Contemporary Hunter Biden whistleblower comes forward: ‘Extremely troubling’


Contemporary Hunter Biden whistleblower comes forward: 'Extremely troubling'

Katie trasy uh constitutional law attorney and former Federal prosecutor uh joins me now uh let's talk about the appeal process first I mean first of all this amount of money is insane I mean it's it's it's astronomical it's half a billion dollars so it's no wonder why it's going to take some time to secure a bond for almost a half a billion dollars.

And the timing in all of this seems uh very let's just say political if you will he's running for president and who has three days to come up with five 00 Bill $500 million who who has that kind of money not even Trump well it's it's completely unprecedented and the good thing is that I think that the Trump team has a very strong argument for the.

Appic court to stay the execution of this judgment essentially to accept either a lesser Bond or to not require any bond at all because there's a very clear law in New York that allows for the court to consider all relevant factors including the merits of a potential appeal which here there's significant argument that this appeal.

Would be meritorious and also to consider the personal hardships of the party that's requesting that so I do believe that the court has a lot of law on its side to Grant this execution or the stay of the execution and so and I wouldn't anticipate a response from them even today yet because this appeal deadline is approaching and it will cut.

Off his right to appeal this case altoe if that bond is not posted the Pres the former president and many others have speculated that this is politic ically motivated I mean if Laticia James actually goes after his assets okay and she starts seizing real estate such as the golf course uh you know an EST state in in uh north of New York City uh if he.

If she starts doing that in the and let's say that the motivation is political could this not backfire because if the if the motivation is essentially to try to drive Trump supporters away it's going to do the exact opposite we've seen that time and time again every time you come after Trump people just come and they rise up.

And they back them even further so I don't know I mean it it seems political I mean does is this a typical time span to have to come up with this kind of money or does this seem like a very small window of time well the time span is typical because the appell court has certain deadlines in order to pursue an appeal.

And in order to do so you have to post a bond the problem here is the amount of money which is obviously political everybody can tell that there's no logical tithe between the amounts that were adjudged against Trump and the Trump organization do anything that happened there was no fraud victims here there was no complaining parties so.

Certainly that aspect of it is entirely political but again I do think that the Trump side has a very strong argument that the appell court should step in and allow the appeal to proceed without allowing letia James to begin ceasing those assets which she would be able to do if he's not pursuing this appeal that essentially is the execution of that.

Judgment right but unfortunately for the Trump Camp God only knows how long that's going to take the appell court does not move that quickly so he's going to have to come up with the money or she's most likely going to start seizing assets I got to move on to something else Republican lawmakers are saying that a new whistleblower is claiming.

That the CIA actually blocked Federal investigators from interviewing a key Hunter Biden associate I wonder why Kevin Morris joined hunter in one of his Capitol Hill stunts where he crashed a house hearing on Hunter's failure to comply with a subpoena now the wealthy Holly Woody attorney has also paid some of Hunter's legal fees conflict of.

Interest there here is house Judiciary chair Jim Jordan we don't know if he's an asset we don't know if he's regularly talking with someone who is being surveilled this is not just anybody this is Kevin Morris the guy who has loaned Andor bought millions of dollars uh for Hunter Biden loaned him like $6 million bought.

Like I think a million dollars in artwork there are so many things wrong with this investigation and that's why chairman Comer and I have sent the letter uh finding out you know why couldn't they talk to the guy uh meantime there are questions about why speaking of why the FBI didn't want to hear from Tony balinski he's the.

Key witness if you recall in the GOP impeachment inquiry to President Biden and yesterday House Republicans sued two not one but two Justice Department officials who happen to work on the hunter tax investigation no coincidence here the panel says to uncover all the facts the committee requires testimony from two.

Current or former tax division attorneys who have firsthand knowledge of the irregularities in doj's investigation that appear to have benefited Hunter Biden um it is no surprise that Hunter Biden's father is the president of the United States because if he was not these interviews would have been conducted would you.

Agree absolutely this is incredibly troubling and I think there's significant questions that if what this whistleblower is saying is true what information does Mr Morris have and why is he being prevented from interviews by law enforcement agents if we can't trust the highest levels of law enforcement in this country then we really are in a.

True deep State situation here yeah absolutely uh Katie trasi thank you very much for talking to us we appreciate you coming on thank you hey everyone I'm Emily compano catch me and my co-hosts Harris vulner and Kaye mechineni on outnumbered every weekday at 12:00 pm Eastern or set your DVR also don't forget to subscribe to the Fox News.

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