CBC Nova Scotia News Mar. 5, 2024 | Donkin Pickle. Roof falls and shut calls.


CBC Nova Scotia News Mar. 5, 2024 | Donkin Pickle. Roof falls and shut calls.

This is CBC Nova Scotia news tonight Fiona funding Ottawa gives some cap reton businesses a boost as they continue to rebuild after the 2022 hurricane petitioning for change a Halifax teenager calls for better accessibility at her junior high school and the Donan dilemma roof Falls and close calls is the world's only subse.

Coal Mine safe some wet weather tonight into Wednesday morning with some lingering showers into the afternoon but a larger system looming for Wednesday night in through Thursday your full forecast is coming up good evening a year and a half ago hurricane Fiona caused widespread damage.

Throughout the province Cape Breton Island bore the brunt of the storm and the repairs and cleanup continue many businesses in the region are still picking up the pieces and today they received a Little Help from the federal government Aon potty reports hurricane Fiona was an unprecedented storm that wreaked havoc.

In Cape Breton it tore down trees power lines and damaged many homes and businesses the Insurance Bureau of Canada has since estimated the storm caused more than 385 million in insured damages to help get communities back on their feet AOA has announced another $6 million to affected businesses and organizations.

Unfortunately our Shipyard was in the direct eye of the hurricane Tony Kennedy is coowner and president of the Nory Ship Repair business Canadian Maritime engineering Fiona tore apart their Warf Breakwater and peers making it impossible for ships to dock for repairs we had Boulders you know 6 8 ton Boulders that were dislodged and.

Deposited on our marine Railway you know the the heavy underwater impact was something that's hard to fathom from a storm when you're seeing it from the top side so it's not only the top side damage it was the under subsea damage that created a lot of the the problems for us CME received a large portion of the federal funding nearly $5.

Million that money will be used to replace things such as Warf piles and decking The Firm regularly works with clients such as Marine Atlantic the Canadian Navy and the Coast Guard we have um been able to rect attract some of the work back into the yard um we've had to absorb more cost in handling the vessels but essentially we've worked.

We've come up with some workarounds as a temporary measure but again this funding has allowed us to FasTrack the work and get ourselves back in business as quick as possible $1.2 million of the funding will go to the municipality allowing it to purchase a new generator and Carry Out electrical work at Center 200 CBM mayor Amanda McDougall says the.

Entertainment venue will act as an emergency coordination Center and comfort center when the next major storm hits these are all things that municipalities typically um had not been um I guess you could say investing in because we would rely on the province now we know with the frequency and severity of these types of emergency.

Situations we have to be prepared and we have to take a leadership role two other organizations that were given funding are herness race in Cape Breton which took in $99,000 to replace a busted scoreboard and The Bard Recreation Association which was given 20,000 needed to purchase equipment for trail repairs Aaron potty CBC News.

Sydney All Saints Spring Hill Hospital in Spring Hill is temporary closed temporarily closed after an electrical fire last night the health authority says 21 impatients have been transferred to other sites within the northern Health zone or discharged to their homes the collaborative Emergency Center is also closed the Spring Hill fire.

Department says the fire was the result of a faulty heat motor which caused smoke damage it was quickly extinguished once located the hospital will reopen after an assessment and Remediation the authorities said anyone with urgent medical needs should call 911 hellofax is considering fast-tracking more firefighters for.

Upper tant Talon last spring the department had a massive response to the historic wildfire in the area that displaced 16,000 people and destroyed 150 homes the municipality's proposed $92 million budget includes converting a station in Upper tent Talon or Hammond's Plains to have career members present 247 that would mean 15 new firefighters.

The recruits would be trained next February area councelor Pam LEL says the additional supports are needed but I do think that it's well beyond time that this community which continues to exist in an extreme extreme Wildfire uh uh area as well as the fact that we're still uh we still have deficits with regards to erress council will decide.

Whether or not to fund those firefighters later this month a Halifax teenager has launched a petition calling for improved accessibility at her school for students who use Mobility AIDS as Gareth Hampshire tells us her main focus is about one classroom that is not currently accessible hundreds of people have signed melanson's petition since it.

Was posted in the window of her mom's store she has identified an issue at Fair viiew Junior High where she's a grade n student as part of a school project she created the petition which calls for a chairlift to the floor of the tech ed room so it's accessible for students who use Mobility AIDS people can't get down there because the school.

Does have an elevator but the elevator does not go down to that floor it only goes to the first and second floors it doesn't go to the basement which is where the tech ed room is she is is able to get there even though stairs can be challenging for her too she has cerebral Psy that affects her balance and she knows what it's like not to be able to.

Take part in things it gets me so upset that I can't imagine how upsetting it must be for somebody to not be able to take part in a whole class it's friends like joury leech she is campaigning for the 12-year-old takes teched next to other students who use Mobility AIDS they know have been doing their assignments in other classroom spaces.

Which they don't like part of being a student is being with a group of children their mom was looking at Clayton Park as their next school but was advised fair viiew was the best option and she did not know about this issue the fact that we were sent to the school that was supposed to be the accessible school for our family of.

Schools to not have been informed that part of that school was not accessible um to Journey it was a little shocking in a statement the Halifax Center for educ a said it was recognized earlier this year that a lower level classroom was not accessible it said the school leadership team sought an immediate remedy and decided a stairlift is the.

Best solution a follow-up email said the lift will be ready for use by March 31st Lux malanson is pleased to see it's going to happen I will mostly just be happy for all my fellow students who will be able to get to that room Gareth Hampshire CBC News Halifax novas Scotia University and colleges will find out at the end of the.

Month how many international student applications each will receive the province's advanced Department says the federal government has allocated 12,900 applications for all Nova Scotia institutions Minister Brian Wong says the department is spending the next few weeks trying to find out what he called a quote fair and just way to distribute.

The applications The Province had 19,000 applications this Academic Year a new cap follows concerns from Ottawa about housing availability for international students and recruiters that take advantage of them well if I had my choice of days I would say yesterday was my pick of the week but today was mild today was pretty.

Good and I think we're downhill from there right yeah solid reminder that we are still in early March in the maritimes and mother nature will bring us a reminder of that yeah quiet out there right now and we do have have some wet weather tracking in tonight and throughout the day tomorrow uh but this really is just the appetizer with the.

Full meal deal Brewing off into the Southwest parts of the US right now and this is what's going to be coming in tomorrow night and Thursday and even into Thursday night so yeah that appetizer that brings 5 to 15 millim of rain tonight into tomorrow morning some fog patches to contend with certainly enough to bring the umbrella or the rain.

Jacket with you tomal primarily in the morning though the afternoon that sails out pretty quiet in the afternoon couple of lingering showers temperatures tomorrow are going to be quite mild again 6 10 even some 11 and 12 degree temperatures best chance of that is going to be the valley and also into the North umberland Shore pretty solid day.

All all around but do be mindful of those fog patches and then yes Wednesday night Thursday Thursday night and again lot of moving Parts with this fo in green the Atlantic Coastline this is going to be our greatest risk of some localized flooding Heavy Rain with this 30 40 50 60 millim possible areas in the north are going to start as rain but.

Then we'll transition through freezing rain possibility in pink here of significant freezing rain especially late Thursday through Thursday evening into the overnight and if you are traveling Charlotte Town monton ferton 15 plus centm the possibility also extends down the highlands and also Cumberland County so again a lot of.

Moving Parts the big takeaways Thursday is going to be very wet to start periods of rain at times heavy note the mixing here ammer first then down to the Truro New Glasgow Kentville the valley into the afternoon and evening that's where that significant freezing rain threat is going to exist that Heavy Rain continues along the Atlantic coast then even along.

The Atlantic coast we likely get into some freezing rain through Thursday evening then over to ice pellets andow snow and this will finally all depart on Friday morning so yeah again a lot of moving Parts with this Tom and Amy so we will continue to update this not only later in the show but also tomorrow so stay tuned for updates your 7 day is a.

Little brighter a little milder we'll talk about that coming up the weekend right look forward to that little reminder winter still with us okay thanks so much R Ry thank you wineries in Nova Scotia say a new provincial program aimed at supporting commercial wine producers could the local industry they say the initiative will.

Use Nova scotians tax dollars to pay companies to buy grapes from out of Province potentially causing terrible consequences Josh Hoffman reports it could have a catastrophic effect Carl coutino is the president of Avendale Sky Winery and the board chair of wine Growers Nova Scotia a dozen Farm wineries in the province have signed a.

Letter from the association to the Nova Scotia government calling on them to stop the commercial wine support program the program would reportedly give $6 to 12 million a year to companies that bottle wine here but buy grapes from outside Nova Scotia or even outside Canada the biggest issue for for me or for us as an association of farm.

Wineries is that um the Nova Scotia taxpayers money will subsidize the foreign grape production by incentivizing the bottling of imported grape juice in Nova Scotia and it greatly undermines the Nova Scotia F wineries stut says the program would result in wines bottled in Nova Scotia using grapes from outside the province.

Getting the same preferred markup that local wines get at NSLC locations she says it would be like the Pei government paying companies to import potatoes from China to make french fries on the island my question to the premier is why is he using taxpayer money to subsidize the importation of cheap grapes juice to compete against those that are actually.

Growing grapes and putting money and their blood and sweat in the soil here in Nova Scotia much of question period on Tuesday was spent on the topic of the new commercial wine Support Program Premier Tim Houston says the preferred markups for local wines led to a complaint from Australia to the World Trade Organization against.

Some Canadian provinces and this new program makes Nova Scotia compliant with International Trade law he says while working on compliance they looked for economic opportunities if you walk down to the liquor court and look at the bottles of wine 65% of that is bottled elsewhere it's already on the Shelf it's for sale in Nova Scotia it's competing.

With Nova Scotia grapes it's already here 65% of it Quebec has made a big push into the bottling 21% of the wines sold on the liquor Corp are actually bottled in Quebec I think they should be bottled here opposition leader Zack churel said the complaint from Australia was also against British Columbia Ontario and Quebec and they haven't.

Created programs that hurt their local Growers meanwhile Nova Scotia wineries are still hopeful The Province reconsiders Josh Hoffman CBC News Halifax the Nova Scotia government is rejecting four out of five recommendations made today by the auditor general Kim Adair says there is a need for greater accountability when.

It comes to spending over and above what's in the budget she says there is a need for greater accountability when it comes to spending in the past two years cabinet has approved more than two and a half billion dollar in additional Appropriations much of it near the end of the budget year Adair says that kind of spending is not subject to debate in.

The house she says the province should return to the legislature to defend this extra spending I think it's it's fundamental to our system of government that every dollar of the public purse goes to the floor of the legislature for debate and approval because it's it's almost like here in Nova Scotia given that cabinet and cabinet alone can spend.

This money and and not have to provide a whole lot of detail it it's like a blank check Adair is pleased the government has agreed to one of her recommendations that the province makes sure contracts it signs includes Clauses designed to protect taxpayers money the first confirmed baby wri whale of the year has been found dead from a collision with a.

Ship the dead whale was found stranded off Georgia on Sunday according to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration the young whale was first seen in January with serious head injuries believed to be caused by a collision with a vessel one of the leading threats to the species this is the second right whale to be found dead.

With similar injuries within the last month there are about 360 North Atlantic right whales left in existence while a peaceful walk along the Pei Shoreline turned dangerous for one man late last month Andrew lurmer often walks his two chocolate labs along Shipyard road but when one dog ventured out onto the thin ice lurmer suddenly.

Found himself in danger too now the other dog is being hailed as a hero so this is Mars Marley but we call him Mars and this is Rosco his little brother Mars is eight and Rosco's two well we go out for our usual lunchtime walk and down in the shipyard Bay and uh this particular day Rosco decided to go and investigate the Ducks and say hello.

To the Ducks and I knew at the back of my mind mind that he was going towards thin ice and of course as he went to the thin ice poof right through and he was in the water and thought this dog's now in trouble he's starting to Yelp he's starting to potentially drown he's in cold water uh I'm going to need to do something to to save this dog so I took.

Off across the ice slipped and slid basically as I went to grab the Scruff of the neck lying flat the momentum of me pulling I then went head first through the ice into the water I've now got the scar on my forehead as you can see it takes your breath away how cold it is dog splashing around blood everywhere fingers all cut.

Luckily I was just tippy toeing the bottom of the of the of the sea but if it had been deeper with rubber boots on that were full of water I might have been in another difficult position Rosco was there so I took him and threw him out and uh of course he was safe my Marley was safe and then I'm in trouble because every time I went to.

The edge of the ice to try and get out it would just snap off and break off and I would go back into the water and we starting to really panic and then out the corner of my eye Marley my older dog he decided to come across the ice and I couldn't really stop him because I was in the water and he stopped basically within an arms length of me so I just.

Grabbed his two front legs and that was enough for me to Ledger my myself to actually pull myself out like a seal onto the ice bleeding and fingers all cut and everything so be this dog saved my life basically in hindsight I maybe shouldn't have gone onto the ice so that would be their learning for for anybody at this time of year onwards where ice.

Can be melting just to be aware of dangers when you're taking dogs down I'm not quite sure how I'm going to reward them for that but it's incredible well done Marley I would call Marley a hero for sure i' call him a good boy dog bones all around all right on our way to our first quick break stay with.

Us yes there is a lot more to come on CBC Nova Scotia news coming up the Donan dilemma a look at the risks and rewards of restarting the world's only subc coal mine it's super Tuesday in the US voters in 16 States and territories will decide who will run in November's election there's a Peak at pel's Co.

Today Ryan is up next with his weather forecast we'll see you in just a few minutes all right last night in the show we had the first pictures of the first flowers we know of in Nova Scotia popping through the ground any hope for more tonight do you think well I don't know.

And you said you saw another person in shorts second day in a row I saw short Sid that is a sign of spring around here bare legs in early March brave brave for but listen if it was a short day today it's definitely a short day tomorrow uh as have a look at our highs today I mean we were creeping up there it's uh and the Halifax area though where I saw the.

Shorts I mean 3 4 degre borderline envelope little for sure uh 78 degrees though in the in the valley and you can see Shadow Camp was up to 9° uh temps have cooled off certainly along the Atlantic Coastline again keep in mind that right now those water temperatures along the Atlantic Coastline are 1 2° so it's uh pretty cool air coming right in.

Off the Atlantic and you can see temps is still mild up in the ingonish beach shed camp area we've got those southerly winds there uh but the wind for the most part coming off the water for the Atlantic Coastline means those fog patches are going to be in the mix tonight and they will continue uh into the mix for the most part throughout the.

Day tomorrow as well and you can see that setup here with that southerly flow uh that is not going anywhere hence why we're mild tonight and throughout the day tomorrow so as I said earlier so if this is really just an appetizer right we've got 5 to 15 millim from this one certainly wet uh we'll be watching that for tomorrow morning uh but this is the.

Big meal deal here which is brewing and like we talked about yesterday you want a big system Brewing this time of year you need the two key key ingredients right you need the warm air which is working its way up the Eastern Seaboard and then you need the cold air and look at west-3 in Calgary minus 18 in Edmonton.

And Regina at- 17 even Winnipeg at minus 11 so where we get these air masses clashing this is where we're getting that system that is really going to start chugging here over the next 24 hours and that will be impacting us so let's walk you through the timeline one more time because of course impactful tonight will be the fog patches and yes.

The wet weather which will linger into tomor tomorrow morning be mindful that yes some ponding and pooling on the roads early on tomorrow but expecting that even by the time we get to lunchtime most of the Mainland will have dried off we're looking at uh yeah looking at those periods of rain lingering a little bit longer for Cape.

Breton fog patches will linger uh certainly through tomorrow morning but a bit more of a Westerly flow uh to the air tomorrow afternoon and so that will likely ease the PO fog patches back uh after lunchtime uh for tomorrow temperatures with that onshore wind Yarmouth near 6° but most of us will be likely in the uh sorry the 8 91 degree.

Range for tomorrow and likely cracking 11 and 12 along the Northumberland Shore and into the Anapolis Valley now for Wednesday night again this is when that next round comes in and this is going to be the significant one when you see these darker greens the yellows the oranges this is where we're looking at significant rainfall heavy at times.

That's going to be the name of the game through Thursday morning and even into the afternoon especially along the Atlantic coast this is where we'll have our greatest risk of seeing rainfall totals exceeding 50 mm and note ammer steer even by early afternoon starting to transition ice pellets and snow most likely here significant freezing rain.

Also possible anywhere from the valley across through the Colchester cumon area to the North umberland Shore and into Cape Breton and that significant freezing rain will you know we'll get that ice secretion that ice buildup on certainly cars power lines and so the potential for power outages is going to be there and then it will all end as.

Some ice pellets and snow through the Thursday night into early Friday time period so one more look at this map again in the green this is where we'll see the heaviest rainfall totals possible over 50 mm that significant freezing rain risk is greatest for the North and then again significant snow looking most most likely for the.

Highlands Pei but also edging into Cumberland County and then across into New Brunswick the good news is much quieter certainly even by mid- Friday morning but definitely Friday afternoon Saturday looking spring-like not too bad and then we do have another system to watch late Sunday in the Monday Tom and Amy that one looks more like yeah we'll.

Certainly see some showers with that mixing with perhaps some wintry mix in there as well but not nearly as significant as the system coming in tomorrow which we will of course be up dating you on right here on the show tomorrow you stay tuned okay thanks so much Ryan thanks Ryan thank you well up next would you go underground the future.

Of the Donan Coal Mine remains uncertain we look at the Dilemma of facing the company and the community stay with us you're watching CBC Nova Scotia news and welcome back coal mining has always been a risky business the certainly understand that in the community of.

Donan on Cape Retton Island but a recent close call in the mine there has the provincial regulator putting the brakes on coal production over growing safety concerns the big question is what's next for Donan it's a place you will ever see firsthand 3 km out into the Atlantic a.

Complex network of burrowed tunnels the Donan mine off Eastern Cape ratton island is the world's only operating subsea Coal Mine 180 M down below the ocean floor like so many coal mines a Labyrinth of roads that resemble a small Al be a dark city so complex you need a map to get around the passageways scarce ly as wide.

As a narrow Street until recently 130 miners desperate for good paying jobs were cutting carbon emitting coal like their grandfathers before them from a seam that could take them more than 30 years to fully exploit now a string of safety.

Violations and potentially deadly roof collapses threaten lives in the very future of the mine over the years the mine has been shut down again and again again and some argue in this climate change ERA this time it should stay closed therein lies the Donan.

Dilemma the village of Donan knows Hard Times built by proud generations of miners who accepted the risk of going underground a gamble some of them lost people like AJ Hall's father uh this is a picture one of the few pictures I have of my dad how old is he there I'm going to say he's in his early 30s Hall's father died in a cap R.

Mining disaster back in 1979 one of a dozen men to perish no man who ever goes into the pit again will have to fear that something like this will ever happen AJ himself would have a close call underground at Donan last July the roof of the entrance tunnel caved in the second such collapse in a week which is.

What led to the latest shutdown of the Mine by the time I met up with my crew they were just then getting everybody out I I probably missed that foul only by five or 10 minutes but that's still not enough to scare me to not go to work but some people are terrified that there's going to be an accident at that mine there's always going to be.

Accidents this day and age you need to make money to live there's you have to have a job you have to have money coming in so I should be the one that decides what's safe and what's not well underground coal mining is is a very hazardous uh industry to this day the mine remains closed safety at the Donan mine is the biggest file on Scott Nas's.

Desk at the Department of Labor where they're tasked with keeping workplaces safe in Nova Scotia I can say that the Donan mine is inspected you know the most frequently of any workplace in Nova Scotia we we have set a very high standard industry best practices both uh you know from the industry perspective as well as the mine engineering.

Perspective and we regularly ensure that the mine is Meeting those standards what appears to be a very significant explosion occurred in the underground operations at the West R coal mine safety concerns in Coal Mines Run Deep in Nova Scotia on May 9th 1992 a massive underground methane explosion killed 26 coal miners at another mine West Ray.

Inadequate ventilation failed to keep the deadly gas at Bay leading to the blast the company was blamed for rushing production over safety at the time some said Nova scotians would never go underground again I don't think any other job I ever had um I went to work wondering whether I was going to come home that night.

dcan was first dug in the 1980s by the federal government but never operated because of low prices at the time the mine was eventually bought by American Chris Klein described as a flashy billionaire one of the last coal tycoons by 2017 he had formed Cameron Cole a company named for his daughter and was.

Pushing hard to extract coal Coal prices were beginning to rise and if there was money to be made James Edwards deputy mayor of cap reton Regional municipality and a community liaison with Cameron Cole says his community wanted a piece of it the industry is there the uh the product is there an international uh um developer.

Uh pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the cap reton the economy with the 150 jobs they're making $35 $40 an hours so you've got a payroll of uh 101 million a year I mean that that's a nice money the Department of Labor eventually approved the opening of Donan the company hired a former manager of the West Virginia mine that was the site.

Of the deadliest explosion in recent US History he eventually resigned but it led to questions about Cameron Cole's commitment to safety at the cape Bretton mine Gary Tai unsuccessfully tried to unionize the workers at Donan the company definitely did not instill uh a safety culture at the mine uh they cut Corners they did not put proper training.

In place they did not maintain proper safe working conditions 3 weeks into production a discovery turns out the company did not have adequate ventilation to safely handle the methane gas and the province shut the mine down Gary Tai asks how was the mine allowed to open in the first place that is an extreme dangerous.

Situation you're not rendering the methane harmless you are creating the conditions that could cause a catastrophic explosion such as was seen at Western that mine did operate for three weeks with that substandard ventilation system was that an oversight well I wouldn't say it was an oversight but but.

As the regulator we were not aware of that when the company fixed the problem and reopened the list of warant warnings and violations soon grew roof Falls became more common it seemed nothing was going daan's way in 2019 Chris Klein and his daughter Cameron died in a helicopter crash in the Bahamas and a few months later after another stop.

Workor order Cameron Cole closed the daan mine citing ongoing roof Falls and costly closures it said its decision was Final there was relief from those who had long argued Nova Scotia should put coal mining in its past and go green not mine dirty coal people like migma activist and environmentalist Elizabeth Marshall I don't believe in polluting.

And creating pollution just so somebody could make some money it's not worth it and in this instance in this case that appears to be what it's all about it's just to the coal mining company wants to earn a few bucks but 2 years later the global price of coal roughly tripled Cameron Cole had.

Already put a lot of money into the Donan mine extracting more coal was the only way to get it back the province gave the company permission to reopen the mine they want to take that coal out of that mine yeah I'm sure they do it's money it's like it might may as well be gold lucrative indeed even the migma Chiefs wanted a piece of the action.

Signing a royalty agreement with Cameron Cole to mine the coal and put money in the band's coffers but those roof Falls last July including the one the day AJ Hall was working has given the Department of Labor more reason for concern yeah my my reaction was uh you know instant concern for for the miners and their and their.

Families um you it could have been a a serious situation had had miners been traveling in that that area at the time of the rockfall after the department shut down the mine a company consultant determined humidity was a key factor causing the roof Falls something the department admitted fell outside the area of expertise of its inspectors it.

Since hired its own expert to confirm this was it responsible of the province to allow Donan to operate if they didn't have if your department didn't have the in-house expertise already for subc coal mine well under underground coal mining is a very uh complex work environment these resources are are are not easy to procure but that said you know that that.

Is why we've used the method of of having some great in-host resources experienced in coal mining and then procure experts when needed the province is allowing the mine to operate during the low humidity of winter and while it did not agree to an interview we know the company has filed its latest safety plan to operate year round at Duncan the.

Province is now considering this so Mr Premier we need your help since the latest closure some miners rallied to put pressure on the government to improve the inspection process to get the mine operating more quickly after a shutdown if uh another situation happens in the event that they do reopen that uh you know they want it address sooner and.

They don't want to be closed down for 3 4 five six months so what's the problem but no one wants another westray or another mining disaster on their watch well and you know what you just said it too that uh West Ray has been the the elephant in the room with this mine uh forever and uh um I'm told that the it's apples and oranges by by Miners and.

Mining inspectors alike that uh this mine is nothing like the operation at Wester you've never felt political pressure of any kind then no as as a safety Branch uh we are uh you know as a regulator it's it's a very important responsibility and we make sure that we fulfill our duties there have been 32 significant roof Falls at the Donan mine.

Hundreds of warnings compliance orders and penalties issued too many for Gary Tai's liking the number of them and uh some of the things that are going wrong tells me there is going to be something catastrophic happen there has very good high probability of having some fatalities uh this is the new monument.

They put up to commemorate all the miners that had uh lost their lives in 26 back in 1979 AJ Hall says he understands the risk but still feels safe in the mine and wants to go back fulltime that's where you carry your sandwich and your coffee and that represents your dad's yeah that's the.

That's my dad's do you ever think of your father when you're down there I think every day I went down that's what I thought of it and it was more like Dad I'm doing what you did I'll be you know what I mean proud and hopefully we can keep going and I think that's what bothers me about this like no one got hurt in this fall but yet it's one of.

The longest shutdowns ever in history of a work stop order Tom Murphy CBC news Donan Nova Scotia coming up there could be at least one more day of talks for a ceasefire in the Israel Hamas War talks remain stalled over two key issues the hostages and humanitarian Aid.

Welcome back this is super Tuesday in the US m ions of Voters in 16 States and territories will choose who they want to run for president in the November election and right now it's shaping up to be a rematch of the 2020 contest between Joe Biden and Donald Trump the cbc's at Richard Madden has more on the Republican side all eyes are.

On Donald Trump will he have a good night tonight uh but even if he does sweep all these States including the big prizes in California and Texas he still will not have enough delegates to clinch his party's nomination that's why the drama is likely on a sole Challenger former un Ambassador Nikki Haley she doesn't have the number of delegates to.

Really make a dent in Trump's lead uh but she insists that she does have enough support to either challenge him at the party's nomination or continue through she has the support and she has the cash but not the delegates lately she's been leaning into the anti-trump rhetoric really pushing herself and casting herself as the Trump alternative.

Without the baggage I voted for Donald Trump twice I was proud to serve America and his administration but chaos follows him and we can't be a country in disarray and a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos we won't survive it now Haley says between 30 to 40% of Republicans aren't voting.

For Trump that's why she says that she needs to stay in the race so now it's up to voters she should keep going I don't think she'll win but I think that she can um give us another option things to think about I like Nikki Haley but I'm more of a trump supporter I like his policies you know he might be a little Brash at sometimes but you know he does.

He did a good job as a president let going ask you who you voted for and why Joe Biden age isn't an issue as long as you can do do the job and while Haley's Under Pressure to drop out of the race from Trump and his allies on the other side of the coin Democratic front Runner Joe Biden the president is expected to sweep all 15 states and really clinch.

The Democratic nomination which sets up for a rematch of 2020 Donald Trump versus Joe Biden something one in seven Americans say they don't want Richard Madden CBC News Fairfax Virginia there's word that there will be at least one more day of talks aimed at establishing a ceasefire in the Israel Hamas War mediators say the most recent.

Talks in Cairo have not Del delivered a breakthrough but a Hamas proposal will be presented to Israel the talks remain stalled over two key issues the hostages and humanitarian Aid airdrops of Aid continued in Gaza today the US France and Jordan have all airlifted emergency supplies into the.

Territory eight organizations such as Oxfam and UNICEF are sounding the alarm about famine and starvation in the territory Hamas has refused to releasee all of the estimated 100 hostages it holds and continues to demand a complete Israeli withdrawal Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly rejected.

Those demands and repeatedly vowed to continue the war until Hamas is dismantled and all of the hostages are returned with March break travel just around the corner Health officials across the country are bracing for a rise in the number of measles cases reported cases this year year have already exceeded the Dozen reported in.

All of last year 17 cases have been confirmed in Quebec Ontario Saskatchewan and BC combined more than half of new infections are in the Montreal area and involve children there are a handful of cases in anaro and one each in Saskatchewan and BC today none have been reported in Atlantic Canada infectious disease specialists say a small number.

Of measles cases can escalate to widespread infections as it has in Europe Europe where thousands are infected a new report suggests more and more Canadians are struggling to pay monthly bills especially when it comes to mortgage and credit card payments and as Scott Peterson explains the problem is acute in Ontario and.

BC what we're seeing from the survey is that higher interest rates are really forcing people into a position where they're unable to pay their bills and delinquency rates that's where people are not paying uh their bills over 3 months is Rising starting with mortgage delinquency rates and this is troubling in a sense that there's hopefully some.

Equity built into the homes that people have bought over the last 12 months mortgage delinquency has risen 52% it's below about one tenth of 1% but the trend is clear that it is rising delinquency rates in Ontario and BC are particularly High because of higher mortgage costs associated with real estate there in Ontario it's up 135% and.

BC up 62% % a delinquency is is when someone hasn't paid their bill in 90 days now younger homeowners under 36 are being particularly impacted and for those refinancing now this is part of the problem that you might be used to lower rates that you you arranged just a few years ago but now monthly payments up.

$457 on average and again Ontario and BC where it's a little bit more expensive that can be closer to $700 extra per month on refinancing non-mortgage debt and this is troubling as well this is credit C debt uh this is line of credits where generally the the interest rates are higher on that is up 29% year-over-year now it's still in a.

Neighborhood of less than 1% but again the trend is that people are delinquent on paying those back and part of the problem here is our thirst for credit non-mortgage debt higher than all the others was up 4% last year as we loaded up on credit cards in our line of credit uh and it was up by $16 billion in total last year new credit card growth was up.

11% last year 6 million new credit cards were issued and part of the problem here is there's a double whammy that one we're paying a lot more interest and it's tougher for a lot of Canadians to pay their bills for month-to month but we're also seeing increased spending and a lot of that going on to credit cards and line of credits where the the.

Interest rates are prohibitive Scott peton CBC News Toronto well Canada's main stock index moved hair lower today here's a look at the markets as we head to break for news you can trust we have the latest on what's happening in your.

Community and a weather forecast you can rely on no matter where you are in Atlantic Canada I'm Amy Smith and I'm Ryan snoden join us for Atlantic tonight right after the national all right we're on the hunt for signs of spring on this program tonight what warming up like tomorrow is going to be warmer than today yeah double.

Digits uh sign of spring right there absolutely and of course we had those snow drops uh last night on our viewer picture of the day those are flowers by the way for those who don't know that's right yes yeah exactly let's clarify snow drops the flowers uh and tonight another sign of spring from viewers again the mailbox is filling up each and.

Every day this one from Bru Point beautiful spot as we know now this was taken two days ago and you can see the pack ice there pretty thick in the Northumberland straight but what a difference 24 hours wow that's amazing not swimming weather yet but it's encouraging it be a cold dip yeah we're talking about shorts but uh maybe not.

Shorts for swimming maybe not uh yes but uh great shots there and as we look at our provincial for for you can see temperatures at six uh in onshore winds tomorrow but we'll be into the double digits at 10 11 12° uh with those winds that will shift to Northwest Cape Bret Northumberland Shore as we move into the afternoon uh so just a heads up on that.

You folks there we'll see a bit of a drop into the mid to late afternoon now there's Thursday and again the icons only tell so much of the story because it is absolutely going to be a mess you can see the rain moving in the dark greens the yellows oranges that is those those heavier periods of rain and note the snow significant snow New Brunswick.

Into Pei beginning on Thursday uh really ramping up throughout the afternoon for Nova Scotia we go from rain over to freezing rain even as far south is Halifax but it looks like kind of the northern half of Nova Scotia is the best chance of some significant icing and Ice accretion building up on things like power lines so make sure again we should.

All have uh again 72 2 hours worth of goods for any potential outages and that's going to be the case yet again it's a sign of winter for sure isn't it all right well take a look at this guys a new exhibit in London features Recreations of some of the world's most famous artwork you might say they're a chip off the old block this exhibition.

Is my artwork that I've made entirely out of Lego bricks the art of the brick exhibition is made up of more than 100 Works built with 1 and A2 million Lego bricks American artist Nathan saah has spent more than 20 years painstakingly gluing and snapping together the little blocks he builds his own versions of classical sculptures and well-known.

Paintings and he creates original Works shows are also ongoing in Paris Miami and Philadelphia never built with Lego like that I don't know you guys impressive that's it for us tonight thanks so much for watching we'll see you next time good night good night.


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