Cole Brauer sails into history with solo day out spherical the enviornment


Cole Brauer sails into history with solo day out spherical the enviornment

Sailing into Spain this is a history-making moment for 29-year-old Cole Brower finishing second in the global solo Challenge and becoming the first American woman ever to race nonstop around the world alone this is really cool and so overwhelming in every s the word celebrating after returning from her dangerous 4mon Journey at Sea.

She faced hurricane force winds and 30ft waves oh I'm roing watch as Ru Seas throw Brower across her boat badly injuring her rib at another Point Brower becoming so dehydrated she needed an IV inserting it herself I had had a really rough time throwing up browers set off in October and sailed roughly 30,000 miles from.

Spain down the west coast of Africa over to Australia and around the tip of South America before returning to the starting point we talked to Brower 121 days into her historic trip you wear so many hats on this journey solo Sailors uh you have to be able to do everything you need to be able to take care of yourself and you need to be able to get up even when.

You're so exhausted and you have to be able to fix everything on the boat while alone on her bow Brower used Starling satellites to stay connected with her team in the US and the world on on social media time for wine as I said pretty big waves sharing candid moments from Life at SE with her more than 450,000 followers all makes it worth it.

When you come out here Brower is the youngest sailor and the only woman of the 16 competitors in the race more than half have already dropped out she hopes her success will help steer the sport into a more inclusive front it would be amazing if there was just one one other girl that saw me and said oh I can do that.

Too well something tells me she'll be inspiring more than one person Cole tells me she wants to continue sailing professionally and is already eyeing her next around the world competition but not before she gets her hands on a cappuccino and a croissant her two biggest Cravings over the past four months it's the simple things in life I.

Mean she's incredible our hero wow wow can we welcome her in let's do it let's welcome Cole Brower oh congratulations okay Cole first of all we we need to know how did it feel to finally get to the end of this grueling race o um it was really rough last night was a little awful I saw almost 58 knots.

Of Breeze and so it it to the end it was a really rough situation but I think it's just really emotional because I see my parents I see you know my friends my family I see everyone and and it just becomes this you know this dream has become a reality it is a dream I mean Cole we are just sitting here all morning long.

Marveling at the courage you had to set sail by yourself around the world again by yourself you know and there were moments you said that you could hear toward the end your boat creaking and you were worried that it might actually fail yeah I think that that's what happens is that you know these man-made objects they're just not.

Really made to deal with the type of situations that we put them under and mother nature is incredible and incredibly strong and so we we just don't really understand how powerful she is and you know boats are going to start deteriorating for sure W Mother Nature strong I think you're stronger we watched you get thrown across your boat.

You cracked a rib meantime you still had to navigate you still had to do all the work how did you manage that after that injury um I wouldn't say that it was very easy but there there really is no option at that point you're so far away from Land There is no rescue there's nobody to come and grab you you kind of just have to keep moving along and keep.

Doing everything you have to feed yourself you have to you know use the toilet you have to go outside you have to do sale changes you know life goes on and so even pain you just have to keep working w sailing is such a physical job you know I love what you I think you told our producer you're petite but you aren't dainty um but it is really a Mal.

Dominated sport what is your message this morning what are you hoping to get out of this um you're you're 100% right it's it's a fully male-dominated world and I think that it takes a lot of strength to actually push and and try to strive into this industry and you know I just I really want women to understand that.

It's possible you have to go through a lot of you know bad talk and people treating you poorly and getting paid significantly less but in the end if we you know it's it's all numbers game if we can all kind of work together and um come together I really think that we can for the industry well Cole we're going to say that you should get paid because.

What you did was a feed and all the young girls are watching now is there anything that you learned about yourself that you didn't already know um I think that I was already pretty good at like being alone and I think that's a super strength I think also it's just appreciating all my friends family teammates um I I'm.

Usually very good alone and over this period of being alone I've actually learn to appreciate the people that I have around me and I didn't that's what I was going to get out of this well Co you're amazing by the way did you get the cappuccino and croissant say yes we're begging oh 100% it was the first thing I asked for two and a half months.

Ago and we we ate like kings and queens together the whole team so definitely it it was it was amazing we're super proud of you Cole congratulations thank you guys so much so awesome the best don't you want our girls to watch her and go anything's possible I do I still cannot get over the courage would take to be out there.

At C by yourself Dylan I mean I can't even imagine like I wouldn't even be able to close my eyes for a second it's scary yeah yeah she's incredible hey thanks for watching don't miss the Today's Show every weekday at 11:00 a.m. eastern 8 Pacific on our streaming Channel today all day to watch head to

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3 thoughts on “Cole Brauer sails into history with solo day out spherical the enviornment

  1. NBC we thanks for presenting Cole Brauer, she is genuinely a FORCE to be Reckoned and the form of marvelously shiny and proficient young girls. Would possibly per chance well also she receive those issues in existence she has rightfully earned, a Croissant and a cup of Cappuccino/ Superior, what an inspiration, you GO GIRL!

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