Comer: Right here is ‘extra proof’ that Biden, admin hasn’t ‘been truthful’


Comer: Right here is 'extra proof' that Biden, admin hasn't 'been truthful'

Life chosen I am here to testify at a public hearing today to answer any of the committee's legitimate questions Republicans do not want an open process where Americans can see their tactics and that was Hunter Biden speaking outside the Senate building last month you remember he was supposed.

To appear before the house for a closed door testimony but but he defied that Congressional subpoena uh and instead dead showed up there and he said that he would only testify publicly before getting in his car and driving away the house Judiciary and oversight committee holding a markup of a resolution to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress.

That's happening today at 10: a.m. eastern Republicans released a report this week charging the first son with violating federal law when he defied the Congressional subpoena just one legal headache for Hunter Biden on top of so many others he will be arraigned in a California court tomorrow on unrelated tax charges joining me right now is.

Kentucky Congressman James comr he is the chairman of the house oversight committee Mr chairman thanks very much for being here this morning good morning well we've spoken before the holidays about your investigation can you tell us where you are in your investigation ahead of this markup uh that we're expecting today on this contempt charge.

For Hunter Biden yeah sure we're absolutely in the middle of the deposition phase we brought in the art dealer uh George Burgess yesterday and did a transcribed interiew interview with him uh we learned a lot of uh interesting information yesterday first of all we learned that uh surprising to no one that the overwhelming majority of.

The art that Hunter Biden sold went to Democrat donors we also learned that uh when uh Jin saki said from the White House Press briefing that the White House had uh worked to ensure a strict ethics policy with respect to the sell of Hunter Biden artwork uh we we heard from George Burg just under oath yesterday who said he's never spoken.

With anyone at the White House and didn't know anything about a White House ethics policy again more evidence that this Administration and the Biden family and the president himself has not been truthful with the American people about the schemes the Biden fames in so we're going to bring in more people for depositions and obviously today a big.

Day we're going to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of congress he divied two lawful subpoenas one from oversight one from judiciary uh that's not going to stand we have hundreds of substantive questions that we need to ask Hunter Biden with any investigation you bring the witness in to be deposed and that's what we're going to do with the.

President's son yeah I I want to get back to that because you just mentioned the um art dealer uh and I want to ask you about follow up on that because of course as you just said the hunter Biden art dealer testified before your committee yesterday and George bur told you and your colleagues that he never spoke with anybody at the White House.

About an agreement to keep Hunter's art buyers confidential Biden officials are claiming that they did in fact have an agreement with the dealer to avoid ethics issues they claim the gallerist also told you that Hunter knew the identities of 70% of the people who bought his art including Kevin moris bought most of it Hunter cut Mars a.

Sweetheart deal by only charging him 40% of the art uh which was valued at $875,000 he claims uh the dealer admitted he has never done an art deal like this before Mr chairman but I guess my question is is is this considered money laundering to you as well I mean hunter Biden selling art to people who we have no idea who those people are are.

You suggesting that maybe those people are just buying the art so that they could get more favors Curry more favors from the Biden family well we know that uh at least one person uh had declined to purchase the art uh prior to Joe Biden becoming president then they purchased the art and then that was appointed to a very.

Prestigious board uh we know that that's a fact with respect to the money laundering you know when you look at the suspicious activity reports the bank violations that the Biden received moneya laundering was mentioned in there numerous times it wasn't mentioned in there with respect to the art sales but I but if you look at Kevin Morris and.

The fact that he purchased the overwhelming majority of the art we've already identified $5 million in loans that Kevin Morris has given Hunter Biden where hasn't made any principal or interest payments back we have a lot of questions as to whether those were loans gifts or or what kind of deal that was uh then you throw in the artwork that.

Puts that number around $6 million wow that Kevin Morris a guy that that Hunter Biden just met right before Joe Biden became president who's now spending a lot of time with the he's giv him at least $6 million which raises all sorts of ethics and tax evasion issues we're bringing Kevin Morris in for a deposition within.

The next two weeks yeah and I know that you told me uh you had asked him to come in to speak with you not bispen but you had asked and he said oh I'm on vacation from Thanksgiving to New Year's and I can't make it I'm out of the country in fact he was standing right there be behind Hunter Biden when he was uh on the Senate side uh Mr chairman look.

You've said throughout this whole thing this is an investigation of Joe Biden you've said this very much many times that you are investigating whether or not President Biden was involved in all of these decisions including Hunter Biden's decision to defy The subpoena tell me about this is this another impeachable offense if in fact the.

President uh helped Hunter Biden defy your subpoena if he did absolutely that was clear evidence of obstruction I would argue we have more evidence of obstruction by Joe Biden but with respect to this uh Defiance of a lawful subpoena we know that Jean Pierre said from the.

Press Box that the president was aware of what his son was going to say and that he was going to do that uh so we want to know more about that did he advise the son did his speech writers write Hunter Biden speech I mean there are a lot of questions but the fact that the president of the United States who's on record saying anyone who defied a.

Congressional subpoena should be held accountable of course he was talking about the Trump Administration people uh here he's advising his son to do exactly what he said on television is wrong and people should be held accountable at the full uh strength of the law so again more evidence of obstruction and hypocrisy and uh more examples of Lies.

By Joe Biden and and what we get in response from the White House is that you know Maga is Extreme and you know the the Republicans are trying to obstruct democracy here's White House press secretary Kar jeanpierre on the same day Hunter Biden defied that subpoena as you just mentioned watch the president was certainly.

Familiar uh with what his son was going to say and I think what you saw was from the heart from uh his son it was from the heart Congressman you have requested all Communications between the White House and Hunter Biden that uh have they complied with that request have you gotten anything no and we're even more specific were requesting.

The communication where Joe Biden used pseudonyms we found out that's where uh Joe Biden was communicating with all of these characters in these business schemes so we've still requested that uh they haven't turned over over hardly anything I think they turned over about 14% uh of those pseudonym emails uh those are certainly uh areas of of.

Specific interest for this committee any types of communication whether they were uh in Joe Biden's name or where Joe Biden was using a fake email to communicate with both his son and all of these characters in these Shady business schemes do you feel you have the evidence right now to prove to the American people that President Biden.

Committed a crime I think so I think the American people have one question what exactly did the bidens do to receive the millions and millions of dollars from our enemies around the world we saw where the Democrats published a report and said uh when Donald Trump was President his family took Millions In.

From from foreign uh from foreigners well that was through his hotels and and golf coures things he had before he was president what exactly did the bidens do I haven't found a legitimate business yet Maria we found a lot of llc's uh they don't appear to have any assets or any specific purpose we call those a shell company the media has a hard time.

Understand what a shell company is but at the end of the day I think every Americans watching this investigation and they wonder what exactly did they do yeah you know is Joe Biden selling access to the White House what did they do to receive this money that's a simple question and that's a question that Hunter Biden could have answered to the.

Media when he pulled his uh publicity stunt when he defied The subpoena unbelievable just extraordinary Mr chairman you've exposed so much we appreciate you we so thank you for joining me this morning thank you sir James comr here with us in DC we'll be right back

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