community so it really is shows the scale and scope of the problem and the problem in our region it's clear extends.

From Digby right through to barington so uh the entire tip of Southwestern Nova Scotia and I gather the Wildfire last year complicated things can you explain that it did there were some cell coverage issues even ahead of the Wildfire um and not just the Wildfire but we are getting more frequent storms in in our region and I think our.

Infrastructure is just uh taking taking a a beating so where there was maybe less than perfect cell service there are areas in our region now now that don't have coverage so that definitely is a concern and uh it was either it's either not working as well as it was prior to these uh these events or uh maybe non-existent so that did come out in a.

Few areas in the survey so that is something that is definitely um worth noting and is it your sense that it's any worse than in any other more rural parts of the province I think the entire province is experienc ing the same issues in in the rural communities um I think and and we're a province that you know we live.

And we work all over the province not just along the shore along the main roads and the highways so it's definitely something that the more remote you get the worse the the problem gets as well so I would say it's definitely not unique to just Western Nova Scotia so are you looking to the carriers to improve the situation or do.

You think there's a role for government here yeah I think I think both and um I'm very glad to see that the government has already committed to addressing the issue in October of last year the province of Nova Scotia committed 47.3 million to uh to um the issue and to improving the infrastructure so that's very positive and I would say that the.

Service providers of course have to be part of that solution so we're definitely hoping to build on some of the relationships with some of the providers that we worked with uh on the internet um file as well that was the main issue so these are core infrastructure needs in order to conduct business in any region and of course we.

Recognize that extend it the issue extends beyond the business Community into just um every resident in the Pro in the province is impacted by the lack of adequate service yeah well you mentioned businesses there how is this affecting businesses in the area either those that are there operating right now or those you'd like to.

Attract yeah uh there are some things that that came out in the survey just just very specifically things in terms of technical issues like drop calls slow data speeds um just um unable to hear the voice on the other end so these are things that that impact businesses and just the ability to do business kind of.

As you're moving throughout um your community on the daily basis and and often if your business is located in in an area with no service of course that's that's going to be an issue um interestingly uh and I think we all know this if you have driven on our 100 series highways that there are a lot of drop calls along the highway so uh that.

As well if you're trying to do business in your car if you're driving from one meeting to the next or in rural regions we often have to drive to Halifax for meetings that uh that really impacts productivity and uh is an issue and as we become increasingly reliant on cell coverage for things like emergency alerts as as well I'm I'm curious how.

Concerned people are there about uh that spotty coverage in a case like that yeah um yeah we definitely had some feedback some some a lot of feedback uh on that issue the fact that they feel as though if they were in a certain area in an emergency situation that there would be no way to reach out and uh ask for help so do you have any sense of a.

Timeline as to when you might start to see some of that Improvement in service you talked about the provincial government and the help that they're lining up but when would you expect to see a general Improvement um I can't answer that question directly that's a question for the the province of Nova Scotia um I.

Will say that uh I'm optimistic that uh that there is activity that's happening um there has already been an RFP extended to ISP or Internet Service uh or sorry cell service providers in the in the region um and I expect that if it hasn't it will be awarded shortly and in the meantime our role is just to make sure that we're connecting in with our.

Local business communities um I'm in Western Nova Scotia with the Western Regional Enterprise Network but there is a network across the province and uh who is very closely um connected to their respective business communities so we're just looking to share information and make sure that the focus is going to be on the right areas in our regions well.

We're happy to connect with you today Angel Leblon thank you very much okay thank you coming up climate change means fewer icebergs are floating by New Finland we'll see how it's hitting tourism operators e e.

E e e e welcome back to CBC Nova Scotia news a British man is dead and more than two dozen others were injured after a Singapore Airlines flight hit severe turbulence over the Indian Ocean the plane was forced to make an emergency.

Landing in Bangkok after it suddenly dropped into an air pocket and hit rough air currents Brier Stewart has more these were the moments after a Boeing 777 flying from London to Singapore was forced to make an emergency landing in Thailand some of the 21 passengers on board were carried off on stretch.

Others were triaged and treated on the tarmac of the airport after they were violently thrown around the plane when it hit severe turbulence it was instantaneous it really was and horrible Jerry was traveling with family to a wedding in Australia went so sudden there was no warning at all and I ended up hitting my head on.

The uh ceiling my wife did some poor people are walking around ended up some assaults a 73-year-old British passenger died of a suspected heart attack people not buckled in slammed into the overhead bins denting some and causing oxygen masks to fall the crew was serving breakfast at the time and was particularly vulnerable this sign p on.

And as soon as I saw him I put my seat B on and at that very moment the P just suddenly dropped um the thing I remember the most just the objects and things flying through the air passengers said the turbulence lasted seconds we do not know exactly what happened in this event Captain Shem Mist has flown the 777 and is a safety investigator he says in warm.

Tropical places like Myanmar where this plane hits severe turbulence storms form differently than they do in places like North America and may not be visible to the pilots it is very like ly that the storm will just not present itself at all on the radar and the pilots will suddenly know notice at the very last minute hey you know we have something in.

Front of us which is why he urges passengers to wear their seat belt throughout a flight because what what happened is extremely rare there may be little warning an investigation is underway to determine what caused the plane to drop but experts say that climate change is causing more turbulence one group of researchers from.

The UK predict that in the coming decades severe turbulence caused by changing jet streams could double or even triple Brier Stewart CBC News London one of Canada's most notorious serial killers is reported to be in life-threatening condition in hospital Robert pton was attacked in prison on Sunday Maryann daine has the.

Details Correctional Services Canada confirms to CBC news that serial killer Robert pikon was assaulted in the Maximum Security Prison where he is currently serving six life sentences the Correctional Services Canada spokesperson saying at this point that no staff were involved in this assault and that it happened on May 19th now two.

Sources including a police Source did tell Radio Canada that pikon is now in critical condition after being in the common area of the prison where the assault happened the CSC did not disclose any medical information about pikon but in a previous statement said the inmate who was the victim of that major assault was taken out of the.

Prison and moved to a hospital for treatment the as salent we know was another inmate now Robert pikon is a pig farmer from Port Coquitlam BC who was suspected of killing dozens of women who went missing from Vancouver's downtown east side he is now serving those six life sentences for second deegree murder in the deaths of Six Women Serena.

Abotsway Mona Wilson Andre joesbury Brenda and wolf Georgina papen and Marne fry 20 further first-degree murder charges against pikon were stayed because he was already serving a maximum sentence remains or DNA from more than 30 women were found on his farm outside of Vancouver most of them were indigenous women now police are.

Investigating this latest incident inside the uh Maximum Security Prison the port Cartier institution we also know that the federal public security minister Dominic LeBlanc told radio Canadas tuto maten that there will be an internal investigation in the prison to find out exactly how this assault happened in the first place Maryann Dain.

CBC news Toronto some good news today on the inflation front for the fourth month in a row inflation in Canada has slowed the overall rate hit 2.7% in April Nisha Patel has more inflation in Canada is cooling the overall rate hitting 2.77% in April its lowest level in 3 years many categories.

Of goods uh for the prices are not increasing as fast and I think it's a good news overall grocery prices r was 1.4% compared to a year ago with products like fruit and fish seeing declines prices for clothing and Footwear and household Furniture actually dropped more than 2% still many Canadians may not be feeling much relief.

We don't feel 1% we feel really 22% because what our reference point really is is when inflation started skyrocketing in June in uh in the first part of 2021 the biggest driver of inflation now is shelter the cost of interest on mortgages is squeezing homeowners while renters are seeing their housing bills soar especially in.

Alberta where rent is up more than 16% in a year do you know what's absolutely insane Calgary is that the apartment I had literally exactly one year ago is up $900 in rent $900 but overall inflation is now within the bank of Canada's comfort zone and is inching closer to it Target of 2% that may boost the case for the central bank.

To start cutting interest rates and there's a real risk that if they wait too long it could force the economy into a NE unnecessary recession it can take more than a year for interest rate changes to work their way through the economy some Market Watchers say businesses are already buckling we need to cut 150 basis points right now we.

Need to get oxygen into the patient right now and we're talking about 25 in July or 25 in June are you kidding me the odds that the central bank will cut interest rates in June are a little more than 5050 but if the bank wants to wait for more evidence that inflation is under control that rate relief may not come until July Nisha Patel CBC News.

Toronto the speaker in the House of Commons is under Fire again conservative MPS are once again calling for the resignation of Greg Fergus leveling new charges of liberal partisanship the cbc's Rafi bujak Canyon has the latest for the good of the institution a parliament and the enduring interest of the House of Commons I regret to say.

That the speaker must go the conservatives demanding the resignation of house Speaker Greg Fergus because of this invite to a liberal event scrubbed from the web but saved by the official opposition it says Pierre p and the conservatives propose Reckless policies that would risk our health safety and pocketbook far too partisan they say for.

The speaker who must be neutral it is incumbent upon this house to take action immediately the speaker's office though stated this was an event by his local liberal writing Association which says the partisan statement was written by the federal party without fergus's knowledge prompting this from the NDP I uh regret that the Liberal Party of.

Canada B basically blindsided the speaker and in this case that's why the national director of the Liberal Party of Canada I believe needs to apologize fully and completely to the Speaker of the House of commment it's not the first time the conservatives have tried to oust Fergus last December they and the BL Kika called on him to step down after.

He appeared in a video message at an Ontario liberal event wearing his nonpartisan robes it's such a great opportunity to speak about my longtime friend John Fraser the relationship ship between the official opposition and Fergus further strained last month when he ejected their leader from the house for a day for using unparliamentary.

Language wacko policy by this wacko prime minister today the Prime Minister stood by him I have full confidence in in Greg F Fergus as a as Speaker of the House of Commons as a a thoughtful uh independent-minded leader the issue uh was dealt with was addressed by the party in fact the liberal party's National director ended up apologizing.

To Fergus in a public letter stating the invite was based on their standard party language but put up without his knowledge the conservatives though say they will keep pressing for his removal of speaker Rafi buj CBC News Ottawa the iceberg business may be on the rocks in newfinland the graceful Giants that float down from the high Arctic are in.

Short supply this year and with climate change that could be the new reality the cbc's Peter Cowan has more on what that means for the people who come to see the icebergs and The Operators who serve those visitors you can see lots of signs for icebergs in twilling Gate even in the local beer but there's one place that.

You can't find the real thing we looked out to Harbor there's no icebergs here right now Barry Rogers is getting ready for his first tour of the Season about half of the customers at Iceberg Quest are looking for well icebergs and he doesn't have any to offer it's a little disappointing but I mean we've been doing this uh Peter for a long time and.

Uh you know we there's no two seasons that are the same to us C ice helps protect icebergs from melting and breaking up as they float down from Greenland but a warmer ocean meant there was less ice this year Secor is a nonprofit company that tracks icebergs for offshore oil platforms and for the iceberg finder website its data shows.

That over the last few decades the amount of sea ice has been shrinking we're going to continue to see decrease ice cover uh thinner Ice uh fewer icebergs and that's something that we just have to deal with it's not good news for tourists like Peter Lamar here from the Netherlands with one goal well I'm become 60 this year so I want see an.

Iceberg in my life all righty excellent oh nice for businesses that rely on tourists it means a pivot Deborah bordon runs a pub a hotel and a restaurant she says when her guests can't see icebergs she encourages them to enjoy the hiking history or the people while we know that people may have some disappointment I really truly believe that when they.

Leave many of them just say hey I'll be back and maybe the next time we'll get to see icebergs it's still early in the season a few icebergs may still Float by but for the long term all people here can do is hope that the icebergs and the tourists keep coming Peter Cowen CBC News twilling gate newfinland.

E e e e e e for news you can trust we have the latest on what's happening in your community and a weather forecast you can rely on no matter where you are in.

Atlantic Canada I'm Amy Smith and I'm Ryan snoden join us for Atlantic tonight right after the national all right it is it was a nice day but it did depend on where you were you know in terms of that breeze it made a difference for folks well isn't that always the way in Nova Scotia this time of year it is this time of year.

Especially this is the the definitely where we're really getting warm Inland uh we saw temperatures today as warm as 26 27 de but again 11° along the coastline so that is a drop and that's going to be the story until the water temperatures really warm up here over the next month to six weeks uh have a look at our viewer picture of the day.

And this one we're going to the coast as well and beautiful beautiful East River and a nice Sunset shot here nice lovely thanks to Wendy cook for sharing this Ryan's picks at cbc.ca and keep them coming the picks have been great lately and you can see temperatures tomorrow a West to Southwest wind so it will be cooler the Tri County Area the Digby.

Neck and then even along the Bay of fundi for places like the valley but Inland for the Southwest places like Bridgewater 27 28 degrees there a little more of a Westerly component to the wind tomorrow for the Northumberland Shore so you folks again will be cooler along parts of the coast and that Atlantic Coastline as well including for the.

Halifax area will be a little bit cooler no doubt uh we will be looking at a stronger southerly wind on Thursday that'll limit temperatures uh for again Halifax the Eastern Shore especially in into cap Breton where there's going to be a better chance for some showers as well uh with the high 20s uh further to the north and we're going to be looking.

At for then Saturday and Sunday uh pretty good weekend shaping up we'll keep an eye on some showers chances at least on Sunday all right thanks for that Ryan Ryan four legs better than two legs for surfing I don't know check this out yeah dozens of dogs and their owners hit the beach in Spain over the weekend for the European dog surfing.

Championship and the dogs seem to uh well have pretty much shredded the waves there as much as they're humans they're having a great day the annual event promotes dog adoptions and discourages pet abandonment by showing off a fun way to bond with your Pooch I love that that's a thing that's awesome yeah all right that's it for us tonight thanks so.

Much for watching we'll see you next time good night good night

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