Dems are the ‘arsonists’ to blame for this fire: GOP sen


Dems are the ‘arsonists’ to blame for this fire: GOP sen

All right Kansas Senator Roger Marshall meanwhile calling for a vote of no confidence against Department of Homeland Security secretary Alejandra mayorcas on the senate floor yesterday here's what he said my colleagues and I have outlined numerous ways secretary May orcus is derel in his duty as secretary and.

Failed to uphold this oath Mr President we're here today because we take our oath seriously and will not stand by idly while secretary mayorcas threatens our national security and our democracy for the sake of America's Safety and Security we need to impeach secretary mayorcas now and send a clear.

Message to Joe Biden in 300 days will'll fire him too Marshall's no confidence resolution was blocked by Senate Democrats it comes as the house Homeland Security committee is set to hold its first impeachment hearing of my orcus this morning joining me right now is Wisconsin Senator Senate Homeland Security and governmental.

Affairs Committee Member and Senate budget Committee Member Ron Johnson Senator good to see you thanks very much for being here morning Maria lot to talk about here in terms of Homeland Security what are you expecting today in terms of the house uh efforts uh to impeach my orcus well I I think that should have occurred a couple years ago quite.

Honestly so I completely support the house efforts at the same time here in the Senate uh Senate leadership is negotiating with secretary morcus and the Biden Administration now the the real problem we have with these Sen negotiations is the Biden Administration President Biden his allies in the Congress here the Democrat allies they.

Want an open border they caused this problem that they're the arsonists and we're trying to negotiate with them to try and put up the out the fire that they started and you know Republicans want a secure border the all all I think most Democrats want is political cover they realize this is becoming an issue that the mainstream media can't hide it.

Much longer uh they continue to to I think undersell it they they don't report on it the way it should be reported on but now there's a little bit of heat putting on being put on the B Administration and now they're looking for political cover and what Republicans must do in the Senate is insist on any deal that it will actually secure the.

Border that we will have enforcement mechanisms that would force the Biden Administration who wants an open border that cause a problem to actually Implement whatever laws that would work do do your colleagues in the Senate on the Democrat side not recognize this as a crisis they recognize it as a potential.

Political problem political maybe one or two that there may be one or two border state senators that recognize the real problem with that I think Kon Cinema is one of them and I appreciate her and James lyford's efforts here uh but part of the problem is you know one of the things Republicans took off the table was you know what we were suggesting in.

The conference is to tie what the Democrats want funding for Ukraine uh and make that contingent on actually securing the border on metrics and meeting those thresholds you know performance measurements like you have in business all the time that apparently was just taken off the table not even discussing the negotiations so uh okay.

What what other forcing mechanism are Republicans going to insist on that's what I think is going to be a big subject at our Republican conference meeting here this this afternoon so where does this stand now I me bard of policy negotiations we're told are now at a standstill Republicans and Democrats divided on the Parole.

Authority top repan negotiator uh James lenford as you just mentioned is expected to brief House Republicans and Senate Republican conference on the status of the talks today talk to us about the parole issue we're just over a week until a potential government shutdown by the way on January 19th so there's that Senate minority leader.

Mitch McConnell is now pushing for another continuing resolution he claims to prevent the shutdown last year house Speaker Mike Johnson said he was quote done with short-term spending bills and another continuing resolution well leaders McConnell and Schumer of course wanted to vote on a supplemental and a border deal before we.

Left on Christmas they wanted to force that vote Republicans called for the conference and and delayed that uh we've been told that they're going to have legislative language if they've had a deal they don't have a deal they don't have legislative language now we're saying it's going to be available uh next week again the main problem is.

Republicans want a secure border Democrats want political cover and they're not able to reconcile that difference so you know de Democrats are willing to agree to some things but there's always going to be a loophole that they can you know weasle out of the deal and and maintain an open border and that's what I continue to caution.

Republican leadership and our negotiators you know we cannot accept a deal that actually doesn't secure the Border modest immigration reform is not going to cut it it would be good for a future president that actually wants to secure the Border but that's not what we have right now so we need a forcing mechanism in any deal so so you're going.

To dig in on this right I mean look the the deadline coming up January 19th I don't think at this point people are expecting a shutdown then but what about February 2nd isn't that the one that includes Homeland Security and Border are you going to dig in and go to the mat and and threaten a government shutdown unless you get border change.

Well first of all the Border Provisions would be attached to supplemental as far as I'm aware in terms of Appropriations I think what we ought to do this is such a mess this has been so you know screwed up uh what we need to do is start Turing our attention to fiscal year 2 and have a functioning process a budget have that you know passive budget have that guide.

And appropriation process for fisc year 2025 we should be working that right now from my standpoint a year-long CR is probably the neatest cleanest thing to do here because I we've done nothing in the senate in terms to passing additional appropriation bills they haven't even begun to reconcile between the house and the Senate this is a mess.

Now I'm the guy who proposed and passed out of my committee preventing government shutdown act every Republican voted for that except for ran Paul Hall Democrats oppose that by and large so again Republicans don't want to shut down the government but it's Democrats who control the Senate and they they haven't had a functioning appropriation.

Process nor nor was the house having one under speaker McCarthy it's one of the reasons he lost his job so we need a functioning budget and appropriation process it's too late for 2024 let's not blow all this effort on you know funding government uh through through a dysfunctional process for 2024 let's actually turn our attention you know.

Take care of that with a year-long CR and let's turn our attention to a functioning budget and appropriation process for fisc year 2025 meanwhile issues at hand right now uh we are talking about no communication whatsoever about the defense secretary the Pentagon says that defense secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized for.

Complications after surgery to treat prostate cancer President Biden learned of the news yesterday that he has prostate cancer the same day as the public but it was a month after the initial diagnosis the White House is now launching a review of cabinet protocols for delegating Authority following Austin's secret Hospital stay Fox News.

White House correspondent Peter duy grilled the administration about this yesterday here's how it all went down watch this what kind of commander-in-chief is President Biden that at a time when American forces are Under Fire in the Middle East he can go days without knowing that his defense secretary is in.

A hospital bed at no time was the ability for the United States military to defend our national security interest compromised why should we believe anything that this Administration tells us about anything ever again the Pentagon has been very very honest with themselves about uh the.

Um the challenge to to to credibility by what by what has transpired here yeah credibility Senator your thoughts well the world is in Flames the Biden Administration has weakened this country which is one of the reasons the world is in flames and now we find this just outrageous break breach of Faith uh the fact that President Biden didn't.

Even know this I mean is he not talking to his defense secretary when the world is in flames and we're involved in some way shape or form in the war in Ukraine and Israel and and you know supporting the the efforts against the the hoodies and and you know Iran's aggression so this is just completely unacceptable If This Were a republican Administration.

This would be Headline News non-stop in the mainstream media but the mainstream media will continue to cover for the Biden Administration like they are on every other issue the 40e high inflation the war on fossil fuels the open border uh we've got a real problem with a biased liberal media I mean in the in the face of all of this information that.

We were misled about the defense secretary my question is who was answering the call of our troops while he was in the hospital we had eight more attacks on our troops in the Middle East from Iranian backed houthis his his number two was either on vacation or with the flu we don't really know where she was but who was answering the call.

For our we've been attacked 128 times since October 17th yeah Maria Nobody Knows the administration is completely opaque they're not transparent with Congress Democrats have you know no curiosity about all these things and the mainstream media doesn't either so nobody is holding the president and this.

Administration accountable other than House Republicans are cying but this Administration like I say is completely opaque lacks all transparency on a host of issues what a moment in time Senator thank you we'll be watching all of that Ron Johnson joining us this morning in DC we'll be right back

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3 thoughts on “Dems are the ‘arsonists’ to blame for this fire: GOP sen

  1. Of route the democrats blocked it. This is the most law-breaking administration I’ve ever seen. The total lot they assign their hand on is destroyed. For the illegal immigration Biden is on the hook for this. He is the Commander in Chief (supposedly). He took an oath to give protection to the United States. He is now not doing so and neither is Mayorkas. They are decimating our nation.

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