CITIZENS REPORT 20/4/2023 – Aus’s sovereign identity disaster / More Aussies focused by McCarthyism


CITIZENS REPORT 20/4/2023 - Aus’s sovereign identity disaster / More Aussies focused by McCarthyism

Australia's very expensive Sovereignidentity crisis and more Australians targeted by McCarthyism will you be nextcoming up on today's citizens report welcome to the citizens report for the 20th ofApril 2023 I'm Elisa Barwick joining me today is Citizens party researcher Richard Bartonwelcome thanks Elisa we've got a bit to talk about on today's show we're going to touchfirst on what penny Wong had to say at the national Press Club this week it's a pitchedbattle between her and Mr Keating you'll soon know which side we're on and then we'll talkabout an update to last week's show where we talked about Australians that are being targetedand in fact tortured under National Security laws and we've got a new case of that already sincethat last show um now don't forget to hit the.

Like button subscribe and ring the notificationbells to be alerted of new shows coming out and new material and share this as widely as youcan so that the word gets out and if you can uh you can follow the link below to donateand to help us do and run the campaigns that we're constantly doing and we've got some bigthings coming up to campaign on that's for sure um so before we get into the show proper acouple of announcements firstly is the new deadline of course we had an extension forthe inquiry into Regional Bank closures and the new deadlines approaching rapidly that's nextFriday the 28th of April now if you haven't made your submission please do so but also contactyour local mayor or counselor maybe you know a counselor in your local community particularlyif you live in one of the 64 towns that's about.

To lose a NAB branch and maybe we can put thoseback on the screen but we did talk about that you and Robbie talked about that at length last weekwhere there's a pattern whereby the NAB has been reducing the hours that the branches are open andthat always precedes announcements of closures so on the list you'll see that the red ones I thinkare the ones that already closed and then the yeah the other ones are all uh on the chopping blockbecause they've already reduced their hours and we've had some really excellent responses with oursupporters calling up local councilors we had one mayor who had run into our candidate at the lastelection and when we contacted him he was like oh now I realize why your candidate was going onand on about a postal Bank during the campaign um another mayor also recalled meeting with one ofour activists months maybe a year back we've had.

Great interest from councilors in City areasincluding from Adelaide Sydney and Melbourne who are either very keen or have already or arein the process of putting up emotion regarding Bank closures writing to the government toprotest this and or are engaging in activity to interact with the inquiry um and yeah lots ofgood responses there's a mayor in wa who's going to take it to the local government Associationalso Robert Barwick did interviews in regard to these 64 planned or you know closures that arelooking likely from NAB with radio stations in Burke and narrow by narrow mine and also on tgbtoday Bendigo are also reporting closures there's articles that have come out on that you know sendus if you've got other examples please let us know because of course apra that should keep it tabon all of this doesn't do so in fact you know.

Hides it all yeah and that includes in the suburbsbecause as we said this is the inquiries because of the blatant way the banks are doing this inthe regions is what came up there in the rural Rural and Regional Affairs and transport committeebut it is a national issue I mean yes suburbs uh inner city suburbs some of these some ofthese councils that have already passed these uh resolutions because the banks are doing iteverywhere it's just more noticeable out in the book yeah and we need to impinge on that inquiryand the Parliament as a whole that this needs to be extended to the whole country now anothermajor bit of news from today just to preface the uh the rest of what we'll go through and we'lltalk about this more next week but as people would have heard in the news The Reserve Bank ofAustralia review put out their final report today.

And recommendations and it is absolutely stunningbecause they have basically done exactly what we told them not to do you know we've been pushing ina number of senators from one nation the Liberal Party The Greens have been raising in Senatehearings the necessity for the RBA to be dictated to and directed by the government that insteadof you know running up asset bubbles in a time of Crisis they could be directing funding intobuilding the nation well the and I'm just going to mention just the very first recommendationfrom this review today and we'll look at it more later but in that first recommendation this reviewstates that the government should remove the power of the treasurer to overrule the rba's decisionswhich is something that remains from the fights that the old labor party of Curtin and Chipleyhad had to determine that the government had to.

Have the final say in matters of banking becauseit's such an important factor for the economy as a whole so they're saying scrap that and they'realso saying the government should remove the rba's powers in the Banking Act 1959 to determine thelending policy of banks which is something that the Senators had raised that the RBA coulddo in terms of preventing asset bubbles from forming they could have different interestrates for different sectors of the economy uh and so they're saying scrap that as welland finally they're also uh recommending that the objectives of The Reserve Bank beonly economic um sorry Full Employment and um price stability so you know interest ratechanges to you know Foster or to Tamp inflation so it would only have those two dual objectivesand they would take out the third objective which.

Is currently there which is the probably mostimportant one which is the economic prosperity and Welfare of the people of Australia that wouldbe removed it would no longer be an objective it would rather be just a overarching guidance whichmeans they could just ignore it all together um so yeah that's in a nutshell um thatthey're going to remove recommending removing all Democratic accountability from TheReserve Bank and put it completely into private hands which is how they'd been acting anywaybut in the period we're coming into of a new Global Financial breakdown and of politicianslike those we've been working with that are proposing alternatives to build this nation tobuild out of the crisis and preempt the crisis indeed they want to take this option off thetable and lock us into the regime ahead of.

Austerity to crush the people and the economy tokeep the banking system in place to save it yeah explicitly reject their obligation to the commongood instead of just de facto like it is now yes so that's going to be a big fight comingup and you'll hear more from us on that very soon with media releases with content in the alertservice and next week's show we'll definitely talk about it so on to our first topic Australia'svery expensive Sovereign identity crisis so we're going to talk about Penny Wong's addressto the National Press Club this week which really was an attempt by the labor party to defend itselffrom the attacks that Paul Keating you know has leveled others as well but of course he's the bigname and he's the one that sticks out within the labor party and so it was very interestingthat Penny Wong felt that she had to hark.

Back to labor leaders of the past such as JohnCurtin in order to try to defend the position of course it was all based on a complete twisting ofhistory and complete lies because she stated that in sticking with the U.S Alliance and stickingwith orcas and the submarine deals and you know the planned war against China that this is justreinforcing curtin's wartime turn to America where Curtin in 1941 broke from Britain and alignedwith America so this is just either complete historical ignorance or you can't possibly bethat stupid others I might believe so Penny Wong is not stupid whatever else she might be thisis not just twisting but a complete inversion of the truth well that's right because in fact whatshe is suggesting is more Akin as we wrote in our alert service to what Menzies did where aheadof World War II he came out and announced well.

Look if Britain's at War we are at War you knowin other words no question we're in lockstep do anything a London says down to the last man in thelast Shilling that's right on the other hand what John Curtin did and he came into power in October1941 and of course we were we had all of our troops overseas we were completely exposed we hadno defenses we were working on a very thin pledge from the British that they would send someoneto help us if you know the Japanese got active in the Pacific but when of course Pearl Harbor wasattacked in December 1941 Curtin immediately moved he said no we're not you know putting our defenseson that kind of a flimsy promise from the British we're getting out we need our troops back herewe need to mobilize our economy of course there was a lot of Economic and Industrial action thatwent into impact effect immediately to build this.

Country's defenses which the legacy of which laststo this day although they've nearly run it down entirely and so he gave a speech in December onthe 27th of December 1941 and said I make it clear that Australia looks to America free from manypangs about our traditional Links of friendship to Britain so he broke with the existing Alliancethe very opposite of what penny went Wong sticking to it he broke with it and of course within lessthan six weeks of him making that call we had the attack the bombing of Darwin so you know he madeexactly the right call what Wong is doing is the exact opposite she's doing exactly what Menziesdid who said that we would defend Britain to the last man and the last Shilling yep and the otherthing that's the exact opposite is this time we're not just sticking with the establishedAlliance in defiance of all common sense and.

National interest but we are the ones on theattack right the Americans and Wong as we'll get through as we'll get to shortly in thisspeech uh pretty much openly talking about this being about bottling up China stopping themfrom doing absolutely this that and the other with uh yeah under the threat of War that's what we'redoing we're the aggressors here well there was a um I was just looking back over it there was anarticle in the Australian recently where there was a this secret conference uh over there inthe United States a lot of top military people this was organized by Christopher Pine JamesPatterson was there but the U.S Navy secretary Carlos Del Toro this is what he said he saidorcas is critical to stopping China from quote destroying the world order so yeah you're exactlyright we are the aggressors here and we somehow.

Think and have you know imagined this worldup in which China wants to you know destroy the world order now they want a new order andwe going to talk about that shortly but they want an improved economic and diplomatic orderin which countries like they and like Russia are not excluded from the rules of the gamefor you know having different ideas yeah what they want is what the UN and related mechanismsthe Bretton Woods International exchange system and so on were supposed to be but never reallybecame so uh yeah this is when they talk about this rules-based order that's the rules imposed bythe especially in the post-war postcard War period by the unipolar hegemon as they say the UnitedStates and Britain and yeah not International not international law the rules that they devised andyou'll and you'll notice um when we go as we're.

Going to go through shortly they never Penny Wongin Her speech this says international law yeah no it's always well before we go into a few ofthe things highlights of what Wong said uh just review for people what Paul Keating has saidwhich the labor party has been forced to react to yeah so uh shortly out about six weeks I thinkafter August was announced back in late uh because it was announced in September of 2021 andin November then Keating uh came out of retirement as it were uh 20 years since he'd been at thenational Press Club uh and he uh he uh came and gave a speech Just ripping the whole thing apartthis is what it's really about this is about as he put it securing our security from Asia not inAsia alienating the rest of the region turning back to our old Colonial Master Britain and uhand the United and the United States that's uh.

Trying to maintain its strategic Primacy all overthe world especially in the Asia Pacific or in no Pacific as they call it now um and uh just sayingnone of this is going to work anyway and in the meantime we're we're making an enemy uh makingourselves the enemy effectively of the whole region the whole neighborhood we're creating adanger for ourselves by acting this way whereas what he had done and as our viewers will knowwe've had we have a lot of uh we have a lot of uh disagreements to put it mildly with Paul Keatingon a lot of things to do with economic policy and privatization and neoliberal neoliberalismin general I mean he's the guy who brought it in all the liberal policies that were tooradical for the old school liberals like Fraser um but on defense policy and foreign policyhe was the last prime minister ever to have.

Anything approaching a a plan for for Australia tobe actually Sovereign and make our own decisions and not just blindly follow the Americansand the British into whatever Misadventures they got on got into he signed the uh strategiccooperation treaty with uh with Indonesia there was uh there was a plan to make to get Australiainto asean uh all these sort of things like not just an idea but an act an actual plan uh and ofcourse Howard wrecked all that and off we went to Afghanistan followed in Iraq and all the rest ofit so um and then in after the uh this this month when was this uh so just over a month ago whenthey announced the uh the orcas submarine deal the first pillar of this Australia UK US securityuh uh agreement so-called um he he made another speech um going after all of the nonsensein that as well about it you know we're on.

We're we're beggaring ourselves to support thenew the American nuclear submarine industry because they can't afford to build their own sowe're going to pay for it on the hopes that they eventually find a few for us which will be outof date by the time we get them uh and it's in the meantime it's all about gearing up makingAustralia the forward operating base for a war with China that none of no one else in the regionwants even Japan no uh their economy is dependent as dependent on China's as ours is yeahand uh and just again tore apart the whole policy just says this is not International interestthis is not going to provide security anyway and we're on the hook for you know308 they say 380 million uh billion I should say dollars well good luck withthat that'll that'll be the very minimum.

Um any and he also went after these defense andmilitary-industrial complex funded bodies like SB the Australian policy Institute and the liberaland the neocon sympathizer imperialist basically intelligence apparatchics that the Morrisongovernment had installed and labor kept them all as if they had been any intention to changepolicies they would have cleaned them out as as Keating in keating's words clean them out he saidThe Nutters are in charge of the Asylum yeah yeah times so Wong Wong um you know for all pietyof you know we're doing this for all the right reasons you know it was very very clear that thiswas all about generating consent for this August 370 billion dollar sub deal as is everything andall the propaganda and all the McCarthyism that's coming up right now all the the media activityaround this subject so she talked about averting.

War and maintaining peace and how we shape thisregion to reflect our national interests and how those interests lie in a region that operatesby rules standards and norms and that's the bit I was thinking not International we're allstandards and Norms not law no exactly not the same not the equal application to everybody I'veagreed international law that we've signed on to that the Americans have mostly signed on toeverybody else has uh no now rules our rules yeah uh or the Americans and British rules thatwe've made ourselves voluntarily the champion of uh and Norms that is status quo practiceas usual so we're the ones who get to go gallivanting around the world rampaging aroundthe world destroying other people's countries that's right because that's the norm we need tokeep it and we need to keep it that way that's.

In that system that's what she's saying yeah noexactly and she went on to say uh you know this is about how we contribute to the regional balanceof power right so it's about power politics and again this the words are important that keeps thePeace by shaping the region we want in other words if the region isn't shape the way that we wantyeah then we well what's the opposite of Peace she's she's lying but she's also not yeah like Isaid this person is not stupid no this is a very dangerous sophist we're looking at here thenshe says strategic competition is operating on several levels domains that we might prefer toseparate economic diplomatic strategic military all interwoven and all framed by an intensecontest contest of narratives which is true in as far as it goes that these domains are allinterwoven and we'll we'll show that on the other.

Side the good side of developments you know in aminute but she clarified that what we we she said we need to understand what is being competed forvis-a-vis this strategic competition that it is more than great power rivalry and is in factnothing less than a contest over the way our region and our world work world right so she keepsgoing on multiple times in this speech oh we don't want to force anyone to make a binary choice wedon't want to make a binary Choice um but then demanding saying that we already have and you therest of the Pacific family as they like to call it you have to make the same choice or we're going towar yeah so we probably are anyway now keating's response to this in turn was interesting andbecause she was asked a question about you know Keating the first question that came up obviouslypre-planned after the press conference address.

Yeah she reduced it to a personal kind of attackwhich which is what you know they prefer to do when they don't want to really take on the realissues but Keating responded in turn saying you know I didn't expect anything more than platitudesyeah um and you know she didn't even attempt he said any kind of resolution or solution thatwould suit both sides which is what diplomacy is about we didn't have any any actual policycontent at all besides blindly going on doing what we've been doing and he said that neverbefore has a labor government been so bereft of policy yeah or of policy ambition was the wasthe the last phrase in that sentence I remember um and his statement is available multiple placesonline including proposals and irritations the uh Public Policy Journal at the former publicservice boss John menadoo administers.

Yeah um but yeah no no ambition no you know theykeep throwing the as he said in his previous speech in March just magically dropping theword sovereignty into every sentence like a magic Talisman doesn't make it real no rightthat's right and so just there's no ideas okay if you want to talk about maintaining a balanceof maintaining strategic balance well we had that up until 2011. it was very much imperfect butwe had that it was better than what we've got now yeah and it was Labor never forget this it wasLabor that destroyed that it was the Julia Gillard labor government in which all of the current topleadership of this labor government were were either senior cabinet members or at least out ofMinister out of members out of cabinet ministers um and uh and most a lot of these uh currentcrop of MPS were staffers to the people who.

Were in charge back then who aren't inthe game anymore at least officially so um including uh Mr Chalmers the treasurer who'strying to find ways to pay for all this by cutting the guts out of everything that labor says itstands for yeah so and I'll just add to that picture with you know with keating's commentsthat we wrote up last week in the alert service the fact that in New Zealand there's been quitea strong reaction against orcas and the danger it represents for this region with people from uhthe former National prime minister Jim Bulger to labor Helen Clark MPS from the Nationals and thegreens really opposing strongly opposing orcas um so this this is important and this is going tobuild um what Wong is dredging up here it's all old balance of power politics it's the old systemwhich if she hasn't noticed is dying on the vine I.

Mean you know unless she she's either in completedenial of reality or you know perhaps she has been like that um Spanish woman that's just been 500Days in a cave who came out and didn't even know there was a war in Ukraine she was in a cave inRussia oh okay I don't know where the cave was but anyway you know that that's what it seems likebecause the complete denial of reality of how the world has changed particularly since the sanctionson Russia have indicated to the majority of the world's Nations and hosting the majority of theworld's populations known as the global majority or the global South have realized okay we couldbe excluded from this financial and economic order at any point and not just just like Russia yeahand not just with the sanctions and all of that um which they've been doing since long beforethere was any any suggestion of a war anywhere.

That's right but and also in China that the TrumpAdministration was trying to do and just always blows up in their faces but all they know how todo is double down but seizing foreign currency reserves oh we decided we don't like yourgovernment so we'll do declare someone else the president you know Venezuela this oppositionleader so-called who actually wasn't and has never won an election to anything they they are he's thepresident now yeah Juan Guido random guy doe as as some people called in so uh and ah well if youwon't put him in charge of your government we'll just seize all your foreign currency reserves andsteal your uh steal the the the funds of your of the accounts of your state or company that wecan get hold of in U.S banks because they're there trading oil on the World Market in the USdollar right um they did it to Afghanistan when.

They pulled out under Biden just not long agothey okay well we'll just we'll confiscate all of your foreign currency reserves and starveyour people because we love them so much um and uh and everyone else around the world isgoing well yeah if you if if you're just going to go and do that you can do it to anyone wellwe're getting out of the system this is a surprise you know that that's their declaration this isour rules based game and you ain't changing the rules and that's what Penny's defending here butwe want to talk about how a new order is taking shape around them despite you know they can bekicking and screaming and stamping their feet like Rumpelstiltskin this isn't real but it's real andit's happening and there's no winding the clock back um so just some updates on that uh vision fora new order which really was highlighted this week.

Um or last week with the trip of the Brazilianpresident Louis zanacio Lula de Silva to China uh where he had meetings bilateral meetingswith president of China Xi Jinping and a number of commercial and partnership agreements weresigned he also presided over the investiture of former Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff atthe new new development bank which is the Bank of the brics countries Brazil Russia India ChinaSouth Africa and an expanding array of countries that are joining that grouping Lula made clearbefore he even went that Brazil wants to create a strong foreign policy front as an internationalprotagonist in fighting for a new Affair and just economic order that weighs all countries equallyhe said that the new development bank is a crucial part of that new Financial order because currentlynations are Hostage to International lenders and.

He talked about um Argentina because while he wasin Beijing the U.S department deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman was in Argentina telling themthat they have to suffer short-term pain to get their financial house in order so that they canimprove conditions for foreign investors not for the people of the country without getting intodetail now anyone who knows any of the history of Argentina and its debt defaults and all of thepain that's being put through by the IMF and the United States over the years I mean talk aboutwaving a red flag to a ball how stupid can these people get um and so Lula said you know he talkedabout we have to free countries from the shackles of these IMF conditionalities no Bank should beasphyxiating countries the way the IMF is doing to Argentina uh holding a knife to Argentina'sneck I mean he really made appointed attack on.

This current framework and then he brought it youknow to a real Crescendo point at a Roundtable discussion of the new development Bank wherehe said look every night I ask myself why all countries have to base their trade on the dollarwhy can't we do trade based on our own currencies who was it that decided that the dollar was thecurrency after the 1971 disappearance of the gold standard so of course this brings to a head a hugeissue which has been building where in previous I just want to run through a number of previousdevelopments that we've it's all in the alert Services if you want more information youcan contact us for a copy of that but these are just developments in the last few weeks notcomprehensive but China and Brazil had already signed an agreement in recent weeks to trade inYuan using China's cips settlement system rather.

Than the Western Swift settlement system andsince then China's Industrial and Commercial Bank conducted the first cross-border Yuan settlementtransaction in Brazil via its local branch so it's happening already you've already had the Chinaand also France actually made their first energy purchases from the United Arab Emirates in Yuanso that's happening um the Saudis and Chinese earlier in the year agreed to trade oil in Yuanalso using the cips system so avoiding Swift and so forth the Malaysian prime minister was justin China this month and discussed moving away from the dollar and using the Ringgit and Yuan fortrade as well as proposing an Asian monetary fund and local brics projects and Russia and Vietnamhave agreed to develop a detailed road map for payments in National currencies as well as it'salways combined you'll notice with infrastructure.

Development because as I'll go through thevision that they have for a new trade framework and including what's been proposed as a bricscommon currency which is going to be discussed in August when the brex holds its leaders Summitin South Africa it's not about creating a new synthetic currency or some kind of financialobject it's not about replacing the US dollar and otherwise maintaining essentially the currentsystem it's it's not about the currency at all all per se it's about establishing a stable frameworkin which one production can be fostered and that's why the discussions of infrastructure and whatdo we need to have that production made possible because we don't have enough of XYZ um that'swhat's that's the primary thing and secondly trade not for the purpose of making profit outof globalized trade you know networks but how do.

We get those goods that are produced to wherethey're needed you know if you look about the problems with grain recently and you know regardto the war situation but it's a problem that pre-existed where do we get the food where do weget the resources to where they're required and of course under the Bretton Woods Arrangements afterWorld War II that Franklin Roosevelt put in place it was a system that was set up where currencieswere to be kept stable so that you had a firm basis to conduct that trade that you it excludedspeculation and currencies for instance that was Roosevelt's Vision yeah it pegged currenciesrelative to gold and thus relative to each other um with the provision torenegotiate the relative values from time to time as as the Local Economicconditions uh required demanded you know if you're.

If your economy is stronger your currencygets stronger you know and so on but uh and and this is something that we're taughtnowadays all this free market stuff that's the that's the there was never any science to thisthis was the the British liberal economic model from the British East India Company days uh youknow Maritime Maritime Empire with colonies all over the world there were a bunch of them Englandwas the biggest one for the longest and that's what essentially the United States has becomeas well the Empire it once rebelled against it became that unfortunately for everybodyespecially the lower uh 75 odd percent uh socioeconomic bracket of the population of theUnited States itself just like Britain with the workhouses in the 19th century and all the restof it people can go and read about Reed Dickens.

Um but economics if you want efficiency in tradeand this is what the Chinese it's it's not that these things don't make a profit now these tradeArrangements but you add as much value as possible in the countries where the resources are becausethen you're shipping you're shipping uh either primary steel say we like with the iron Boomerangproject that we've been talking about here a lot um instead of selling dirt that'sfor you know ores that are 40 dirt and then someone else makes the steal so the justas one example so the country on the other end it's more efficient for them to ship that productover and then just put it straight to work instead of doing all that extra work themselves and payingfor the for expensive shipping on dirt and it's and it's more uh it's more economic activity moreskills more infrastructure in the source country.

Local development yeah more more money goingthrough because money is only worth something when it's circulating yeah that's the idea behindGDP although it's misused as a metric nowadays but so everyone gets ahead uh it's not a there's notsome finite pool of of potential income that you have to cut everyone else's throat to get moreshare of the way that we've been taught to think about it in what's called conventional economicsthese days yeah and this this exact idea really was raised at the Moscow economic Forum on thefourth or 5th of April by someone who's who we've intersected for three decades um with our workwith the late American physical Economist Linden larouche and that's Sergey glaziev who's theminister for the integration and macroeconomics of the Eurasian economic commission so uh he'sjust published a new book Chinese economic Miracle.

Lessons for Russia and the world and he was veryvery blunt at this conference that his own country itself and every country must examine China'sunique economic model and learn from it and he discussed China's successful investment policywhich as we're talking about puts production and development ahead of money those decisions areprimary money and monetary processes are merely the footprint of those economic processes becausethat's really what economic is how do economics is you how do you provide for the people of a countryum and he's discussed this idea that any new unit of account or call it a currency if you likebut a unit of account for trade should be linked to tangible Commodities so similar to what theBretton Woods Arrangement was but not only gold but things like oil Metals grains and water andRussia and the brics countries have been working.

For some time now on creating an exchange of sortsfor the most important Commodities including gold that excludes speculation but sets a stable pricewhat they call a long-term producer price and including for things like grain and other reallyimportant commodities um so that you know for trade purposes you have that stability that you'renot going to have speculation come in to wildly um change the prices yeah no more paper barrelsas they call it you know JP more I don't know what the stats are now but JP Morgan Investment Bank inAmerica for many years was the biggest Trader in oil and it never actually bought a single physicalbarrel of oil it was by it was trading Futures and um you know paper basically or theoreticalpaper digital digital equivalent of paper um Goldman Sachs was the same with various MetalsIndustrial Metals aluminum copper uh yeah so.

They're cutting all of that out so you know uhuseless overheads yeah that are just financiers finding ways to eat everyone else's lunchwithout doing any actual work themselves and by cutting all that out you're doing another reallycritical thing which is um you know taking apart the entire Global speculative Financial bubblethat's about to burst and crush us all anyway um so it's a crucial Factor but you can readmore about this in the alert um there's an article about how we can have a new Bretton Woodsof sorts particularly I think with this conception of glaziev because when he says go back and lookat what China's doing China as we've written extensively in the past developed its system bylooking around the world and taking the best of the best that they could determine and a big chunkof that was based on American policy after the war.

Of independence of Alexander Hamilton his nationalbanking policies as also Australia's Commonwealth Bank was modeled on so I think that's a basisto bring Nations together that the US could be brought to an agreement with countries like Chinaand Russia if we were to get them on the same page in regard to that kind of Economic Policywhich at a certain point there's going to be no avoiding due to the fact that this current systemis not long for this world um so I think you know we'll stop there and go on because we want toleave plenty of time for our next topic which is more Australians targeted by McCarthyism willyou be next now last week Richard you and Robbie talked at length about this Australian pilot whowas locked up for training Chinese military pilots in South Africa Dan Duggan maybe just want torecap for people that didn't watch that show.

What what that story was about briefly um justbasically a completely normal above-board business operation Flight Training Academy for test pilotsin in South Africa where this gentleman Mr Duggan was uh he's a former U.S citizen retiredUnited States Marine Corps military pilot um and he fight a pilot and he uh he and a bunchof British and other nationalities um Pilots were training people at this flight school from allover the world including apparently some from China and there was nothing uh against the lawabout it in any country except that the the US says that some that this particular thing thathe's supposed to have done teaching techniques to land on aircraft carriers falls under theirdefense their export their arms export Control Act and he didn't get permission so therefore it'sillegal and then therefore everything that he did.

In relation to that is also illegal but it'snot none of it's illegal under Australian law um so he shouldn't actually be able to beextradited from Australia to the United States like they're demanding um but of courseour government being the lap dogs that they are they just said yes sir and they've thrown thisguy in solitary confinement uh freezing cold conditions no heating no blankets it's real yeahthe stuff that we're told goes on in supposedly authoritarian countries whether it actuallydoes or not and they're doing it to people our own people here yeah and this guy is an Australiancitizen we're going to talk about another example today which is what this shows the Topic's aboutuh another person that and they're designated you know higher security risks and whatnot eventhough they're family men and you know just.

Basic Joe Blows out there right they're not anygreat security risks so we want to look at what's going on here but I'll just before we get intothat put up on the screen this was the reaction we got from the free Dan Duggan tweet twitteraccount to last week's show where they really thanked us for bringing attention to this andlifting Dan's Spirits which is really good to know um and I want to preface the new case we're goingto talk about with a tweet put out by that same account on the 15th of April which was quite pressChristian he said there will be or they said there will be many more victims wheeled out to justifythe imaginary war with China and many reposals on the other side the human Carnage has begun thewhere businesses working with China beware miners beware expats beware academic students farmersand flying skills you may be next and we are.

Getting people that work on matters relating tocooperation with China coming to us and saying you know we're really concerned I'm really concernedthat I could be targeted for doing the slightest thing just because the word China comes up sothis latest case if you could run through it is relating to a Sydney businessman Alexander Sergowho was arrested by the federal police on the 14th of April and this is part of an ongoing counterforeign interference task force operation by azio yeah azio and the federal police Joint Task Forcetheme so yeah so this guy was a consultant uh business consultant working in China and he hehas family in Australia he's currently well until he got locked up he's lives in Bondi he's movedmoved all his belongings back from China and uh according to the papers has according to hislawyer quoted in the papers and has uh he's uh.

Helping out his uh living with and helping takehelping look after his uh aged mother in Bondi uh but yeah so he was working in China he wasapproached by two people who said they worked for a think tank and they commissioned researchbusiness business intelligence research from a consultant on things like from a businessconsultant who'd have thought right um on things like yeah they're spinning it as are thingscritical to our National Defense but it's things like lithium mines like if you're in if you're ifyou're a business if you're a business uh oriented think tank in China well you know where did wheredid the Chinese buy most of their raw materials that they don't produce for themselves uh andand all of these sorts of things right so lithium mines uh they wanted to know about uh the publicresponse to the thing details about the orcas deal.

Um that we were talking about before becauseof course they did because these things affect business yeah right and so anyway things in thatvein uh azio says that this was Reckless foreign interference that these two people are actually uhChinese government agents intelligence Ministry of State security agents of some description uhthe full details haven't been released this is just what's come out in the papers um uh inthe public what's been out allowed out in public in the courts and so on these arraignment hearingthe other day so supposedly this guy's research uh recklessly endangered Australia's nationalsecurity by giving you would think secret information privileged information at the veryleast to Chinese government agents except that they met him in cafes sometimes otherwise emptycafes because well maybe and he said this is.

How things happen in China and a lot of otherplaces probably including here someone quietly slips the the cafe owner a few hundred dollars toto keep everyone else out of your little you know room that you're in so that you can have a privatediscussion these sort of things like this is not unusual uh in a lot of places around the world anduh but there's no secret information anyway hmm so all the information that he gathered for thesetwo people that he was working for was all public domain this is purely this is completely ordinaryuh just business business intelligence company this is their whole business model right youyou have a specialized area of knowledge you do research in that area you put together reportsfor people who pay you to do so a lot of this stuff a lot of this stuff that he bases reportson is Australian financial review articles uh.

Lowee institution Yeah well yeah actually dothat but um they actually deserve to be there a lot of them but um but they they they jeopardizethey actually jeopardize uh Australian National interest on behalf of the United States andso they're the good guys apparently you know they're following the rules yeah they're followingthe rules-based order um so yeah that's all this guy did um and and his lawyer who's um previouslybeen prosecuted himself unjustly for supposedly endangering National Security Bernard call Harryand that got thrown out one of the very few decent things this labor government did drop the chargesdrop the previous government's charges against him um over the East Timor business spying on theircabinet and Zone he represented The Whistleblower um Bernard caleri his name isum and so he just said yeah look.

Um like I said they can't release this informationpublicly until the court says they can but uh it says this guy Zago gave Asia thesepasswords to his computer said yeah check it out and all the information is on there it'sall public information he didn't have access to or even solicit from anybody and get turned downany secret information any privilege information whatsoever this is just a pure Witch Huntthere's there's nothing to this now he's being kept in solitary confinement with the lights on 24hours a day yeah well that's what the papers say um it's one of these things they put them in theyclassy was a high risk uh inmate like protection non-association they've done the same thing toto Daniel Duggan um supposedly the judge says and this is how you can tell he's bought into all thisMcCarthy's nonsense as well or just being told to.

Play up to it which I however way it works I don'tknow the guy but um the judge's character but uh saying well if we didn't if if we we have to puthim in effectively protective custody can't give him bail to go back and go back to his mother whohe's helping look after because she's nearly 90. um because oh because he's gonna he's uh beingexposed for you know now that this has come out then uh I'm sure there'll be people fromChina who will be from the Chinese government who'll be interested in him not testifyinglike he thinks they're going to have Hitmen come to Bondi and whack this bloke like amafia movie or some cold war spy Thriller because he wrote business intelligenceresearch reports based on Public Information um and he says oh well if it was all public whycouldn't they do that well maybe because they're.

Not native English speakers and don't knowthe nuances of the Australian political and economic scene I mean why do you think peoplehire Consultants that's right this whole thing is nuts yeah and you know between this story TheDuggan story and countless others you know we're creating a climate here a chilling climate whichis Akin exactly to how this rules-based order we've been discussing was created in the firstplace after World War II the McCarthyism in the United States you know the Reds under the bed thatwhole mentality was critical to build a state of fear uh in order to usher in that rules-basedsystem to trash the vision that we talked about that Franklin Delano Roosevelt had to rebuild theworld after not just after the war but to take countries under the heel of British colonialismand have this Rising sub sovereignty of Nations.

And development because of course sovereignty hasto be backed up by the economic development so that they can continue to assert that sovereigntywhich is something Australia must come back to yeah and and that's what these laws were designedfrom the outset to do and we wanted and many other people did be Australian lawyers Alliance for forone um off the top of my head whose spokesman at least back then is also one of Julian assange'sprominent supporters Greg Barnes they warned back they warned and we warned that this is designedto scare anyone out of doing anything that might that uh you know with with designatedenemy countries which is now is primarily China Russia also um whoever else weget told is the bad guy next Tuesday um and when this guy was arrested before his namehad even been published the AFP went on a fishing.

Expedition and said oh well we believe otherpeople have been in contact with these two these two agents who they only gave their English thefirst English first names they use Ken and Evelyn um which is again is not uncommon uncommon inChina and many other countries because a lot of English speakers can't pronouncetheir real names so whatever but um so who knows who these people even are andthey're saying oh you better contact us in case you know the implication being otherwise youmight be on the hook next this is this is a McCarthy like Witch Hunt that's exactly what itis yeah and you can read more about that story that Richard wrote up for this week's Australianalert service which is our weekly publication is available by subscription and I will say staytuned because we will have more we're going.

To be talking about either in the next issue orthe one following the host of different private groups now that are coming out including someformer aspie players that are getting ready to pig out at the public trough of money you knowmilitary dollars that are being spun over this August deal again more Consulting fees but it'sall right when you do it with Americans exactly so stay tuned for more on that and more that we'llhave next week on the RBA story don't forget to write your submission you've got till Friday soum go and do it right after watching the show and then it's done and don't forget to call yourcounselor as well and let them know that they can make a submission and they can get others to dothe same in the local community so that's the show for this week thanks Richard thanks Elisa thanksfor tuning in and see you again next week .

Authorized by Robert bowickcitizens party Melbourne

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3 thoughts on “CITIZENS REPORT 20/4/2023 – Aus’s sovereign identity disaster / More Aussies focused by McCarthyism

  1. Australia must lower free of the US to accept a risk. The US just isn’t a benign ally. Simplistically, the US just isn’t an ally that aspects with expedient or righteousness. The default nature and character of the US is greed and nefariousness. ANZUS is a delusion. The field has modified.

  2. Unbelievable interview, I fully 2d Paul Keating's objection to the futile and incorrect AUKUS submarine deal. Australia desires to cease being a US puppet that handiest enriches their militia/elites on the pretense of defending democracy. Pretty, we must come up for our have self-interests and companions on this Asia-Pacific space. As Henry Kissinger said “”To be an enemy of the US is unpleasant, however to be a chum is fatal”.

  3. Is about commerce partnership not about any contract i haven’t signing however is could presumably perchance additionally simply. Be about forgery signsture from others abusers of energy consideration to this

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