Deepening Russia-China ties: Here is what you would possibly want to know


Deepening Russia-China ties: Here is what you would possibly want to know

Richard hos senior councel at Center viiew Partners at president amerus of Council on Foreign Relations it's great to see you good to be back you see those images and you think what about Putin and she yeah look this is an aess that's been growing in the last couple of years evil aess they clearly uh oppose an American Le.

Dominated world the Chinese have moved awfully close to the Russians in in Ukraine and Chinese while as best I can tell are not providing them arms they're providing them with the capacity to to to make arms and you know I think what we live in we live in a world now where all the hopes that you would have great power coordination and cooperation are.

Dashed and the real question for the most part is is not what we can achieve in foreign policy but what we can avoid because quite honestly neither of these countries has emerged as a partner okay we have no do we have any leverage over Russia not a whole lot over Russia we have no Leverage but we have any L Lage over Russia is is our.

Support for Ukraine and now that the spigots been turned on we'll see how that plays out over time over China look not not a whole lot uh I you know what the administration did the other day with the higher tariffs is one form of Leverage it's basically telling the Chinese you can't get away with a return to an export-led growth model you can't.

Subsidize your workers and your Factories at the expense of ours that gives us a little bit of of of Leverage we can strengthen Taiwan we can work closely with Japan again we're not going to bring about a China that's going to be a a partner the question is can we push back against China so it doesn't do things that we don't want to see Richard.

It seems like any other country objective country other than Russia would look at what happened in Ukraine and you know at least see that that that in World Order and just whatever you want to call it that was horrific what Russia orchestrated that so is China so uh I guess its own self-interest uh align it with Russia or.

Is it just completely ignore all the the you know what's happened in terms of uh the human casualties and the C does China not care because they do the same thing to the Wagers is that basically it they're both is it an evil axis I guess is what I'm saying it's a little bit too strong I don't think that's a priority for what you're getting at I think look.

The good news is China was sobered by the Russian experience in Ukraine the fact that the West went to bat for Ukraine is strongly as it did she Shing must think a little bit about hm Putin's Army didn't perform so well my own but no second thoughts about look at what they did to look at what they did to those cities and the number of but I.

Guess people say that about us backing Israel so it's it's all in the eye of the beholder I think for the Chinese point of view this is the cost of if you will a foreign policy I don't think I don't think that gives them no recriminations look think about it what's the biggest priority for China when xiin ping speaks about the.

Rejuvenation which is his favorite word of the Chinese Nation it's no longer about high levels of economic growth which it would have been 10 or 20 years ago it's about about Taiwan it's a foreign policy goal not an economic goal it's not a goal about what's going to happen inside Chinese Society this is a this is a somewhat different China but.

Let me ask you this this is Jamie Diamond uh who was speaking with wi for trust yesterday he says we should be strategic be very thoughtful and fully engage with China fully engaged with China they are not an enemy he says they are competing and they want to but then he goes on to say they want a different world than we.

Want the free and Democratic Western world it is worth fighting for so I'll let you parse Jam's use of language there but look it's not the Cold War China unlike the Soviet Union is fully integrated economically in the world they're everywhere we can't keep them out but look we've got to we've got to have 2020 Vision we can selectively.

Economically cooperate big Market still but for strategic Goods we got to be really wary about helping them uh we've got to understand the threat they pose to our own workers and and all that in foreign policy in most instances we are not on the same page can we maybe find some ways limited to cooperate I don't know but they haven't used their.

Influence with North Korea North Korea continues to build up its missile force and its nuclear force they haven't been a big help with Iran as best I can tell though the Chinese are the Iran's biggest uh importer uh of oil they haven't been we just talked about they haven't been helpful with Ukraine doesn't make him an enemy but I think.

You've got to get up in the morning and say the United States and China are not aligned where do you think the relationship is between Israel and the United States and the bid Administration Sarah had a good interview yesterday with President arms embargo starting to crack well it's not it never was an arms that that 99% of US military aid close.

To $4 billion do a year is going to Israel so enough with the arms embargo talk the United States has been and is extraordinarily supportive the interesting story out of isra and I was just there a few days ago the interesting story is what is going on inside the Israeli government you've got the Israeli defense minister openly.

Breaking with the Israeli Prime Minister and saying it makes no sense to just go after Hamas militarily this idea that you can be sequential let's try to quote unquote eliminate Hamas which is an impossible task and then we're going to think about what comes after he said no we've got to think about what comes after now we need an integrated policy.

We need a political track in addition to a military track this is member of the inner War cabinet for the first time the the pressures inside the Israeli government have surfaced

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3 thoughts on “Deepening Russia-China ties: Here is what you would possibly want to know

  1. God, your whole world is already sick of American international coverage. I will’t live up in your whole world to gaze at the model of international coverage household between Russia and China and have: rattling, why can’t we assemble household in the same intention? Why must some country, which, in its notion, has the strongest navy and financial system (and actually, in the first or 2d case right here is now not the case), which is also located on the different facet of the globe, must characterize us with whom to design chums and swap, and against whom to wrestle and impose sanctions? let's assemble household devour Russia and China and let's be chums with them? Hello People, safe up! the sector no longer lives in the 90s and 00s, the sector has changed and it’s time so that you just can swap too

  2. The US has pushed Russia and China's strategic partnership forward by decades. The Biden administration as soon as more has blundered into one other international coverage catastrophe. The US sanctions against Russia's vitality markets used to be intended to smash Russia's financial system, nonetheless it completely has failed miserably. Russia's GDP has endured to enhance regardless of the Wests sanctions. Germany and France bring collectively paid the value for Biden's failure by tripling their vitality costs. In desire to shopping Russian oil and gasoline straight away, they now are compelled to pay a middleman, India. Before the West's sanctions, India used to be shopping lower than 1% of Russian oil, its now accounts for 40%, with the overflow being sold to US's allies in Europe devour France and Germany. “Being a enemy to the US is unsafe, nonetheless to be a friend is fatal”. – Henry Kissinger.

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