Comedian Jo Koy talks history in the motivate of hosting Golden Globes


Comedian Jo Koy talks history in the motivate of hosting Golden Globes

You get to watch TV and see someone that looks like you uh shares your same culture it's inspirational I know it would be for me if I was a kid watching The Golden Gloves when I was a kid it'd be like okay I can do that it is possible so it's it's more than just a dream gig for me it's uh setting dreams for people just like.

Me story four on your 10 out 10 from humble beginnings to one of the biggest names in comedy Joe Koy made history when he hosted the 2024 Golden Globes last night K news anchor Rachel cim sat down with him to talk about his inspiration behind a standup a man on a mission to make.

People laugh you're making fun of my accent I live in your country and I speak two languages talok and English you live here how many do you speak one you're stupid standup comic Joe Hoy is no stranger to the stage but his most recent gig placed him on one of the biggest Platforms in entertainment the.

81st annual Golden Globe awards but who is Joe KY just a guy that fell in love with the with the artist standup at a very young age and uh you know when you come from a a background like myself half white half Filipino and you got a mom that's a very you know just very uh I don't know how to say it but uh focused on one thing or supposed to be.

Something else and uh it took a lot of proving you know what I mean to to follow this dream of mine while Joe Koy is a long way from his childhood home in Washington state he stays close to his Filipino Roots often transforming his family experiences into to Laugh Out Loud Comedy for the crowd one personality who's always a hit with the.

Audience his Filipino mother under the couch I guarantee my mom's right behind me like oh what what what what what's under what's under the couch Joseph is it your kiss did you lose your kiss again oh maybe they walk under the couch like that the laughter proves no matter the.

Cultural background we all share a connection I I like to let people know indirectly I don't want to like always bash it over the head yes I'm talking about my mom but I'm talking about my mom you know what I mean I'm not telling you guys what she is every time I'm just talking about my mom and and that's why I think people relate it's because.

There's no difference from my mom and your mom and every other mom in here they all do the same thing and and and that's what I love the most that that that they hear that voice and and they understand like oh there's no difference selling out massive venues wasn't always the scene for Koy his long journey in comedy began decades ago after dropping.

Out of college to pursue his dream so what kept Him going all these years pure dedication here here's the thing I say this to everyone like especially up and cominging Comics like if you're not if you're not in love with standup then just leave like it shows on stage like we you know when someone's not really in love with something like I love this we.

Can tell I love it and and I can go up anywhere like any day I can go up I can be on my tour bus and if I'm a day early in the city I I'll go up at a coffee house I'll I'll pull up and I've done it and there's a lot of people that tell you I've done that and it's just because I love being on stage I love to make people laugh I love the challenge of a.

Room I just I I enjoy it despite the rocky start Joe Koy became a household name he landed several comedy specials on different platforms giving him the opportunity to share his personal life with more people than ever before she goes J J I go what grandma what she's like I just want you to know that when I when I pass away my grandma please.

Please don't talk like that I don't like it when you talk no it's okay J I am okay with it you should be okay with it also but when I pass away I just want you to know that every time you go to sleep I'm going to be watching you now that Coy has reached the top of his game I asked if he planned on stopping anytime soon his answer.

Absolutely not uh I I've told every everybody I will retire on stage you know when I can't even get on stage anymore I guess that's when we'll we'll we'll decide to retire but I enjoyed so much thanks for being here love you that was amazing I don't know how you did that with all that in your head that's my job I I would have lost all that.

Information the minute they said go I be like I forgot what to say oh that's so good he

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3 thoughts on “Comedian Jo Koy talks history in the motivate of hosting Golden Globes

  1. If there's one pronounce that I in actuality admired about this man, it's his being a proud filipino and how he cherished his mom. Even along with his comedic considerations with TS, I'm quiet proud that someone care for him was once able to atomize it! ❤

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