CBC Nova Scotia News Would possibly perchance possible well merely 8, 2024 | Scotian Shelf cooling


CBC Nova Scotia News Would possibly perchance possible well merely 8, 2024 | Scotian Shelf cooling


this is CBC Nova Scotia news tonight two patients who contracted flesh eating disease are questioning Nova Scotia Health's response I'm Paul Withers at the Bedford.

Institute of oceanography results are in from the latest ocean survey off the coast of Nova Scotia and they contain a surprise I'll tell you about that coming up and hundreds rally at Province house to protest the lack of a plan for Coastal protection some much needed wet weather tracking into the province tonight and lingering into Thursday as.

Well your full forecast details are coming up good evening we begin tonight with climate news off our coast and a North Atlantic mystery in recent years warming temperatures made headlines with record highs being set throughout the Atlantic region but off the coast of Nova Scotia.

The trend has reversed slightly Paul Withers has tonight's top story twice a year Canadian scientists measure physical chemical and biological conditions on the East Coast this is the spring survey underway last month on the scotian shelf for the last decade ocean temperatures in the Atlantic have gone in One Direction up the latest survey.

Though shows the ocean cooling we did see a continuation of the trend that we observed in 2023 which was the temperatures are returning to normal or even below normal conditions in some areas it's getting cooler it's getting cooler the reversal has scientists wondering if this is the beginning of a return to Norms or a blip.

I guess what remains unknown is whether this is a longer term Trend um or just short-term variability that we're experiencing in the region the warming period after 2012 saw near bottom temperatures on the scotian Shelf average 2 Dees above normal the change was large and abrupt enough to be considered a regime shift in the.

Ecosystem the recent cooling is about half a degree below Norms over the past 30 years one explanation cooler oxygen-rich water is making its way South again oh in the past it was that last labador current water was coming around the tail of the grand Banks and and the Gulf Stream water was moving on Shore and producing warmer water so.

Appeared last year that maybe it looked like current was returning to normal so we're hoping that it's not being cut off at the tail of the grand Banks like it has been in the past and that I mean hopefully we'll get back to cooler temperatures fresher water uh at depths the findings confirm what Lobster fishermen in Southwest Nova Scotia.

Noticed this season they saw Landings drop as cooler temperatures at bottom particularly farther from Shore immobilize Lobster making them harder to catch scientists say it will take several years before it's clear if the cooling water is part of a long-term Trend Paul Withers CBC News Halifax some people in the Yarmouth area.

Are questioning public Health's response to recent cases of invasive group a strap cases are on the rise across the country but Public Health officials say there is no outbreak in this province and as Luke Edinger tells us they're warning about the risk of spreading misinformation online these protesters are seeking.

Accountability from the Houston government over their failure to follow through on repeated promises to implement a coastal protection act 5 years ago all parties supported the ACT but in late February the environment Minister scrapped that idea after repeated promises Tim Houston's government has reneged on that important.

Promise to Nova scotians and the safety of Nova scotians and the Integrity of our coastlines so we're here cuz it matters to no scotians together we can force change one by one speakers addressed the crowd and urged them to fight against the government to push them to overturn their decision to scrap the coastal protection act there's no.

Need of it and everybody's in shock that we actually have to do this which is really shameful and so we're hoping that to Rally really fast and loud and just to get this done the protesters say it is irresponsible for the government to abandon the coastal protection act that they once supported as especially with the more extreme weather the province.

Has been hit with in the last few years I think we shouldn't have to have been here Paul it's ridiculous that an act that everybody all the parties agreed to would just be stalled like this by a few Rich folks that have influence and uh I'm pretty disgusted actually with that rather than legislation that would have outlined how and where people can build.

In a way that protects them from rising seas and the effects of climate change the Nova Scotia government released an online mapping tool that shows the worst case scenario for Coastal properties in the year 2100 based on current sea level projections I'm here because I think the provincial government needs to take more of a leadership role when it comes to.

Environmental concerns I think this is within their jurisdiction and leaving it up to municipalities or to homeowners is just irresponsible in November a dozen municipalities called on the Tory government to get on with proclaiming the act as they struggled to address increased development pressure along their coastlines which have been.

Battered by historic weather related damage provincial regulations under this Coastal protection act that would allow people to know that where they're building the home is safe right now the premier has said we'll give you the information you guys decide on your own what do we want Paul Pomer CBC News.

Halifax our apologies that a story as you heard from our Paul paler on a rally that was held outside a province house today to protest a lack of coastal protection plan for Nova Scotia we'll return to the healthc care story in just a few minutes the Nova Scotia government is revealing more details tonight about its new provincial school lunch program.

As rates of poverty and food insecurity continue to rise in this province the program is welcomed by many roll out will start in the fall and will come in phases over the next four years years Selena Alders has that story about 250 schools across Nova Scotia have been selected to participate in Phase One of a new school lunch program the program.

Is meant to make lunches more affordable and accessible to students it's part of the government's $18.8 million commitment to school food in the 20242 provincial budget to start it will focus on students from pre- primary to grade five the models around um how it will ble delivered and and costs are still being developed um but the.

Foundation of this is that it is Affordable it's affordable for everyone and and we know uh for some that will mean free Lindsay Corbin with nourish Nova Scotia is welcoming the program with open arms we have research uh Dr Amberly Ritz is a academic who works on school food uh research programs and she has found uh that between $130 and $190.

Can be saved um per child per month uh when kids have access to both breakfast and lunch at school once the first phase of the program is complete it will expand to older students the Department of Education plans to work with schools on Logistics whether it be making food inh house or Outsourcing from vendors so we.

Want to make sure we leverage and uh make use of and tap into uh and coordinate with the programs that already exist um so that work is underway so that we can support at a system level all the great things that are already happening around food in schools and then for those uh schools that need support uh to build out.

Additional um programming we're we're providing that as well last month the federal government announced $1 billion toward a national school food program though it's not yet clear what that will look like here in Nova Scotia the province has met with Federal officials to express interest in the funding but for now drwan says the department is.

Moving full steam ahead with its own programming Selena Alders CBC News Halifax officials in Halifax are trying out a new tool this year to detect wildfires it's artificial intelligence specifically AI software mounted in cameras across three areas the cbc's Brett Ruskin tells us how it works gone are the days of big fire towers with.

People with binoculars watching for the first sign of smoke now Halifax has invested in a pilot project that will have three C the three cameras are already installed at top cell phone towers to watch for fire and the images that these cell towers and that the cameras at top of the cell tower is capture are interpreted are analyzed by.

An AI that's been trained to look at and and know what smoke looks like can differentiate smoke from clouds differentiate smoke from dust for example we heard from Halifax fires Roy holl here's what he had to say about this pilot project the sooner we can get there uh we can uh have a better chance of of controlling it and as well with.

These alerts what we've done in the past few that I've seen when we're it's a fire we also call it Department of Natural Resources and Renewables and they're sending staff out so they're already getting advanced notice what we hope to get is at some point sharing the video with uh Department of Natural Resources.

Renewables so they will get a live feed of what of a wildfire and they can then make a determination sooner if they're going to to send air support so we're hoping to speed everything up considerably with noticing notices to the uh department at resources and to us now obviously this is a key program uh in light of what we saw last year there.

Were 15 homes destroyed by a major fire that hit the Hammond Plains area that was this month's last year so uh certainly we are entering Fire season also we saw that largest fire in Nova scotia's history down on the South Shore and so response is ramping up things that could be done differently perhaps this year but also this detection.

Mechanism is ramping up as well with this pilot project now launched here in Halifax with plans to expand it if it turns out to be beneficial to the city to detect forest fires and wildfires at the earliest possible time BR rusken CBC News Halifax wildfires do seem to be on the minds of many more this year for sure Ryan SN.

With us now a talk weather and it has been so dry Ryan it really has and again we've been keeping an eye on the fire band the burn band with the Nova Scotia website and you can see you can keep track of this yourself and yeah most of us with some restrictions especially down in shelburn and Yarmouth where there's no Burning uh at all right now.

And that is because it again has been so dry but some relief in sight and our rainfall Outlook beginning this evening car caring through right to Friday morning kind of a widespread 10 to 20 to as much as 30 mm especially in through the East that'll be our best chances of getting up towards those 30 millim amounts but a solid soaking and a much.

Needed one as we've been saying those uh rains already starting to push their way into Western areas as we back things out you can see some of that rain pushing up in through Maine and the low itself is still here just east of the Great Lakes secondary low that will follow that that's going to keep things just unsettled as we move through the next.

Couple of days and you can see here as we time things out things really filling in overnight tonight the wetest period will be through the overnight hours and through the early morning hours of Thursday and then that low will depart we'll see some lingering showers into the afternoon especially for the Northeast and then for Friday just kind.

Of a cloudy day some isolated shower chances in the East the big theme for the next couple of days though is that Northeast wind that's going to keep things cool many singled digit highs for the next couple of days now for Saturday some spotty showers yes the clouds looking set to dominate the good news is that that as that load departs that will.

Make the skies a little brighter for Sunday and temperatures climbing up a little closer to seasonal as well we'll break it down with your full weekend forecast in 7day coming up in a few minutes Tom and Amy stay tuned for that thanks so much Ryan thank you now back to the story we mentioned earlier some people in the Yarmouth area are.

Questioning public Health's response to recent cases of invasive group a STP cases are on rise across the country but Public Health officials say there is no outbreak in this province and as Luke Edinger tells us they're warning about the risk of spreading misinformation online that was the worst 24 hours of my life Kelly daet was recovering from.

Surgery when her adult daughter arrived at o patients in Yarmouth both believe invasive group a strap was the cause of their hospitalizations in April D says her household contacts were provided antibiotics but her daughter did not meet Public Health criteria chief medical officer of Health Dr Robert Strang says for privacy reasons he.

Cannot comment on individual cases so we had we have clear criteria for who actually is meets the definition of uh who should be considered a close contact versus not Strang says social media post last month about fles sheding disease as a result of invasive strep in Yarmouth were inaccurate an anonymous Facebook post about cases at Yarmouth Regional.

Hospital from someone claiming to be a nurse was shared thousands of times Professor Robert Huish says posts like that are part of a growing Trend since the pandemic the architecture of Public Health now is to to try to figure out ways to get ahead of the rumors and the scuttlebutt through social media hsh says a broader frustration with the.

Healthc care system is likely part of the reason why the post spread so widely that's a frustration felt by Crystal Dylan who says her experience waiting hours on end at the ER in Yarmouth was horrifying after 7 hours I left 2 days after leaving the hospital without being seen her condition worsened and she went back now she's recovering from what she.

Says was flesh eating disease as a result of an invasive group a strep infection you're fine one minute the next minute you're not you're almost dead and then being rushed into surgery and you don't know when you can go home Dylan and DOW said both believe public health is not sharing enough information about invasive group a strap but the.

Province's health Minister says the department is constantly trying to provide accurate information in a timely fashion but it can be hard to get ahead of online chatter not everything we read on social media is is true but it's immediate as for invasive group a strap doct Strang says cases in Nova Scotia are slightly higher this year than in.

Previous years much like the rest of Canada but he says there's no outbreak in Yarmouth or anywhere in the province Luke Ettinger CBC News Halifax a controversial proposal for a campground in Scott Bay is being allowed to go ahead Municipal counselors in Kings County voted last night and narrowly approved it with five.

Counselors voting in favor and four against the land owner behind the proposal says she hopes to speak with her neighbors who are opposed to the campground a little bit of relief that yeah we can get past the the vote um but also um I'm hopeful that you know we can that I can work uh with the people in the.

Community and that I can get the the campground um up and running but also address what people's concerns are many people in the community say they worry about an infringement on agricultural land and disruptions to life in the remote Village counselors explained their rationale for their votes and many alluded to the difficulty they had in.

Deciding I hate getting emotional but I could have predicted this would happen it's because it's an emotional issue and it's because we're here because we really have listened to what you have to say and it's also because we can imagine the struggle that you are facing some of the campground's.

Opponents say they intend to appeal council's decision to the utility and review board and the courts the future of the cap rat and Farmers Market is in limbo tonight the the vendors have been locked out of their building over the unpaid property taxes Kyle Moore has that story The Doors to the cap Ron Farmers.

Market are locked today there is a sign on the door and Security in the parking lot manager Pauline singer says they were told to stay off the property very disappointed very disappointed a lot of hard work has gone into that market and we do a lot of positive things for the community and it just feels like we've been abandoned singer says the dispute.

Is over unpaid property tax she says the market has been struggling financially since the pandemic but has been asking to work out a payment plan it's sad that we've been saying this for years that we've been in trouble and no one has listened um you know we're behind City Hall I've not heard from our mayor I've not heard from any of our counselors um.

You know where's the concern we're an economic driver for downtown Sydney the lawyer for the landlord says the not for-profit organization owes a lot of money and is in violation of their leas roughly a $76,000 has been ow over the last uh two or three years and efforts were made to uh to have that paid but to date it hasn't been Tony mozic says a.

Meeting is planned with the owner of the building and the chair of the farmers market the balls in their Court they have to they have to put together a plan and to the satisfaction of the landlord that they they can pay outstanding debts the market is home to approximately 50 vendors including Farmers Bakers food producers Jewelers crafters and more.

More singer says the vendors are taking the biggest hit because of the dispute our priority right now is to get our vendor property out of the market um you know some of these people that's their only source of income so right now everything they own all their inventory is locked up inside that building in the meantime a pop-up Market will be hosted.

By the cap rton food hub for Farmers Market vendors on Saturday Kyle Moore CBC News Sydney we have another whale entanglement story to share with you tonight but this one has a happy ending over the weekend there was an entangled humpback whale in bonov Vista Bay New Finland it took hours of work from.

Members of a nonprofit group before the whale was freed a local tour company captured it all on camera we had some reports from some fisherman friends of ours that there was a whale a humpback whale that was Tangled um in a lot of rope in the Somerville area uh and they had already called.

Wildlife who then relayed the call to the whale release and stranding group so they were mobilized and on their way out from town to help out the whale appeared to be fairly tired and every once in a while though would do you know a big roll or like a flip or slap uh a couple of times we did witness tail lobbing so it would seem like it was really.

Exhausted and then it would have these periods of activity where it was trying to free itself there were reports also that the whale had been um on its side on the Rocks earlier in the day when the tide had been out which is not a great sign either um these animals really aren't designed to be out of the water and supporting their own weight on those.

Organs you know not not optimal for for this animal for sure so I would say it took about around about 3 hours for them to to get everything cut off of the animal initially they did um a bunch of cuts to what seemed to be wrapped around the end of the tail and that was uh a bunch of ROP a massive ropes and also a big graple which they then took back to.

The Fisheries boat because obviously they're in a little tiny zodiac so having that much gear aboard is just a safety hazard for them and then they went back out and there were more wraps around the whale's body and through the mouth and around one flipper that they continued to cut after that because so many of their rescues happen sort of out.

Further and we're typically busy on wh watching trips we don't often get to see them at work so it was kind of a a neat opportunity to be able to see uh what they do and how they do it we can say he feels good turns out that whale head friends didn't even know about he did and he's lucky he had them all right first quick.

Break on the way stay with us yes there's a lot more to come on CBC novas Scotia news coming up the ongoing war in Gaza has seen a rift growing between Israel and its key Ally the United States What Lies Beneath we'll check out the technology ology used to see what's happening on the bottom of Halifax.

Harbor and Ryan's up next with his weather forecast we're back after this e e e e e e.

All right after a few pretty nice days so we start to pay the price so to speak yeah but we really do need it we can't be we can't be selfish this is the price we need to pay and must pay for sure the farmers are looking for it the gardeners and obviously anybody that's uh rightfully has a little bit of anxiety going on right now about how dry things.

Have been with the forest fire season now underway have a look at our webcam shot tonight this from the Mercy River Chalet in just to the north of gumuk Park and you can see there yes if you look closely the uh the table and the patio there the little deck is damp which is the shower are starting to roll their way in there 15° though nice and.

Mild today that's the one thing that unfortunately we are going to be seeing the wet weather coming in the temperatures are really going to cool off and as we look at the currents right now yeah we can see temp's pretty cool across cap Bron into the Northeast uh into the double digits though in teens 16 and Greenwood one of our hot spots.

Right now and the winds yes not too too bad out there we're looking at a little bit of a breeze uh but uh we will be looking at those winds really coming in from the Northeast as we move into tomorrow and there are those showers that are moving uh into the West starting to Edge their way into Eastern areas of the valley into lunenberg.

County on the doorstep of Halifax over the next little bit and what we will be watching is that rain to continue to track in tonight there's the center of the low just working its way off the east parts of the Northeast parts of the US it's going to slide to to the South and we'll get into that cooler air wrapping in on the back side of the.

System secondary low that will be following it up and you can see just 7° right now in Quebec City 19 in Toronto but a cool down there underway as well as this cooler air mass does move in across the Great Lakes uh temperatures 10 to 15 in Alberta 20 in Regina today 23 in Winnipeg 15 in Vancouver now as we look at temperatures tonight we're going.

To be in the five six seven range across the mainland 3 to four degrees across Cape Breton with the winds uh in from the southeast and generally in from the east across Cape Breton for tonight so so watching that rain tracking in overnight really starting to ramp up around midnight in terms of some of those steadier Rains by tomorrow morning.

We're all into the mix now Cape Breton it's late overnight in through the early morning hours of tomorrow that you'll get into the wet weather uh we can see throughout the day tomorrow just kind of we're all in under the green here which is the rain uh though the darkest greens and towards the yellow here across Cape Breton where we'll look at the kind of.

The steadiest rain throughout the day tomorrow for you folks especially across Richmond count into Cape Breton County now we'll start to see things taper off for Western areas of the province throughout the afternoon and even Central areas we're just going to taper off to a few showers with that Northeast wind temperatures are going to struggle.

Tomorrow 67 degrees that is about it for most of the East including Cape Breton will edge up in towards the 789 degree temperatures across central areas of the province and the best chances for some double digits will be here to the Southwest we could even see temperatures squeaking up into around the 121 13 range especially if we get into a little.

Bit of that afternoon sunshine for places like shelburn County now for Friday we're looking at a mostly cloudy day but some sun breaks possible especially across the western parts of the Mainland but can't rule it out for the East uh temperatures again will struggle with that Northeast flow just being so dominant it will really kind of.

Depend on how much Sunshine we can uh break through the clouds here particularly over Western areas now for Saturday again still just an unsettled flow here from the Northeast not nearly as strong but enough that the clouds are going to be a little more dominant and we are looking at those isolated shower chances on Saturday so this will be far.

From a wash out uh for Saturday so we don't have to worry about uh not being able to get out at all but temperatures again still kind of struggling maybe ranging from around 8 to 12 on Saturday back closer to seasonal on Sunday could even see some uh mid temperatures uh for the Sunday forecast which is good Monday lots of uncertainty.

With Monday that's uh again one thing I'll stress right now could see that system kind of hanging further to the South does look like though that Trend that I talked about last night Tom andami mid to late next week really starting to see a pattern change and a favorable one for sure uh hopefully fingers crossed just in time for the.

Long weekend of be yeah that would be great timing it would be nice okay thanks so much Ryan thanks Ryan up next I'll talk with Marine geoscientist Alex normando do about underwater vehicles that are exploring the bottom of Hal Max Arbor do stay with us you're are watching CBC Nova Scotia.

News e e e e e e Federal scientists are using new technology to explore what's on the bottom of Halifax Harbor they're using.

Autonomous underwater vehicles to take more accurate images of the ocean floor and I'm here at the Bedford Institute of Technology with Alex Norman do a marine geoscientist so here we have the vehicle tell me a bit about it yes so this is a Thomas underwater vehicle so essentially it's a bit like a drone that we fly in the air but that one flies underwater.

And so usually we plan mission where we let it go and it flies about 10 m above bottom and then collects images or bit imagery of the seafloor at very high resolution compared to what we can do from ships and so because it's autonomous we can leave it uh and go under water for about 6 to 7 hours uh in autonomy while we do other work and this.

Collects all the images and the the shape of the seaf Flor that we need for our research so how many times a year would this go out so we test it a lot in the Bedford Basin so um in the Bedford Basin when we're here uh our team goes out they collect a lot of data and then in the summer we go out on bigger ships uh like Coast Guard ships or even other.

Private ships and we deploy that in Labrador as from disc scoan shelf um so usually twice a year on the bigger ships and then a lot in the Bedford Basin how much does something like this cost so this unit with all its component is about 1.5 million but we have to understand that it's the technology for the underwater vehicle but also all the.

Instrumentation that's on it so all the mapping instruments that are there how much has that advanced in recent years so there's been a lot of advancements especially in terms of how uh high resolution we can get data and so every year or every couple years the companies come out with new uh instruments that are even better uh at providing better.

Higher resolution of the seafloor and so uh what we have here is a 4 to three years old unit um in what in the technology that we have and obviously like you said it's safe because you don't have to send anybody down there you just go do your work and and wait for what returns yeah exactly and the good thing too is when we're on ships we.

Uh we let it the instrument do its survey and while it's doing the survey we can do other things so it's also very efficient in terms of how we map the seabed and collect other seafloor sample at the same time now I know the Halifax Harbor is right here and it's very convenient but there is a bit of a fascination with what's under there tell.

Me a bit about what you finding in the waters so in the waters here in Bedford Basin the main thing that we see on the seafloor is a lot of anchor drags and so when the ships out there and they're anchored and with the wind and the tide the uh anchor drags on the bottom and creates those long scourers uh that we can see and so with this instrument and.

Previous mapping that was done we can see how that evolves through time uh there's also of course the Volvos that are underwater here uh there shipwrecks uh there's a lot of of human um activity that that we can observe on the sea Flor all right for some folks who don't know about the car how do cars end up at the bottom of the Bedford Basin so it was in.

The uh late 1980s if I recall correctly where um a container ship dropped the Volvos on the Basin because they didn't have the right papers um and so there's about 20 to 30 Volvos on the bottom of the bed for BAS that probably wouldn't happen today I'm hoping right hopefully not what kind of condition are they in uh that we'd have.

To see with a remotely operative vehicle so uh this here collects uh images like the shape of the seafloor but then to actually look at the conditions we need to use uh video imagery and that is usually used with usually done with a remotely operated vehicle and I'm not aware that we've seen that yet something to explore still maybe yeah so why is.

This so important to to have this information so we use this a lot offshore so as I said the Bedford Basin is our test site but we usually use this in deeper waters because when we do surveys uh from ships in deep Waters uh we get low resolution because we're so far from the bottom when we're at the ocean surface um that the resolution of.

The seabed can be in the tens of meters sometimes so then by by putting this in the water and going very near the bottom about 10 m above the bottom we can get much higher resolution so usually with this instrument we get 30 cm resol ution on the seed so every 30 cm is mapped when we use this compared to tens of meters with regular multi beans um or.

Regular um bimetric surveys that we do from ship base so it's very important because we can see things on the seabed that we wouldn't see otherwise and when does it head out again so the next uh it's going in the Bedford Basin uh almost every week and then it's going on the Coast Guard uh vessel admon uh doing some surveys in Labrador in uh July and.

Then it's coming back here on the RSS Discovery and going on the scotian Shelf uh in September all right well fascinating stuff thanks Alex for walking us through it thank you very much coming up Canada's largest public service unions say they'll fight back over a revised work policy.

E e e e e e welcome back to CBC Nova Scotia news talks aimed at getting a ceasefire in the Israeli Israel Hamas war and freeing Israeli hostages continue and Israel is.

Pushing ahead with military operations in Rafa those actions have caused a growing Rift between Israel and its key Ally the United States the Americans are pausing some weapons shipments because of concerns about the civilian toll a full-blown offensive could take the cbc's Chris Brown has the latest in the face of near unanimous.

Global opposition to a ground offensive into Rafa Israel's military pursued its attacks its officials say this is a calibrated limited incursion aimed at exerting pressure on Hamas but on the ground these scenes shot by a freelance videographer working for CBC News suggests civilians are among the.

Dead in the whole area there are only civilians there are no militants said Raa Al nil who witnessed the attack for the first time a senior Us official acknowledged publicly that the US has withheld a shipment of ammunition to Israel to send a message not to go any further Israel shouldn't launch a a major attack in arfa without accounting.

For uh and protecting the civilians that are in that battle space privately Israeli officials are said to be furious over the US move but publicly they've tried to downplay the significance of it the partnership with us Central Command is of an unprecedented operational scale said Israeli rear Admiral Daniel hagari all of this comes against the.

Backdrop of ongoing negotiations with Hamas Monday the militant group said it accepted a ceasefire proposal but Israel said Hamas changed the terms of the agreement in Gaza there's fear the talks will fail again we spoke to Canadian naika Alexander who's in Rafa with the World Health Organization as we drove through the streets yesterday and today.

You could see people have piled up everything they own onto donkey carts crammed into cars many people together in a bus just trying to get to someplace that maybe will feel safer but we do feel that nowhere is completely safe so that's really stressful while Aid trucks which had been unable to enter Gaza for several days began moving again.

Alexander says the flow of medical supplies and fuel for generators has reduced to a trickle adding to a sense of impending doom you just can't imagine how many people might die if there's a great escalation in the in the fighting in this area Hamas is demanding a guarantee that the war will end if it frees the hostages but Israel says it.

Will only agree to a temporary pause because many members of its coalition government want the war against Hamas to continue Chris Brown CBC News Jerusalem two national women's organizations have published an open letter to Canada's major Banks they're demanding they take action to end abusive e transfers this comes after months after the CBC.

Reported on the abusive e transfers received by an Ontario woman from her ex hours before he killed her Katie Nicholson has more dear TD Scotia Bank Brian Wong reads from the open letter sent to the CEOs of Canada's major Banks demanding they crack down on abusive e transfers Angie Sweeney's murder underscore like the ones Angie Sweeney's.

Act sent her hours before he killed her in October Wong's organization is frustrated Banks don't appear to be taking action silence is very telling it's either the banks have decided that if they are quiet about the issue that the issue will just go away which I'm guessing probably isn't and that is probably increasing or they've decided.

That is perfectly acceptable the letter wants Canadian Banks to adop opt the free AI software developed by an Australian bank that blocks abuse of language or swipe up from the app home screen to pull up the transaction feed this program introduced last year by a UK bank which allows clients to block messages from abusers tap on the payment.

You've received with an unwanted reference one common form we hear often is that abusive Partners open up credit cards in the victim's name even without their knowledge and accumulate debt the Canadian Center for Women's empowerment co-authored the letter it just released a report outlining a dozen recommendations to Banks to better.

Protect survivors their products their financial products and services are not only in a few cases but systematically being exploited by abusive Partners to control and abuse victims in Australia a parliamentary inquiry will examine the role of banks in ending Financial abuse Canada's Deputy Prime Minister was asked if it government might do something.

Similar this needs to be an effort that all sectors of society are focused on um including Financial Services in response to the letter the Canadian Bankers Association says its members are now reviewing technology that could be used to combat this type of financial abuse and interact say it's assembled a team to develop a reporting mechanism for.

Messages that could be abuse Katy Nicholson CBC News Toronto the federal government is ordering Public Service workers back into the office for at least three days a week the unions which represent more than a quarter of a million federal workers are fighting back they say the decree violates a commitment made by Ottawa Kate McKenna.

Has the details the head of one of Canada's largest public sector unions coming out with fighting words the liberal government's move to force federal workers ERS back into IL equipped and poorly maintained offices 3 days a week is purely political and puts the services Canadians depend on at risk the.

Public service Alliance of Canada has filed complaints other unions are planning to file more over the government's move to force public servants back to the office 3 days a week starting on September 9th unions say they were blindsided last year during one of the largest strikes in Canadian history we fought and won a.

Commitment from this government that would protect Public Service workers from arbitrary government-wide decisions on T work just like this one but the treasury board says hybrid work isn't a bargaining chip and wasn't part of signed agreements the most important thing is to continue to deliver services for Canadians and to.

Protect taxpayer dollars and at the same time to recognize that we do have the best public service in the world on the streets opinion is split it's hard to say I don't think that people are any less productive working from home I I don't really think our tax dollar should be paying for office space it's unnecessary people have to remember that.

You used to work fulltime right 5 days a week or some people seven so I think a compromise for 3 Days shouldn't be a big issue depending on what you need to do I do think it's important to have time in the office um there's a lot to be said for the interaction with people but the unions say they're not backing down promising a summer of discontent unless.

The government relents Kate McKenna CBC News Ottawa there are only two Canadian teams left in the NHL playoffs and they're facing off against each other the Vancouver Canucks and Edmonton Oilers start their second round Series tonight and fans both teams can't wait Oiler Nation I'm from Edmonton let's go McDavid I was born in Vancouver I have.

To go with the Canucks I got to go Oilers I'm uh I love McDavid the way he plays I've been a con fan since I was like as far as I can remember so I mean everybody's saying Oilers but I mean look at the stats those stats are in favor of the Canucks they played the Oilers four times in the regular season and won every game but as Oilers fans.

Point out the playoffs are like a whole new season a Canadian team has not won the Stanley Cup in 31 years the NHL is not the only profession Hockey League now in the postseason the new Professional Women's Hockey League playoffs start tonight after a 72 game regular season that Drew record-breaking crowds uh what an incredible start and.

We couldn't be more thrilled and um the work continues uh but we know the excitement is there top seated Toronto will host a struggling Minnesota team after earning the right to choose their opponent by finishing first in the regular season the other semi-final series between Boston and Montreal begins tomorrow both both first round.

Matchups will be the best of five winners will compete in another best of five round to win the first ever Walter cup a Taylor Swift fan says there is bad blood between her and the popular travel website booking.com that's after her accommodations were cancelled and the place she thought she'd secured was relisted by a rental rental at a higher.

Price she took her story to the cbc's Rosa marelli and our go public team if you see this it's a safe bet you're looking at some serious Taylor Swift fans swifties as they're called Sarah forier is one of them so as soon as a mega star announced a Toronto concert date forier started.

Making plans with her brother and some friends to travel from Montreal for the November show my first thought was to go to booking.com I just knew that it was going to be like difficult to get accommodations later on she booked two places then swiftly scored concert tickets but just when she thought everything was set booking.com.

Told her her accommodations had been cancelled I just knew something was not right forier tried to get booking.com to step up and help her get a similar place at a similar price they didn't here's the problem consumers think what they book on travel websites like booking.com is locked in but they shouldn't count on it according to this technology expert.

Don't believe that booking.com and other companies have got your back the only help booking.com offered forier was a link for other places by this time demand and prices had skyrocketed she then called one of the properties directly for help Instead This was the answer she got so you don't see an issue with that absolutely no our goal in.

Business is to maximize profit booking 's terms of service Clearly say they're not responsible when customers don't get what they're promised but the expert says they can't legally wave potential responsibility there are legal protections for representations that are false misleading or deceptive that induce consumers into transactions.

Booking.com tells go public both of the properties for booked were removed from the site after not meeting the website's terms and conditions saying for's experience is extremely rare she's not buying it in the end a family friend offered his place to stay now that she can count on Rosa marelli CBC News Calgary and it's time to take a.

Quick break now but first here's a look at how the markets did today e e e e e e.

Things are a little dry and mother nature is going to take care of that for us yeah and but today was really nice we shouldn't ignore that right yeah not quite yesterday but still a very very nice day across the province uh hopefully we all soaked it up little bit of sun and some of those mild temperatures cuz certainly a bump in the.

Road here as we've been talking with the last couple of days first and foremost let's have a look at our viewer picture of the day uh in the Northeast and a beautiful shot here from black Hall gut and Woodburn and a beautiful beautiful scene here love the reflection and the sky fantastic thank you so much to Barbara.

Wi for sharing Ryan's picks at cbc.ca again so many folks have been sending their pictures in the mailbox is chocked full and I really appreciate it uh you can see temperatures for tomorrow it's just 6 7 degrees across Cape Breton uh 7 89 maybe some 10 degree temperatures down through the Southwest the best chances for double digits.

Tomorrow will be Yarmouth County and shelburn County uh with the Northeast flow 20 gusting 30 to 40 it's just going to feel uh pretty raw now for Friday we will see a better chance of some sun breaks double digits along that Atlantic Southwest Coastline the cooler temps still in the north and east with that onshore wind coming in from that.

Direction and you can see shower chances will be greatest in through the East especially across Cape Breton as that low does track to the east we'll be looking at that shower activity uh to taper off as we move into Friday and yeah by the time we get to the Friday afternoon time period still a few showers hanging on and those showers.

Will also be at least a possibility on Saturday isolated in nature can't rule out a couple of Sunny breaks on Saturday as well so we'll uh perhaps update that revisit that for tomorrow Sunday looking like the derrier of the two days no question we should be around 133 14° this time of year so at least back to seasonal as we turn the page into next.

Week getting there we are indeed thanks very much Ryan well for the French town of seren it was a labor of love take a look at this The Bakers there wanted to reclaim the record from Italy of all places for the world's longest baguette hundreds of pounds of dough made up the record-breaking bread which was over 140 M long the previous Italian record of 13.

2 m was held for almost 5 years but the biggest challenge of course was the baking itself a mobile oven was designed specifically for such a feat once the record was sealed the Bakers shared in their success cutting up the baguette and covering it with Nutella before feeding hungry onlookers seems fitting somehow that's it for us tonight thank.

You so much for watching we'll see you next time good night good night it's

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