Dhruv Rathee Abhi-Niyu ka E Lafda & Ambani ki Wedding | Sunday Trace


Dhruv Rathee Abhi-Niyu ka E Lafda & Ambani ki Wedding | Sunday Trace

Coming Up.. Hello & Welcome. This is Sarthak & You're Watching The Sunday Show These days there is talk of Anant Ambani's marriage everywhere. Do you know what happens when a tent is set up in Antilla? Hollywood people sing songs, Bollywood people serve food This week all the VIPs from Bill gates to Marc Zuckerberg were In Gujarat It wasn't main event. I'm telling on the wedding day Putin will be seen eating Pan Common man becomes Bandiya in Ambani's wedding Isha's photoshoot, Anant's Reels & Ambani Couple's Dance is going on SM.

If there is life then it should be like this or else… If you've come across reel or post then comment #AmbaniWedding Gambhir Tweeted East Delhites are the most happiest in the hope that next MP will pay attention on constituency He debated more in the commentary box than in the Parliament. Come closer There's E-Lafda in Our Field not ashamed having fun alone Channels Dhruv Rathee & Abhi & Niyu, Both makes amazing & Informative Content.

Since they make Political content so get abused by many wings Guys a request whoever funding you, try to keep content neutral & Share my number Jethalal and Bhide type war continues between these two. Dhurv Uploaded a video on YouTube. some Events are taking Place from which it can be ascertained that democracy is weakening in India. He has no fear of Buldozer because he doesn't live in India Dhruv Doesn't live in India, that's why Some people criticize that how can he criticize India while staying outside & the media isn't able to do criticize while staying inside. After the video Abhi Tweeted without naming anyone but people sensed.

If I ask I'll say 2 word in the Maryada of an anchor. You'll easily guess his name Dhruv Reshared a story in which it was visible that how these people do improper research These people have had e- fights before. I'll give honest opinion because I'm neither Rightist nor leftist I'm sexist. brother's english is very good I disagree with this opinion that one can't comment on Indian Politics Then why are you making Video on China? By this Logic NRIs shouldn't send remittances & people who do Modi Modi should leave their jobs. Dhurv Try to avoid sharing such stories which looks more disrespectful than Disagreement.

Vegetarians don't look good taking beef how would I look if I talk about wisdom in an industry where there are people like this? In the fight between Ravish and Sudhir, Sambit Patra should not appear sensible. Seems I'll lose all the Collab due to covering controversy news and You don't Subscribe. Do you have any shame? My one step to the left, one step to the right: & I'm sitting in the center. Because of which the entire country was embarrassed. Let me tell you why I have to start with a sad incident. I'll bow my head while speaking and your head will bow while listening this sad news.

She's Fernanda a Spanish Biker, She posted an insta story She's traveling on Bike with her husband & When passing through Jharkhand's Dumka She lodged a Police complaint & Posted an Insta Story in which she told about the incident Our country is being ashamed all over the world. Police has arrested 4 people so far Very sad to see her story, bruises can be seen on Their Faces Police action will be there but this incident shamed india This is one such problem which is spoiling image of India at global level We visited Goa & Asked some foreign tourists about India.

Tourists were from Russia, Australia, Kazakhstan etc We asked many questions to them about india. You can watch video from here in short they told about 2 issues first one was littering which we accepted Off the camera they told as a woman when i go anywhere People stares which makes me uncomfortable During selfie Some people take advantage of the crowd and do dirty things You'd have guessed about those dirty things, I won't tell Dirty Mindset towards Foreign women is spoiling image of India Few months back we've seen that During holi a Korean girl was harassed.

We see such incidents often which puts India into the bad light You can't change mindset of some bad people sitting in Tapri Due to wrong mindset of 1 person, the other 9 have to be embarrassed. We hope that culprits will be punished & She'll get justice soon We should apologise this lady that she had chosen the wrong country for bike trip as you know we keep asking your views so what you feel how we can change mentality of people Drop your opinion by using #WomenSafety If you're a woman Your opinion matters a lot so do comment so we can improve second big News is from Rameshwaram cafe Bengaluru.

A man wearing white hat & having a bag can be seen in CCTV He pays a bill in cafe & Dropped the bag there 10 People were injured a guy got saved due to her mother's call. He came outside to attend the call Investigation are going on. My friend says there's poverty in India but india isn't poor Now I understand , let me explain Knight Frank published a report earlier we had almost 12500 ultra rich people now we've 13263.

Let me tell you second part of this story NSO Released National Household expenditure survey Highlights of this survey may turn on Economists. You & me won't bother much It tells about Income, Expenditure, Rural urban divide & many more things How rural & urban people earns & spends their money. Poorest people spends roughly 1300₹ per month or 46₹ per day You may get ideas about lives of Poor people knight Frank report & This survey tells the income disparity in india knight Frank report telling us about Income of Ultra rich in india.

Whereas How much a poor can spend. It shows income disparity How rich is the rich & how poor is the poor. Poor can only spend 46 ₹ daily when we covered rural areas of chattisgarh odisha during Sunday Bharat journey Many people were able to get just 300,400 Rs daily by labour works 6k per month is their monthly income in which they've to run their family imagine how will they able to arrange food, fees & other expenses How much do you earn?-300 500 Rs daily we passed from a village where we couldn't find a single grocery shop.

Bcz people in that village were so poor. they weren't having enough money This tells both the sides of our country. those who are telling everything is going fine they're wrong those who are telling nothing has changed in indian economy they're also wrong both the things exists it depends how you tackle with both the things You can drop your opinion by using #RichVsPoor Here's a good news for you. If you travel from passenger trains not express then ticket fare has decreased price would have become 20 from 30, 12 from 20. you can find this amt small but it's a great thing for people traveling in such trains.

Labourers, intercity traveler & many people who wants to save money prefer these trains Most of them haven't seen AC compartment from inside We talked about income disparity so the second class travels here PM Modi announced names of 4 astronauts in Gaganyan mission They'll go to space under Gaganyan mission it will be first manned mission of India Chandrayan was unmanned mission ISRO will send manned aircraft to space under Gaganyan mission Like NASA sent armstrong.

Now ISRO will do it by using indigenous technology ISRO will send Our astronauts to space which is a proud moment for us If the course of a river changes, some benefit and some suffer loss. Earlier India wasn't able to utilise water of 3 rivers properly this was going on since Narmisha Rao's tenure Finally the water will be fully diverted to Indian farmers indus water treaty is crucial point in indo pak geopolitics competitive exam aspirants will be like: I know I know seat sharing in Delhi among Congress and AAP has been done.

You can read the list of BJP candidates, will drop link in description very important Drop the Name of Your City District & candidate name who'll win & why By using #Election2024 Drop your city name & the candidate with the winning chances Imagine doing exit poll in comment section & you'll be representing your city 48 lakh candidates applied for 60k constable jobs in UP News of the paper leak was out aspirants started protesting Police arrested People.

UP CM announced cancellation of exam People call it anti cheating bill An insta handle made a satirical Post by saying that those who cheats in relationship Will have to go to jail, pay fines etc Kangana Didi couldn't spot the difference Today's generation has gone wrong. I Urge Govt to increase Punishment Ban this Ban that. My God this is imp Bill, our culture was under threat. Hook-up should be banned I urge Govt to Take strict actions against Cheating.

She was literally clueless She got confused between Cheating in exam & Cheating in Relationships Now I came to know why She had no opinion about Hit & Run law Every movie of her had flopped. Bill gates met India's famous tea seller Talking about him, he's famous tea seller of Nagpur Dolly Chaiwala Bill gates is guest of Ambani ji He met Dolly chaiwala in Hyderabad Internet stormed, White man having tea at tapri & the white man is Bill gates.

When Media asked Dolly Bhai in Nagpur. He said i was unaware about him Imagine swag of Dolly Bhai, World's Richest man is standing with him & the caption of pic Dolly Bhai & the guy dolly Bhai doens't know A video of Namma Bengaluru went viral Namma metro should learn something from Delhi metro This was clear discrimination based on someone's attire. I wanted to ask what's the meaning of dirty clothes? We have developed a mindset to judge someone by looking at their clothes. Not everyone who wears shoes is smart.

Someone's dressing shows his comfort, u can notice it but don't judge A Bihar teacher was teaching students in school She asked a student to bring water bottle from her bag She had kept 35₹ in her bag which she couldn't find in her bag She asked students but students denied Teacher's CID mode was On & She determined to find the truth She took students to temple & ask everyone to swear in front of God I'm not kidding this was real incident. Teacher took students to temple for this Kasam is underrated in india, Police, Law & order is overrated in india.

If any crime happens just ask the person to swear instead of filing FIR a bizarre incident happened in Delhi There's a Bodybuilder guy who wanted to build his body soon Someone suggested him to increase zinc content in diet He searched on Google about it & Google suggested Coins are rich in zinc This brother swallowed 40 coins To Stop coins from flushing out he ate magnet too If such minerals were available then people would not have eaten dumbbells. Let's see top 5 comments. They'll get 1 month free subscription of Sunday Sabha.

Comments You can drop other comments by #SundayVichar Top 5 comments will get one month free subscription of Sunday sabha We deliver our newsletter directly to your WhatsApp. You can check link in description There's a cute positive news from Tamilnadu A truck met with an accident and fell on the train tracks. Driver lost his life truck was lying on the tracks, it was 12 at night, hence there was a possibility of an accident. an elderly couple was there who used to work in Rubber plant.

If the loco pilot does not see, an accident may occur. They started running towards loco pilot & alerted him. Let me update about Sunday Bharat journey First video was On Sex workers in Sangli We discussed about their issues, Demands & Stigma related with sex workers We covered Panchayat Protest in Karnataka Saw the impact of Peaceful protest Then we covered the story of a village near Indore You can watch these all videos. Thumbnails are here.

Sunday sabha See you in the next episode. Take care. tata bye bye Don't forget to like Subscribe & Share

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