Economic Insights Printed: US CPI, Retail Sales, AU Jobs, UK GDP | Trade Zone with Joe Jeffriess


Economic Insights Printed: US CPI, Retail Sales, AU Jobs, UK GDP | Trade Zone with Joe Jeffriess

hi Traders Joseph here from acab welcome to thisweek's economic um Outlook video so we're using the a economic calendar it's found in our clientportal um and this is available to all clients that hold an account with us so basically we'regoing to run over as um sorry I explain this every week but we're going to run over the highimpact news switch is red so basically they have the uh the best chance of uh moving the marketand creating some volatility so we're going to start um with there's nothing really coming outin today's session so we're going to start with uh Tuesday now this week will be a little bitbusier than last week last week uh wasn't the busiest datawise but we still had plentyof action last week uh some good moves and.

Few surprises and a lot of new highs on stockindexes and um there quite a good week crypto as well continues to Bubble along so we haveum um the bank of England's Governor Bailey speaking and we have the climate count change wealso have the ILO unemployment rate um we and we have employment change and um CPI as well comingout from Switzerland so fair bit of um UK news coming out on Tuesday and into Wednesday thingsdefinitely start to pick up with uh us CPI data coming in so we have CPI data coming in on ummonth on month the year on year and um also we have uh the core coming in as well so sorry yeahthe core coming in as well so they're looking for 3.8% so any real movement there is going to havea bit of impact on the dollar and also any if we see any surprises uh in the month on month butI think Traders will be really looking at the.

Year on year and just to see uh if there's anybig differentials between what we're getting see obviously the FED is still advising that they mayhave to hold um you know policy this aggressive policy higher and long longer than first thoughtand they already ruled out that March's Ray cut so if there's any big downside move to you knowcomes in well underere expected that that could really create a bit of um you know a bit ofinterest um also if we see it coming high and expected that could also cause a little bit ofissues as well I think there's a little bit of sensitivity around uh that situation at the momentbut US Stocks don't really seem to be worrying too much about it um tech tech stocks in particularas they continue to just push on into new highs so um also uh there's a bit of UK news as wellso um CPI data as well and then we have um GDP.

Coming out from the EU and that will be anotherone that Traders will be watching on the Euro side of the fence so moving uh on to Thursday ifyou coming out so GDP is coming out from Japan uh employment change is coming out from and theunemployment rate from Australia so this will be an interesting one and um if we do see this cominglower than expected that could um then really start to help you know continue to help push thisrate cut um argument against the RBA I think that the RBA do still probably see inflation uh toohigh and because it has you know it continues even though the uh it was the quarterly came inat 4.1 it's still 4.1% and um I think obviously the IBA want to see that further down towardsat 2% 2 and a half% so if this does come in way hotter than expected that will not help that caseuh I think traders who are looking for the Aussie.

Dollar to move lower or the IBA the cut rates andmaybe the ASX to move higher we'll definitely be hoping to see um you know employment out cominglower than expected and um they are forecasting a slight increase in in the unemployment rate fromuh 3.9 to 4% so also we have um GDP coming out from the UK and uh we have um the president of theECB uh speaking as well so Thursday and Wednesday shaping up to be pretty decent days and coming inon Friday we have um retail sales coming in out of the us and we also have now that one will also bewatched just to see how that data does come out if it comes in much more than expected uh that's notgoing to help um the case for routs at this point and we have retail sales coming out from the UKas well and to end the week on Friday we have uh the PPI coming in and we also have the Michiganconsumer sent index as well so Traders will be.

Looking at the PPI as well as is inflationary dataas well so plenty of inflationary data coming in uh this week from uh the US uh the employmentdata coming in from Australia is quite import important as well and then there's you know plentyof bits and pieces coming out from the UK and the EU so lots to keep an eye on from the GreatBritain pound side of things the the Euro and then obviously uh the all important us CPI andum locally the uh Australian employment data so should be could be should be could be um possiblyuh we could see a bit more volatility this week seeing what comes in and definitely things will bepicking up from um you know Wednesday Thursday and um yeah into the end of the week so enjoy it andum if you are trading the news please manage your risk um just be aware that unexpected volatilitycan uh come in and we wish you all the best with.

The week and we will have a market update comingout later today so enjoy your trading week and thank you very much for tuning in and watchingtoday's video check out our other videos from our other presenters um we always have a fairbit going on uh to keep things um you know fresh and um a little bit more interesting so checkthat out as well and thanks again and bye for now

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