Congrats Donald: Notorious golf cheater, brags he received two tournaments at his dangle membership


Congrats Donald: Notorious golf cheater, brags he received two tournaments at his dangle membership

Week Donald Trump proudly announced that he had won two of his own trophies at his very own golf course in a single weekend wow never mind what journalist Rick Ry told us about Trump in his golf game in 2019 that at the Winged Foot Golf Club cat's got so used to seeing Trump kick his ball back onto the Fairway they called.

Him Pelle soccer player and forget what other celebrities have described lakebound balls for instance miraculously recovered nearby dri a bone in the end golf is just a game but the way One conducts themselves while they play golf is not because if you cheat little things just imagine what you do with the big things you know the stuff.

That actually matters joining us now the expert on this particular matter the author of so help me golf why we love the game and Commander and cheat how golf explains Trump Rick re's back with us Rick my interview with you really got me through so much of the Trump presidency because I think how a man or woman golfs is how a man or woman lives.

And just take me back through what you reported in the book about Trump cheating at golf well Nicole I've always said golf is like bicycle shorts reveals a lot about a guy thank you for that whats about this guy is that he cannot lose he has to win and and he will do anything to cheat and.

I know because I played golf with him once he took seven Mulligans he took a gimme chipping I never even heard of a gimme chip in he has won tournament he has won tournaments where he's not even in the state when the tournament is played he won one in North Korea when he was talking to Kim Jong-un or whatever his name was he won one in.

Florida you couldn't have been there and I think it was this year he won a two-day tournament when one year he was at diamonds funeral or whatever that was when one of the two days he wasn't even at the tournament and what he does he just calls in and says yeah I would have I I usually beat that guy give me the trophy and I know this because when I.

Play with him he goes you know what I do to win these championships don't you and I'm like please tell me give it to me and he goes anytime I buy a new course I play the first round by myself and then I declare myself the club champion so that's what kind of guy this is he's never won a championship he says he has 23 or something he's never won a.

Championship at a course he doesn't own and operate he's played in Pebble Beach he's played in the Tahoe one where are there where there are rules and judges and cameras and in those he's never finished in the top half so you he wins When anybody who disagrees that he want is out of the club that's how he does it rick what does it say to other I mean.

Golf is have a 12-year-old who doesn't cheat you know we don't let him cheat at golf because it's not the ethos of the sport can you just talk about how outside sort of the ethos of the sport it is to cheat so audaciously well I mean I don't know anything about politics but I know about golf I've covered it for 45 years it's.

Not a sport where you cheat it's just not in the game because Nicole if you're 100 yards over here and I'm a 100 yards that way I trust that you're not going to fosle it pick it throw it and you trust that I'm not going to and that's the only way to play because there's no refs you can't possibly cover that much territory but with Trump not only does.

He kick it foozle it cheat like a mafia accountant three card money dealer he gets your ball and throws that in trouble there stories of him kicking his opponent's balls in bunkers because what he does he has you know golf carts yeah golf carts always gets a turbocharged golf cart that goes three times as fast as yours so he's always 200 yards ahead.

And that gives him time to cheat kick your ball throw his out one time in LA he was playing $50 a hole with these three guys he hits it in the pond they see the splash by the time they get there it's in the middle of the Fairway and they're like what the f Donald and he goes it must have been the tide well I mean let me let me ask you not a.

Political question a golf question doesn't it take sort of enablers to let someone cheat I mean does does the sport usually Purge out a cheater or does the sport just sort of roll its eyes at someone like him well when I've T when I've asked people how did you let him cheat he've cheated against Tiger Woods he's cheated.

Against Dustin Johnson and when I asked him why did you let him cheat and take the 20 bucks they all say the same thing I wanted my own story about Trump cheating that's amazing that's amazing freaking amazing and so that's not what that's not how we do it in golf that's why I was so disappointed to see my hero Jack.

Nicholas and Mara Lago last week for this phony baloney fake as Vita cheese ceremony where Trump gave himself two championships Jack Nicholas was there which I think is the first sign of cility when you start hey everyone MSNBC has a new and improved app you'll get realtime alerts and anal is live blogs in-depth essays video highlights and the.

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3 thoughts on “Congrats Donald: Notorious golf cheater, brags he received two tournaments at his dangle membership

  1. trump cheated taking part in with Stormy Daniels. He claimed he obtained it in one gap (wasn't sure which one) when she wasn't looking. She acknowledged nothing went in any gap attributable to he couldn't get something else out of his possess gap. So, she build an orange cone quilt on it saying that if nothing can come out of the man gap, she didn't desire anyone falling in. They spent the remainder of the time buying for his pump and capsules that he claimed had been in a white file field either within the lavatory or the ballroom together alongside with his autographed photograph of Putin shirtless driving on a horse.

  2. I undergo in mind when Obama was elected and the dems had been claiming that repubs had ODS (Obama derangement syndrome). How hysterical, silly and poor they had been. That the repubs want to get better from themselves and settle for the fact that Obama won. Oh. Effectively now… here we’re and dems are pearl clutching and shrieking from the rooftops ! They’re possessed by the the same stress I guess. TDS is without problems an exact ingredient afflicting leftists. But to a assorted and higher stage.

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