Classified UFO briefing used to be ‘historical’: Journalist who released ‘jellyfish’ UAP video | Banfield


Classified UFO briefing used to be 'historical': Journalist who released 'jellyfish' UAP video | Banfield

The person I mentioned before Jeremy Corbell himself he released the jellyfish video to the world and some of his previous discoveries have led to Congressional hearings um he had a front row seat for David gush's testimony in July and you can see right there to the right in the back in the green shirt there he is and you can see all of this.

For yourself in TMZ presents UFO Revolution on tuby take a look you've said that us has intact spacecraft you said that the government has alien bodies or alien species have you seen the spacecraft what I personally witnessed myself was very disturbing it has been since the Inception of the UFO problem nothing to.

See here all of that all of that has changed a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program Jeremy is also the co-host of the podcast weaponized he's with me live I'm really appreciative uh to to talk to you tonight particularly because of today um what are your reactions to what we didn't didn't learn.

Today sure yeah so first of all I just want to say it's George knp My Mentor in journalism uh and also myself and we obtain and we release videos if it doesn't compromise National Security and the jellyfish is one of them today was a historic day so it was a classified briefing in a secret compartmentalized room they call it a skiff uh it was a.

Huge day I've actually heard what went on in that skiff you know being an investigative journalist I have eyes and ears everywhere you know which people hate but it's true there were about 15 members that were there it was unified it was across the aisle the biggest takeaway that I got was that when I was told what was discussed in there it was.

Not just oh yeah we validated David grush is an intelligence officer I I asked specifically there was validation of his specific claims about UFOs when it came came to his public discussion what he did in Congress which I helped set up that public Congressional hearing so that was big news I think the biggest takeaway Ashley and thank you for.

Covering this but you're going to cover it more because the biggest takeaway we're going to have more hearings on UFOs and we're going to crack this open and this business that representative Luna said afterwards that kind of made me shutter that people have been hurt they've been hurt trying to keep things secret and they've been hurt.

To make them public do you have any wisdom or Intelligence on that Jeremy yeah of course I I know specifically what's being referenced there and unfortunately it is a reality that this information about UFOs uaps same thing it's regarded as higher than weapons of mass destruction and there's a reason for that so there has been.

Pressure Put on Not Just from the public not smash pieces in the media but actual pressure put on by private corporations and also certain agencies or factions of agencies and it is unfortunate and I think that you can hear those details I think those details will come out but let's focus on the important part the important part is people have courage.

David grush gave people courage and and this is important because it's allowing other people to come forward people come to me and George knap and and they leak information and that's great as journalists we can absorb that and try to see if it's valuable to put out but having somebody stand up there under oath in front of Congress and say we've.

Been reverse engineering UFOs they represent non-human intelligence not just craft but biologics which means bodies and the fact this was said in a public realm and now Congress and they've been seeking answers are starting to understand the gravity and the weight that this is true I mean it's really a historic moment I think that's.

Going to sink into people in a little while is it coincidental that it is this week that the jellyfish video um ended up being released for all of us to see and then there's this hearing and as an addendum to that do you think that that particular video was discussed today all I can say is that uh being a strategist what's really important is.

That we can make a lot of noise and get things into public Consciousness when it will have most effect now this meeting has been on the books for a while uh George nap and I have been sitting on this footage for about three and a half years we've been trying to figure out the best way to get it out if we can verify it from firsthand Witnesses which.

We sure did so as we unfold this story it kind of seems like perfect timing today right it sure did one quick question about the source um for David grush it it's it seems from some reporting that the source is Air Force do you have any thoughts or any connections to either confirm or deny that the the source for.

David David grush what do you mean that that the source who has been telling and giving information to David grush as well is Air Force based as well do you know if there's con I think there's a Mis I think there's a misunderstanding here so let me break it down for your audience so it's not one source for.

David grush David grush was a career intelligence officer who was mandated by the UFO study group within our government to look at the black programs he interviewed more than 40 people and then he brought that information forward gave it to the Inspector General of the intelligence community and they then interviewed those 40 people plus so so.

That he doesn't have like a source David grush has an army of people that came to him in his official capacity for our government to look into this and he blew the whistle saying that we have spacecraft from somewhere else that represent non-human intelligence I think it gets confused for people it's not like somebody told something to David.

Grush just one person this is a a guy who was tasked by our intelligence agencies to do this job he did it and he found out that there were secret programs being held back from Congress and from oversight so he blew the whistle on that and came forward in that Congressional hearing I think the stories get mixed up but now you know.

Well and and I was always under the impression that some of the most alarming material that he brought forward was actually brought forward to him from a source he couldn't allude to but that some have suggested it was uh it had come to him from the Force but I see there are a lot of sources that he was that he what you're talking about.

There is he said when he was up there in the public setting if you can get me a secure room and you can get the authority to hear what I have to say I'll Spill the Beans that's what he said so they were fighting to get that environment Jeremy Corbell I'm gonna uh pencil you in for another visit because this story is not over like you said.

More hearings ahead thank you so much for this thank you for watching go to newsnation to find newsnation on your television provider and don't forget to click the red subscribe button below to get more of news nation's fact-driven unbiased coverage

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3 thoughts on “Classified UFO briefing used to be ‘historical’: Journalist who released ‘jellyfish’ UAP video | Banfield

  1. You are a colossal-time liar. You are working to disinformation to the public. Which intelligence develop you work in? You're now not a journalist, and neither is George Knapp. He has been on authorities payroll for years.

  2. If aliens are proper….and here is all correct…why now not show mask photos or video of the aliens? Why are UFO's called Unidentified Ariel Phenomenon if the authorities knows aliens are proper or that bodies were found out with the crashed craft, wouldn't they be “Identified” Ariel Phenomenon? If it's now not a thriller, why the entire thriller? Why is that this now not the largest, most talked about topic on Earth loyal now??? Will we now win aliens or now not?????

  3. You would possibly possibly well well possibly't fight an present system, it is possible you’ll maybe well well possibly most attention-grabbing replace it. That's why the UFO topic affords me hope. It has the capacity to “replace” our present systems for fine as a replacement of combating with it with puny to no progress.

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