‘Egotistical’: Ruhle says CEOs lope away out Trump White Dwelling ‘parades’ and praise


‘Egotistical’: Ruhle says CEOs lope away out Trump White Dwelling ‘parades’ and praise

Joining me now is Stephanie rule senior business analyst at NBC News host the 11th hour here on MSNBC and someone who's been covering the economy a lot on your program I came here because I thought I was getting Jerome Powell stripped down and twerking I see none of that and you just laid out the per you you did all the economic news there's.

Nothing left for me to do and you delivered me no twerking so like I got nothing well first of all I'm right that him saying I was sort of I I couldn't get over that clip because Central Bankers are very evenly measured markets move on adjectives they use for him to be like guys that's huge right people measure.

Every twitch of his nose just like Janet Yellen last week kind of ran a Victory lap I mean when it comes the administration and Janet Yellen doing that both of these things are huge now Jerome Powell is not working for the administration but he is signaling to the markets yes that rate cut is likely coming not today because he certainly.

Doesn't want to be too early but the administration is also realizing you laid it out they've got all this great economic data they need to do a better job messaging this and you said listen Trump does such a great job lying about it and convincing people Democrats need to do a better job talking about look at oil production Chris why aren't we.

Hearing from this white house we have we're producing more oil than we ever have in history why because they don't want to piss off the oops they don't want to anger the far-left just like often times in economic terms democrats should talk about a lot of economic wins they're often concerned about the people who are left out and I get that but they.

Have got to start running a Victory lap because if they're worried about those people left out they're going to be real left out if Trump wins well first of all let me just highlight the oil production I think and I might be I don't think that just we're producing more o oil than we ever have if I'm not mistaken the US is producing more oil now than.

Any Nation on Earth correct and than any Nation on Earth has ever produced double correct okay I want to say that again the US is currently producing more oil than any Nation on Earth has ever produced now if you're someone who's worried about the climate as I am you hear that you go uh that's not great here's what I will say that's true not.

Great the theory of the case the Biden Administration have is the only way you create political sustainable transition is to keep oil prices low because when they Spike up the politics on the issue Go Bananas yes I think it's a perfectly credible theory of the case but they have to Comm it and also if you're going to put the carbon in the air which we're.

Doing you might as well reap the political benefit as opposed to being Hush Hush about 100% in the same breath after Davos my head was spinning then you kept hearing more and more CEOs kind of like open to this idea of trump and I'm mad dialing people like is this for real and I learned two things a it's listen they have to play ball because.

There's no CEO of a Fortune 500 company out there right now who wants to be the next Bob Iger CEO of Disney with a politician gunning for them and they know there's the possibility it could be Trump and they don't want to be a Target but B they're also egotistical yeah and they like to be called yeah and President Biden while he has lots of.

Winning policies does not parade CEOs around the world and I'm not saying that he should but they like to get the call and one of them gave me this line that I thought was really interesting because I was like look at this data how can you say he's not pro business and he said to me you can tell a person's priorities based on their schedule Joe Biden.

Doesn't call us I'm not saying that he should by the way I'm telling you that's the psych that is an amazing anecdote I also heard an anecdote of the time that bill uh that Joe Biden met Bill Amman the big hedge fund Guy this is a true St and said about him who is this aole which I think is the funniest thing I've ever heard of that that is a story that.

That that was supposed to stay in Vegas but like all stories didn't okay so that's that what you just said is actually really important because part of so there's two elements to the sort of Gap that we've had so far one of the weird things is so there's a gap between people self-reporting how they feel about the economy and the numbers but.

There's also been this weird gap between people who were like CEOs you pull them they're like all pessimistic there's going to be they got it all wrong by the way they were wrong like they just were wrong about what happened but you would think that their bottom line matters more and they can't afford bias as much as someone further removed and it does.

Seem to me like that class of folks the people that watch business television business reporters business people are like okay yeah it's a good economy am I right about that absolutely they have finally been like all right all right it's a good economy it's a good economy no I mean they're not shouting from the rooftops this is the best ever because.

Remember also you run a big business right now what do you have an empty office building okay get L they do they get there's not an employ there where are these people you're going to be so nice to me all day um this is an issue you know they've got a good economy they're not going to say it is a bad economy um it's a strong one.

And you nailed it perfectly this is exactly why Republicans are pivoting to immigration but here's the problem if Republicans keep punting on this immigration deal Joe Biden's going to show up with the receipts say I had a deal you wouldn't sign up that's right Stephanie R thank you what a pleasure thank.

You that

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3 thoughts on “‘Egotistical’: Ruhle says CEOs lope away out Trump White Dwelling ‘parades’ and praise

  1. Domestic oil manufacturing reduces international oil importation. The a ways left isn't going to hear that oil manufacturing is up then vote for Trump. Nonetheless the moderate correct would possibly per chance presumably hear that and vote for Biden.

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