Enhanced games targets to let athletes compete without drug sorting out penalties


Enhanced games targets to let athletes compete without drug sorting out penalties

Athletes some considered the greatest in their Sports and a new book is claiming that San Francisco Slugger Barry Bonds used steroids for at least five seasons sources say Rodriguez admitted buying banned drugs a one-time icon of sports in America stripped today of his seven tour def France titles now one group wants to celebrate athletes who make.

That choice they're calling it The enhanced games set for next summer and they plan to let athletes use perform perance enhancing drugs like steroids in the competition the enhanced games is the third version of the Olympic Games and now we're Reinventing it once again for the 21st century that's Aaron duza the Australian businessman whose Vision.

Has attracted the attention and money of billionaire and right-wing activist Peter teal we'll see five core sports track and field swimming gymnastics weightlifting and Combat Sports and drugs are allowed including ones on the world anti- opening agency or wat's band list from anabolic steroids which boost muscle strength stimulants that can make.

The heart pump faster to cannabis even overthe counter cold drugs like PSE Sudafed the Olympic stripping medals from athletes who take them like cyclist Lance Armstrong Runner Marian Jones and skater Camila valieva the biggest name hurt by Russia's State sponsor doping scandal in a statement this week W condemned the enhanced games saying.

Quote the health and well-being of athletes is W's number one priority clearly this event would jeopardize both but duza cites a 2011 study commissioned by W showing more than 40% of athletes had used band supplements in the previous year what would you say to your adversaries who are you know not supportive of this who say that the.

Olympics it's about a clean environment to show how far you can push the human body on an even playing field well it's a different playing field the Olympics are like the Opera and we're like a rock concert we want to be like Taylor Swift errors tour duza says doctors will monitor athletes who use the drugs and give Health screenings but is there any.

Safe amount of some of these drugs medical experts say It's Tricky if you're using the lowest dose possible for the shortest duration possible and you've been selected as an appropriate candidate for that particular use then I think you could probably do it safely but sort of this open-endedness that's where I think we start to see problems.

There's another Factor money the games which have not secured a TV deal yet promise athletes a fair based salary to be announced later plus bonuses a huge contrast to the international Olympic Committee which does not pay medalists that's left to home countries to decide and in the US only medalists get paid about 30,000 for gold way less than the.

Minimum salaries in the big four men's sports here in the US the promise of a payout appealing to swimmer James Magnuson a three-time medalist from Australia who says he's never never used steroids but vowed to quote juice to the gills to get a seven figure bonus from the games' organizers if he can break the 50m freestyle record Magnuson tells.

Me the enhanced games are safe for athletes of his level in part because of the honesty behind it we're going to do this in the open there's no secrecy it's it's not done in the shadows I'll document it I'll be completely open and honest with everything I take how it's making me feel how my performance is affected and if there are any side.

Effect what what those are okay Chloe I'm kind of just almost without words here uh when you talk to your sources in the entertainment world is there is there a market for something like this I don't even want to ask because we know there is right people get totally Juiced up and then what they go for it and we'll see if they survive.

And and how big of a of a game that they can turn in so I've been talking to athletes professional athletes retired athletes I've also talked to some people in the TV business and they all say it would make for great entertainment okay especially if you have people compete in the enhanced games who are not on performance-enhancing drugs because you.

Don't have to be on performance-enhancing drugs to take part in the enhanced games so therefore you could have somebody who says all right I want to go compete against somebody in the 100 meter dash I don't even know if that's part of the Olympics but let's just pretend it's a part of the enhanced games and they're not on steroids but.

Their compet competition is and then they beat them what a coup that would be right and so I think that when you look at the world of reality television when you look at the landscape right now Tom you see that people are pushing the envelope and networks are trying to bring in people and boost ratings which in turn means bigger ad sales bigger.

Money and a better bottom line for them in the end so I do think this will find a home somewhere on television in the Noto distant future I've got 15 seconds Chloe but are people concerned about the potential health impact of people juicy to the gills listen I spoke to Aaron as you see and he says that there will be a team of.

Medical experts that will be watching over their athletes and that this is going to be done within reason there will be some guard guard rails thanks for watching stay updated about breaking news and top stories on the NBC News app or follow us on social media

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