End Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz – Would per chance 7 | NBC Recordsdata NOW


End Tuned NOW with Gadi Schwartz - Would per chance 7 | NBC Recordsdata  NOW

and first some developing news on another Trump case that just broke just a bit ago a federal judge in Florida indefinitely postponed Donald Trump's classified documents case and that could be in the former president's favor in a big way because the longer it gets pushed back the more likely this hush.

Money trial that we're about to talk about could be Trump's only criminal trial before election day which brings us to what happened today in New York where we heard from the woman at the center of all of it stormmy Daniels so former adult film star who alleges she had an affair with the former president NBC News correspondent Von Hillard has.

More Gotti you can say that this was 18 years in the making potentially 2006 was the Celebrity Golf Tournament in Lake Tahoe when which Stormy Daniels here today in front of this jury alleged that she instead of going to dinner like Donald Trump had suggested that you were going to do that night she instead met him at his hotel room and that is where.

She told the jury today they had a sexual encounter but not just that it was not just a one night stand she said instead they talked repeatedly in the weeks that followed after that 2006 interaction she even met up with him in Hollywood and at a trump event in Los Angeles and then in 2007 she said that she was invited by him to Trump Tower.

Where he dangled the prospect of her potentially appearing on The Apprentice she said that once it became clear Donald Trump on a phone call said that she would not be allowed to be on The Apprentice because others put a stop to that she said that's when the two cut off Communications if you fast forward then she chronicled in 2011 where there.

Were some Outlets that wanted to make her story public and ultimately she discussed what that experience was like before turning to 2015 when Donald Trump became a presidential candidate and then ultimately in October of 2016 when she described how she received $130,000 payment through Donald Trump's then personal attorney Michael Cohen to keep.

Her story from going public Stormy Daniels is crucial for the prosecution who are trying to make the case here to this jury that Donald Trump intended to conceal the $130,000 payment to her as well as the reimbursement to Michael Cohen for that payment because they understood that there were political ramifications to her bringing her story.

Public especially after the release of the Access Hollywood tape in early of October 2016 now she also faced cross-examination questions from Donald Trump's defense attorney who looked to question The credibility and the truthfulness of some of her stories calling to question the facts that she was sharing we expect her to come back.

To this very courthouse on Thursday when Court reconvenes where she will continue to face more questioning from Donald Trump's attorney this is going expected to be significant testimony of course the big question still is whether Donald Trump will take the stand himself here in the weeks ahead Gotti Von Hillier thank you so much and.

Let's bring in Sarah aari she is a top white caller criminal defense attorney and author of unprecedented that's a book exploring so many of the criminal allegations against Trump Sarah I don't I don't even know how to wait into the specifics here because they are pretty graphic very sexually explicit but we did see the judge warn prosecutors that.

Stormy Daniels was actually providing too much detail in testimony have you ever seen something like that that's right and he did it many times the problem is he could have struck her testimony and he didn't he could have stopped her from testifying and going there repeatedly and he didn't I think the reason is because the judge.

Understands that this is not just um you know she wasn't going in through except for a couple moments of the the butt whooping and the you know the the no condom which was pretty humiliating and I think prejudicial for the most part she had to provide this sort of detail because remember Trump is always double down and denied this relationship and so.

It was really important to show that this was not just some random one night stand that this was like an actual Affair that went on for a year he was blowing up her phone you know they met a couple times and so it was an ongoing it was a full-fledged Affair and I think that's why the details mattered and yesterday we saw Trump in something that.

We continue to watch for during this case Trump uh was threatened with jail time for violating the gag order for like the 10th time here then today uh we're all watching and sure enough he quickly posted then he quickly deleted uh this statement on Truth social if we have it here no judge has ever run a trial in such a biased and partisan way.

He is crooked and highly conflicted and then boom deleted uh could this be an 11th violation I mean the gag order seems to be pretty clear yeah it could be a violation of the gag order and also he's just disparaging the judge I mean who does that you know and so I think obviously smart move to delete it but if it was my client Gotti I mean I think at.

The third violation they would have been put in jail I think Donald Trump knows that he can get away with this that because of the political implications this judge is not going to go as far as to jail him and so he just keeps doing it and doing it so he's abusing that uh that reality unfortunately it sounds like you were saying that he is playing.

Chicken with the judge jail time exactly do you see that calculus do you see that he may want to go to jail just because it might get him support before the election I don't put anything past Donald Trump I mean that could be a sort of a reverse psychology for his voters you know to Victor he he loves to play victim he loves to be the victim of.

Political attacks and witch hunts and this is clearly something that he's attacking this trial about we also saw his lawyers go for a mistrial right after stormmy daniels's testimony what what was that about yeah so you know the idea that um that stormmy went too far into really prejudicial information and testimony um I expected that motion.

Because frankly in any trial we bring we we utter objections and we bring motions um even if it's a no-go because we know that we need to preserve the record for appeal if Donald Trump is convicted he's going to have to appeal his conviction without those motions and objections he doesn't have a elect to stand on so it was expected but of course this this.

Judge is not going to Grant a Mis trial because essentially it would mean that he made judicial errors himself who's going to reverse themselves right Lisa we appreciate you having us on fascinating fascinating case good to be with you sure thank you and right now a tornado watch is in effect across several states in the midwest including.

Major cities like Chicago Springfield and Indianapolis putting Millions at risk of some severe weather tonight and there's already been a couple of tornadoes that have been reported in Michigan one causing extensive damage to that FedEx building there more than 30,000 people are currently without power and this comes after a destructive.

24 hours of tornado activity across the Great Plains leaving entire neighborhoods looking like the scenes out of a disaster movie Barnes doall Oklahoma saw some of the worst destruction homes reduced to Rubble there at least one person killed and just 20 M North firefighters had to rescue people trapped inside of a hotel.

Uh in Oklahoma the storm so intense that it sit these wooden planks flying through walls now pay close attention to this next video that we're going to show you you see people standing outside that hotel rain was hammering down last night then the moment the tornado sweeps through you can literally see like a burst of light flash AC across the night.

Sky before everything goes dark people start running inside to safety take a listen holy in the middle of it right now yeah man that is crazy man terrifying there were more than 200 severe weather reports yesterday across several States including at least 19.

Tornadoes and it is not over yet there's still a couple more days left of this severe weather outbreak NBC News correspondent Jake Ray is standing by in Barnes doall Oklahoma with more on the aftermath there but first let's go to NBC News meteorologist Bill Karen Bill a lot of major cities are at risk right now what are conditions looking.

Like well we have search and rescue ongoing in at least one location from a tornado that hit about two hours ago we have active tornado warnings this will continue well after midnight in areas around you big cities Cincinnati Louisville Lexington so here's what we've had happen so far about five tornadoes report all of them in Southern.

Michigan in a little sliver here of Northern Indiana this region you know especially south of cazo Port Portage was the hardest hit that's where that FedEx building portion of it was destroyed I also have heard that there is a mobile home park that has been you know the word that was used on the scanner I've you yet to see pictures out.

Of that area powers out throughout the region and they actually had one tornado hit and then about an hour after a second tornado went over the exact same location it wasn't as intense as the first one but you know here you are the First Responders going door too checking cars trying to treat injuries and then there's another tornado warning so just.

Chaos other areas of concerned at this hour so this was an active tornado warning near Battle Creek Michigan this is now a severe thunderstorm warning so that's storm has been downgraded we have an active tornado warning with this cell cut out in an open area one near Jefferson Indiana and that one it looks like is going to be getting a Little Bit.

Stronger All Out by itself a supercell and this is the line that we're going to watch carefully so there's Indianapolis safe storms are over for you this is down here towards heading towards Cincinnati in between we have an active tornado warning this little hook right in here there's a good chance that we have a tornado that would be what we.

Call Rain WRA you can't really see it because it's mixed in the rain and that would be just north of Interstate 74 so Greensburg just north of you a lot of damage and that line of storms will be heading towards Brookville eventually as we go throughout the evening tornado watches continue this one goes to 11:00 for the Toledo area Cincinnati and.

Columbus till 1:00 a.m. and just minutes ago a new tornado watch was issued that goes through into the middle of the night for Louisville all the way down to Evansville and tomorrow we're going to do this all over again got at this time tomorrow I'll probably be talking about more active tornado warnings maybe even large tornadoes and the possibility of.

Damage in some big air highly populated areas here St Louis included tomorrow Memphis the Nashville area to Chattanooga to Lexington once again Louisville to Cincinnati and the potential for strong tornadoes exist in this hatched area we do know for a fact that one that was yesterday the one where Jay Gray is over 170 mph winds.

With that one we haven't had any that strong today but tomorrow there's at least the possibility of another strong one B bill it I mean the thing that seems particularly cruel here here is that some of these cities are getting hit twice right yeah a lot of locations I mean if you just go and look at what happened.

You know last week we had you know over 100 tornadoes reported and we had some same towns that got hit um you know uh Barn in Oklahoma they actually got hit by an ef1 about a month ago and then obviously they were just decimated by that ef4 that struck yesterday so Gotti has been volatile we haven't had a stretch like this in a in a couple years.

Uh you know it has happened in the past but uh you know we we're actually lucky that the technology has gotten so good that the number of fatalities is down but that doesn't help everyone that's lost all their homes because a lot of people have yeah some Silver Linings there and let's bring in NBC News correspondent Jay Gray and Bartlesville.

Oklahoma J you were actually talking to people who were staying at that motel or the hotel in Bartlesville during that tornado last night uh what did they tell you and I mean just looking behind you it looks like absolute destruction there yeah it's pretty amazing Gotti because you have mountains of debris like you're seeing here scattered across.

Northeast Oklahoma right now in fact if you walk around this you'll see more and they're working really quick to clean things up but more debris there and then those boards you talked about through the hotel wall they're still stuck there that's something they haven't cleaned up at this point talking to families who rode it out inside that hotel obviously.

Really frightened at the time the tornado Struck it was mostly the loud bangs and crashes that that uh were the first sign and we all just went running and the windows popped out of the hallways and the the uh the lobby glass the lobby glass the suddenness of the severity was shocking I've never been in a tornado.

And don't want to be in another one for sure yeah and look the cleanup that we talked about really underway all day today usually beautiful days after these tornadoes move through and you can see they're restoring power lines here they've put up new poles now running the lines here they expect to have the power in this area on at some point a bit.

Later this evening that's a process that's going to continue for several days and got they have to do it with an eye not only to the sky but the radar because there is concern while it may not be as intense they could see more SE severe weather here tomorrow Jay I cannot get enough I mean your photographer is doing incredible.

Work out there can you can we see that hotel once again I I've never seen anything like it it looks like the side of the hotel wall is almost like a pin cushion and the pins are 2 by Forge right it's amazing it really is yeah Alan Gillum behind the camera here and uh give you a look of again at at just 2x4s driven through the wall of this.

Hotel talk to the folks Inside the Hotel they say thankfully uh that's a stairwell so it really didn't put anyone in extreme danger everyone inside uh was hunkered down inside a laundry room most inside a closet within that laundry room about 60 people uh there and taking shelter and most of them said it happened very quickly that this storm.

Moved through very quickly when they came outside and saw what was left obviously very stunned you heard from the gentleman uh that we spoke to had never been in a tornado before and said he doesn't want to be in one again obviously uh no one wants to be in a storm like this and this is just a testimony to the strength of that.

Tornado this this metal roofing is from a building just a couple of blocks away and and just past us here is a steeple from a church that blew off that's several blocks away an entire steeple that that is I mean you're blowing my mind here um and then you got to think of the people that are going to be in round two the path of.

This storm again right H how are people going to stay safe when there's that amount of debris on the ground and you've got more storms rolling through no you can't because all of this could become airborne if we see some more severe winds that's very dangerous obviously that's why they're working so quickly to try and clear up what they.

Can get ready for another round of Storms and even if they're not as severe you've got areas where the roofs have been ripped away walls have been knocked down and so you're going to see rain pouring into those areas as well places where people obviously can't live right now and especially when you talk about Barnes doall where uh they are dealing.

With this for the second time in 5 weeks we know that 60 to 70 of the homes there are are gone uh we know that across this little section of Oklahoma as many as three 50 homes have been damaged by the storm so a lot to work through not a lot of time to do it immediately they'll be cleaning up again after the storms pass through uh.

Tomorrow wow Jay Gray with such a powerful Testament uh to what Mother Nature can do Jay thank you and don't go anywhere we are just getting started up next Israeli forces take the Rafa border crossing just a day after Hamas said yes to a ceas fire proposal so what is this going to mean for the war in the Middle East we've got.

The latest from NBC's Richard Engel plus Tick Tock Strikes Back the Chinese parent company behind the social media sensation is fighting an order to sell in a case that might just end up in front of the Supreme Court and lateer this hour how federal agents are taking on Wildlife trafficking specifically Coral trafficking apparently it's a.

Billion dooll industry but what happens to those Coral animals when they're confiscated NBC Marissa para explains in tonight's edition of stay wild they don't have eyeballs they're not fluffy and cute but they're so incredibly important to our ecosystem and they're beautiful to look at hey there welcome back let's take a.

Quick look around the world a gigantic tree fell down across one of Malaysia's busiest roads during heavy traffic killing one man there and damaging over 15 cars you can see how massive that tree was and this happened in the capital of guala lumur branches from the tree even fell over the Montreal line above the road delaying train routes and.

Remember that Australian woman who was arrested for killing her ex-husband's relatives by feeding them poisonous mushrooms well yeah today Aaron Patterson fled not guilty to three counts of murder and five counts of attempted murder because of some previous incidents her trial starts in the end of this month meanwhile.

Ukrainian intelligence says they foiled an s assassination attempt on President Vladimir zalinski they claimed that a Russian spy agency is behind the plot and they recruited two Ukrainian State guards to try to carry it out way before the war even started in Ukraine the two guards were arrested for suspicion of treason and speaking of Russia President.

Vladimir Putin was just sworn in for his fifth term as the country's leader during a ceremony at the Kremlin Putin won a pretty uncontested election back in March and he is on track to beating Russia's longest Serving Leader Joseph Stalin and just one day after Hamas announced that it had accepted a ceasefire proposal Israeli tanks entered.

Rafa this is an operation Israeli authorities have been talking about for weeks now and Israel's military is saying that they have seized control of the Gaza side of the Rafa Border Crossing closing a crucial humanitarian Aid Corridor Israel is saying that the operation is very limited but allies like Egypt are warning the country to.

Show restraint or a ceasefire deal could be threatened NBC's Richard Engle has more the Israeli military today said the only language Hamas understands is force and all day Israel shelled the southern city of Rua Israeli tanks rumbled in trampling over Palestinian signs taking over a border crossing with Egypt it says Hamas uses for terrorist.

Purposes but also stopping the flow of Aid the White House says the operation is limited not Israel's long anticipated major offensive which President Biden opposes because the city is packed with more than a million civilians ordered by Israel to come here for their safety Israel's defense minister says the operation is designed to pressure Hamas.

To free its hostages but that Israel is also prepared to make concessions to bring them back as we're learning more about hamas's counter offer claiming it will free all hostages in stages in exchange for releasing Palestinian prisoners of hamas's choosing and a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza Israel says the proposal doesn't meet its security.

Needs prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu dispatched a negotiating team to Cairo to discuss the proposal but today he sounded dismissive calling the offer an attempt to sabotage the Rafa operation which he said is vital to destroying Hamas in Rafa today our crew filmed at one of the only remaining hospitals where Muhammad Abu.

Amra cries for his nine sisters brothers and nieces all killed in an Israeli strike today he's wrapped with guilt he invited them to stay in his home because it's further away from Israel's new positions then he says for reasons he doesn't understand Israel bombed his house no one is left he cries it's just me and the rest are here the CIA.

Director isid Cairo along with negotiators from Israel and Hamas the Israeli military says it will intensify its operations in Rua unless there's a deal and tonight Arizona State University says it's investigating a faculty member after a viral video showed him confronting a woman wearing a hijab at a pro-israel rally near the.

University back to you don't like it go back to are literally I'm literally in your face that's right you're disrespecting my religious why you Mas what you're doing boundar what what does this have to do with religion you're spewing hate what does this have to do with religion out of here yeah who who.

Invited you here go back to Gan go now there's a lot we don't know about what happened right before or after that video but that video is going viral and the man that we're talking about is the one in the blue shirt Jonathan yudelman who is listed on asu's website as a post-doctoral research scholar the school says he has been put on Le.

Pending an investigation NBC News correspondent Dana Griffin joins us Dana so we're only seeing about 30 seconds of that confrontation can you set the story for us what what do we know happened for sure here yeah and there's not a lot of information that's why the school is investigating so this happened Sunday this was at a pro-israel rally and.

Sometime during that rally you can kind of see the two of them are kind of pushed off to the side you see dozens of people in the background there's this altercation where you hear the expletives You Hear The Mention Of go back to Jihad this is a woman who's wearing sunglasses and she's got on a hijab unclear if she's a student but.

Obviously it's causing concern because many people look at this and once you realize who the guy is this this professor who's been identified as Jonathan yelman many are wondering why take it this far especially being a faculty member at this University again we don't know what led up to it but it's pretty tense at one moment she's like.

Backed into that tree and it looks like she's trying her best to get away her hands are up She's Walking Away while they are still jeering at her and and for a lot of people it's it's quite disturbing have we heard from Eman or or the girl in the hijab so she has not been publicly identified unclear if she's a student we have reached out to.

Him I called and emailed him he hasn't returned our requests for comment but kmpx the local NBC affiliate there actually interviewed him moments before that altercation listen to what he told them I'm myself faculty it was important to out and make a statement for the community you see what's going on all across the country campus is being taken.

Over by supporters of terrorism Jewish students being intimidated that was before right before that was before and and to be clear it's unclear exactly how long before but the station went there to cover the protest interviewed him he said he wanted to make a statement and then also commented on the campus protests that are.

Happening across the country and he says that some of these people are here that support terrorism so he obviously was here for the pro-israel side and somehow there was an altercation uh Arizona State University is now in is now investigating they released a statement they said that they are aware of the allegations against Jonathan yelman and.

Is investigating Dr yelman is on leave and will remain so pending the outcome of this investigation as you mentioned he's a post-doctoral research at the University he also teaches a few classes there so we hope to find more once they complete their investigation Dana we're looking forward to that thank you thank you and coming up Tik Tok is suing the.

US government over a potential ban of the app we've got the details but first you got to see this this is an entire bear family caught on camera visiting the backyard of a home in Monrovia California two Cubs are just following their mama bear as she goes for a refreshing dip in that pool during a time when California's bears are more.

Likely to come out to enjoy the spring weather those Cubs are seeing climates trees before uh later casualty casually heading up the driveway and making their way back in the woods oh my gosh they're so fur but do not hug those Bears just a reminder in case you're just taken by those pictures hope they're doing all right hey welcome back Tik Tok is suing.

So it's owners don't have to sell more on that in just a moment but first here are some of the other headlines we're watching tonight the US Army is in investigating whether a soldier being held in Russia was actually lured there Sergeant Gordon black is detained in Russia on theft charges after he traveled to the country on non-official.

Business and black was stationed in South Korea and was supposed to be traveling back to the states he didn't have defense department clearance to visit Russia at the time and the Boy Scouts of America is changing its name to scouting America they say it's an effort to be more inclusive and it comes as the.

114-year-old group is coming out out of a bankruptcy after a string of sexual abuse claims and the sixth and final Baltimore bridge collapse victim has been recovered Jose Minard Lopez's body was found today he was a construction worker in the area when that bridge went down march banera is phasing out its controversially charged lemonade that.

Highly caffeinated drink has been blamed for two deaths in lawsuits spokesperson says the changes come after a recent menu transformation and Boeing scrubbed its St St liner launch up to the International Space Station apparently because of a last minute issue with the valve on the rocket now the Starliner capsule was scheduled to lift off around.

10: p.m. last night and now NASA is saying a second attempt won't happen until May 17th at the earliest and remember the bill that passed last month that could potentially ban Tik Tok in the United States unless it's Chinese owner sell well now those same Chinese owners are challenging that law in court with a big fat lawsuit the.

Social media company says the potential ban violates users First Amendment so do they have a case NBC's Savannah sellers takes a look hey Gotti so essentially we have the next chess move in this whole Saga of the potential to ban Tik Tok so today they filed this lawsuit in a DC Circuit Court of Appeals that was essentially.

Written into the law that that was the only court that could hear a challenge here they are saying this is unconstitutional calling a ban so obviously unconstitutional today Tik Tok sued the US government trying to undo the legislation signed into law last month that would force its Chinese parent company to sell within a year or.

See it banned Tick Tock and bite dance arguing the law disregards less extreme Alternatives and is simply not possible not commercially not technologically not legally adding the law will force a shutdown of Tik Tok by January 19th 2025 silencing the 170 million Americans use the platform do you think there's a chance here that Tik Tock successfully.

Challenges this I think Tik Tok has a chance and if they can articulate that their first amendment rights are being denied then the government may have to show that the legislation was necessary to achieve a compelling interest the Department of Justice declined to comment on the lawsuit but in a recent interview FBI director Christopher Ray.

Telling Lester Tik Tok is a national security concern because it is beholden to the Chinese government it has to do with the recommendation algorithm it has to deal with the software we're talking about the ability to control or collect data on millions and millions of users Tik Tok arguing unspecified National Security concerns are not enough of a.

Reason to restrict free speech and has previously denied it provides American user data to China the Tik talk finally fires back some of the apps users today celebrating the lawsuit they feel like they have a case a case in which Tik Tok says it is being unfairly singled out and is ready to prove as much in court so where does this go from here well.

There is a good chance that the US government will file a motion to dismiss but should this move forward and there's a good chance that it does this could be months of arguments before we actually get a decision then whoever were to lose this whether that's the government or Tik Tok most likely they appeal this that would go to the Supreme Court so a.

Timeline here is still very much in question Gotti we will wait and see Savannah thank you now the CDC says adding fluoride to public drinking water was one of the most important advances in public health of the 20th century but now it seems like it's becoming one of the latest fronts in the culture wars NBC's Aaron McLaughlin has that story.

Scrub scrub ready Abby udy Smith is extra careful about brushing her son Teddy's teeth now that her local tap water no longer contains fluoride after community members in Union County North Carol in came forward to express concerns the County Commission voted 3 to2 to remove it I didn't even know that there was a fight against fluoride are.

You ready to come back she's now scrambling to figure out what to do next for her two small children we're going to have to talk about possibly supplementing dentist me Locker is alarmed she says fluoride a naturally occurring mineral should be added to public water to help develop strong teeth especially for small children and.

Those without access to a dentist based with fluoride she says is not enough because the fluoride needs to be ingested we know that fluoride works all the journal articles have shown that there's a 25% reduction in children and adult Decay for people that are in community floridated water despite being the norm for decades in local debates.

The Nationwide fight over fluoride and water is reaching New Heights in the wake of Co and the antiva movement pitting dentists like lockery I hope you consider leading the fluoride in the water for the most vulnerable of our population against activists how long can our society bear the cost of knowingly lowering our population's IQ.

In Union County the debate errupted when officials prepared to open a new water treatment plant a local chair of the right-wing political group moms for Liberty pointed to a controversial 2019 Canadian study that showed slightly lower IQ scores in children whose mothers had higher levels of fluoride exposure during pregnancy though the.

Stud's author acknowledges more research is needed fluide is actually the one substance that we add to our water is not meant to address the quality of the water County Commissioner Brian Helms voted to remove fluoride by putting a substance that's meant for you know a medicinal type benefit into our water it brings up a a significant question about.

Cons major health organizations including the CDC the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics support fluoride in drinking water but it's been rejected by dozens of communities throughout the US in recent years with activists determined to press further the public is starting to become.

More aware and less blindly trusting of authorities so is your goal to remove fluoride from public water sources Nationwide absolutely yes leaving parents like Abby udy Smith increasingly worried about the long-term impact of her tap water it definitely will mean more um Avid teeth brushing and just keeping up on dentist appointments Aaron.

Mlin NBC News Union County North Carolina Aaron thank you and still to come when you are in a hurry self checkout sometimes can get you out of a store very fast but in California those Lanes might start closing down soon we're going to explain so stay tuned hello welcome back we are breaking down the history of rap battles in just.

A minute but first here are some of the stories that are happening out west following right now in East Hollywood a trespasser was shot and killed by a security guard at an LA metro station now police say the situation escalated quickly after the guard was stabbed and had to use his pepper spray officials are still investigating and it looks.

Like Colorado's plan to ban certain Firearms hit in a roadblock in the state senate today uh state senator Julie Gonzalez decided to put it on hold for now saying they need more time to talk the plan through it did pass the state house after facing some tough opposition and check out this blaze in Oakland today a three alarm fire ripped through.

An apartment building in the house there you could see the flames and the smoke coming out of all corners of these buildings officials say luckily no one was hurt and a proposed bill in California could force stores to roll back on self checkout Lanes in this effort to curb theft and some retailers are already removing the machines Al.

Together NBC's senior business correspondent Christine Romans has that story California lawmakers considering a new bill forcing retailers to limit self checkout Lanes in e to curb theft and protect jobs when worker safety is at risk and people lose their jobs we in the state legislature must act and we must act now according to the bill.

Grocery and retail stores would be required to provide at least one cashier run station self checkouts would be limited to 10 items or less and a human worker would be required to monitor no more than two lanes each stores using AI at checkout would need a full assessment before deploy that technology lawmakers and retailers say curving theft is a.

Priority with one recent survey estimating more than 20 million Americans have stolen from a self- checkout kiosk and more than 8 million planning to do it again 69% of consumers also say it's easier to steal from a self checkout kiosk than a cashier this comes as major retailers have already been rethinking how to use self checkout.

In stores most recently Target is limiting self checkout to 10 items or less the line goes quicker but also I feel like it's not very convenient for some people that take you know are buying a lot of stuff while other major retailers like Walmart and Costco experimenting with limiting self checkout and Dollar General removing.

Self checkout Al together from hundreds of its stores the question is whether forcing people to a certain kind of checkout whether that resolves the issue and I don't think it's going to be a global solution retail theft aside many Shoppers are taking notice of the changes can we just talk about the self checkout epidemic in the United States.

We are officially entering the downfall of self checkouts as for inflation weary Shoppers in California experts also say buyer beware over a potential downside to the bill I'm very worried that this will raise the cost for the businesses which will then have to really try to resolve that issue either through raising prices uh or exiting the market.

And consumers we know are already fed up with high prices Christine Romans NBC news Christine thank you and police in Toronto are investigating a shooting that left a security guard seriously hurt overnight outside Drake's Mansion yeah the same Drake who was in this ongoing feud that we've been talking about with rapper Kendrick Lamar now.

Police say there is currently no evidence that the shooting had anything to do with the weekend of dis tracks between the two rappers and a rep for Drake tells NBC news that the rapper was not heard now we still don't know if he was even home at the time of that shooting but NBC News correspondent Emily aada has all the.

Details hey there GTI well I can tell you tonight there is a heavy police presence outside of Drake's Toronto home and police say that will continue to be the case as there's this active Manhunt underway in search of the suspect or suspects responsible of the drive by shooting police say it happened around 2:00 a.m. this morning a security guard.

Standing by the gates had been shot and now is in serious condition they say there is video of uh of the shooting but they say it's low quality so they don't have any kind of suspect description or vehicle description at this point they're continuing to surveil and ask around try to get a hold of additional video it's not clear if the rapper Drake.

Was home at the time but we have been told he is uninjured at this point there is no motive in the shooting which is something that police repeatedly underscore but they did acknowledge they are aware of the increasingly escalating rap battle between Drake and Kendrick Lamar take a look at this over the last two weeks they've exchanged six diss.

Tracks touching on a range of topics ranging from OIC to SI shaming authenticity of music and they appear to have grown increasingly personal and serious Kendrick Lamar accusing Drake of being a pedophile Drake accusing Kendrick Lamar of being abusive one of Kendrick Lamar's latest tracks comes with a video on YouTube that the.

Backdrop of that video is actually an aerial view of Drake's Toronto home the home that is now the scene of a shooting we've reached out to both of their reps and have not her back for comment time for the future of everything in Chicago the future of automation is on display this week Robotics are being.

Integrated into everything from Factory floors to our berry kitchens and Charlie Wy W uh from NBC Chicago takes a look at the latest advancements in all things robot be it building a circuit Ward or building your next Burger chances are a robot will be involved in the process here at mccormic place the latest and Robotics are on.

Display at the banial show of the American Association of automation better known as A3 the buzzword this year is artificial intelligence or AI well AI is making the machine smarter this robot uses cameras to see what it's doing and make changes on the Fly AI can adapt to those situations and find the part wherever it is and even understand.

It if it's upside down or the wrong way and be able to reorient it to make it correct the newest generation of robots are what they call collaborative robots these don't stand alone by themselves instead they work alongside workers on the shop floor and they have sensors on board to make sure they don't run into anybody that makes them a lot safer and.

A lot easier to integrate into a workplace are those my peanuts thank you very much and this is collaboration taken to the extreme Frank eping is playing with a robotic drummer you have to do a good timing you know we know exactly when they're coming and moving away and everything but I'm not scared of them because you know I know they.

When they collapse into me they will stop that's pretty cool okay start and you can't choose you know the while you feel here and when it comes to cool few robots can top Moody the AI recommend you the this cocktail a robot bartender that uses AI to suggest what drink you might like this is only for you very good very refreshing just a.

Taste of what an estimated 30 to 40,000 visitors will'll see at A3 2024 this week at mccormic Place Charlie vort husky NBC 5 News cap and Wildlife trafficking has become a very big deal it is a billion doll industry and it's impacting animals across the globe including Coral yes Coral is a living animal so when federal agents confiscate.

Coral that has been illegally trafficked they need to find new homes for them as soon as possible and that's where places like the Georgia Aquarium come in NBC's Marissa par got an inside look beyond the famous Florida ceiling exhibits of the Georgia Aquarium the largest in the US is a yearslong rescue for a tiny little species this is all.

Live Coral in here Coral is an animal without eyes and ears corals are easy to mistake for plants but these these are animalss and the ones here are being nursed back to health this tank is full of corals rescued from the hands of Thieves this is living evidence that you're looking at that can be used for court.

Cases the black market for illegally trafficked Wildlife is seeing a surge there is a Black Market but there's also legal trade so it becomes Complicated by that it is a constant challenge officials say the trafficking of wild animals often happens in tandem with other criminal activities like drug trafficking within the span of four.

Years us fish and wildlife saw 834 cases of wildlife seized abandoned or refused entry and coral was in the top three of all cases the unfortunate thing is wildlife trafficking is a low-risk high reward crime if you get caught you're not going to be punished very much but there is a very high economic reward to be had if you don't get caught they're.

Looking to expand their Network in the southeast region that is consistently seen the highest number of trafficked and seized animals of any region in the country crooks are cashing in on a lucrative illegal trade using trafficked coral stolen from The Reef and selling it to smaller aquariums or turning it into decoration even jewelry stopping.

These trades in their tracks is why the Wildlife confiscations network was founded we launched last October and we've helped Place 2,400 individual animals 30% of those animals have been Coral an animal already fighting to survive warming Waters a fourth Global Coral bleaching event confirmed by Noah just this year threatening to kill even.

More reefs Beyond repair they have enough working against them the last thing they need is to be plucked from the wild illegally as they fight for steeper penalties for wildlife crime the smaller battle is being fought right here we've uh provided a home for hundreds of these protected species in our exhibits where millions of guests.

Can see them in Al live Coral habitat the Georgia Aquarium is one of many partners who take in the trafficked animals be it Ray or Coral that would otherwise have no hope of survival a lot of these came in they were completely white and have since regained much of that coloration with healthy conditions the corals can recover aquaris and.

Curators like Steve Harter devote every minute to Bringing these corals back to health in the way you're used to seeing them full of color and teeming with life I love taking these corals and creating displays and using them as paint on the canvas these corals provide that living artwork his hope is that his inspired Creations Inspire more people big and.

Small wow Marissa para joins us now Marissa inspiring for sure but but also what happens next those corals are brought back to life they get their colors are they released back into the wild how does it work well with these corals the problem problem is that's a very difficult thing you know they have to be nursed back to health and so a lot.

Of times it's impossible to release these wild animals and it depends on the situation of course um it depends on the specific situation with that specific animal but I will say I learned so much about all of the work that goes into this and I do want to quickly talk about this network as a whole because obviously we spend so much time talking.

About the Georgia Aquarium specifically looking at corals um but this network is a nationwide effort this is in coordination with other zoos around the country including the Los Angeles Zoo there's all kinds of animals we mentioned the Rays also at the Georgia Aquarium but there's animals like tortoises that get rescued and so we.

Thought it was really interesting to focus on a micro level on the Georgia Aquarium especially because looking at how much trafficking there is in the Southeast region specifically Gotti so as we mentioned they're looking to expand the Southeast region and that is part of why we embedded with the Georgia Aquarium because they are going to have.

A much larger role in that in the future yeah it wild to that map you'd think that Florida are places that had a coast but so far inland in the United States I was really weird I got to ask look I'm I'm one of those guys that was watching this and was like Coral uh oh yeah it is an animal but like doesn't really compute as an animal to me you got a.

Chance to spend some time with them what was the impression that you were left with got there was so much that I learned from this and I think you speak to one of the first lessons was I think I got a deeper appreci of coral I never really thought of them as animals but um one just watching how much care goes into nursing them back to health and you.

Can see just how much their curators n Aquarius really care about them and it was really cool Gotti I think one of the coolest moments was they were showing me they call it the feeding time and you could see the coral reacting to the food and they were describing what they thought was they were saying that the coral was really enjoying it but um I.

Have been to this aquarium before God and I just have such a new appreciation knowing now that these same coral reef exhibits that I have looked at before I not only had no idea how much effort went into creating those exhibits but I think it's really special that now we know that they're a part of this rescue Network to save trafficked animals and.

Of course they're trying to stop trafficking before it happens but it's really beautiful that it's now a part of a network that gives them a home where they wouldn't have it otherwise yeah beautiful to see an interconnected species that's given us a lesson on on how to live life I guess Marissa para thank you so much thank you and that.

Does it for us tonight I'm Gotti Schwarz we'll see you here tomorrow but until then stay tuned thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us us on social media

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