Damaged Brothers | The truth on the encourage of William & Harry’s rift (2024)


Damaged Brothers | The truth on the encourage of William & Harry's rift (2024)

The rift between Prince William and PrinceHarry is well and truly still alive, too many painful things been said PrinceHarry has confirmed there's a serious riftbetween him and his brother William. A controversial move. PrincesWilliam and Harry will not stand together when they farewell their grandfather. Prince Philip The Duke of Sussex was the first to leaveBalmoral following his grandmother's.

Death, with some reports that his wifeMeghan was told to stay away. it wasn't all about Meghan. there doesn't seem a path out of this current situation. they are the broken brothers Prince William. Prince Harry longthought to be the bright future of the monarchy,but that now is under threat the brothers who grew up togetherhave grown apart.

The harmony between the two replaced byacrimony through historic news reporting. We will see how their upbringing unfoldedin front of the world's cameras and the momentswhen the relationship soured. How did the bond of the onceinseparable brothers become so broken? And will they ever be able to repair Hugh Whitfield is the Europe bureau chieffor Seven News Australia. He is reported on the royal familyfor years through the highs and the lows,and witnessed historic moments firsthand. if we're going to go back to the start,.

Kind of need to go back to PrincessDiana and Charles and the way that Diana completelytransformed the way that the royal family was viewed by the public,because all of a sudden in 1980, 1981, the relatively staid nature of the Britishroyal family was upended by this glamorous, young, innocent looking woman who was about tobecome the Princess of Wales Radiantly happy and accompaniedby her father, the AFL. Spencer. Diana bewitchednot only the nation, but the world.

At her it meant there was a renewed interestand sense of glamor and mystique about the royal familyand new eyes watching them as well. Because Princess Diana garneredso much press interest and general interestright around the world. Hundreds of children were excited aboutthe event they'd been planning for months. Princess Diana was again given more rosesand daffodils than she could handle. The Princess of Wales has been the bestthing to happen to the monarchy in.

Probably in centuries. It's the Princess of Wales. It's quite the influence. Good evening. It's a boy. News of Prince William's birth was strapped to the railingsat Buckingham Palace All right, ladies, the Prince of Wales has given birthto a baby son. God save the Queen.

The young princess still in her early twentiesalongside Prince Charles, standing on the steps of the LindoWing at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington, cradling this baby boy who would one day be king was, you know, the dreams of the dreams of all tabloideditors in London came true. And all of a sudden, women, men right around the world.

Adored this not just young couple,but this young family, In September 1984, their second child was born,Prince Harry. In the two yearssince William had come into the world, Princess Diana had matured. She was now relaxed and confident,both as a princess and as a mother. Outside Buckingham Palace. Many of the crowdshad been waiting all day, and just before 6:00their patience was rewarded.

They demanded the Queen's post. But the boy in red, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales,was safely delivered to the I think once Harry arrived, all of a suddenthere was this complete family and these two young boyswho were going to be raised largely, unfortunately for them in the public eye, but with this somewhat innocent.

Princess as their motherand this young family, this idealistic family in a way, certainly in the waythat they were presented to the public, with these two,you know, very gorgeous little boys who were being shown around the world as the very image of the perfect familyand and the way that the royal family wanted to be perceived it'svery clear that Diana wanted to be the best motherthat she could be to those two boys. And you only have to look at the waythat she wanted to be there for them, particularly when her marriage to Charlesbegan to break down.

Unfortunately, I think for all of them, much of the the happy timesthat we see really did play out in public. You look at the vision of themcoming down the waterslide at Disneyland or Disney World in America,you know, having the time of their lives, but in front ofthe full glare of the public. The Princess of Wales has agreed to PrinceCharles's request for divorce. A spokeswoman for the Princess saidthat Diana will continue to be involved in all decisionsrelating to the couple's children,.

And she will continueto live at Kensington Palace. the divorce of their parentswould have been enormously difficult as anyone who's the child of divorcecan appreciate. But to have it played outin full public view in what became knownas the war of the Wilds is would have been enormously difficultand of course it will have impacted them. But the decision was made by Charlesand Diana, probably led by Diana more than anyone,to keep the boys closer to home. And Eton is just across the Thamesfrom Windsor.

It's literally a fiveminute walk down the road. Harry's followed in his brother's footstepsever since he was a toddler. From this West London nursery schoolthrough Blood Grove, where he passedhis common entrance to Eton. Harry's been very clear in his memoir, Sparethat the relationship between the two boys wasn't always greatwhen they were at Eton. And he's complained that Williamshunned him, essentially,.

And didn't really want to acknowledgeHarry's existence it's very clear that However much she tried to try and give them a normal upbringing,their lives are never going to be normal. They were never going to be normal,William was raised as a future king, and Harry was not. Diana, Princess of Wales, has been killedin a car accident. Our royal correspondent,Nicholas Owen is with me now. Nicholas, one's heart goes out,especially to. To the young princes William and Harry.

William and Harry, indeed. So when Diana died in August of 1997, William was 15 years old,Harry was 12 years old. They were on school holidays. It was the summer holidays up at Balmoralwith Diana's death overnight in Paris in the car crash was news to them in the morning here in the UK. He sat down on the edge of the bed. He put a hand on my knee,.

Told him, boy, mummy's been in a car crash. I remember thinking, crash. Okay, but she's all right. Yes. I vividly remember that thought flashing through my mind. And I remember waiting patiently for Paul to confirmthat indeed, mummy was all right. And I remember him not doing that.

Here, along Kensington Gardens,the crowd was 20 deep, in part proof if it was needed. She was better loved than many of us knew. Here, in the silence,every one of her people was having to come to termswith the terrible reality of her passing. the coffin, draped with the RoyalStandard, wore three white sprays, tulips, lilies and a small roundball of roses and the roses. A card with a single word. Mummy. that little card.

Nestled among the flowers,simply saying, Mummy, I think when the world saw that,that was probably the most striking moment for people to realize that he were two young boys, just 15 and 12 years of age,who had lost their mother in such distressing and shockingcircumstances, walking behind her coffinin the full glare of not just the 2 million people who'd linedthe streets of London that day, but hundreds of millions of peoplewatching on TV around the world.

Between Diana's death and her huge funeral in London, Charles accompanied William and Harry around the grounds of Kensington Palace,which was their home with their mother, to greet some of those crowdswho had come out to see them. And for William, at 15 years of age,knowing that the life that he was born intomeant meeting crowds like that, to be doing thatat 15 years of age. I think you can see in the pictureshow uncomfortable.

He was with people he had never met, who had never met his motherbawling in front of him when at the same time he was trying tokeep his own emotions in check, no doubt. And the same for Harry. it would have been a monumentally distressing and agonizing time,not just for those two boys, but obviously for the entire familyand whatever way that they're perceived in movies or the media. I think everyone can put themselvesin that position.

To receivesuch devastating news about a loved one. After the funeral of their mother. Harryand William return to school at Eton. They were largely out of the glareof the public spotlight. But as William finished school,followed shortly by Harry, their lives as young adult royals would see themopen up to the public. gradually at first after they left Eton, both boys were givena little bit of freedom to.

To try and find their feetparticularly Prince William, because he was able to go to StAndrew's University in Scotland, which is pretty isolatedcompared to London. Difficult for the tabloids to find him. There was an agreement, for the most partwith the UK press to leave Prince William alone,to allow him to enjoy his university years in the same for HarryHe was able to travel to places like Australia, a bit of jack ruing,travel to Africa and explore the safari parks and get in touch with endeavorsthat he wanted to pursue later in life.

And also training with the armed forces. And ultimately Harry, of course, whichserved tours of duty in the Middle East. And that too gave him an opportunity not to live a normal lifebecause he wasn't a civilian as such. He was serving in the armed forces,but live a sort of life that was open to ordinary men,from all walks of life. And both of those experiences for Williamand Harry were probably the happiest timesof their lives because they were out of the public glare for the most part,and able to grow as young men.

And I am. And Harry throughout his lifehas been prone to lapses of judgment, Was in this pub near the estate that the 17 year old is said to have beendrinking and smoking cannabis. The local police say they will examineany evidence made available to them. Harry's public persona through the tabloidwas unfortunately the Nazi uniformor playing street poker in Vegas.

The party. Prince is back! These photos of Harry, published by gossipwebsite TMZ, reportedly show him playing a game of strip billiards in a Las Vegashotel room with women he just met. Yes, William also knew how to have a good time. It was pretty clear as well the the paparazzi were able to capture himand Kate leaving nightclubs as well. And that's normal. But what's not normal is being carriedout the back door of a nightclub.

Into a chauffeur driven rain driverwith bodyguards to be taken back to Kensington Palaceto spend the night. Harry, in his bookSpare, for the most part, seeks to blame others and often saythat he was encouraged into situations or wasn't given the right guidance or stafflet him down or his family let him down. But ultimately, Harry's an adult and he should be really taking responsibilityfor his own actions. I just want to be clear. Are you really saying that third in lineto the throne or whatever you were.

You taking a classA drug is not a matter of public interest. Because I think that's a questionpeople will have. Do you accept that is a matterof public interest for the press? I think was a matter of publicinterest. Is is the relationship between theof the institution with the tabloid media? unfortunately for him, much of his 20s was played outon the front pages of British tabloids. That is not a comfortable place to be. and we must acknowledgethat, Harry was the victim.

It has now been proven of phonehacking and parts of his life, including his relationshipswith girlfriends, including Chelsy Davy, were, spread across the tabloids because his phone was hacked. And that is not somethingthat he deserves. That's not something that anyone deserves. he was entitled toand is entitled to an element of privacy. Even more so now, it must be argued,because he is not carrying out royal duties and he's not, taking from the public purse.

But during the 20s he was. And unfortunately for him, the actions of some reporters in private investigators in Londonled to that privacy that he would have hoped forand would have been entitled to, particularlywhen it comes to relationships. was lost. And he's now been, compensated for that. I think it's very difficult to play, to to look back at hindsight and playwhat if history.

But I think what Diana did instillin both boys was, the desire from both of themto marry women that they loved. both these men have looked to their heart over their headswhen it comes to who they've married, and I think that Dianawould have encouraged that, And the nation has a future queen. William has done much to givethe royal family a more relaxed image. Now he is enteringwhat seems a thoroughly modern marriage. In. Not so much.

Stepping into the spotlight,but facing a firing line of flash guns. Prince William and Kate Middleton appearedbefore the cameras at Clarence House. Their wedding promises to be the biggest event in Londonbetween now and the Olympics. A small but determined crowd to set upcamp by Westminster Abbey. Sleeping on the streetsa small price to pay for a front row seat to the wedding of the decade. And for the faithful. A preview of the mainevent. Thrown in for free,.

April 29, 2011. The new fairy tale was being writtenand a commoner was marrying into the royal familyand would one day be Queen Kate Middleton at the top of the Isle of Westminster Abbey, the place she will leave as a princess. stepping into this spring sunshine. The new royal couple. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

There were the new Duke and Duchess of Cambridgeemerging from Westminster Abbey on a fantastic day in London, with crowds enjoying the fact that the future kinghad found the love of his life. And it's very clear that Williamhas married his first love, essentially. Catherine Middleton, now the Princessof Wales, taking on Diana's former title. the trio were popular not just in the UKbut across the Commonwealth. This was crucial to addressingan ongoing issue for the monarchy.

The need to strengthen public supportAnd to override the Republic movements. I think from the public's perceptionover the next couple of months and couple of years is William and Katefound their feet with their public roles and the sorts of issuesthat they were going to campaign on that for the most part, it seemed as thoughHarry had found a sister as well. they looked like the perfect trio,the perfect family. And William and Kate seemed quite happyto have Harry at many of their events. at that timethere were two really powerful, images.

For the royal family because keep in mind,childhood married Camilla and the boys maybe weren't very happywith that relationship in the early years. William certainly has come to accept it. So the two big key weaponsthat the royal family had, particularly when it came to the Commonwealth,was Prince George, who William and Kate had taken to Australia, dubbedcertainly here as the Republic Killer because he had been embraced by Australiaso much.

But also this trio of William, Kateand Harry who were able to campaign togetheras young adults and embrace issuesthat young adults wanted to talk about. The key issue that they were workingtogether on was mental health and heads together. We have seen time and time againthat unresolved mental health problems, like the harmsof some of our greatest social challenges. Head together wants to helpeverybody feel much more confident.

With their every day mental health, the three of us working with all of youin this room and others who will join us along the way,want to come up with practical ways of providing everyone who needs helpwith the right support and care. And for William, Kate and Harry to do that together, they were able to putan issue that needed to be in the public realm into the public realm,and to do so in a sensitive, fun and easygoing way. And they were the perfect trio,not just for the tabloids to fade off,.

Which is essentially what they were,but also for the monarchy to use as a way of showingthat they were able to connect with,any issue really that they needed to. And, and,and that's part of the modernization of the monarchyover the last 15 or 20 years. at that time, though,when Harry was single, he did give an interview in New Zealandwhere he did say, for the most part, that he was really keen to find someone that he lovedand to have that relationship.

That William and Katehad a very easygoing, loving relationship that was able to be essentiallyshown off to the world. Does that feel like a big pressure to, you know, toto make the right decision going forward? You presumably don'twant that tag of a party prince. No, I'm never wanted that. But as I said, you know, if people can,if people can generally trust that I'm going to make the right decision and that whatever it is,hopefully I will make them proud.

And make other people proud,and then so be it. seeing you, brother. Settle down. Does that put no pressure? But does it make you think. Actually,I'd quite like to settle down. Have a bit of.Not the same for everybody. You know,there comes times when you think right now is the time to settle downand or now's not whatever the way it is. But I don't think you can foresee things. You know it'll happenwhen it's when it's going to happen.

Of course, I would love to have kids rightnow, but yeah, there's a processthat one has to go through. And, you know, tools likethis is great fun. hopefully I'm doing right by myself. It would be great to have someone elsenext to me to share the pressure. But, you know, it's, time will come. Whatever happens, happens, I guess. I think that was probably the first timethat we kind of got a sense that Harry was probablya little bit lonely,.

And he's in his personal lifeand was keen to find someone. so for all of the work that Harry, William and Katehad done together, Harry had found his own essentially little baby toto nurture in terms of, his public work. And that was the InvictusGames At its core, Invictus is about meeting our military menand women with the respect they deserve. Harry had been the subject of rumoursabout his relationship with an actress,and then at the Invictus Games in 2017.

In Vancouver,there is Meghan Markle alongside Prince Harry,So it's taken more than a year since their relationship first started,but Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have decided that this would be the eventin which they will be seen together for the very first time. Unless you'd watched suits. It was probably the first timeanyone had ever heard of Meghan Markle ever seen her, and to have her alongsidePrince Harry was a huge moment, not just for the royal family,but for royal watchers.

As well, because all of a suddenwe got a bit of a sense as to how the next couple of yearswould play out. Does it confirmthere's a royal wedding on the way? Of course not. But it does increase the speculationabout one, because the couple have decided to show the world, and yes,the world did appear to be watching, that they are serious about one another. It wasn't long after that appearancebefore one morning in November 2017,an email landed in my mailbox.

And the email boxesof other correspondence here in London that Harry and Meghan were engaged,and there'd be a photocall at Kensington Palacein just a couple of hours time. Is coming up to 2:00. This is the scene in the gardensof Kensington Palace where Prince Harry and his bride to be, the American actress MeghanMarkle, will emerge in just a few minutes. we scrambled down to the palace,to the gardens. There we were, all arranged aroundthe reflection pool, in the gardens,.

At the home where Harry had been raisedalongside William by his mother and where he had been living, as a young man. And it turns out that Meghanhad been spending nights at Nottingham Cottage,where Harry was living this poky, little cottage offto the side of the palace building itself. And down the stepsthey walked Harry and Meghan. Meghan with the ring on. it was, a bit of a surreal moment to see because there was Harry, proud and happyand a little bit nervous as well.

And I think it gave us the sensethat he was cautious. was treating thiswith a sense of trepidation because he knewwhat had happened to his mother. And it was a real moment,I think, where we saw just how protectivehe was going to be of Meghan, the wedding was a great day and it was a great week. Mainly because the weatherwas so good in Windsor. Not a cloud in the sky for the whole weekit was so green in the parks and the lawn.

Surrounding the castle,and people were camping out on the streets of Windsor, a townnot immune and not foreign to, royal watchers and, big royal events. But he was a genuinely happy occasion. It's obviously marvellous and I'msure it'll be a very special day. Everybody. What's it been like getting to knowMiss Markle? Welcoming her to the family? It's very nice. It's so very exciting.

So you all ready? We can't wait. As the royal wedding becomes a soap opera. The show must go on. The world's media is here. This town is about to hosta huge outside broadcast. And three days out,the palace's PR machine is seemingly lost control. Unfortunately for the Windsors,.

Nothing ever really goes to plan. There's always a curveball.There's always an issue. Something always upsets the narrative. and on the occasion of Harry andMeghan's wedding, it was Thomas Markle. All weddings are prone to family drama,but this weekend's royal wedding has it with the world. Watching a Hollywood fairy talewould not be much of a summer blockbuster without a crisisand some colourful characters. They claim he's been staging photosto sell to the world's media.

The Mail on Sunday published this videoas evidence. Thomas Markle and paparazzi snapperJeff Rayner are in it. Meghan's 71 year old father isphotographed lovingly looking at articles of his daughter and Harry online, butit's said to not be a chance encounter. Images of Mr. Markle getting fitted for his suit werealso said to have been staged for money it immediatelycaused alarm bells everywhere because nobody really knewwho Thomas Markle was. We knew that Doria Ragland,who was Meghan's.

Mother, was very close to her daughter. But who was Thomas? Who was Thomas Markle? The lighting, director for TV sitcoms in Hollywood? Would he be coming to the wedding? Would he be walkinghis daughter down the aisle? And then just a few days before news that Thomas, under the stress.

Potentially, of the tabloid headlines that had been generated by these photos,had suffered a heart attack. Could Harry and Meghan contact him? They would text messagesapparently being sent backwards and forwards, phone callsto try and track Thomas down to make sure that he could make the weddingof his daughter. Ultimately, he didn't come, and it was Prince Charles at the time walking his daughter inlaw down the aisle.

Obviously proud as punch that his son had found a woman to love and to marry. it was the perfect image. And it was for the most part,the perfect day. The crowds were so happypeople had flown in from around the world, including Australia, to be therea hundred thousand people lining the Long walk, their only glimpse of Harryand Meghan riding past in the carriage. for a brief moment after wedding out in some cases, days to be there.

But everybody loved it. It was perfect. And the method. So after the wedding in May 2018, the royal family is onan absolute high coming into summer after what was a magical day at SaintGeorge's Chapel and the Windsor estate, Megan was being integratedinto this trio of William, Kate and Harry to become a foursome,the Fab Four. As they were dubbed by the British press. You'll often hear.

People say, well, you're helping womenfind their voices. And I fundamentally disagree with thatbecause women don't need to find a voice. They have a voice. They need to feel empowered to use it. And people need to be encouragedto listen. Kate,who had obviously been giving speeches over the course of her royal work,never really, it seemed, enjoyed it and always came acrossas a bit of a nervous speaker. actually going back right to the beginningwhen we were looking at different ways.

In which we could all workwith the foundation. But Meghan was an actress,she knew how to perform, obviously it's incredibly exciting. And yes, I think for meit's been a very long time working on college driven work,specifically with women and girls rights. she oozed confidence on that day alongside what we now can appreciate would have been a slightly nervousand perhaps even uncomfortable William and Kate,who probably two for the first time.

Had seen themselves lined up against this. You know, perfect public performerin Meghan. and I think Harrywas pretty happy with it. Meghan, you are new to the foundation,but you have lots of experience working with charities,especially grassroots organisations. It would be interesting to find out,first of all, your impressions of the Royal Foundation so farand what you're hoping to do. Yeah, no. Of course. at the time,.

From a, a journalistsin a correspondence point of view, it appeared that this wasthis was the future. This was the future of the royal family,the future King William, the future Queen Kate. And, yes, the spear in Harry. But this star couple in the Dukeand Duchess of Sussex, as they had become and I think looking ahead,it appeared to all of us that, William was going to alwaysobviously type delayed and couldn't always say the things that Harry.

And Meghan couldbecause he was going to one day be king. But it appeared that Harry and Meghanwere always going to be there to support his brother and the future Queen and, and make sure that this monarchywas able to move into the futurein a positive and modern way. Ultimately, behind the scenes,things were falling apart at the same. the rift between the brothers is still really as badas it could possibly be. I.

My name is Valentine Lowe. the former royal correspondentfor the times newspaper in London. I'm also an author. I wrote a book called courtiers. But the advisers to the royal family. I was a royal correspondent for the Timesfor 15 years. Covered, everythingfrom, and William and Kate's wedding. Harry and Meghan's wedding, the Queen's funeral, the coronation and more toursthan I can possibly remember.

When Meghan first appeared on the scene, had that she and Harryhad a specially dedicated team, very close knit team, or women, and they reverted to them. They,they really wanted to make this work, that Meghanwas this new person to the royal family. She needed help. She needed looking after,because it's very difficult to to marry into the royal family,this strange, ancient institution.

And they they believed in it. But as the months and the years passed, they felt a lot of them feltthey'd been manipulated by Meghan. They felt that she was never really intenton staying in the royal family. and a lot of members of staff felt badly treated by, well,by both of them, actually. and it was it was quite a bruising time. in general. Royal palacescan be absolutely full of backstabbing.

People are always jockeying for position. People are alwaystrying to assert themselves. And you also have to bear in mindthat it's a family and you have differentbranches of the family. you could have, for instance,as was then, you'd have William and Kate,in Kensington Palace, and Harry and Meghan was set up in Buckingham Palaceand there was Prince Charles, as he then was,he was over at Clarence House. And all these different householdswould have their own agendas.

And the people who worked for themwould often pursue those agendas. And depending on how, assiduousthey were, it could get quite nasty. And and sometimes you had quite seriousfallings out between the different courtiersin the different royal households. it was at Christmas 2018 at Sandringham that William confronted Harryabout Meghan and Harry. In his book, spare accusesWilliam of pulling out tropes. from the tabloidsabout Meghan being pushy and and a bit of a above her stationand then the full blown fight.

Between the two brothers later onthat Harry writes about in his book spare, where there was this physicalconfrontation between William and Harry and the disagreements were always over. Meghan, I thinkthe worst thing that happened to them, I mean, the most dramatic, was the fight, in Nottingham Cottage went, Harry fell over and broke the brick, the dog bell, pushed, pushed by William. But I think the,the most serious thing was,.

William suggesting to Harry in the early daysof his relationship with Megan that possibly he was taking thingstoo fast and more generally, the coolness of, William and Kate towards Megan. and when I say the coolness,I mean, I think they're partly to blame. But also, I think Megan was difficult. So the failure of that relationship to William and Kate and Megan,.

That was the most serious thingin the rift between the two brothers. The rift was between the men. The brothers,who had seemed rock solid for so long. in the early daysit did appear to many that this was just tabloid scuttlebutt. But ultimately it's all been proven true because Meghan, according to her, was madeto feel uncomfortable not just by, William and Kate,but by other members of the royal family.

And it all ultimately led to an exit. Like 2019. Harry and Meghan embarkwith Archie on this fantastic tour of southern Africa, Angola, South Africa, Namibia. You. And the headlines were perfect. They were everythingthat they should have wanted. They were everything that, the court at KensingtonPalace had dreamt of.

This meticulously planned, royal tour where we were able to see that Harry and Meghan were ableto reach out to these places, southern Africa,a place so close to Harry's heart where he had doneso much charity work. I want you to know that for me,I am here with you as a mother, as a wife, as a woman,as a woman of colour, and as your sister. I'm incredibly proud to say that the UK is going to provide £8 millionfor skills for prosperity programme.

Working with South African governmentand other partners. Following them at the time, though, was an ITV documentary crewand Tom Bradby had conducted the interview with Williamand Kate on the day of their engagement. He, in the mid2000s, was a young royal editor at ITV who had been able to connectwith these young men in William and Harry in a way that few other royalcorrespondents were able to, and ultimately he had able to become somewhat of a friend,a bit of a mate to these two boys.

And so he'd been able to convinceKensington Palace that he was the right personto carry out, documentary The difficulties between those two to Williamand Kate's household and Harry and Meghan's householdwere really seen at their starkest, around the time,when the documentary about Harry and Meghan's tour of Southern Africawas about to come out. and William and Kate, just when they documentaries about Williamand Kate were on tour in Pakistan.

There was a pointed moment where Tom asks Meghan if she's okay, and the cracks start to appear and the tears begin welling up in the Duchess's eyes because she saysthat she'd never been asked that and no one really asks if she's okay. Yeah. Well,I guess and also, thank you for asking, because not many people have askedif I'm okay, but it's,.

It's a very real thingto be going through behind the scenes. And the answer is, would it be fair to say no, not really. Okay. And it's really been a struggle. Yes. She wasn't happy, she wasn't okay. And when that documentary went towhere a few weeks after the tour, there was proof. Prince Harry has tried to shieldhis wife and child.

I never thought that this would be easy,but I thought it would be fair for me and for my wife. You know, there's a there's. Of course,there's a lot of stuff that hurts, especiallywhen the majority of it is untrue. It's not enough to just survive something,right? That's not the point of life. You've got to thrive.You got to feel happy. Harry has been shown as a vulnerableyoung prince,.

Still strugglingwith the loss of his mother and trying to protect his familyfrom what he sees as a very real threat. there was a lot of bitterness, in William and Kate's householdbecause that story, when that came out that made headlines everywhereand it rather slightly overshadowed, William and Kate's tour of Pakistan,which is a big tour for them. so there were there wasthere were definite rows, between the two households then, and yes,some seriously, serious conversations. But at one point,.

William thought, well, you know,my brother is obviously the bad state. This is when he got back,he wanted to go and see him. and, they were speaking. I think they were speaking by WhatsApp. and, William said to Harry,you know, look, can I can I come around? Can I come around and see you at FrogmoreCottage in Windsor? and Harry was sort of okay about this, but then he said, well,who do you have to tell?.

And William said, well, you know,I have to tell my private secretary because I have to change my diary. I have to change my arrangements. and Harry said, well, don't come because if you tell your private secretary, if you tell your peopleyour stuff, it's going to leak. And I don't want it to leak. So the the level of mistrustbetween Harry, Meghan's people,and William Kate's people was that bad?.

That brother couldn't see brother,when he was having a hard time. yeah. After the documentary is the pressure is buildingbecause it's opened the door particularly for the British press,but also the US press as well. That is not immune from criticismin all of this. To start questioning Meghan's role,the relationship between Harry and Meghan and the relationship between both of themand the rest of the family Just days after leading the press packthrough four countries in southern Africa,.

Prince Harry with reporters and photographers in tow,chronicling his charity work for the world to see news of anotherfront opening up in the escalating battle between the Sussexesand Britain's tabloid papers. For we have proofnow that things aren't right behind the scenes on this tour, though,Harry and Meghan are engineering their first legal actionagainst the tabloid press for what Harry perceived to be intrusioninto his private life before Meghan arrived, he'sbeen alerted by lawyers to,.

What they considered to bephone hacking, press intrusion, blagging. By sources,that resulted in those tabloid stories being published about Prince Harry during,his years before Meghan. Two lawsuits filed in London's High Court the Duke of Sussex against news Groupand another against Meghan. Prince Harry is claimed to be amongthose victims, potentially when he was a teenager. Buckingham Palace,confirming the lawsuits relate to the illegal interceptionof voicemail messages.

It wasit was it was a very difficult time. but one thing you have to rememberis that it wasn't all about Meghan. One shouldn't make the mistakeof blaming Meghan for everything, because what you would, you have torealize is Harry was actually pretty unhappybefore she turned up. his his battles with the media long predated Meghan's arrival, and, one of the most interesting and perceptive things someone said to mewhile I was researching my book.

This is someone who'd been close to Harryat one point he said he didn't like what he and Meghan they've done, but in a way she did in The Greatest Kindnessbecause he was obviously unhappy. And she, she, she, she came along andshowed him her way out of the unhappiness. Who's in? in the run up to Christmas, clearly the pressure reaches a point wherethey don't want to be here in London. They don't even be in the UK.

They decide to head to Canada, they're going to spend Christmasin Canada, away from Harry's family. Probably not. The situation that the Queen certainlywill have hoped for. They spend six weeks awayto take time out. They return to London and their first engagementthat year as a symbol of thanks to the people of Canada, is a visit to CanadaHouse on Trafalgar Square in central London, and they're greetedby the high Commissioner.

They sit down for tea and they're thereto promote Canadian culture and values and the sort of thing that any memberof the royal family would rightly do for a not just a commonwealth nation,but a realm nation where the Queen is on the throne. But it was that night that the sun splasheswith news that Harry and Meghan arriving. They went out and again the the narrative that was the positive narrativethat was going to be portrayed of.

Yes. They've had their six weeks away. They're saying thanks to Canadait doesn't even get a couple of hours, at the top of the news websitesand the TV news before there's another story and Megxit is on. Harry and Meghan going rogue, resigning from the royal family. The way this has beenhandled is simply chaotic. The Sussexes determined to do thingstheir way, did just that.

Announcing the bombshell on Instagram. We intend to step back as senior membersof the Royal Family and work to become financially independent, while continuingto fully support Her Majesty The Queen. But the Queen wasn't told. That is therefore duplicitous or at best, an extraordinarily irresponsibleway to behave. Palace sources say the 93 yearold is deeply disappointed, releasing this terse statement. Discussions with the Duke andDuchess of Sussex are at an early stage.

We understand their desireto take a different approach, but these are complicated issuesthat will take time to work through. It's a statement of someone who has been sort of bowled overby an unexpected announcement, much like the rest of the world bombshellfrom Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Senior members of the royal familyappear blindsided. You've got the most recognisable members of the royal Familyinternational superstars. If you like, suddenly announcing tonight.

That they're going to step backas senior members of the Royals. I mean, it is quite staggering news. What began with a fairytale wedding is ending with a split confirmation of what one paper has dubbed hard Megxit. The quote. But Meghan, onceMeghan gets, is all too true. But I do think it's very sadthat it had to end up in this way. Ten days after revealingthey wanted out of the firm and following.

Days of tensefamily meetings and palace talks, a deal Harry and Meghan will makesignificant concessions to attempt what's being describedas a more independent life. The Sussexes won't publicly usetheir royal styles as his and Her Royal Highness. They won't draw on public fundsbecause they'll no longer carry out royal duties or represent the Queen. So that means no more royal tours. War veteran Harry will sever his militaryties, including as captain general.

Of the Royal Marines,and they'll repay the $4.5 million bill for renovations at Frogmore Cottagewithout have to start paying rent. Harry and Meghan have decidedthat the UK isn't for them. The royal family effectivelyisn't for them. And that's it. Off the off to Canada, pretty much. Meghan is already there. Harry is expected to join his wifeand son within days. He wants to make her happyand she obviously wasn't happy.

We didn't quite realise how much. It makes a very clean breakand everyone is clear about what they will be doingand there will be no blurred lines. I think this is a good solution,but questions remain about security costs, how the couple will earna living privately, and the nature of the commercial venturesthey intend to pursue. Charles will continue to give Harry cashfrom the Queen today. Harry, Meghan and Archie will alwaysbe much loved members of my family. I recognise the challengesthey have experienced.

As a result of intense scrutinyover the last two years, and supporttheir wish for a more independent life. Her Majesty saying she was particularlyproud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family. It is my whole family's hopethat today's agreement allows them to startbuilding a happy and peaceful new life. But for the Sussexes, as one paper has putit, that freedom has come at a cost. Harry and Meghan are gone. the royal lives are essentially over,.

And there's a gaping hole in the workcarried out by the royal family. Because this star couplethat had so effectively embraced, work that so many other membersof the royal family either were locked inor simply couldn't do because it would have been uncomfortablefor everyone involved. have have have walked away from thisglorious opportunity that they had to carry out work that they'd been vocalabout wanting to carry out. William and Kate kind of left,on their own as the sole standard bearers of the modern monarchy, that the Queenhad been very keen to push forward.

But most certainly thethen Prince Charles was trying to engineera slimmed down modern monarchy. But the star couple are gone, and Williamand Kate absolutely already,you know, so powerful in their own right and and glamorous in their own rightas well. A left to carry the can. And they are left in a difficult situationbecause they have a young family, three young kids, they want to raise them as much as they can in a normal environmentand be there for them.

But Harry and Meghan have bunked off and, it it immediatelyincreases the pressure on William and Kate to be there for the royal engagementsthat they're expected to carry out. Harry. Meghan is clearly tryingto forge their own path in Hollywood and trying to find their fate in a very non-royal environment,they're trying to really play on their Duke and Duchesstitles, albeit without, the HRH before them,.

And they start to go down a path that is so foreign to the royal familymembers of the Royal family have given interviews before,but they don't give interviews like the one that Harryand Meghan gave to Oprah. At home in California. Oh, my. You really are having a baby with a message for London. We did what we had to do.

One year after they left the so-called firm,the Duke and Duchess of Sussex lay bare. Britain's most revered family. Its divisions. Did you make Kate cry? No. And dysfunction. The first mixed race personto marry into the family claims. During her first pregnancy, an unnamedroyal figure raised rice as an issue. Conversations about how darkhis skin might be when he was born.

What? Those were conversationsthat family had with him. Meghan says she sought palace help,but she became dangerously depressed but was turned away. Were you having suicidal thoughts? Yes. This was very, very clear. For Queen Elizabeth's unambiguous praise,because the Queen, for example, has always been wonderful to me. Did you blindside the Queen? No.

I've never blindsided my grandmother. I have too much respect for her,but for Prince Charles. Harry says his dad hasn'tbeen returning his calls. There's a lot of workthrough the. You know, I. I feel really let down. it's clear that there are scores that Harry and Meghan feelthe need to settle. It's ugly, it's uncomfortable and, it's all being played outin the public realm.

There was a lot of fear surrounding it. Was very scaredof having to offer up our baby, knowingthat they weren't going to be kept safe. you won't be given security. It's not going to be given a title. Usuallywhen families have disagreements, it's in person over the phone, via WhatsApp. But very few families, their dirty laundryor their vengeance is in front of a globalTV audience of tens of millions of people.

The failure of that relationshipto William and Kate and Megan, that was the most serious thingin the rift between the two brothers. Just one month after the bombshellOprah interview aired. The House of Windsor was rocked again Withthe passing of their beloved patriarch. In April 2021, the sad news, emergesthat Prince Philip has died. He'd been sick for some time. Obviously, he'd been inand out of hospital here in London,.

But, it kind of as a bit of a shock. in large partbecause this was going to be a difficult funeral and mourning processfor the royal family to manage, because at the time, the UK wasthe subject of Covid restrictions, so they were only going to be 30 peopleinside Saint George's Chapelfor the Duke's funeral, Harry flies back alone. Meghan doesn't come with him. More than two yearssince they were last together in person,.

A month since Harry told the worldWilliam is trapped. Now a chance to heal the frictionthat we are told has arisen. Is a frictionbetter ended speedily as possible? Speaking to the BBC, formerprime Minister Sir John Major, who was appointed as a special guardianfor the brothers after Diana's death, the only British politicianinvited to the Sussexes wedding. A shared emotion, a shared grief at the present timebecause of the death of their grandfather, I think is an ideal opportunityand I hope very much.

That it is possible to mendany rifts that may exist. Prince Philip,who endured his own difficult childhood, nurtured his grandson Harryto follow in his footsteps. Both served in the armed forces. The Duke was in hospitalwhen those damaging accusations against the family were made in last month'sinterview. Philip's funeral on Saturdaywill be held at the same chapel where the world watchedHarry and Meghan wed in 2018. This time, all eyeswill be on a different relationship.

As Harry and William stand side by side. It was a ceremonial funeral with no fuss,designed by Prince Philip himself. Just like his hearse. A modified Land Rover to carry his coffinto Saint George's Chapel. On top of the casket in a sealed envelope. A private note from Her Majesty. On the toughest of days,the Duke of Edinburgh's children.

And grandchildren took the long walkto the chapel following the Land Rover. Today there would be no military uniformsas traditionally worn. The Queen ordering them instead to wear suits with military medalsto avoid controversy. Charles and Anne taking the lead. But it was William and Harrymost people were watching. Her Majesty making the journeyin her Bentley with a lady in waiting. It was our first glimpse of the Queenon her day of heartbreak, wearing a face mask,according to Britain's Covid rules.

Then, at 3 p.m., as the Duke's coffin reached the chapelentrance, gunfire as the United Kingdom fell silentin a mark of respect. Number one, the one. Five on. Inside the chapel. A haunting image of the Queen. Alone and barely visible. With a big hat.

And that mask hiding her face. Socially distantfrom the rest of her family. Listening to the Dean of Windsor. Giving thanks for the remarkable lifeof her husband with grateful hearts, we remember the many ways in which his long lifehas been a blessing to us. We have been inspiredby his unwavering loyalty to our Queen, by his service to the nationand the Commonwealth, by his courage, fortitude and faith.

At the end of the funeral, there's a momentwhere it appears that Kate engineers a, a small, walk in talk between the two brothers. It's the first public reproachthat we've seen in many, many months between the two brotherswho it is now absolutely clear. And it is without doubt that there is arift between the two of them. Surely one image that would gladdenthe heart of the Queen on such a day?.

Well, it is often said that funeralsare moments of reconciliation and that is a sight, let's be honest,that many people really wanted to see, not least those in the family themselves. It looks like that the funeral might be the momentwhere, these two young men who've losta grandfather that they deeply adored. might be able to mend those bridgesand to bring some happiness to their father as well,who's clearly distressed at the way that this relationshipbetween the two boys has fallen apart.

Unfortunately, it didn't last long In September of 2022. The royal family changed forever. few moments ago, Buckingham Palace announced the death of Her MajestyQueen Elizabeth the Second. Breaking news from Scotlandhere at Balmoral, where Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second has passed awayat the age of 96. The Queen is dead at 96. Elizabeth the Second is gone.

The Queen died peacefully at Balmoralthis afternoon. The King and Queen consortwill remain at Balmoral this eveningand will return to London tomorrow. The death of my beloved mother,her Majesty the Queen, is a moment of the greatest sadness for meand all members of my family. We mourn profoundlythe passing of a cherished sovereign and a much loved mother. I know her loss will be deeply feltthroughout the country, the realms, and the Commonwealth,.

And by countless people around the worldduring this period of mourning and change. My family and I will be comfortedand sustained by our knowledge of the respect and deep affectionin which the Queen was so widely held. September 2022, the Queen's death catchesmany people off guard. Yes, we knew that she was sick,but just a few days before we'd seen the Queen, albeitlooking frail, at Balmoral for the changeover between Prime MinistersBoris Johnson and Liz Truss. that happened on the Tuesday.

But by this Thursday Her Majesty had diedIt is a day of great loss, but Queen Elizabeththe Second leaves a great legacy. and there is a scrambleby members of the royal family to get to Balmoralto try and be there in time. The procession of senior royalsthen scrambled to be by his side. Prince William drove his uncles Andrew and Edward, and the Countessof Wessex to join the rest of the family. Too late, though, to see their motherand grandmother before she died. PrinceHarry also rushed to Balmoral alone.

Visibly upset, more than an hour after herdeath was announced to the World, Harry and Meghan had been in Europeto promote the impending Invictus Games in Dusseldorf in Germany,and that in fact carry it out and engagementin, England as well. So they were in the country,which was quite fortuitous, but it meant that it exposed again the,just how outside the royal family Harry was now perceivedbecause, Prince William, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward, were able to scramble to Balmoral on a royal flight.

Harry is left behindto catch a commercial flight to Aberdeen. An early exit for the Duke of Sussex. Harry, the King's youngest son. Fast tracked airside at Aberdeen Airport on a commercial planeshortly before his brother boarded a jet. Their final destination Windsor, stayinghundreds of metres apart, the Duke by himself mingling with staffbefore boarding a British Airways flight to London,ending a very short lived family reunion. So if Harry felt likehe was on the outside,.

There was proofthat he most certainly was, albeit to some extent of his own making,because keep in mind, it was Harry and Meghan's decisionto leave royal duties. On the Long Walk in Windsor, they were commemoratingthe long life of Queen Elizabeth. Windsor Castle was her favourite homeand the 96 year old was returning to it. Now, forever into the embraceof a welcome that broke all precedent. She travelled from one end of the country to the otherthese last ten days.

But here the journey was nearing its end. For mostwho came to say goodbye, it's difficult to imagine the Britain of 1952when Elizabeth became queen. But it's even harder to imagine a Windsorand a world without her after the passing of the Queen, PrinceHarry made an announcement. It's soon apparentthat Harry is working on a memoir. Well, it's bluntand it's pretty straight to the point.

Spare is the title of Prince Harry'supcoming memoir, a riff on the old adage the ER and the spare, a referenceto the line of royal succession and words. Of course, Harry has lived his lifein the shadow of a publisher. Penguin random House is that for Harry? This is his story at last, and it's toldwith raw, unflinching honesty. And that, should, royal watcherssay, raised nerves within the palace. The memoir will chart Harry's childhood,his mother's death and the reasons why he decidedto move his family to the United States. by the time the book came out it'svery clear.

That Harry is taking vengeance and he's,for want of a better term, dropping bombs So far, Harry's memoir has sold750,000 copies across the UK, making it the fastestselling memoir of all time. In addition to talking about what happenedin Afghanistan, we know he reveals a lot almost everything about the relationship with his family,including that physical altercation. his brother on. He's quite keen,it seems to portray himself.

As somewhat of a victim. He is dirty. Laundryabout his relationship with his brother. He details disagreements, arguments,physical fights between the two brothers. He describeshis stepmother Camilla as a villain, and he doesn't castKate in the most positive light either. then he wonder what's left to tell. After his unsparing TV interviews, she was the villain talking hereabout his stepmother, the Queen consort.

How is she dangerous? Because of the need for herto rehabilitate her image. That made her dangerous. That made her dangerousbecause of the connections that she was forgingwithin the British press. It meansthat William doesn't just have reason to fall out with his brother,but his father, who is now the King, is overwhelmingly disappointed,no doubt in his son, for going after the loveof his own life in prison.

The Windsor home was a wedding giftfrom Harry's late grandmother, but after the publicationof his explosive memoir in January, the King has reportedly offeredthe keys to his brother Prince Andrew,the Duke of York, resisting the pressure to downsize from his current mansionas old family tensions dominate a new reignSo the feud reaches a new high point where Harry is literally publishing details of this family breakdown. for the world to read.

And it would seem for profit. A new dawn over Buckingham Palace. King Charlesthe Third, its new primary residence. The new normalafter the world saluted Queen Elizabeth the Second for the final time. Buckingham Palace. The place where Charles was born. Today marked new beginnings. He and Queen Camilla carried inthe Australian made diamond jubilee coach.

Drawn by six Windsor Greys and escortedby 200 cavalry and the King's procession. Everything precision plannedexcept for the weather. They say long to reign over us. And today it did. In a word, miserable. But the crowds didn't flinch,and nor did the troops. It looked spectacular. The bellsannounce the arrival of the ceremony's final guests, Charles and Camilla. They were followed by the Princeand Princess of Wales and their children,.

Britain'slast coronation was for the Queen. 1953 Charles was full. Since then,this place has hosted her funeral and that of ex-wife Diana'spersonal low points. Today a life. Hi, climax of the day. His life. The crowning. At over two kilos, it's extremely heavy. The symbolic weight far heavier.

74 year old Charles Philip. Arthur. George. King Charles the Third. It will be a popularity boostthe monarchy desperately needs, but in the meantime,Charles, the caretaker King. Could todayat least sing along with the fans? Happy and glorious. Charles is now the King and he would have no doubt dreamt,.

That and hoped that his two sons, his two precious boys, would have been thereto support him during his reign. In reality, it's only William and Katewho are really there in this slimmed downmonarchy alongside, yes, Princess Anne and and the new Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh,Edward and Sophie. But because Harry and Meghan are gone,there's a gaping hole of use in the royal family and those who areavailable to carry out royal duties. And that is exacerbated in early 2024, when Kate goes into hospitalfor two weeks for abdominal surgery.

She's out of action for many, many weeks. when it comes to Princess Kate's recent health woes,they've stayed mum. Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, was admitted to the hospitalfor a planned abdominal surgery. The precise details are top secret,with reports suggesting the Duchess is determinedto keep her health battle private. I think the palace, the palace view is alwaysto minimize the amount of information.

That you put up, because everythingyou put out prompts more questions. every new thing you do sparks another24 hours or another week of coverage, William cancels engagements to look after his wife and,of course, their three young children. on the day that it is revealed that Kate is already in hospital for her abdominal surgery, the King needs to go in for an enlarged but benign prostate.

So we are forewarnedthat Charles needs to go into hospital. He spends the weekend in the same, private London clinic as his daughter in law, but it emerges a week later that the King has cancer. It's the mantrathe royals have lived by for decades. Never complain. Never explain. But not anymore. In January, King Charles underwent surgeryfor an enlarged prostate.

How are you feeling?Then came a shock announcement. We Palace has released a statementrevealing the news that Prince Charles is being diagnosedwith cancer. receivedbreaking news from Buckingham Palace, which has announced that the Kinghas been diagnosed with cancer. Buckingham Palace says His Majesty has today commenceda schedule of regular treatments, during which time he's been advised by doctorsto postpone public facing duties. after the announcementthat Charles does have cancer is made,.

Harry, very quickly, tells the worldthat he is going to travel to the UK to see his father, and in fact, he's very quickly at LAXfor the flight across to London. He touches down and he's granted barely half an hourwith his father at Clarence House. and then very quickly is back out to Heathrow to head back to, to LA. Prince Harry,jumped on a plane immediately and headed over here from his home basein California, he touched down.

And went straight to Clarence Housefor a 45 minute meeting with his father. I jumped on the plane andwas going to see him as soon as I could. How was that visit for you emotionally? look, I love I love my family. The fact that I was lucky that I was able to get on a plane and goand see him and spend any time with him. I'm grateful for that. What's sort of your outlook on onhis health that stays between me and him? it's almost absurd.

That, a father and son relationship has descended to the pointwhere Harry isn't even invited up to Sandringhamto spend the night with his father and not just even support him, but be there. The Duke of Sussex is Mia. one of the most difficult timesfor the monarchy. We come on air this morningwith some major breaking news. It was a message unlike any beforefrom the Princess of Wales. After weeks of worry, questionsand speculation about her health,.

Britain's Princess Kate has publiclyrevealed she is being treated for cancer. In January, I underwent majordomino surgery in London, and at the time it was thought that mycondition was non-cancerous. The surgery was successful, however, tests after the operation oncancer had been present. Kate's cancer diagnosiscapping off a difficult few months for the royal family around the timeshe underwent abdominal surgery in mid-January, the king was treatedfor an enlarged prostate, announcing weeks later that he has cancer.

Early March, the princesspublished a photo of her children, later pulled by international news agenciesbecause it had been digitally altered. Kate later said she'd added to the image,all the while her absence from the public eye fuelledconspiracy theories about her wellbeing. from Buckingham Palace. His Majesty is so proud of Catherinefor her courage in speaking as she did Harry and Meghan, saying we wish healthand healing for Kate and the family and hope they are able to do so privatelyand in peace. And little brother James Middleton,.

We have climbed many mountains togetheras a family. We will climb this one with you to hell. I'd like to take this opportunity to saythank you also for the kind messages of support for Catherine andfor my father, especially in recent days. It means a great deal to us all. it becomes really clear that the modern monarchythat Charles had pushed so hard for, that had been criticised,in fact, by Princess Anne, is now too slim.

And that is in part because Harry and Meghan didn't want to be a part of it. Harry's trip to the UK is so brief that he doesn't, go to Windsor,to Adelaide Cottage to see his brotheror a sister in law who herself is pretty. You but now the relationship is so brokenthat they don't even see each other. I just don't see them coming back. obviously, you know, KingCharles's illness. you know that that prompted Harryto come back to see his father?.

But, you know, I, I can't see any signs of any serious rapprochementbetween the brothers. So there might be a bit more rapprochementbetween father and son, but it's going to be a slowand painful process. And Meghan has no desire to come back. We see we she just launchedthis new brand, hasn't she? so she's, you know, she's definitely she. Her life is in America,where her life is, Harry's life is.

And of course, that'swhere the kids are going to be. So I can't see Harry coming back inany significant way. He might come back a bit more often. It may be if the family relations improve. A bitch, you might see him occasionally. It's the family functions,but carrying out official duties. So I think that'sprobably a bit of a stretch. at variouspoints over the last couple of years, there are long periods of silencebetween the two brothers.

There are text messagesthat don't get answered. it is a complete disintegration of what was a, very, very strong bond between these two little boys who became teenagers,who became young men, with important rolesto carry out in a millennium old monarchy. And it is William who is now on his own. And at some point William will be king. And it is now very clear,if the current situation persists,.

That the man that he could have expectedto rely on to be there for him, for the firm, for the country, really isn't going to be he at all. This relationship is clearly been throughpeaks and troughs over the last couple of years since Harry got married, but it would appear that right now this relationship is so brokenthat it appears so irretrievable. Not even the King'sdiagnosis has been able.

To restore or repairany element of this relationship. if Charles gets very, very ill,which I hope won't happen, but it's possibleyou don't know what's going on. it's possiblethe brothers could see each other, that even they think, you know,we've got to overcome this, this, this rift. and just put on a good face,for the sake of our dad. Didn't remember thatfamous thing that Charles said. Know, don't make my final years of misery.

So they might put on agood, you know, a good show. if there was a low point, this right now is one of them. I don't think there's any chance, of them having a serious reconciliationin the near future. too many painful things being said forthose wounds to be healed any time soon. The relationship is so broken, potentially so irretrievable, that, it's going to clearly take.

Potentially another cataclysmic eventto change things. We don't know what that might be,but for the most part, they are the broken brothers. And there doesn't seem a pathout of this current situation.

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