Companies will ‘automate’ work as CA increases minimal wage: Stirewalt | The Hill


Companies will 'automate' work as CA increases minimal wage: Stirewalt | The Hill

Big change happening in the state of California today nearly half a million fast food workers getting a pay raise fast food workers have chains like McDonald Starbucks Chipotle will now earn at least $20 per hour that is the new minimum wage that is now in effect for most fast food workers in that state a.

$4 uh increase really than the state's minimum wage elsewhere look at that 20 bucks you good with that because it's for In-N-Out people so if if if price if if wages go up at those restaurants someone's paying the cost of that right let's just say you're at a restaurant and let's do simple math five employees there an hour.

Four bucks an hour that's another another 20 bucks you know what's going to you know exactly what's going to happen costs get passed down to the consumer the last fast food worker in California will be paid a million dollars an hour and every other job will be automated and if we talk about how artificial intelligence and Robotics and.

These things are going to influence other things if you make it $20 an hour to pay somebody to work an In and Out Burger that increases the motivation for these companies to automate and automate and automate and last time when was the last time you walked into McDonald's and talked to a person well you probably don't go to McDonald's cuz you no no no.

Was Paragon of heal I was I was somewhere uh yesterday it's it's when I was off and yeah you know doesn't eat draw draw a blank where I was but I went to the touchreen by the way show show the headline and I think there was a story about young Brands uh trying to to go automated elsewhere too by the way there you go Business Insider.

Fast food restaurant chain in CIA laying off workers to prepare for the $20 minimum wage hike so I know you're you're for this but on the I mean I'm for it but obviously the economics of this will tell the story right there's I mean we are headed towards a path where there's going to be less fast food workers said you walk into McDonald's.

Right now there are at least four touch screens where you just order right there and you get your own order when it's served to you the need for cash registers and people attending those is quickly evaporating I was at the Orioles game yesterday that's where I was when I tou I was a c fan one my favorite places but what about it.

I mean you can make not McDonald's you eat there for your birthday I eat there for my I love MCD obviously I'm not saying I don't love it my body is a temple you know what can I say uh by the way California not stopping with the minimum wage a new bill in that state would give workers the right to ignore phone calls emails and texts from their.

Boss after hours Matt Haney who is a a Democrat local representative introducing the proposal to address the issue of constant communication outside of regular hours now it is inspired by similar laws in Australia Canada Italy and France which which gave me the chuckle California is America's France as as.

Reporters we're always on Deadline this seems so foreign to me ex exactly it's foreign to me and probably foreign to you know other like in the medical industry if you're a doctor if patient's having a baby is having a health emergency you're n called so how does that how do you blanket that for everyone you already sent qack all to.

Voicemail like to see these law makers actually have to live by that themselves so you think they're probably not doing that to their staffers also what about it though you already have the right to not answer your boss's call right you can choose to ignore the email the phone call the text message it's just what's the repercussions for your action here.

And to have that now legally protected it just seems you got to find a better work culture if you don't want to be bothered after hours find a job that fits what you want in your life thank you for watching and make sure you go to join to find newsnation on your television provider and don't forget to click the red subscribe button below to.

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3 thoughts on “Companies will ‘automate’ work as CA increases minimal wage: Stirewalt | The Hill

  1. I worship the contrivance in which the girl is worship, “HURR how attain they attain that for clinical physique of workers?” worship it's some colossal mystery. PAY TO STAFF THE LOCATION DURING THE HOURS YOU NEED THE WORK. What a shaggy dog memoir this channel is.

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