China desires Biden to ‘stick around,’ educated warns


China desires Biden to ‘stick around,' educated warns

Uh China reportedly calling on states with big nuclear arsenals to agree on a no first use of nuclear weapons the aforementioned Gordon Chang is with me is this a big deal what are they what are they trying to do here it is a big deal now aggressors like China promote no first use because they don't want the countries they invade to defend.

Themselves with their most powerful weapons when Biden ran for president 2020 he promoted something called soulle purpose which is no first use by another name in his nuclear posture review they were thinking of putting in no first use but our allies England France Germany Japan Australia were vifer that we not do that and by the way China is on a.

Tear of building nuclear weapons according to the Pentagon they had 4 2022 they'll have 1500 in 2035 private analysts think that China will have about 4,200 by 2035 and by the way when War could be probable you know going to no first use was certainly a road deterrence an exceedingly bad idea got it I'm going to move on from there.

Biden's mental decline has been on full display I wanted to listen to what Congressman Kevin McCarthy said about the president during closed door meetings this is what he does in closed door private meetings watch this still has a teleprompter when you meet behind Clos but the teleprompter are cards if you deviate like I didn't.

Sit and negotiate him with him the debt ceiling it's not Gable he just sticks to the cards and if you go if you deviate from the cards he can't continue onward there I respect the man for serving the country I thank him for that service but he is not of the age that is best to be able to serving in the presidency especially the position that he is to.

Going forward with what I have watched to serve again Q cards and teleprompters everywhere what do you think xiin Pang thinks about this well we don't know because Chinese propaganda doesn't talk about it and of course Cen ping doesn't say what he really thinks but Cen ping in his 2024 at New Year's message which was released at the end of December.

Listed the annexation of Taiwan in a paragraph of things that he wanted to see happen this year and that would mean Biden would still be president regardless of what happens on November 5 so I think that the Chinese believe that they really want Biden to stick around um is China's economy in deep trouble I think it is and if it is does that give.

Us leverage in negotiations well certainly gives us leverage because they desperately need Chinese money uh American money and investment can of remember they're not growing at the 5.2% pace that they claim you know they if they grew and that's a big if for last year it was maybe 1.5 which was what the rodian group said but now you see a lot.

Of deflation in China you know the CPI in January was down for the fourth straight month down 0.8% year on-ear the biggest drop since 2009 the PPI Factory gate prices that was down in January for a 16th straight month when you're in deflation you can't be growing and you certainly can't be growing fast and when you're is in trouble you tend to reach.

For the Nationalist card don't you Chinese pull together the enemy is out there cin Ping's policies are failing his only way of getting through this is to start a war and you know I'm not saying that he'll do it but really when you think about it he has a closing window of opportunity the Chinese people are pretty upset at him senior leaders.

Are upset at him the only way he gets out of this is some big victory but he wouldn't go to war if Trump's the president or would he um what do you think depends how bad things are by you know January things may go so bad that we'd be in a war before then but the point is the Chinese didn't go to war and the Russians didn't go to war during.

Trump's presidency because not because they didn't like him or they whatever because he was so unpredictable right and and this the Chinese can deal with anything they can deal with hostile American Presidents they can't deal with unpredictable ones and Trump was unpredictable which is the reason why his policies were so very successful.

True you never knew what he was going to do you never knew knew what the reaction was going to be well you know in April 2017 at Maro Lago when cun ping was sitting next to him at dinner Trump got up and announced that he bombed Syria which was China's big friend and I'm sure that put cjin ping in his place and not only in his place for 2017 but for.

All four years they were sitting at dinner weren't they it was din beautiful chocolate cake remember that's it that's it and he came back and said I just bombed Syria

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