China Is Threatening to Kill American citizens


China Is Threatening to Kill American citizens

Xi Jinping tries to woo American CEOs.China’s Coast Guard warns the Philippines…not to let China do *this*.And ChinaThreatens Mass Shootings in the US That and more on this week’sChina News Headlines. Welcome to China Uncensored, I’m Chris Chappell. Chinese leader Xi Jinpingmet with foreign business leaders this week amid “jitters” over the economy. Yeah, no big deal. Just jitters. Over absolutely nothing. Uh…pay no attention to that! TheChinese economy is actually doing.

Great. Probably Xi Jinping just wantsto share his abundance with America! Although personally, I wish Chinawould share less with America. But this must be why Xi invitedall these American CEOs to China. He even shook hands with each of them personally. That’s how you know he’s trustworthy! And also, apparently, how you know that you shouldinvest in China. Look at these smiling idiots! “Wow, he shook my hand! I’m nevergonna wash this hand again!” They really have learned nothing. Xi Jinping told the CEOs that China’sgrowth prospects remain ‘bright’.

Bright. Like a dying star, flaring one moretime before collapsing into black hole. But hopefully, the CEOs aren’t actually buyingit. Investing in China right now is a terrible idea. Come back and watch this video in a yearor two, and you’ll realize “I told you so.” The only upward trend in China’s economyright now is the number of lies the CCP tells. Also this week, Xi Jinping met withthe Prime Minister of The Netherlands, also known as Holland,where Dutch people are from. Also clogs. Imagine living in an apartmentbuilding in the Netherlands. It must constantly sound like your upstairsneighbor is paddling your ceiling. Anyway, the context of this meetingis, a few months ago, the Netherlands.

Blocked the Dutch company ASML from exportingsemiconductor-chip making equipment to China. This was another blow to the CCP, especiallyafter the US restricted the export of chips to China in 2023. The US had pressuredthe Netherlands to do the same thing. And apparently, they listened.And even heard. Despite the fact that their shoes sound like a portable woodshop. And so Xi Jinping gave the DutchPrime Minister some friendly advice: He said restricting technologyaccess won’t stop China’s advance. That’s right. Trying to stop China’s advance won’tstop China’s advance. So stop trying to stop.

China's advance. Not that we care, because ittotally doesn't matter to us. We’re doing fine. After all, China’s growth prospects remain bright! Speaking of China doing fine, seehow far China is willing to go to beat out Australia on trade. More after the break. Welcome back. China has won a World TradeOrganization dispute with Australia, three years after Australia put tariffson certain Chinese steel products. Good thing, too. Australia’s steel tariffswere totally unjustified…at least, according to China! Because tariffson China are never justified.

But tariffs *by* China? Totallyjustified! For example, in 2020, China banned or put tariffs on alot of Australian goods, including: Australian wine, barley, coal, cotton, timber, lobster, red meat,.

And hunky actors who are so good atdoing American accents you completely forgot they’re Australian. Okay, theydidn’t actually put a tariff on actors, but they should have. Australians arehiding among us and they’re taking our jobs! Weirdly, though, there were no Chineserestrictions on Australian iron ore, which China uses to make steel, which it then subsidizes and sells backto Australia to push out Australian competitors—which is why Australia put thosetariffs on Chinese steel in the first place. At least according to Australia.According to China, they did it for no reason other than they’re big meanieswho asked for an investigation into where.

Covid came from. Man, what kind ofidiot would side with China on this? China has successfully used the WTO to forceAustralia to remove its steel tariffs. Meanwhile, China is keeping some of its own restrictionson Australian imports, like wine and barley. And yet Australia’s trade minister conceded , saying Australia “accepted the WTO’s rulingand supported a rules-based trading system.” Maybe it isn’t the smartest idea to keep playing a “rule-based” game where the biggestrule is, “China wins no matter what.” This is an example of the CCP’s legalwarfare. They use the rules-based system to attack countries that try to follow therules. While ignoring the rules themselves,.

Especially when it comes to the South China Sea. What’s the solution? Appeal the ruling, and let theruling sit in legal limbo forever. That’s right, never stop suing, andkeep them in court indefinitely. This is the best possible wayAustralians can pretend to be American. Or if that doesn’t work, just ignore any WTOrulings in favor of China. Because apparently, you don’t get in trouble for ignoring the rules. Speaking of the CCP’s legal warfare, China has opened a WTO disputeagainst the US for subsidies.

Meant to protect America’selectric vehicle industry. In the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, the USCongress allocated money to support green industries in the US. The subsidies cannotgo to support products made in China. And that’s what China is complaining about.Of course, this has nothing to do with *exporting* goods to China, so I don’teven see how there’s a dispute here. But that doesn’t matter. How dare the USsupport its own industry! This is like a random guy being mad that a mother is feeding her own child instead of him. “Whyaren’t *I* getting any split peas?!” China said “it was launching the proceedings ‘to.

Safeguard the legitimate interests ofChinese electric vehicle industry and to maintain a fair level playing fieldof competition for the global market.’” Yeah, a level playing field. Where Chinagets to flood the world with its own EVs. Honestly, if you trust the CCP at thispoint, you’d have to be as stupid as… well, these guys. Rememberto wash your hands, fellas. And after the break, the Chinese Coast Guardis getting even crazier in the South China Sea. Welcome back. The Chinese Coast Guard has attacked aFilipino boat with water cannons. Again. This may sound like a repeat of myepisode three weeks ago. But I assure you,.

This is a totally separate incidentthat happened this past Saturday. Who do they think they are? StanleySpadowski from UHFletting them take a drink from the firehose afterfinding the marble in the oatmeal? I know that was a super obscure reference,but considering how often I have to report on China doing this over and overagain, I’m running out of material here. In response, the Philippines loggedits “strongest protest” against China. And then China’s defense ministryissued a warning to the Philippines. They said, I kid you not, “We warn thePhilippines to stop making any remarks that may lead to the intensification ofconflicts and escalation of the situation.”.

Yes, China does this… And then warns the Philippines tostop escalating the conflict… by telling people about it. What dothey want them to say when people ask why they’re so wet? “We’re notwet. We’re just dryness impaired.” On the aggression scale, I think we’ve gottenall the way to be aggressive, B-E Aggressive. You know who else the CCP is targetingin a super aggressive, militant way? These guys. Yes, Shen Yun, the billboard people. Their slogan is “China Before Communism”.

Hmmm…I wonder why the CCP hates them? Back in January, I did an episode about some ofthe ways the CCP is going after Shen Yun. Like by writing threatening letters from the ChineseEmbassy to local politicians or journalists telling them not to see Shen Yun. Which,inevitably, made them want to go see Shen Yun. Well, apparently, the CCP is realizing *those* tactics didn’t work. So they’vecome up with even stupider tactics. They’ve started using hiredthugs to make bomb threats and mass shooting threats against Shen Yun dancers. Shen Yun has their dance trainingschool in upstate New York,.

At a place called Dragon Springs. A lot of Shen Yun’s dance students are teenagers. And most Shen Yun dancers practiceFalun Gong, a meditation practice that’s banned in China. Becauselook how dangerous Falun Gong is! Now according to the Epoch Times, “[ShenYun] received a series of emails…that claimed explosives were placed at itsheadquarters in upstate New York and that individuals will sneak onto the property,‘shoot everyone on sight,’ and ‘throw grenades.’” Throw grenades? Well, the CCP better hope their hiredthugs are more skilled than their soldiers.

But it gets weirder. Another email said, “Multiple C4 plastic bombshave been placed in various locations in the Dragon Springs Temple… If you don’t want to seethe Dragon Springs Temple to be turned into ruins, then transfer US$58 million before3 pm tomorrow to my PayPal account.” Hold on. He wants $58 million…through PayPal? This has got to be theworld’s stupidest randsomer. Some advice, bro: Ask for bitcoin. Or at least unmarked non-sequential bills.

But PayPal? PayPal takes a 3% fee! There goes1.7 million dollars of *your money*, down the drain! Do you have no financial sense? Also the FBI would be able totrack and arrest you immediately. Now if you’re wondering why this is the firstyou’ve heard of this incident, just ask Google. I Googled “shen yun bomb threat”, and Google told me “there aren'tmany great matches for your search”. Which is weird, because there are 222,000 results! It almost seems like Google is helpingthe CCP censor Shen Yun. But surely that.

Couldn’t be the case, because social mediacompanies do not engage in censorship. The U.S. and Britain both accused China-linkedhackers of ‘malicious’ cyber campaigns this week. The UK revealed Chinese hackers“accessed the names and addresses of anyone in Britain registeredto vote between 2014 and 2022.” Separately, the U.S. Justice Department calledout a Chinese state-linked hacking group “that spent 14 years targeting U.S. and foreigncritics, businesses and political officials.” China responded by completely denyingeverything and saying “China does not encourage, support or condone cyber attacks.” And if you’re stupid enough to believe that,.

You should go invest in China. Every week, I get lots of questions from ChinaUncensored fans—especially those of you who directly support China Uncensored throughPatreon or Locals. You’re the lifeblood of this show. So as a thank you, I answer yourquestions at the end of some of my episodes. Today’s question comes from: Matthew Nuttall.“As someone living in HK, and grew up here… what kinda timeline would yousuggest for someone who no longer feels this city has their interests in mind or is in any wayaligned with their morals? I’m in an industry that is hard to start over in. I’m feeling likeI’m the crazy guy in my group saying that every.

Not so nuanced sign leads to an unlivablesituation, and I’m wondering how big of a sacrifice should I be making to punch out nowvs. squeezing the last bit of “family legacy or roots” I have in this place to not delay theprobable inevitable outcome? Maybe it boils down to what’s your opinion on the timeframe whereI need to pull my head outta the sand? And what do you think is the most probable situationin China, and mostly HK, would you expect?” Matthew, thanks for bringing this up. To me, Hong Kong looks like this: a slow, inevitable decline that noone’s really happy with. The passage of Article 23—the nationalsecurity law—is just the latest.

Now that it’s in place, there’s gonna bemore. Things like more mass surveillance; internet restrictions; patriotic education foryour kids; replacing Cantonese with Mandarin; Chinese state takeovers of certain businesses. Sadly, I don’t think there’s a way for HongKongers to stop this downward trend on their own. The only hope is that citizens across China—and Imean mainland China—learn from the spirit of the 2014 and 2019 Hong Kong protests, and standup to the Chinese Communist Party itself. I don’t have a timeline for that. I also don’t have a timeline for when each terriblething is going to happen to Hong Kong. But if it were me living in Hong Kong,I’d try to get out as soon as possible..

Who knows if they’re going to start puttingexit bans on people, like in the mainland. But you’ve gotta do what’s best for you,Matthew. I’m sorry your situation is so tough. I also want to thank you for signing upon Patreon to support our show. We want to be able to keep covering what’s happening inHong Kong, and we couldn’t do this without you. And to everyone else: Be likeMatthew. Pledge a dollar or more over on You can also click that orange button. And if you also want to support me, checkout my new show Deep Thoughts While Gaming, where I talk about controversial topics by hiding.

Them in gaming content. Click on thisone and let me know what you think. Thanks for watching China Uncensored.I’m Chris Chappell. See you next time.

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