CNN will get rare secure a look at Iranian missiles that hit Israel


CNN will get rare secure a look at Iranian missiles that hit Israel

Tonight, Iran's offer to Americans. One of the country's oldest colleges, Shiraz University, is offering scholarships to US college students who have been expelled for protesting on college campuses. This comes as we are getting an exclusive look at Iran's missile program.

Our Fred Pleitgen is there. He has gained incredible and rare access to the exact missiles and drones that Iran is using to attack its enemies, including these the missiles that Iran used to strike Israel. Our Fred Pleitgen is OUTFRONT with this exclusive report from Tehran.

When Iran attacked Israel in mid-April, they fired hundreds of ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and drones developed by the elite Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Forces. So these two were used in the Israeli operation. Now, the revolutionary Guard showed us.

The types of weapons they used to strike Israel, including two ballistic missiles, the Amad, and the other with a range of more than a thousand miles able to carry about a half ton warhead. How accurate are these accurate?.

Less than five feet, Less than five meters of targets. Brigadier General Ali Ben Ali was himself once a missile commander in the Revolutionary Guard. He says Iranian missiles managed to hit two targets in Israel, including an air base in retaliation.

For the bombing of Iran's embassy compound in Syria. Well, the U.S. and Israel claim to have shot down nearly all of Iran's missiles and drones. The general says Tehran showed the power of its aerospace forces and was.

Today, our drones and missiles have become an important factor of strength and the execution of power in the world, he says. He also showed us this cruise missile, a type also used in the strikes and arguably currently the most infamous drone in the world.

The showerhead one, three, six. Can you show me the warhead? I've never seen the show had warhead before. Penetration? Yeah. And then it goes in there inside of the missile, and then it explodes. Okay.

While the Iranians acknowledge using shitheads against Israel, the U.S. and Ukraine accuse Tehran of also giving hundreds of these drones to Russia, Moscow using them to attack Ukrainian cities and energy infrastructure.

The Iranians continue to deny those accusations. The general tells me the showerheads attack in swarms often fired off secretly from unmarked trucks like this one, Isaac Abdul Hamid. Everything is Preprogramed, he says. The flight route is chosen.

According to the enemy's capabilities and blind spots of radars and all the elements that can help us reach the target. While tensions between Iran and Israel have somewhat eased after they traded direct military blows for the first time, the general warns.

Iran has even more modern weapons at its disposal. Allowing to be the only path for them is to have logical and wise negotiations with us, he says. In our defense capabilities, we don't depend on anyone. We've had good progress in this field and we will progress more.

There are achievements that have not yet been talked about. For Pleitgen, CNN, Tehran. And OUTFRONT now, Oksana makarova, the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States and Ambassador Mark Rover. I'm glad to see you. You know,.

We just saw in Fred's reporting there from Tehran, Russia, using Iranian made drones and they're using them to kill Ukrainians to destroy critical infrastructure in your country. Thousand and thousands of those drones launched by Russia.

How involved is Iran right now, Ambassador, in helping Russia in its war against your country? Thank you very much for having me. Well, in fact, Iran is is a willful and very active participant of this war by providing Russia.

Iranian drones, by producing them together, they actually have already created the coal production facilities in Russia. So very much involved. And we just have to be very loud and clear that Iran, together with North Korea, already form.

This axis of evil, of not only attack and killing the Ukrainians, but also we see that these technologies are then used against Israel and against anyone else. So we have to stop all of them. Ambassador, Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor GREENE is speaking out.

She, of course, has been getting now very public praise on Russian state television, primarily because of her opposition to Ukrainian aid. And she continues to speak out on this issue. I wanted to play for you her criticizing members of her own party.

Who joined Democrats to finally, finally send that $61 billion aid package to Ukraine. The Union Party is make Ukraine great again. The Union Party is all about funding every single foreign war. And she was had a hat made instead of MAGA.

It's Mulga, not make America great. Making Ukraine great again. What do you say to that? To Republicans like her who are dead set against the US supporting Ukraine? Well, let me say thank you to everyone who supported.

Us, Democrats and Republicans, in this very important fight and just say once again that I provide the so much needed assistance to us. America is not funding the war. It's actually funding our defense and efforts which will lead us to peace because it's very clear.

Ukraine was always peaceful. We never wanted to attack Russia. It's Russia that is aggressor, terrorist states here. And they not only challenged our border, they challenged the rules on which, you know, the international order is was standing after the World War two and they challenged the values.

Which are sacred, the values for both of our countries freedom, democracy, dignity, sovereignty. We are defending our calls like any American would do.

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