Eastern prime minister calls China the “ideal strategic project,” emphasizes Ukraine make stronger


Eastern prime minister calls China the

We start now with the leader of Japan underscoring the importance of the alliance between his nation and the US one day after he and President Biden announced that they are ramping up their military partnership that's right and his remarks today come as some lawmakers push for the United States to minimize its role in international Affairs Mr.

Speaker the Prime Minister of Japan Japanese prime minister fumio kushida addressed Congress this morning as part of his official state visit to Washington I'm here to say that Japan is already standing shoulder Tosh shoulder with the United States You Are Not.

Alone we are with you we have Team uh coverage for this CBS News Congressional Cor Nicole Killian there on Capitol Hill and CBS News senior White House and political correspondent Ed O Keef for us at the white house uh Nicole I'm going to start with you talk to us about how prime minister Kido was received by lawmakers.

Today and the importance of those remarks well the Prime Minister received a warm welcome as is customary when a foreign leader addresses Congress and as many world leaders often do they try to draw that personal connection uh to the United States so we heard the Prime Minister talk about going to elementary school in Queens for a couple of years.

Which got a rousing Applause and talked about how he used to root for the Yankees and the Mets which Drew couple of booze but you to take it and stride for fair weather fans um but you know he did talk about the importance of the US Japanese Alliance when it comes to the economy when it comes to defense when it comes to space but he also uh made clear.

That Japan remains in a precarious position as does the rest of the world with ongoing Global threats whether that is the situation in China which he called a great strategic challenge he also talked about North Korea's provocations and he talked quite a bit about the war between Russia and Ukraine and re-emphasized the importance of.

Supporting Ukraine talking about what Japan has done but also the importance of us support as well which of course comes as a critical time as the house in particular considers whether to take up a National Security Supplemental package and what's interesting Nicole as we switch over to Ed yesterday during their press conference and their remarks the.

Public they made clear that their economic Partners Japan being the number one um supporter of the US's economy and vice versa the area of difference though is Japan's nipon Steel's efforts to buy us steel which President Biden intervened in and stopped he doubled down on that yesterday saying he defends the American worker but Ed the two do.

Need each other why are the US and Japan deepening military ties now despite some areas where there isn't agreement in a word arrol China the ongoing threats from that country across the indopacific the aggressive posture it's taken towards Taiwan which is of course near Japan uh that plus just a growing desire for Japan uh at least in kida's.

Government to militarize to expand and and increase its military presence and military spending and its engagement in foreign affairs from president President Biden and Kido over the last 3 years have have built up that military relationship especially and the meetings have resulted in plans for the US and Japan to modernize and uh essentially.

Buoy the military cooperation bring it on par with some of the other relationships the United States has with countries like Korea Germany uh and others across the world and work in concert with other countries in various alliances like that Aus agreement that has the Australians getting nuclear powered submarines from the United king.

In the United States Japan's going to help develop some technology as well that will be useful to all of them and help pay for things like submarine cables to some far-flung Pacific Islands to try to keep those places in this Western orbit not the Chinese orbit necessarily in that part of the world speaking of orbit the US wants to.

Help Japan get to the moon and have the first non-american to stand on the Luna surface Nicole some lawmakers though want the US to minimize its role on the global stage talk to to us about that as far as foreign aid and the extent to which it's impacting the president's agenda yeah well the Prime Minister also addressed that in his speech pretty.

Clearly saying that he understands the exhaustion and loneliness that some Americans may feel but emphasize that the role that the United States plays as a global leader is significant and again getting back to Ukraine he talked about you know the lack if if us doesn't support uh Ukraine going forward what might happen if the us doesn't provide.

More support in the Indo Pacific what might happen and what the repercussions could be for that part of the world and so what was interesting to note is that that Drew Applause widely from both sides of the aisle you know by those lawmakers realizing the importance of uh continuing to provide assistance but at the same time there were some lawmakers.

Most notably congresswoman margorie Taylor green of Georgia who remained seated uh during some of those Applause moments so we know that green has been very clear that she doesn't necessarily support moving forward for instance with Ukraine Aid and is even potentially willing to ow speaker Johnson over it all right Nicole KY and Edo Keith thank.

You you bet

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