CBC Records: The Nationwide | Scientific evacuation from Gaza


CBC Records: The Nationwide | Scientific evacuation from Gaza

Rare access on board a medical evacuation flight an emergency room in the sky getting the most critically injured out of Gaza that plane bringing those patients here to Doha Where We Are Tonight with a look inside that extraordinary way out of a war zone the difficult Journey the family left behind so a lot of uncertainty and.

A lot of fear and the moments of Hope plus Canada had the worst air quality in North America for the first time more polluted than the US it's like there's an elepant sitting on my chest Bo this year could be even worse and after weeks of speculation and wild conspiracy theories the Princess of Wales is spotted in public she's U.

Healthy and hopefully back serving us but will this stop the rumor mill from CBC News this is the national with Chief correspondent Adrian Areno in Doha thank you for joining us we are coming to you tonight from Kadar where intense talks aimed at reaching a ceasefire in Gaza have been happening Qatari officials say they are cautiously.

Optimistic but that optimism comes amid new accusations the United Nations human rights Chief says Israel may be using starvation as a tactic holding back Aid with restrictions so severe that it could amount to a war crime Israel firmly denies that allegation but one thing that is undeniable the scale at.

Which starvation is taking hold in Gaza and the desperate need for Aid that isn't being met the world food program estimates 300 trucks are required each day just to cover the basic necessities its delivery into Gaza on Sunday just 18 truck loads that as half the population has completely exhausted Their Food Supplies amid the hunger and the.

Ceasefire talks there is more pressure from world leaders urging Israel not to engage in a ground offensive in the southern city of Rafa but as Margaret Evans shows us from Jerusalem tonight Israel's prime minister remains defiant and determined jabalia Northern Gaza this is the face of famine hammering at the gate.

There is no room for dignity here we came to line up but they threw us out says musab al-masri there's not enough for the camp one plate of flower isn't enough people are already dying of starvation in Northern Gaza according to a new report by the un's top food insecurity Watchdog they say famine could be declared at any moment unless.

There's an urgent change of course the extent of Israel's continued restrictions on the entry of a into Gaza together with the manner in which it continues to conduct hostilities May amount to the use of starvation as a method of War which is a war crime Israel blames Hamas and Aid agencies themselves but there's little.

Evidence of Israel's recent pledge to flood Gaza with Aid the US Secretary of State is also sounding the alarm 100% of the population in Gaza is at severe levels of acute food insecurity that's the first time an entire population has been so classified in Rafa further south people are bracing themselves for a looming.

Israeli ground Invasion concerns over the fate of more than 1 million people Sheltering there prompted the US President Joe Biden to summon an Israeli delegation to Washington to discuss alternatives Israeli Prime Minister agreed but he's also told Israeli legislators he's determined to move ahead with.

Rafa we have an argument with the Americans regarding the need to enter Rafa he says not regarding the need to eliminate Hamas there is already grief strong enough to pierce hearts in Rafa another family in mour after an Israeli air strike overnight the us Europe and the whole.

World support Israel with weapons says ibraim Jaron displaced from Gaza City they mock us and send four or five airdrops just to save face so Margaret that push for Israel's allies to apply more pressure is getting louder yet again that's right Adrian and you know there's real consternation here amongst.

Palestinians they want to know why the United States isn't putting more pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to open up the floodgates given these dire warnings they want to know why the world isn't putting more pressure and for Israelis they're worried especially the families of hostages still being held they're worried that the push by the.

Israeli government to go ahead with this Rafa plan is simply going to put their loved ones in more danger and especially now at this very delicate stage of Hostage negotiations again taking place all right CBC News senior International correspondent Margaret Evans in Jerusalem tonight back here in Doha some.

Palestinians who were severely injured in Gaza are receiving treatment tonight after an emergency evacuation flight sponsored by Kar after they hear the take off sound of this one collapsed because they remember the attacks uh during the the when they were in Gazza about two dozen patients were on that plane along with members of their family.

All leaving their homes and their loved ones unsure what the future holds or whether they will ever be able to return to Gaza we were also on that plane speaking with people about what happened to them in Gaza what it took to get out just to get to Egypt so that they could board that evacuation flight we'll introduce you to them in a North.

American exclusive in about 20 minutes but for now let's bring in Asha Tomlinson and Asha the war here in the Middle East is also clear really causing some deep political divisions in Ottawa that's right Adrian that division comes from within the liberal party after three MPS voted against an NDP motion calling for the.

Recognition of a Palestinian statehood that language was scaled back by the Liberals to say Canada will work towards the establishment of the State of Palestine as part of a negotiated two-state solution but today Anthony housea says it left him feeling isolated and caucus when my party member got up and cheered and gave a standing ovation.

To Heather mcferson and the NDP I started reflecting as to whether or not I belonged foreign affairs minister Melanie Jolie is defending her party adding while the motion was non-binding the government plans to follow through we've worked very hard to make sure that.

We could get to a text where we could abide by it other aspects of the motion include calling on Hamas to release all remaining hostages and lay down its arms though it also calls for Canada to stop selling arms to Israel now to a concerning new report tonight on Canadian Air Quality last year our air was ranked more polluted.

Than the US for the first time ever you'll remember why Skies choked with Wildfire smoke and between Canada and the US 14 of the 15 most polluted cities were in this country Fort McMurray was the worst followed by Peace River Alber and Yellow knife on and ROM looks at the challenges ahead especially for those with health issues okay so this is my.

Emergency kit Payton Knight is ready for most days this is my inhaler this is my Arrow Chamber and this is my EpiPen yeah there's also an instruction card if someone found the 12-year-old unresponsive but even for the ever prepared pton who lives with complex asthma and allergies last year's Wildfire smoke was.

Too much it just Reed when it's too smoky outside it's like there's an elephant sitting on my chest those sunless choked Skies moving far beyond our borders set the country behind in new Global rankings by iqair an air quality tech company of the most polluted countries last year Canada did worse than the US and double World.

Health Organization standards previous years Canada has the cleanest air quality in all of North America and this year we saw just a a the exact opposite the report measured levels of PM 2.5 a pollutant that can spew out from wildfires travel deep into lung tissue and can cause breathing heart and cognitive problems there's no safe.

Amount of particulate matter to inhale a l of people for some of the most vulnerable like children it's driving calls for upgrading air quality where they spend most of their time schools as clean air shelters have actually been proposed in many countries because it keeps your child population healthy and it also serves as this extra resource.

For communities Canada's warmest winter ever could set up a repeat of last year and that may keep Payton from an upcoming outdoor family wedding if it's too smoky then she doesn't get to go something that everybody looks forward to like going to their Auntie's wedding and being a part of that is now because of.

Our current climates has turned into something kind of nerve-wracking cold calculations as our warming climate feeds the conditions for longer and stronger wildfires on dram CBC News Toronto today marks the start of spring but for many around the world the warm weather came early this year that may seem appealing on the surface but as.

Susan ormiston explains the extreme temperatures could mean big trouble for the planet and some of its smallest creatures I would like to see the whole box full of bees if you're a honeybee you like warmth and they're clustered together there to conserve the heat the wildly mild winter could be a good thing but not when temperatures swing hovering.

Near 0 degrees this week in gual way down from last week's spring Spike over 20° if it's really warm they almost get tricked into being building up the colony strength too early and then when we get cold weather like this it's damages the colony it's kind of like fruit trees going into bloom and then having cold weather can damage the fruit.

Tree unusual early heat ocean warmth still breaking records Antarctic ice melting all indicators says the world's meteorological organization the year 2023 set new records for every single climate indicator on this the first day of spring 2024 is shaped up warmer but we cannot be completely certain about what will happen at the end of 2024.

Scientists do predict this year will join a 9-year streak of the world's warmest years what's certain it won't be a new normal we haven't cut our emissions anything like enough to stabilize temperatures at this new normal right so so that means it's going to keep on going globally the wmo is sending a red alert we should tackle.

This all together otherwise we are all lost even beekeepers are having to adapt in there we can create a winter that's the same every year helping weakened hives inside no bright light some of they're indoors some of the out doors this spreads the RIS coat to keep mortality down 20% of its bees didn't survive the winter possibly a parasite.

That's our number one problem and it is exacerbated by climate change Susan ormiston CBC News g a retired Quebec judge says he believes allegations of sexual abuse made against a former Nunavut priest are true while not a legal finding the conclusion is part of a report into the actions of yannes rir we need a tailor.

Now with the reaction it's been more than 50 years since Johannes rivoir worked in Nunavut as a priest accused of sexually abusing at least six children it is a cause for came for me and for our order in a new report retired Quebec Superior Court Judge Andre Deni says he believes the allegations are true it was commissioned.

By the Canadian and French ablates in order of missionaries with the Catholic Church to investigate the allegations and to examine how sexual abuse complaints are handled deny also found that the church didn't help revore Escape Justice in Canada when he fled to France in 1993 some witnesses still think that there was a covering up other.

Said no I think that the church did good things and R was the only bad bad guy Marius talik was one of ri's alleged victims he died in 2012 his daughter Tanya said she had mixed feelings after reading the report he was hired by the oblates to do this investigation or this report so of course he's going to you know protect the the church Denny.

Interviewed rivar saying he doesn't believe his testimony Denny also interviewed rivor alleged victims including Steve melak who was part of a delegation who traveled to France in 2022 to put pressure on the French government to extradite report to Canada and face sexual assault charges I really hope that the department of protectors.

In France will start um doing something about this um so that that's just will be done Denise report is not a legal finding of rivor guilt CBC News has reached out to rivor lawyer but has not received a response rivor continues to maintain his.

Innocence wiita Taylor CBC News Winnipeg a stream of MERS offered their condolences today as Brian Mal laid in state dignitaries former colleague and members of the public lined up to pause at his flag draped casket and pay their respects Ashley Burke spoke to some about their memories of this country's 18th prime.

Minister a former prime minister on a final Journey to the nation's capital a chance for Canadians to say goodbye to Brian M Rooney as he lies in state near Parliament Hill his wife milela daughter Caroline and three sons Nick Ben and Mark greeting governor general present and past somber um sad but uh.

Inspired by a man who has left such an example for all of us to follow mik JN shared what she said during this final fawell that my heart is with him I said to him that um he meant a lot uh to me in in difficult times all day the family met dignitaries diplomats po politicians and the public who lined up in the cold to pay tribute to Canada's 18th prime.

Minister some with personal stories and Mos well something I found in my jewelry box it's been there for quite a bit of time I think since 1993 it's my uh P to get into uh the prime minister's press office where I worked Robin ail showed Mila a picture on his phone oh my god of him with decades ago AAL sang for the prime minister at special.

Events the two even shared a microphone oh he was great he used to love to get up on stage with me and sing and this of course you all know what his favorite song was is when Irish eyes are smiling when Irish eyes are smiling sure it's like a morning spring Ali Brown says she wasn't a supporter of Mone during his time in office but now has come to.

Appreciate what he did for Canada today he's a hero I wasn't too sure I felt that way at the time so Mr M rest in peace Mal will continue to Li in state until Wednesday afternoon Ashley Burke CBC News Ottawa a state funeral for Mal roone will take place this Saturday at 11:00 a.m. eastern at the famous Noto Dam.

Basilica in Montreal that's also where Pierre Elliot Trudeau's funeral was held in 2000 and where Justin Trudeau gave a eulogy for his father he'll do so again on Saturday from Rooney his daughter Caroline will also speak along with Quebec businessman Pierre Carl pelo and retired Hockey Star Wayne grety orchestral and coral music.

Will be heavily featured with performances from the teners and Malone's granddaughter Elizabeth the ceremony will conclude with a 19 gun salute from the Old Port of Montreal CBC News Network and CBC television will broadcast the state funeral for Brian on Saturday our coverage begins at 9:00 a.m. eastern.

Hosted by cbc's Chief political correspondent Rosemary Barton in Hong Kong Pro Beijing legislators are defending a new National Security Law tonight critics say it further erodes freedoms and cracks down on descent you can see other countries do everything to protect the National Security and why can't we protect our.

National security the law passed unanimously in Hong Kong's legislative Council trees in and Resurrection are now punishable by life sentence with stiffer penalties for Espionage and theft of State Secrets video has emerged that could put a persistent question to rest where is Kate people are likely to question every.

Single behavior that comes from the royal family moving forward will it put an end to all the rumors that's coming up plus looking for a home in Canada's most expensive rental market it's almost a full-time job looking for a place what renters are up against plus here in Doha some of the most seriously wounded are getting.

Treatment far from the horrors of the war in Gaza we were given rare access to an evacuation flight bringing patients here to kot it's hard to process what they've all been through to survive their injuries to be able to get out of Gaza their difficult Journey a little later we're back in two.

Canada's annual inflation rate dropped again last month falling slightly to 2.8% in February that's down from January and lower than what many economists expected cell phone and internet plans and groceries were among the expenses that helped bring the February rate down rent and mortgage interest costs.

Are primary drivers of Canada's inflation n BC renters face the highest rates in the country and as IET Bren shows us for some finding a place to live has become like a second job in this freezer I believe we have seven or six of them now Hudson and Jackson fory Beck sold pickles and produce they grew in the front yard of the rental home.

That they're now about to lose their family has been evicted we eventually had a flow customers and they just kept coming and coming we just got bigger and bigger if anybody has any solutions they're D posted a video begging for freezer space to save all this food while he hunts for a new family home it's almost a full-time job looking for.

A place we don't have the room to store it what are we going to do dozens of applications later he's left in line with a hundred others to pay double or triple his current rent I've been pretty uh stressed and worried housing experts say this family isn't alone in the past two years in Canada rent Rose an average of.

$384 a month Metro Vancouver had had the country's highest average monthly rent for a one-bedroom in February at $2,653 breaks my heart here like I have to advertise to see if someone will welcome me into their rental and let me pay an exorbitant amount of money for a one bedroom a younger demographic is is working hard and their hard work isn't.

Paying off like it used to people desperate to find rentals are posting ple as you need to stand out of the crowd I just want to uh try different ways to get attraction like a spotlight on us it starts to make a lot skyrocketing rental rates don't help the competition is stiff there's a lot of competition the irony isn't lost on this.

Custom home builder that he's creating homes and can't even find a rental he can afford you know sometimes I struggle with what I'm doing for work am I part of the problem or am I part of the solution but you know you have to make money to survive a moment of Peace before it's back to the Grind of finding shelter.

Event CBC News Vancouver new video obtained by a British tabloid appears to show Princess Kate out shopping with her husband William she's um healthy and hopefully back serving us as uh we hope she will be soon but will it put the Royal controversy to rest that's next plus I'll be back from Doha where some of gaza's most seriously wounded.

Have been brought for treatment we'll take you on a packed evacuation flight with the injured many of them Kids the World these people have just come from is one of chaos and Mayhem and violence rare access to a medical airl and he is a terrorist to some locked up in an Israeli prison but to others he's a moderate Palestinian Voice.

Who could help on the path to peace Marwan barg goodi and the growing calls for his release the national breaks down the story shaping our world next in the UK the Princess of Wales was spotted and filmed in public this weekend the outing comes as speculation.

Of her whereabouts swirls online but as Chris Brown shows us the new video hasn't stopped the Royal Rumor Mill Prince William one half of the world's currently most gossiped about royal couple was out on his own Tuesday at an official engagement in Sheffield but his wife Catherine remained out of sight recovering from abdominal surgery.

As a media delirium swirled around her this video published by the Sun newspaper of the couple grocery shopping over the weekend was the first time Kate had been filmed in public in nearly 3 months now let's dish the hot gos I am ready to Spill the tea over that time her private life has been picked apart online and in the media with wild.

Unsubstantiated theories about her marriage and her health with Kensington Palace saying little or nothing in her defense the thing is Media has changed this public relations specialist says when they have responded to the frenzy it's backfired spectacularly such as with the now infamously doctored Mother's Day photo I think it's really.

Damaging to their reputation people are likely to question every single behavior that comes from the royal family moving forward that image which was withdrawn by Major news agencies had been adjusted using Photoshop by Kate herself that prompted photo editors to look back at other Stills released by Kensington Palace to see if they were doctored too.

And found this one was we were not used to question what would come out uh from Kensington Palace but since last Sunday we had to to change that position in London many seemed happy even relieved to see Kate back on the front page again she's uh um healthy and hopefully back serving us as uh we hope she will be soon Kate is supposed to.

Return to her royal duties alongside William after Easter and maybe only then will the speculation finally be put to rest Chris Brown CBC News London now let's dig deeper into our top story tonight fragile hope for a pause in the Israel Hamas war and all the efforts to Help The People Under Siege this is the breakdown.

The fate of so many could rest on the outcome of ongoing negotiations here in Doha a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas would be a life Cher for the displaced and desperate people of Gaza as well as Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners there's one notorious prisoner who some say could lead Palestinians to peace with Israel.

My father is uh um you know a unifying figure for the Palestinian people but first their War wounds are bad enough that they are getting out of Gaza on a medical airlift that can Echo the turmoil they leave behind this one collapsed because they remember the attacks and they were in Gaza it's hard to process what they've all been through.

Their destination a place with a promise to help them heal so get ready for takeoff J tell me when your team is ready here we are calling the patient h on a Tarmac in Egypt near Gaza the ride out of the war zone has arrived the worst they've endured starts to get better right.

Here even if it all still hurts yeah you two dozen of the severely wounded in their families so many of them kids on their way to hospital in Cotter for Advanced Care and the legs of 11 y- old yakman mmud Sharif with a fractured skull really needed everyone transferred right into.

The belly of a c17 into what's effectively a flying emergency room for the three-hour trip to Doha it's a little hard to process what they've all been through imagine to survive their injuries to then be able to get out of Gaza to then get on a list to get on a flight like this one there is relief in all of that but also a lot of.

Uncertainty and a lot of fear what happens after they leave Hospital what will life be like and crucially will they ever be going back to Gaza they've left so many behind y's mom sabrin says her husband was stopped at the border with Egypt now she's alone with them and his husband he cannot enter here to the Egypt they.

Don't allow the man to cross the board only the one woman only she could use some help because he's in trouble the doctor say cranial bleeding is making him erratic anxious not much it seems can console him and there his blood is inside and now you know he he don't know what he's doing so he has a a skull fracture he was under the the rubble yes.

Yakman was at home when an air strike hit collapsing the building on it so agitated they give him some light sedation fairly sure he'll have to head into surgery as soon as they land lots of concerned faces here and maybe not just because of what's happened but this whole experience imagine never having left Gaza never.

Having been on a plane before and then being here Dr Jalal alisai Heads This operation he recognizes the shaking and the noise here can sometimes be rough but for them it's like you know remind them about the situation there in Gaza because it's noisy and it caused a lot of noise uh we had a cases who after.

They he the take off sound of this one collapsed because they remember the attacks uh during the the when they were in Gazza so I I believe they they really remember what happened there when you they hear the voice because it's very noisy no wonder some were terrified and a few like this woman who'd been able to sit at the beginning ended up dizzy and.

Unconscious hard to know what she endured before getting on this flight while they work on her her grandchild is in the arms of a Qatari red crescent part of caring is lightening the mood it's Ramadan we take off just as it's time to break the fast so there's food and.

Treats and a lot more Smiles one of the most remarkable Smiles belongs to the very Sunny 9-year-old Mahmud Muhammad mmud what do you want to do when you grow up did you catch what he said there he said journalist he wants to be a journalist he want to be like you and he want to be football player also yes are.

You good at football who's your favorite player mam Salah mamad salah's mom new are quick to offer pictures of better days this is this is his favorite food.

Yes all that before the terrible December day when he was hit in an air strike Mahmud lost both his arms his life become too much hard now in Doha he'll get two Prosthetics he knows the plan and he's excited what will he do when he has his arms yes he can call the ball he can play football everything wow M.

Perfect if this team looks like they have it all in hand it's because this is the 19th medical evacuation flight sponsored by ker the Amir has vowed to care for 1500 wounded Palestinians accommodation built for the World Cup is being offered to them the exhaustion on this plane is worn on all these faces and not just.

Those of the patients this war takes a toll on everyone medical staff included the world these people have just come from is one of chaos and Mayhem and violins and they may not realize it but once they arrive in Doha each person here has been assigned a medical social and psychological team to.

Help them get through what's ahead as they near the end of the flight the relief of the team is real everyone on board is stable with the hugs come sprigs of Basil something fresh and fragrant more toys a bit more last minute care and a welcome to cut.

him it's kind but imagine just how bewildering all of this must be so our team reached reached out tonight to Mahmud and his mom uh they've been here less than 24 hours but they've already seen a cosmetic surgeon a prosthetic specialist and a therapist and apparently the therapist is thrilled.

Says mmud is genuinely happy and okay and is ready for what's coming and we are going to keep checking in with these kids as best we can coming up with negotiations on a potential hostage for prisoner exchange a high-profile Palestinian prisoner is getting more attention it will be a akake on the side of Israel not to release him Margaret.

Evans looks at the man many see as the moderate voice needed right now that is next on the breakdown here in Doha the qari government is moderating talks towards a possible ceasefire in Gaza key to that would be the negotiated release of.

Israeli hostages and Palestinians in prison a lot may be writing on the fate of one particular prisoner a Palestinian leader serving five life sentences on terrorism charges Maran bargi is remarkably popular among Palestinians the most popular there is nobody who is close to him some say he could be an influential voice for peace but Israeli.

Hardliners are loed to release him he was involved in giving awful orders Margaret Evans breaks down that dilemma etched on concrete walls Maran baru's face is one of the first things you see crossing the main Israeli checkpoint between Jerusalem and rala the image is coated with the smoke and tear gas of countless demonstrations.

Against the Israeli occupation but his name hasn't faded and after 22 years and counting in an Israeli jail baruti Remains the most popular Palestinian leader there is with decimation in Gaza and uncertainty over its future calls for his release in some quarters are growing his son Arab believes he'll be.

Home soon I'm very confident and very positive that my father will be released um and I can feel that uh it it will happen as soon as possible hopefully that's because says Hamas and Israel are trying to negotiate another prisoner exchange last November hundreds of Palestinians were released from Israeli jails in exchange for some of.

The hostages taken by Hamas during its murderous Rampage through Israeli border towns on October 7th even though baruti is associated with the Rival fata faction heading the Palestinian Authority Hamas has put bar guy's name on its list adab says it's testimony to his father's unifying appeal and why Israel.

Would be wise to release him if any Israeli leader really wants an end for this and peace for the region on the long term they would see that my father is someone that uh uh would bring that he's someone who still believes in the tiny chance that's left for the two-state solution it would be a hard act ask for.

Israelis who see him as a terrorist with blood on his hands charged with ordering a series of killings and suicide bombings in the second inada eventually sentenced to five life terms in 2004 everybody in this world know that maranti is fighting for peace I'm a beast man bargi denied the allegations against him saying he doesn't condone.

Attacks against civilians but he's never renounced violence as a means of resisting the occupation in the 1990s he was an important proponent of the Oslo Peace process setting out a path to a two-state solution it was backed by then Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat but a Palestinian State never arrived those.

Who know him say it led to disillusionment he was involved in giving awful orders he changed his mind because he thought maybe we are not going for peace and we need to do something which will be a which will be kind of an earthquake which was the second intifa in 2000 it was a huge mistake on his side.

Yosi balen is one of oslo's Israeli Architects he still believes baruti offers Israelis and Palestinians a chance at coexistence bagti is the most popular Palestinian leader today the most popular there is nobody who is close to him and it will be a mistake on the side of Israel not to.

Release him not only him but all other political leaders like Ahmed sad and others these are political leaders they're not terrorists they're Freedom Fighters Mustafa baruti a distant cousin of Maran and an experienced Palestinian politician cautions against any tendency to seek lone saviors we need unified.

Leadership Maran can play a very important role in in pushing in that direction and then we need Democratic elections which there haven't been in 17 years it is perhaps not insignificant that the free bargi campaign offices sit opposite the PA headquarters in rala but Arab says he thinks more of his longing as a son if it was for me I.

Would be selfish and I would tell you that I want him all for me and for my family I think that it's not fair that my father has not has never met any of his grandchildren but he also believes his father has an important role to play in helping the Palestinian people achieve their freedom my father is um you know a unifying.

Figure for the Palestinian people and this is his main uh strength and why the people still love him and still believe in him so Margaret in the event of ceasefire deal can actually be reached How likely is maram baroody's release well you know Hamas has asked for his release in the past including back in.

2011 I'm sure you might remember the uh negotiations for the release of an Israeli soldier gilad Shalit Israel didn't uh allow that to happen they asked again in November of last year uh to have him released didn't happen um you have to remember the nature of the current government as well the uh hard right uh national security minister.

Imamar Ben gavier is in charge of the prisons last month he had bargi placed in in solitary confinement or isolation uh he accused him of planning an uprising something he denies his family denies his family's really quite worried about him and when it comes down to the actual negotiations about names on lists he's considered someone with.

Blood on his hands for Israelis and because he's such a big name it's likely that they would deal with him in the very final stages of negotiations one more thing to point out is in those 201 negotiations uh that I was talking about one of the hostage or one of the prisoners that Israel did release was Yahya sinir who of course went on to.

Become one of the Hamas leaders who actually planned the October 7th attacks while uh Maran barui was left in jail all right Margaret Evans in Jerusalem tonight thank you that is it for us from here in Kadar and other parts of the region so now let's send it back to Asha in Toronto thanks Adrien well Our Moment is coming.

Up 20.4 G there it is people yep a record setting blueberry that's next the national thanks for joining us Canada's most nominated news program at the Canadian screen Awards best news or Information Program Ukraine doesn't want to give this up best talk series you talk a lot about the importance of being.

A refugee best anchor we are back in portas best host and best national newscast an extraordinary moment for this country you've taken every stage CBC News the national Patrol agents noticed that there was a white pickup live and On Demand okay that is not a camera trick.

This blueberry has shattered the Guinness World Record for the world's heav as blueberry it was grown in ki Australia and weighs about 20 G tonight the blueberry that's breaking records is Our Moment here we go it's quite a thing to behold 20.4 Grands there it is people it was a pretty exciting moment.

Um for our team we weren't trying to grow specifically the largest brute it was my idea to to uh take this to the Guinness World Records weighed in at 20.4 G it's approximately the size of a of a table tennis ball the official title is world's heaviest blueberry uh so regular blueberry would generally weigh between 1 and 3 G so this is.

Really significant step up on that this is all uh naturally bred we had a a nice uh spring and winter where we had high light levels and low low rainfall and we're managing them with um really precise inputs of water and fertilizer this variety tastes fantastic all year round strong blueberry aromatics a nice sugar to acid balance and and a really.

Firm crisp crunch from the B into it unbelievable if you are wondering what happened to that big blueberry it is still frozen for one and they're now throwing around ideas about what to do with it one of the suggestions includes mounting it on a wall like a trophy not totally sure how that's going to work but we will make sure to keep you all.

Posted for all of us here at the National thank you for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I'm Asha Tom take care.

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