Ex-Trump aide on how Melania would possibly per chance well react to the hush money trial


Ex-Trump aide on how Melania would possibly per chance well react to the hush money trial

Tonight, Donald Trump ignoring questions about Melania as he made his way into court. Thank you very much. Mr. Trump also like hearing the Access Hollywood. Are you ready for me to enter.

First fight against you with Melania? Melania has avoided the courtroom completely thus far, privately calling the trial a quote unquote, disgrace. And that's according to The New York Times. OUTFRONT now, Stephanie Grisham, the former Trump.

White House press secretary and Melania's former chief of staff. And Elizabeth Williams, the sketch artist in the courtroom with Donald Trump today as she has been. Other days, we've had the honor of speaking to Elizabeth. Stephanie, let me start with you on the the core of this was Stormy.

Daniels situation. And you spent a lot of time with Melania when the news was breaking about Stormy. And you said this was very embarrassing for her. That was before we found out today that David Pecker has a private email account that could have even more.

Embarrassing details about Donald Trump himself. Is she prepared for that right now? I can guarantee she is watching every ounce of coverage. And when that came out, it peaked her interest. Melania is very much.

About proof, show proof. And so if some more damaging stuff should come out that, you know, she didn't know about because, of course, her husband continues to deny all of the details here about Stormy, especially if some other stuff comes out. I think that'll be really interesting to watch.

Because you can't really dispute things that are in writing. And that's something she always paid quite a bit of attention to. Was was proof. Right? And we don't know, for example, what's in that email account. That was one thing.

Dangled out by the prosecution when it comes to David Pecker, though. Elizabeth, you were in the room today and you were watching when he took the stand. Yes. Trump is there. You actually brought your, as I say, first draft of history you're drawing. And it shows Trump's.

Avid focus here on David Pecker. Absolutely. Trump. Here we can hold it up while you're while you're talking. When David Pecker came into the courtroom, Donald Trump looked at him as he walked in and he walked in.

Between the defense table and the prosecution table and took the stand. And from that time, he was razor focused on Mr. Pecker. And indeed, you can see he's sitting up.

Almost on the edge of his edgy seat. Yes, we can see. And I know where as these other attorneys sitting behind, he's very, very focused on this, which was a complete contrast to what he was doing in the morning, where he had his eyes closed.

During the judge's ruling and the judge's instruction to the jury. So it's it's quite an interesting comparison. Contrast to the day. So that's why when I saw this and Pecker is a very important he is and you know, as.

Stephanie saying I mean central to this and amazing when you see this, but it's really about the relationship between between absolutely men here. So, you know, when we. There's another sketch of yours I wanted to show today. I mean, this one was with Pecker,.

But there was another one that you drew where Trump's eyes are are closed and, you know, sort of, gosh, I feel like I'm looking at a you know, you make me think of Mulcair. What was happening in that moment. Well, what was happening was the judge was explaining his ruling on the.

The Sandoval order and whether it was in terms of whether testimony or other cases could be allowed in questioning of Trump. Exactly. And Trump had his eyes closed. His head would sort of tilt back and forth. However,.

Then I would notice that all of a sudden he would hear something and he would snap to attention, take a piece of paper, write something down and hand it to Todd Blanch. So he really wasn't asleep, but he had his eyes closed and he did the same thing.

Through the opening statement of the prosecutor. He closed his eyes the entire time. So interesting. That seems to be, from what you're saying away that he's focusing, I guess. But then when he then his.

When his attorney gives his opening statement, he sits back, he looks towards the jury. He he has a very different body language that point in time. So, you know, I see that I've seen that a lot with defendants. Defendants will tend to not want to look.

At the prosecutor when they make an opening statement. That's very typical. And when their attorney makes the opening statement, they will then look towards them. But this was just so dramatic with I've never seen anybody close their eyes for all this period of time ever.

And I've been doing this and then dashed off a note, clearly paying attention. And Stephanie, as you say, Melania, paying attention to this, you know, just a sort of juxtaposition of how they're spending their time.

She's out now selling a new jewelry line, a necklace for Mother's Day, $245. She calls it, quote, her love and gratitude. Nothing on the website suggests that the money raised is going to charity or anything like that. Do you have any sense.

What she could be selling the jewelry for? I mean, is this just money for herself? Money to raise money for the legal defense for Trump's been trying left and right and center to raise money. What's it for? So I try not to laugh at the thought.

That she would be raising money for his defense. I'm so sorry. That's absolutely not going to be it. Number one, they're using so many people who are contributing, you know, to the president and to his president or the former president.

And to his campaign for those things. But she's doing it for herself. You know. Had I been advising her, I would have said a couple of things. Number one, this is the first day of your husband's criminal trial and you're going to hock some jewelry. Probably not a very good look.

And then, yeah, I would have, you know, at least said, hey, are we going to give this to some kind of an initiative for children or, you know, her mother did just pass, so perhaps it would go to some kind of a whether it's Alzheimer's, cancer or something,.

Some proceeds, but instead it just says, here you go, buy this for $245, You know, And then another thing that you had said at the beginning of the of the your segment is that, you know, she finds this to be just disgusting. Trial, Right.

I forget what the word is, but if that were the case, she would at least put that out on ex she would say something Melania Trump absolutely does what she wants to do and if she felt this was a disgrace, she would say something. All right. Well, thank you both very much.

I appreciate it.

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