Democrats are ‘refusing’ to face up on this and it would also price them 2024


Democrats are 'refusing' to face up on this and it would also price them 2024

We are waiting to see whether or not the Democrat controlled Senate will even consider the lake and Riley Act passed by the house last week it requires immigration officials to detain illegal immigrants charged with crimes and here's what Senate Democrats have to say about it another bill that the house moved quickly on I haven't heard much.

About it in the Senate but they passed it with uh you know some sizable Democratic support the lake and Riley act do you think that's something that they should look at seriously over here there were 37 Democrats who voted yet yes in the house last week well I think we need to deal with the Border I haven't considered it closely but I am.

Going to review it and I'm going to give it my full consideration on that do you think the Senate should be just as aggressive as the house should have been on that bill they moved pretty quickly on that piece of legislation last I I think I've even said this on your network that we that that I would hope that we should be more aggressive on a.

Compreh comprehensive border solution congresswoman Claudia Tenny voted to pass the lake and Riley act in the house last week and she joins me now congresswoman good morning to you so what do you think about the future of this bill it obviously passed with Big Time bipartisan support in the house is there a future for it will it even be.

Taken up in the Democrat controlled Senate well that's great to see uh Senator Federman uh advocating for this bill he's kind of turned on a lot of issues I guess he knows he's got a competitive uh election someday in the future but look this is so critically important this whole election is going to be come down to one thing Equal.

Justice under the law and what has happened whether it's what's happened yesterday in the explosive Robert her testimony where again reiterating my initial thoughts when the her report was was brought out I said look you either have to charged Joe Biden with a crime because they the uh special counsel her laid out the elements of a crime a.

Violation of the Espionage Act technically and then said oh we're not going to charge him because he is uh you know he's either uh we or he's kindly or a jury won't convict him that's not his job but now if that's the case as I said in February 8th you if if you're not going to charge him that he is not fit to stand trial and merri Garland should.

Begin the 25th Amendment proceedings because he's not fit to be president of the United States or commander-in-chief now when you get get to the lake and Riley act here's a similar situation you have a failure to to actually uphold our laws and now we have to pass an act to get the Democrat to actually bring these people to Justice by detaining them so.

We can ascertain what their criminal record is had New York State not had a law in place that prevented the detainment of this illegal immigrant Lake and Riley would be alive today but he was released by law a New York law passed in 2019 under Governor Cuomo the Greenlight law had he not been uh he would have been detained and leak and.

Riley would be alive today an innocent woman aga in equal justice under the law is what we need to see out of our out of our system congresswoman in terms of substance on the lake and Riley act what it would do was it would make sure that illegal immigrants who commit crimes are then placed into ice custody after they serve their sentences what would that.

Mean for Sanctuary cities well that Sanctuary cities would be eliminated because first of all and Sanctuary counties so in under that law there's a section called 287g that allows local municipalities to actually act in the place of ice to detain and determine uh the the criminality again and had we done that.

Again in New York City this could have been done but Leticia James the attorney general has threatened to prosecute counties who accept this there is one County in the entire state of New York renel County New York which actually opted into this statute that and that would would have saved Lake and Riley uh this is this is the Democrats know this.

Is wrong they know this is about crime but they're refusing to stand up on this issue and think it could cost them the election this is going to be the election issue the border and the crime well congresswoman of Republicans need all the votes that they can get when it comes to to to things the Republican priorities like border issues and crime.

And one of your colleagues made a pretty surprising announcement yesterday Congressman Ken Buck announced that he's retiring at the end of next week so the party breakdown when he leaves would be 218 to 213 Republicans can only afford to lose two votes to pass legislation on a party line vote vote so what does that mean for Republican priorities in the.

House this is look it's been difficult with divided government right now we're not unified as we need to be the strongest thing that we can do as a party and as a conference is to stick together well every time that a republican gets up on the floor or in public or they and they bash the Republicans for the work that the great.

Work speaker Johnson is doing shuck Schumer this Senate Majority Leader from New York can rest easy knowing that we're divided and they can continue to get their priorities and we cannot get ours we are not going to get home runs with a two- seat majority and it's going to be we're going to have a couple of special elections because of other early.

Retirements and that's going to put us in Jeopardy I can't emphasize it enough and I hear it from my constituents who starting to understand if we don't stick together as Republicans we are the last line of defense the Republicans are the in the house are the last line of defense to authoritarianism abuse of process and you just have to wonder what.

Uh Mike Johnson's reaction was when k Buck went to him and said that he's retiring next week just like oh my the slim majority is on a a really big diet right now getting even skinnier congresswoman Tenny thank you so much for waking up have a great day I'm Steve duy I'm Brian kilme and I'm Angley Airhart and click here to subscribe to.

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