Chinese language migrants display veil ’60 Minutes’ how they’re illegally entering US


Chinese language migrants display veil '60 Minutes' how they're illegally entering US

So Chinese citizens are now the fastest growing migrant group crossing the southern border with 24,000 apprehensions last fiscal year and a new report says Tick Tock is to blame we wondered how all of these migrants knew about this particular entryway into California the answer was in their.

Hands oh you learned on Tik Tok the post we found had stepbystep instructions for hiring Smugglers and detailed directions to that hole we visited so what is causing the surge joining us now author of confusious never said and the senior Federalist at and contributor Helen Raley and field reporter Julio Rosas Julio uh let's go to you first when I.

Was at the border about five to six years ago it was very rare to see a Chinese National and when you saw them they were Runners they weren't trying to turn thems in what are you seeing now at the border well it's what we've been seeing for the past few years now and the fact that there's no fear that the fact that.

We have uh border patrol essentially trying to hide from illegal immigrants and illegal immigrants are the ones trying to find Border Patrol um that that just shows how crazy things have have become under this Administration and it's the fact that you yeah exactly it's not even Central or even South Americans anymore it's people from all.

Over the world and people coming from uh let's face it adversarial countries who uh may want to do us harm and may want to exploit us through this weak point yeah so just to put it into persp perspective in fiscal year 2021 450 22 2100 and then this Mass sub jump to over 24,02319 address The confusious Institute briefly.

That's China uh the confusion Institute are run by China's united front Department which is a propaganda division of the Communist party so the confusious Institute are covered operations to try to influence public opinions in the west fortunately um many universities over hundred of them has been shut down since covid because many.

People are waking up to it as for the migrants issues um the unfortunately we don't know who who they are uh I but I think most of them based on I read and what I heard most of them came to United States they were really driven by first of all the open invitation of our lawlessness border um everybody else is doing it face no consequences so they.

Are following those example and secondly but most importantly they were driven by China's uh political ongoing political persecution and the deteriorating economic situation uh for example China just sentenced a banker and an Australian writer to death uh this week uh the banker was a commit the Corruptions the writer was allegedly.

Writing articles criticizing of the Chinese government while he was in Australia so nobody feels safe in China and then on the economic front there's a high use unemployment rate uh the stock markets deteriorating uh people saw biggest drop of their salaries last year as well as the property Market as sluming and the pro propit market.

Especially hurting people's confidence because over 70% of the Chinese people have their personal wealth tied to properties so all these factors combined are driving people to come here Julio what what are border patrol agents telling you as well as Texas DPS are they concerned about the folks coming across um that are are Chinese.

Nationals absolutely and it's just the fact that this really hasn't happened before at least in in these large numbers and as I was saying before it's not even we're not even talking about people from Asia but you know we just had that recent report where an al-shabab terrorist uh didn't even avoid border patrol he he turned himself in he.

Was processed and released and was in the country for over a year before the US government realized their mistakes so um this is very concerning I've been raising the warning for quite some time about this you know Helen I only got 20 seconds real quickly to leave China do you have to get approval from the government I don't think so I think many.

Of them they basically fly to uh which they do not need visa to go to Ecuador and then from there they follow the Tik Tok instructions past smuglers and make that dangerous long and expensive trip Helen thank you so much Julio excellent reporter uh on the ground I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Ang airheart and click here to subscribe to the Fox News.

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3 thoughts on “Chinese language migrants display veil ’60 Minutes’ how they’re illegally entering US

  1. For the reason that most foremost border they homely is Mexico or on the alternative hand they arrived to South The United States here’s the put they hang to hang requested asylum. So how can the (biden pimps) BP process kinds to enable them entry after they didn’t practice asylum guidelines? Identical goes for any individual rather than a Mexican citizen, however they too must be in damage not for financial kind.

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