Demand Length – January 30, 2024


Demand Length – January 30, 2024

Questions The Honorable leader of the official opposition Mr Speaker after eight years the Prime Minister has said that he had no choice but to double the national debt increase inflation and interest rates because all spending was absolutely necessary yet we've learned today that among the.

54 million spent on the arve can application 76% of the Consultants hired did no work at all will the Prime Minister get our money back and stop the waste going to have this The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance thank you Mr Speaker Mr Speaker Canadians understand very very well that.

When the conservatives talk about spending what they want to do is make Cuts they want to cut dental care for Canadians they want to cut child care services they want to cut investments in the green economy that is the reality of conservative politics which is so dangerous for Canada The Honorable.

Leader of the opposition we will cut the $54 million spent on the arrive can app which is an example of corruption and scandal from the Liberals in addition there's the carbon tax on Farmers I said the other day that the leader of the block supports 100% of the economic policies of the.

Liberals spending taxes higher inflation higher interest rates and he went he flipped out but the block leader said he will do an about face and will vote to keep the carbon tax on Farmers barns how much will it cost farmers and those who buy food The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker.

Obviously as an anglophone a member for Ontario I can't speak for the block but I know that Quebec the nation of Quebec understands the importance of the environment understands the importance of industrial investments in the green economy we are proud to do so we are proud to do it with the support of all.

Of the members who understand the importance of this for Canada The Honorable member The Honorable leader of the opposition when the Prime Minister doubled the debt drove inflation and interest rates to their highest levels in a generation he said he had no choice every penny he spent was necessary Along Comes arve can a $54 million app we.

Didn't need didn't work and could have been done for $200 or $300,000 now we learn uh based on the ombudsman's audit that 76% of the contractors did absolutely no work for the money they received will the Prime Minister get taxpayers back this stolen money and stop the waste that is not worth the.

Cost The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker Canadians have learned learned through bitter experience that when conservatives talk about the public finances what they're really talking about is cutting the government support Canadians depend on what they are talking about is cutting.

Early Learning and child care which is supporting labor force participation at record levels in Canada and by the way making life more affordable for Canadian families they want to cut Dental Care Mr Speaker they want to cut essential investments in our green future indeed indeed The Honorable leader of the opposition we want to cut weights and.

Mismanagement that has risen to a level that is not worth the cost after eight years of this prime minister speaking of wasteful uh this prime minister loves to lecture Canadians on how they use energy uh he says that he's just like every other Canadian when he stays with a friend at an $889,000 a week vacation the average Canadian emits 15 tons of.

Carbon per year his trip emitted 100 tons of carbon in one week did he pay the full carbon tax on each ton he admitted for his luxurious vacation The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister Finance Mr Speaker since we're asking questions of MPS I have a couple of questions for the leader of the.

Opposition I'd like to know how much heating the 19 room government mansion that he lives in cost that would be interesting for Canadians to understand and you know the good news for Canadians is we're helping them with the cost of heating with the carbon rebate so I want to know did his family cash their carbon rebate check it's almost 1,000 bucks The.

Honorable leader of the opposition I can tell the the member that I pay for my own vacations and that of my family and M Mr Speaker Canadians who pay for their own vacations are also paying too much for food we have a bill a common sense conservative Bill c 2 3 4 that would take the carbon tax off the farmers that feed us and the consumers.

That desperately need to put nutrition on their table will the Prime Minister stop stop blocking the bill pass this law so that Canadians can afford food The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance you know Mr Speaker people who live in Glass Houses really should not throw stones and the leader of the opposition may be bragging.

About what he pays for but I think Canadians should understand he doesn't pay any rent on that 19 room mansion that he lives in in fact he's been on the government payroll for more than 20 years and he qualified for a full pension at 35 Mr Speaker and now he wants to take the rebates away from Ontario families a th000 bucks a year he.

Wants to take that away that was The Honorable member for The Honorable member for La yesterday the Prime Minister said that immigration levels are based on our ability to welcome and integrate great newcomers unfortunately that is totally false in 2022 his Public Service warned him that if he increased his immigration.

Targets he would worsen among among other things the housing crisis the Prime Minister did it anyway now he must correct his lack of judgment on November 1st the prime minister pledged to review his immigration targets starting in 2024 based on intake capacity after Consulting Quebec will he keep his word then I have the honorable Minister.

Of Housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker we are welcoming people and building housing at the same time that is why we are negotiating an agreement with Quebec for $2.8 billion to build 23,000 housing units and with our partners in Quebec to welcome newcomers who contribute.

Essential skills to our economy and build houses at the same time I The Honorable member for Le the Liberals knew that raising immigration levels would worsen the housing crisis they did it anyway and now even with the consequences staring them in the face they're not even correcting the situation no on the contrary in 2024.

They'll increase again to 485,000 people in 2025 500,000 people even in the midst of a crisis they continue to increase immigration targets against the advice of their public service and economists when will they be responsible enough to adjust their targets to our capacity have the honorable minister of immigration refugees and citizenship the.

Member opposite seems to forget that we have a unique agreement with Quebec the Canada Quebec agreement that transfers over $700 million an ually to Quebec to manage its levels they have the almost exclusive capacity to choose the people who go to Quebec we will work with Quebec to ensure that it works with their capacity but I'd like to ask a a.

Question he seems to want to cut immigration where would he want to cut the honorable member from from bnab South what do you get with 24 liberal MPS in Toronto a housing crisis at Davenport MP that gas lights and attacks the city and the housing workers that are struggling to make sure people have a place to call home whether you born.

Here or moved here no one should live on the streets the city and the housing groups are just asking the liberal government to do their fair share so will the Liberals provide the $250 million that Toronto needs now here here The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Finance Mr Speaker I'd like to thank the.

Member opposite for the very important question and for pointing to the importance of the great City I have the privilege of representing Toronto which is such an engine of economic growth for our entire country Mr Speaker we are having very constructive conversations with the city of Toronto and with the province of Ontario we are providing 1.5.

Billion dollar for Toronto in 2324 we're there for Toronto more than any government in Canad The Honorable member for bnab South you need to let down Toronto yesterday the minister of Industry gave me a good laugh he said he was disappointed in the big grocery.

Chains after asking people to look at the Flyers and after failing to stabilize prices he concluded that another investigation was needed we know the problem people are being ripped off while CEOs are lining their pockets when will the Liberals stop protecting the profits of big.

Grocers The Honorable minister of innovation I'd like to thank my colleague for his important question Mr Speaker the price of groceries is an issue that affects all Canadians that is why Mr Speaker Canadians understand that the best way to stabilize prices in the medium and long term is to have more competition in the country that is.

Exactly why we've amended the competition act in December to give more power to the competition agent and yesterday I asked him to use his new powers to help stabilize prices in Canada the leader of the NDP should be pleased with that action The Honorable member from Thornhill another year means another.

Carbon tax increase on April 1st it was minus 50 in some places in this country where Canadians can't even afford to heat their homes yes yesterday the Finance Minister lectured Canadians on her outof Touch version of events and then we learned that the Liberals were going to change the name of the carbon tax taking money out of the pockets of.

Canadians rebranded is still taking money out of their pockets so instead of paying highprice Consultants to remove the car to remove the carbon tax or change the carbon tax name they should take some free advice and cancel it April 1st The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of.

Finance Mr Speaker let me tell you what is really out of touch what what is out of touch is for a Toronto MP like the one oppos sitting opposite to be saying to the people of Ontario to the hardworking families of Ontario we are going to take away the $974 you are getting back thanks to the.

Price on solution we're going to cut that money that goes directly to your family budget oh and by the way we're going to cut daycare and dental care along the way too that's not going to help anyone in cancer The Honorable member from Thorn Hill Mr Speaker I I have don't remember a government so indifferent to the.

Plight of Canadians her advice of cutting Disney plus is cold comfort to the woman who's putting water in her children's milk the cost of some produce is up 94% since she got here they can lower the cost of food of gas of Home Heating by canceling the increase instead of quadrupling the tax they paused it for one region where their MPS.

Re revolted where are the rest of their silent MPS who should be speaking up for their neighbors that are asking to cancel the increase here minister for and Deputy Prime Minister you know Mr Speaker when it comes to being out of touch with regular Canadians let me tell you what was out of touch it was having a temporary.

Leader who charged 20 20 grand to move into her temporary house and then charge Canadian taxpayers more than $5,000 for bed and bath Linens that's for towels and sheets and Mr Speaker what Canadians need to know is these conservatives would cut child care they would cut dental care and they would cut the carbon rebate people are getting the.

Honorable member from Lakeland that Prime Deputy Prime Minister is so out of touch this is the truth after 8 years Canadians can't afford to eat heat or house themselves last year 2 million Canadians needed help from food banks every month that's a shocking 78% increase from just two years before and food banks say 2024 will be even worse.

The conservative Common Sense bill c234 would take the tax off Farmers to lower food prices right now but the Liberals Force Senators to gut it so why won't the Liberals ask the tax from Farmers to bring down food prices for Canadian The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister of Finance Mr Speaker we will take no.

Lessons from these austerity conservatives when it comes to supporting the most vulnerable Canadians since we formed government 2.3 million Canadians have been lifted out of poverty and the poverty rate has fallen from 14.5% when they were in government to 7.4% they want to cut child care they.

Want to cut dental care and that MP from Alberta wants to cut the $1500 Alberta families are getting from the price on pollution theable member from Lakeland well listen the liberal schemes scams and spin jobs don't help the millions of desperate hungry Canadians struggling just to get by every single month this.

Is a fact when you tax the farmer who produces the food the trucker who ships the food and then the cost of heating and cooling and storing the food Canadians can't afford the food but these out of touch carbon tax Crusaders they don't care and they're going to quadruple it on April 1st conservatives will ask the tax for all for good but.

Why won't these liberals just pass Bill c234 reject the Senate amendments tax the tax on farmers and bring down food prices today The Honorable minister speaker I'll tell you where conservatives were focused just over a week ago a who's who collection of conservatives gathered for.

A pep talk from Far Right us commentator Tucker Carlson colleagues colleagues colleagues it's important once again for.

Us to be able to hear the questions and hear the answers I know that yesterday if you will recall there was a member who had complained about the noise level which made it difficult especially for people who need to listen to translation then I have the honorable Minister Mr Speaker last week A Who's Who of conservatives gathered in Alberta.

For a lecture and a series with farri right commentator Tucker Carlson and in that speech one of them which focused and which had the premier Danielle Smith attend we heard attacks on frankophones homophobic jokes and traditional best hits of magga politicians Mr Speaker a conservative nomination candidate in my writing went on Twitter had lots of fun.

On it here's the question will his leader stand with the candidate or call him out or is he standing with Tucker Carlson The Honorable member from L tent middle sex Mr Speaker after eight years of this.

NDP liberal government Canadians who used to belong to the middle class are going hungry the Prime Minister and his radical environment Minister know that if it costs a farmer more to grow food it's going to cost Canadians more to buy food this prime minister is not worth the cost Farmers ranchers and producers are asking for Bill c234 to lower their.

Costs so will the Liberals finally reject the Amendments from bill c234 from the Senate remove the carbon tax completely and lower the price of food for all Canadians here here The Honorable Minister for agriculture agar food thank you very much Mr Speaker I fully understand the importance of looking after the land.

Being a farmer I fully understand and taking steps to prepare the industry for the future Mr Speaker that's why we invested as a government government $1.5 billion to make sure our farmers and ranchers and processors are ready for the future we are going to continue to make sure our farmers and ranchers remain on The Cutting Edge thank you Mr.

Speaker The Honorable member from Lon Kent middlex Mr Speaker the 2 million Canadians who rely on food banks deserve better than that cheap deflection one in five Ontario households who struggle to put food on their tables deserve better they need this government to stop inflating food prices they need the.

Prime minister to stand up to his radical environment Minister and carve out the inflationary carbon tax for our Farmers producers and ranchers so will the Liberals finally do the right thing reject the Senate amendments to Bill c234 remove the carbon tax for farmers and lower the price of food for.

Canadians again if I could ask members especially members whose voices do carry the member from Calgary Signal Hill please to allow the question to be asked so that the speaker can hear it clearly The Honorable right here uh minister of.

Agriculture and Agri food thank you very much Mr Speaker and I appreciate my honorable colleague's question but being a farmer she must fully understand it's so important that we invest in what farmers do when you see what takes place across the country with the devastating fires the devastating floods it's so important that we take care of the.

Environment Farmers fully understand you have to take care of the land you have to take care of the environment and if not your food price will increase dramatically we are and will continue to make sure we support our farmers and ranchers right across this country well done then I have the honorable member for Lex s.

Since 2021 the federal government has been withholding the money at 's Quebec for receiving Asylum Seekers it's been so long that the bill has reached $470 million yesterday finally Ottawa leaked to the papers that it would be announcing some good news today it's quarter to three and still nothing yesterday in his first answer in.

2024 the minister talked about plane Politics on the backs of immigrants do you know what plane politics at the expense of immigrants is it is withholding for years the money needed to provide them with Services where is the money The Honorable minister of immigration refugees and.

Citizenship Mr Speaker the member was here in the house he didn't learn that in the news I announced that there would be good news this week it will be under my authority it won't be meeting all of the demands of Quebec but it will be we will will be supporting them in receiving Asylum.

Seekers and supporting Quebec in its efforts to ensure that these people are accompanied well this is a responsibility at both levels of government and we will continue our good work together The Honorable member for Lex Quebec doesn't play Politics on the backs of immigrants these people need services and Quebec is scrambling to.

Provide them at Quebec's expense people first money later it's only here in Ottawa that politics is lacking it's just here that the government has been trying for years to save money on the backs of Asylum Seekers and quebeckers today I invite the federal government to take up its.

Responsibilities where is the $470 million The Honorable minister of immigration refugees and citizenship Mr Speaker you'll agree that it's not saving money to to give $700 million a year to Quebec under the Canada Quebec agreement in addition to the $700 million we've never asked for accounting but there will need to be a conversation.

About that with Quebec we're ready to do so we've had good discussions already and there will be good news later this week The Honorable member for Le obviously the heart of the matter is the quality of services offered to Asylum seek seers money is essential but it's about much more than money last year alone quebecers welcomed more than.

65,000 Asylum Seekers almost half the total for the whole of Canada our public services and Community organizations are overwhelmed we don't have enough resources our capacity has been exceeded so in the interest of fairness but above all to guarantee Asylum Seekers adequate services will the minister finally organize the.

Distribution of the reception of Asylum Seekers with the provinces The Honorable minister of immigration the member opposite has admitted that it's a responsibility of both levels of government yet last year he claimed it was only Canada that had to spend money it's clear that we will work together that we need to do more.

Work there are two provinces that are overwhelmed Quebec and Ontario it's a work that we can do together we are a federation The Honorable member from Hastings lenx sington Mr Speaker for far too many Canadians the dream of home ownership is dead and it lays squarely on this liberal NDP Government after 8 years mortgages have doubled and a.

Staggering three out of four families cannot afford a home Canadians know that this prime minister is not worth the cost a cost brought about by a truly impressive mix of arrogance and indifference to the suffering of many Canadians Mr Speaker when will this government take a break from their Jamaican junkets and actually address.

The housing hell in Canada yeah The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker with respect my honorable colleague is simply trying to pray on the very real anxiety that families are feeling across this country well at the same time she advances a plan that will build fewer homes than we.

Are already on track to build we have removed the GST from home building in this country the conservatives want to put it back on we are investing directly in affordable housing the conservatives want to cut it and we have put a $4 billion fund on the table to reduce red tape with cities and they've committed to doing away with that too we'll get.

The homes built they only stand in the way your honorable member from Hastings lenx Addington Mr Speaker more empty words while Canadians are spiraling out of control it's not only home ownership that this liberal NDP government has managed to turn from a dream into a nightmare but it's rent as well in the last two years alone rent has increased.

By 22% that's nearly $400 a month after eight years of their war on affordable housing and rent this government is forcing Canadians out from the suburbs and into tent cities and parking lots Mr Speaker when will this government stop the photo ops and actually fix the housing and affordability crisis hammering.

Canadians The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker for years the conservative approach to policies that will actually help people is to pray on their anxieties rather than Advanced ideas that will actually address them the member is supporting her Leader's plan which is going to build fewer homes.

Than we are already on track to build we have removed the GST from Apartments to help bring down rent she's campaigning on a commitment to put that GST back on for a lot of middle class Apartments which will increase the cost of living when it comes to affordable housing we have put programs in place to support their construction they have promised to.

Cut it we are going to continue to put money on the table to build more homes their policies will drive upright before I give the floor to the member for Louis L I will invite members out of respect for those who need to listen to the to the interpretation to please stop.

Commenting during questions and answers I invite the member for Lis to speak Mr Speaker the liberal housing crisis is hitting everywhere CBC told us yesterday that students in Montreal University students are now going to a shelter for the homeless the director said that this shows how bad.

The crisis is this is not a solution it takes places away from people who are homeless this doesn't have make any sense that it's happening in Montreal and Canada with the block supporting the Liberals economic policies when will the government finally understand that inflationary budgets help no one I Happ The Honorable Minister of.

Housing infrastructure and communities we understand well the challenges that young people in this country are facing when it comes to finding a place to live that they can actually afford that's why just yesterday we advance a new policy that's going to make lowcost loans available to build more student residences across this country we're.

Going to continue to advance policies that don't just allow students to find a place that they can afford next to where they go to school it's going to free Supply that exists within communities today the conservatives will tap into people's anxieties for their political gain we will advance policies that actually address.

Them The Honorable member for Lis Sal this is the truth the reality of Canadian on a daily basis for eight years this government has been making rents and homes twice as expensive we need 3.5 million new homes but we're not getting them millions of Canadians are going to food banks this is shameful when will this.

Government Act for all Canadians Mr Speaker I see that my colleague is extremely passionate about this but on this side of the house this government since 2016 has brought in the first ever Canada housing strategy which has put a roof over the heads of Canadians throughout the.

Country instead of being in a party which likes to insult our Mayors insulting the Mayors in Quebec really means insulting all quebecers Mr Speaker from North Ireland Powell River Mr Speaker no one should miss a meal but seniors in Canada can't afford Sky High grocery prices while big grocery CEOs racking record profit seniors are making.

Difficult decisions in the grocery store it doesn't stop there law BLS even tried to cut discounts on nearly expired food corporate greed has no limit and while the Liberals continue to let it happen the conservative opposition wants to let that those big companies get even more of a payout why are the Liberals allowing CEOs to go.

Canadians The Honorable minister neighbor speaker I would like to thank the honorable member for her question we remain focused on the affordability needs of seniors in fact we're very proud on this side of the house that one of the first things that we did is make sure that the age for OAS was maintained.

At 65 years old not 67 this was not a change that should have been made here in this house or a change that should have been made at the world economic Forum in which it was in Davos Switzerland we instead are maintaining and increasing supports for seniors in this country thank you very much Mr Speaker.

The Honorable member from Hamilton Center when it comes to the over 25,000 Palestinians killed by nitan Yahoo's brutal bombardment the Liberals have done nothing to uphold international law and protect innocent civilian lives and when it comes to islamophobia and anti-palestinian hate crimes the Liberals have failed to stop it here in.

Canada the community feels so betrayed that yesterday the National Council of Canadian Muslims canell their meeting with the Prime Minister because they are tired of his broken lies so what will it take the honorable member is an experienced uh parliamentarian uh he knows very well.

That we cannot accuse honorable members of deliberately lying that is a that is a unparliamentary language alas honorable member to to withdraw that comment Mr Speaker I withdraw because they are tired of the broken promises so what will it take for this liberal government to listen and start protecting Palestinian lives in Gaza and.

Combat islamophobia and anti-palestinian hate here in can The Honorable Minister for International Development give me an opportunity to talk about the announcement we made today precisely to deal with this issue $40 million additional to deliver life-saving food.

Medicine and other supplies to Palestinians through trusted International Partners including the World Health Organization the world food program UNICEF and many others we've always centered our decisions around the protection of innocent civilians in Gaza and through this uh allocation we've upped our game to $100 million in.

Humanitarian assistance to Palestinians The Honorable member from Scarboro Center Mr Speaker for the past few months there has been a significant rise in the impact in hate impacting communities across the country all of us have a role to play during these.

Difficult times to bring Canadians together can the minister of diversity inclusion and persons with disabilities share some of the Mayors we have taken to support Canadians and encourage Unity good job The Honorable minister Mr Speaker during this difficult time for so many communities we know that there's still.

More that unite unites us than divides us as Canadians that's why Mr Speaker I'm pleased to announce $3 million towards a building Community resiliency call to action this funding seeks to support local initiatives that drive positive change by Building Bridges and connecting communities together Mr Speaker when it comes to fighting.

Discrimination and racism let's learn about each other from one another our Focus continues to be by working together to heal divides and protect unities from hate right here at home thank you The Honorable member for Mr Speaker this government has been.

In power for eight years and look how much it's harmed our country this liberal prime minister has plunged Canadians into the worst housing crisis in our history we the conservative party have a plan to compensate towns that speed up new housing starts like s and Victor what is the Prime Minister doing for desperate families who cannot pay.

The rent or those who can't even find a home The Honorable minister of Transport Mr Speaker it must be very hard to be a conservative member from Quebec before the holidays they voted against Quebec several times against Farmers against the Magdalene Islands against the Santi festival and just now their leader made.

It even worse by coming to Quebec and insulting people so I'd invite them to leave the dark side and come to our side and work for all quebecers the honorable member for pal ja thank you once again Mr Speaker this government is engaged in disinformation G the member for.

Gasil misled the house she should rather pay attention to her own region gasp and the magdalin islands are suffering an unprecedent housing crisis and that's not just according to me it's also according to am Henry the leader of the guest busy mag Island Collective Housing Resource Group what is the Minister doing what is the member doing to help.

People in that region concretely it's really hard to hear it's really hard to he members who are speaking up from various parts of the room so I'd like to ask all members to maintain uh to remain silent Mr Speaker as I said yesterday I would ask the member to take back what he said after all we know that.

People from the Magdalene Islands care deeply if my colleague really has a spine he should rise and apologize to people from the Magdalene islands for what he said is interpretation work working members know very.

Well than that one cannot tarnish the reputation of a member in particular so I would ask the minister to withdraw what she said about the member for p ja excuse I apologize Min I'd like to thank the minister from duffan every day the minister housing.

Rises in this house he's got a new program a new announcement uh the checks in the mail all of these things order certified.

Order I'm going to invite the member from deff Calon to start from the top I will invite I will invite other members to please listen to the question without interruption The Honorable member from duffen cadan from the top Mr Speaker every day this housing Minister pops up and he has a new program a new plan.

I'm going to invite the uh government house leader and the chief whip to please if they could uh ask their members to listen quietly to the question without interruption from.

The Honorable member from duffing kadan from the top and I hope it will be the last time he will have to start this question again here every day this housing Minister pops up and celebrates his new announcement his new project his new scheme but the sad thing is they don't actually build a single house that's right meanwhile in the real world.

After 8 years of this NDP liberal government rents are skyrocketing in fact asking rent is now up 22% Donna in Orangeville rent is going up again and she can't afford it when will this Minister realize these announcements are doing nothing housing's a disaster apologize to Donna and Canadians.

The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities uh Mr Speaker perhaps my honorable colleague is confused about the pace at which we're advancing new policies because he's not used on the conservative side to seeing the work actually getting done the reality Mr Speaker is that when you compare our.

Plan to theirs they would put Canada on a track to build fewer homes than we were already projecting to have built in the years ahead we have cut taxes they will raise them we have made Investments they will cut them we have completely changed the way that large cities in this country are zoning to build more housing the conservatives oppose that.

Too we will do what it takes to build homes to bring down rents and make sure every Canadian has a roof over the honorable member from guffing cadan except all of that leads us to exactly where we are today nowhere rent for a one Vader apartment up 12% to $1,900 rent for a two beder apartment up 99.8% to.

$2,300 rent is now at a record high across Canada $2,100 up 8.6% why because all they have are these phony announcements and photo ops when will he finally admit they've made the mess that Canadians are suffering through apologize to people like Donna apologize to Canadians it's their.

Mess The Honorable Minister for housing infrastructure and communities Mr Speaker since the adoption of the National Housing strategy there are hundreds of thousands of homes that have been constructed or renovated to support Canadians who need help there are millions of Canadians who have benefited directly from government supports to.

Ensure that they could keep a roof over their head we are going to continue to put policies in place that will improve the quality of life people get to enjoy by helping them find a place that they can afford the conservative plan would raise taxes on home building would cut funding for cities that are trying to change their rues and would eliminate.

Supports for affordable housing altogether that is the wrong approach it was tried it has failed we will build the homes to support Canadian I have the honorable member for Balu Mr Speaker a federal public servant from the Quebec City region has a debt of.

$25,000 all due to the government it all started in 2016 when the Phoenix pay system started quote unquote forgetting to pay this civil servant over and over today 7 years later despite everything that he's done he's had to remortgage at his home and that has caused a great deal of stress now if it were the minister who.

Was not getting paid would we really see the system forgetting to pay him over and over the honorable minister of Public Services thank you Mr Speaker as my colleague knows and as she said very eloquently it's unacceptable that public servants who work so hard to support the public.

Service are not being paid on time and appropriately that is why every day we must work harder to ensure that people like the one my colleague spoke about receive the money they've earned for the hard work they've done and for all the time and hard work they've put into serving our country The Honorable member.

Mr Speaker even if this were just an individual case it would be shameful but actually there are 448,000 pay problems from Phoenix and that's just in 2023 in fact many public servants are deciding not to change their address or deciding not to accept a promotion because they're worried that even if there's a slight change they'll fall through the.

Cracks in the system and the worst thing is that this government doesn't seem to think that it's that important to pay what it owes to its own employees when will the minister finally open his eyes and do something about this unbelievable Fiasco which would lead any private company to bankruptcy The Honorable minister of.

Public services and procurement once again I'd like to thank my colleague for raising this issue she is right we need to invest more to ensure that we're paying our public servants and that is why we are currently hiring hundreds of new compensation.

Advisors we are investing in better technology that will en enable us to better communicate information between the Departments and the pay center with most of its employees in Miram Mishi we've already done a lot but there's still a great deal more to do over the next few months The Honorable member from Northumberland uh sorry Peter bough.

South Northland thank you Mr Speaker these Liberals are great at breaking things they've broken the bank they've broken the law and they've broken the budget it turns out that budgets don't balance themselves record government spending leads to record inflation and soaring interest rates Canadians need the budget fixed a dollar of new.

Spending must be met with a dollar of savings it's a simple concept even children can understand it will these Cals finally end their inflationary spending or will they keep breaking the budget The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Finance Mr Speaker bitter experience has taught Canadians that whenever.

Conservatives talk about public finances whenever they talk about saving money what they're talking about is taking money away from Canadians they are talking to be very specific about taking away early learning and child care they are talking about taking away dental care and they are talking about taking away the investments in things like the.

EV factories in Ontario that are the jobs of today and in the future excellent The Honorable member from North umberland Peterboro South well Mr Speaker I'll tell you what conservatives are going to cut we're going to cut broken apps we're going to cut high price Consultants because Canadian because conservatives talk directly.

Canadians so we don't need to spend billions of dollars to find out what Canadians think and let me tell you what Canadians are thinking they want to ax the tax they want to fix the budget they want to build homes they want to stop crime will these liberals finally listen to them.

The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Finance well Mr Speaker we've learned just now about one specific thing Canadians will cut I'm an MP for Ontario the member opposite is to they're going to cut the nearly $1,000 that an average family of that a.

Family of four in Ontario is getting right now that is money that is helping people every every day of course they're going to cut child care they voted against it they're going to cut dental care and they will not make the Investments our economy needs then I have the honorable member.

For thank you Mr Speaker this government has been spending Without Limits for years arrive can the green fund which is turning to something like the sponsorship Scandal the infrastructure bank and all of these other wasteful forms of spending which are preventing it from balancing the budget and that's without even.

Considering the astronomical astronomical sums they're giving Consultants we the conservatives are asking for a plan to return to a balanced budget will this government listen to Common Sense and get back to a balanced budget in a predictable manner will it lay out a plan in its next budget The Honorable Deputy Prime.

Minister Minister of Finance Mr Speaker I'm very pleased to hear a question about our government's investments from a Quebec MP because that will enable me to speak about our investment in child care that was originally a Quebec initiative we are very proud of helping Quebec with.

This important issue and we're also very proud about the fact that we work closely with the Province and have made the biggest investment in the history of Quebec The Honorable member for Melle Mr Speaker our government cares about the East End of Montreal it has been neglected for a long time and associated.

With refineries and heavy industry but now we are going to make it into an economic and Social Hub can the minister tell us how the federal government with other levels of government is participating in various efforts to revitalize the East End of Montreal and how we are supporting businesses like.

Laborat The Honorable Minister Mr Speaker when I ran in 2019 and with the support of the government we committed to organizing the first ever East End of Montreal Summit that was held last November we brought together nearly 800 participants from all levels of government and we announced $750 million in investment we.

Were supported by the local Chamber of Commerce that's the biggest group that has ever come together for this issue we are going to work with all of our partners to ensure that this neighborhood neighborhood's potential is realized honorable member from Carlton Trail Eagle Creek after 8 years of this liberal NDP government liberal insiders.

Have never had it so so good and Canadians are paying a high price yesterday's edsman report on arrive can revealed that procurement policies were ignored over and over again companies were given preferential treatment even though they lied in their bids to secure millions of dollars in contracts more liberal corruption and waste proving.

That this prime minister is not worth the cost when will these liberal ministers come clean with Canadians and tell them why they gave these work this work to their buddies right The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr Speaker it's important to remember that the arrive kin app was built to help save lives during an.

Extraordinary time but with that being said Mr Speaker we expect the procurement process to be followed and Mr Speaker I have said time and time again in this house that any wrongdoing in the procurement process would face consequences the cbsa has already begun this important work by calling in the police when necessary by doing internal.

Audits and Mr Speaker we are committed to ensuring that the procurement processes are always following moneyone big round of applause there The Honorable member from Calgary midnapore many after eight years of this liberal NDP government Scandal continues to follow them with the arrive can app.

Liberals insisted there were no forged resum fact almost 40% of the resumes GC strategies sent in were forged liberals insisted security was never compromised fact almost 80% of all contracts did not follow security protocol liberals insisted procurement rules were followed fact the system was rigged in favor of GC strategies so I have a question for.

This liberal government what kind of operation are you running over there The Honorable parliamentary secretary Mr speaker what we expect from the public service is to implement contracts based on government policies that follow the rules and procurement policies and Mr Speaker when we were.

Aware can ask colleagues to please uh have an opportunity so that I could hear the answer from The Honorable member The Honorable parliamentary secretary from the top please thank you Mr Speaker when our government released government policies during this Global pandemic to help save Canadian lives we expected the public service to implement these.

Contracts following the procurement policies and rules set out by this government Mr Speaker we are concerned with some of the initial findings so is the cbsa president that is why she has already implemented measures including calling in the police when necessary as well as cond conducting more internal Audits and there will be consequences.

For anyone who did not follow the procurement processes The Honorable member from Leeds Grenville Thousand Islands Ando Lakes well after eight years of this NDP liberal government we have a prime minister who's been caught misleading Canadians multiple times most recently it's his.

$84,000 gifted vacation to a luxuri Jamaican Villa now this is what he told Canadians was that he was paying for it but we don't know what he told the ethics commissioner but now we do know that in fact it was a gift he didn't pay anything he took an $84,000 gift the ethics commissioner said that unlike what the government.

House leader said the trip was not precleared so when will this Minister and this prime minister start telling Canadians the truth The Honorable government house leader Mr Speaker of course the member was able to hear this directly from the ethics commissioner this morning but he.

Appeared at committee and has been very clear on this matter he confirmed that the office was consulted by the prime minister's office before the Prime Minister and his family went on their vacation and he confirmed that his office provided advice on this matter and that the Prime Minister took the advice and went on a Christmas holiday.

With his family Mr Speaker the commissioner told committee members that as far as he he's concerned there is nothing further on this matter The Honorable member from Hamilton East Stony Creek Mr Speaker our government believes that workplaces should be safe respectful free from harassment and violence the Canada labor code includes.

Numerous Provisions to that effect and Canada also has International obligations that outline that same commitment one year ago today Canada ratified convention 190 of the international labor organization on violence and harassment can the minister of Labor provide Insight on this convention and the important role that.

Canada plays in international organizations like the ILO good question The Honorable Minister for labor speaker I want to thank the member for the question one year ago today Canada signed convention 190 of the international labor organization which is a part of the United Nations 190 aims to eliminate violence and harassment in.

Workplaces across the globe because no one should face violence or harassment on the job not in Canada not anywhere today this becomes a protected right for every worker in Canada Mr Speaker Canada is proud to be a founding member of the ILO and Mr Speaker let me add that on this side of the house we are proud to be a founding member of the United.

Nations thank you Mr Speaker The Honorable member from London fans Shaw today I joined the hundreds of workers on strike at the Canadian Forces morale and Welfare Services their key demands Fair wages better job security and respect but this liberal government refuses to even sit down to negotiate a.

Fair deal these are workers who support our military with critical Wellness Services when they wrote to local liberal MPS asking for support they were told the minister didn't know these 4,000 workers were his responsibility well the minister of National Defense finally accept his obligation to these workers and get back to the bargaining.

Table The Honorable Minister of Defense thank you very much I'd like to thank the member opposite for this important question because the services provided by those non-public employees is are important to the Canadian Armed Forces and those workers deserve a decent contract Mr Speaker we support a resolution of this labor dispute at the.

Table and will continue to support both sides coming back to the table that's the right place to find a solution The Honorable Minister I'm the member for Tim James Bay another winter another tragic fire in treaty n children at the bong First Nation have no school because it burned in a fire and they had no fire service last winter Pana lost a.

Beautiful 10-year-old child to a fire and this government's response was well we'll buy you a truck but we're not going to pay for the fire hall how do you do fire safety at minus 45 without a fire hall will the minister stop nickel and diming the people at tre9 and commit for all the communities properly funded Fire Halls vehicles and a new school for.

The children of ibam cuz every child deserves safety and a comfy school here here The Honorable minister of indigenous Services Mr Speaker I think all Canadians were so sad to hear about the fire that destroyed the school in albaton and I spoke with Chief at lukan on Friday night to reiterate to the chief that will work with the community.

Not just on fire prevention of course the truck that's waiting for the ice roads to be delivered but also to make sure that those students have a plan to complete their year of study here I'll be meeting with the chief and indeed uh the CEO of Mattawa First Nations uh Tribal Council to be very clear about the support that our government will.

Continue to provide to aventon that's all the time we have for question period today I believe the honorable member for Edmonton's trth Kona speaker Mr Speaker I think that if you seek it you will find unanimous consent for the following that this house called for the immediate release of Vladimir I'm already hearing a number.

Of NOS I'm already hearing a number of NOS that

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