Elise Stefanik EMBARASSES Herself Addressing Israel’s Parliament


Elise Stefanik EMBARASSES Herself Addressing Israel's Parliament

As long as I serve the American people I will defend George Washington's vision of religious pluralism and freedom today this means crushing anti-Semitism at home and supplying the state of Israel with what it needs when it needs it without conditions to achieve total victory in the face of evil over the weekend American congresswoman Alise.

Stonic graveled in front of the Israeli Parliament and pledged unconditional and unlimited US taxpayer funded weapons to a foreign government Israel but the humiliating display unfortunately did not end there stepanic also criticized President Joe Biden and touted her own record of shipping off our our taxpayer funded uh you know.

Taxpayer funds and weapons uh to a far right genocidal government take a look it is the United States high honor and high responsibility to support Israel's effort I have been clear at home and I will be clear here there is no excuse for an American president to block Aid to Israel Aid that was duly passed by the Congress there is no excuse to ease.

Sanctions on Iran paying a $6 billion Ransom to the world's leading State sponsor of Terror or to dither and hide while our friends fight for their lives no excuse full stop that's why am proud to have sponsored or backed every measure to Aid Israel that has come before the United States Congress every single one so it's incredible because.

Jen I don't know if you knew this I found out last week as I was researching for an Israel related story but Israel actually had a budget surplus in 2022 the United States has not had a budget surplus since 2001 and I state that because look it's one thing to to allow a weapons deal with Israel where Israel pays the United States for.

Weapons it's something entirely different for the United States which has a terrible economy to pay for the weapons that Israel is using to drop on you know uh refugee camps hospitals uh you know residential areas in Gaza why do we have to fund it you know Alise stonic has never answered that question but she's very proud to on our behalf.

Commit to our money funding the weapons for Israel pausing here to deliver some honest truth as we do in our news coverage as well tyt is facing challenges guys as the entire industry is you know who could make the difference you if you hit the join button below it's going to make all the difference and keep us in business we.

Appreciate you thank you so let me say things that are obvious but sometimes in America they cause controversy so first of all she says it is our honor and responsib ibility to serve Israel is it why why why is it our honor and responsibility like well they're an ally they're an important Ally okay Saudi Arabia is an ally is it our honor and.

Responsibility to serve them turkey is the second largest army in Nato one of the top allies we have in the whole world is it our honor and responsibility to serve Turkish interests how about Australia why is it our honor and responsibility to serve anyone what what a ridiculous statement and it only makes sense in the gaslit world of American.

Media where we have gotten used to politicians saying I serve Israel I don't serve America Israel First America second if again if that makes you uncomfortable listen to the speech prove me wrong would show me where she goes look American interests are way more important but you guys are important allies and we'll stick with you guys as.

Long as you make sense right that okay I got no problem with that speech this I will serve you I Great Mighty Israel our leader is wrong our country sucks your country is way better and I promise I will take all the tax dollars we have here and just give it to you that's the translation of the speech you could read you could watch the whole speech and I.

Guarantee you that if you're anywhere near objective you'll come back and say oh that's exactly what she said you're absolutely right right so I we've come to accept it but I don't accept it our politicians graveling to foreign leaders in foreign governments it's disgusting and so okay go go join the knesset then I don't mind like do like what Brian.

Mass did he s signed up with the IDF even though he has no connection to Israel just because you wanted to kill more Muslims okay I get it you're you're a sociopath no problem just be honest about it and go away she doesn't serve the people in the district of New York that she's in she serves her donors that's obvious super obvious she's had a.

Pretty short uh stint in Congress right she hasn't been in Congress all that long but in her short tenure in Congress she's already collected close to $600,000 in campaign contributions from the pro-israel uh Lobby that includes uh individuals and packs uh during her time in Congress and by the way just to respond to what she had to say about.

Biden uh loosening sanctions against Iran that is a laughable thing to say and one thing that just shows you just how dishonest some members of the Republican Party are in how they comment about Biden and his handling of the war in Gaza Biden has given Israel everything that they've wanted and he's also implemented additional sanctions.

Against Iran ever since October 7th happened so I'm I'm failing to understand where exactly Biden loosen sanctions there's one example of him loosening some enforcement which allowed for China to buy some oil from Iran but that was it and that was uh you know earlier you know after Israel was attacked by uh by Hamas by the way no.

Evidence to show that Iran ordered that attack in fact Iran has denied it uh the Wall Street Journal has failed to walk back their argument that made it seem like it was a certain thing that they had definitely backed it and ordered it but anyway um it doesn't matter I mean Biden has already uh moved to punish uh IR on further with additional sanctions.

Anyway the White House's response to stepanic is also worth getting into so in response to her visit to the knesset White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said there has been no better friend to Israel than President Biden and I'm here to tell you that they're not lying about that that is absolutely true Biden has given Israel everything that they want.

Biden has gone around Congress nearly a hundred times in order to get more Weaponry to Israel during this war there were only two times out of the 100 in which Congress was notified about what Biden was doing through executive action uh so this is the one area where I will say the Biden Administration is not lying he was the first American.

President to visit Israel during wartime in the aftermath of the horrific October 7th terrorist attack uh notice that Biden did not visit East Palestine couldn't be bothered with that even though uh Americans were facing a crisis and a disaster and they could have used the support of the United States president uh but they didn't get that um.

And he's the first president to order the US military to defend Israel from a foreign nation's attack as he has demonstrated President Biden's support for Israel's uh security is Ironclad and finally unlike some figures on the right and I'm not even going to read that graphic let's not even bother okay left and right in America meaning Democrats.

And Republicans in America are exactly the same when it comes to policy related to Israel exactly the same so this uh effort to use this war for political gain ain't going to work because honestly there's no difference between the two it didn't matter if it was Trump or Biden in office as this War uh played out they were both going to do.

Everything that Israel wanted period and a story now to be fair Biden tweaked him on the 2,000 pound bombs right that's the one thing where Biden Dar to uh you know not do exactly what uh Israel wished and he said if you're going to go in the I'm not going to in 200 but he got uh so much push back for that that he immediately panicked and was like.

Okay I'll send you a billion dollars right away yep and he sent a billion instantly so okay whatever he he he does 99% of what Netanyahu a right-wing warmonger wants and they're like not good enough you should do a 100% of what the warmongering outrageous rightwing government of Israel wants so look at least Stefan you should be super proud.

That you have kissed ass better than others and if you're a reporter or you're anyone in media and you're going to pretend that she's not affected by the $592,000 she got in legalized bribes from APAC you're not really a reporter so $592,000 so of course she has been.

Purchased and that's why she actually the way that she does and uh and you know what happens in those bombs that we drop we pay for those bombs and she says she's super happy that she's making the American taxpayers pay for those bombs children grandmothers Aunts Uncles moms lit on fire they're lit on fire we pay for that.

And Elise stefanic is bragging about it and saying that Biden has been dis has made the great crime of being disloyal to Israel because he dared to disagree 1% and they don't realize how pathetic they look finally the last piece of hypocrisy Nancy bosan 2007 made a trip to the Middle East where she slightly criticized uh President Bush at the time.

And all of American Media went nuts you cannot go abroad and criticize the US president that is a breach of of etiquette and back then Dana Pino White House spokesperson said we think it's a really bad idea people should take a step back and think about the message it sends and the message it sends to our allies now that stepanic is doing the.

Same exact thing they're all like Yay way to betray America go Israel so that's American Media and American politics for you just want to remind you all that Americans who suffered from the pg& e caused uh fire uh the camp fire in California remain homeless that fire happened in 2018 also want to remind you that uh the.

Fire that made Maui residents homeless um they're still homeless but we've we've forgotten about them we should be very proud that we are funding the bombs that Israel is dropping on innocent civilians in Gaza we should be so proud of that and you know there you but where's the America First crowd that's what want to know because I'm starting.

To see conservatives who are a little more critical in the beginning because they're like wait wait that's our money we want to make our country better why are we funding this world all of a sudden I don't know if they've been effectively shamed into accepting that Israel according to our politicians is far more important than our own country.

But don't be claiming that you're America first as you cosign or Greenlight your politicians sending our hard-earned tax dollars to a country that had a budget surplus in 2022 okay okay yeah one last thing guys so if you're offended by us pointing out the obvious actions of the be offended go ahead and cry about it that's okay I.

Just want to leave you with one last data point here Joe Biden has lost 30 points in the youth vote almost all of it because of Gaza all he has to do is slightly criticize Israel and the Republicans like Elise stefanic will jump all over him and say oh my God he's not kissing enough Israeli ass he's terrible he.

Should be serving Israel they do it all the time Mike Johnson does it we just shared Clips on this show with you guys direct quotes stepanic Johnson they all do it and they'll give the youth vote back to Biden and then he could win the election but he won't slightly criticize Israel he's willing to cost himself the.

Election and let Trump become president then defy Israel and still they say it's not enough that's the current state of American politics thanks for watching The Young Turks really appreciate it another way to show support is through YouTube memberships you'll get to interact with us more there's live chat.

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