Expansive Bowl commercials: Most productive and worst of 2024


Expansive Bowl commercials: Most productive and worst of 2024

Welcome back 743 and millions of people tuned in to watch last night's Super Bowl and advertisers paid big average commercial costs this year wore up 75% from a decade ago and a poll reveals 22% of viewers were excited solely to watch just the commercials alone and so how did they do the CEO and principal of curator Scott bshi joining us live to.

Break down the best and worst Superbowl ad Scott thank you so much for being here oh my pleasure good to see you yeah good to see you too so uh you like Dunkin Donuts you liked B MGM the Google pixel ad and the Volkswagen ads um but let's start with Dunkin Donuts I mean what makes this one Stand Out particularly this is so good you know so.

The Super Bowl spots typically you have these big SBS that are involved they're incredibly expensive to produce then you have to pay for the talent so you have to stick out right and then you have to sort of figure out amongst everything with the ad in front of you the ACT behind you how do you quiet the room how do you get people's attention so this.

One was not only funny which is hard to do it's it's hard to be funny with the broad audience um but you know it's Dunkin Donut is kind of a low price point so there's not a whole lot you have to do Beyond awareness in this spot kind of nailed it it was a funny spot for sure so next we had to talk about the BET mgm's.

Commercial featuring Tom Brady tell us a little bit more about that one um well Tom Brady wins a lot right so um and we could all use to win a little more in our lives and so I thought the SWAT did a really nice job of highlighting um why it's easy to bet with them this new process they have going on but it was also really funny.

Right it was very much like the other one in terms of um big name celebs vce Fawn was fantastic in that Wayne Gretzky was in that spot um and then Tom Brady was fantastic in the spot too I mean that I don't know if you saw the one with the the pool stick behind his back and the clothes it was just a it was just one of those kind of funny classic.

Stand Out talk about it the next day commercials it was fantastic uh the Google pixel ad definitely caught my attention and yours as well what made that one stand out you know um we've talked in the past bill I love when you're so I'm visiting friends at Palm Springs right now so we had a big watch party for the game and whenever you have.

Kind of a loud room and people are Milling around when the room gets quiet because the spot comes on that that spot did that and so it quieted the room people tuned in but also they were announcing a new kind of uh complicated technology with AI and when you can do it in a way that people understand it it's an expensive product but people get.

Why they should buy it there a call to action um that's a really good spot they did a nice job with that it kind of pulled on your heartstrings it was emotional but you can kind see how it would work for you goes really good yeah definitely kept people glued to the TV watching that so let's talk about Volkswagen what made that AD stand.

Out uh well it was nostalgic and um Neil Diamond come on right and so yeah how do you go wrong with Neil Diamond come on no you don't you don't and so I was at I was at a watch party um the guy next to me kind of missed it up I don't know if it was denil diamond or the nostal of the Volkswagen but a focus group of w that's pretty good it was they did a.

Really nice job kind of showing the evolution of that product starting in black and white is beautifully shot but also kind of ending it with this excitement and hope about the future and electric vehicles I thought that was a really good spot yeah I did too I really like that one okay so you know just to put it in perspective it was $7 million.

For 30 seconds of air time for the Super Bowl on top of that you have production costs I guess the Dunkin Donut spot cost about $30 million to put on the air for that 30 seconds so let's get into the the one that maybe wasted their money uh squarespace's ad was not one of your favorites and it typically isn't I mean it's it's we've done this a number of.

Years and I think there's a lot of times I talk about the fact they missed the mark they have this product and we use it a lot in my firm it's it's a very good product they do a really nice job and then they do these spots that are very highly produced I think Martin scy produced this and directed it um they never talk about the product they had no.

Point that they talk about the product or what it does or what its benefit is so you have this massive audience that's watching the game a lot of people that have side hustles and different gigs that they can sort of create websites for inexpensively and really well done it's a beautiful product they never talk about it so it's one of those spots.

Where you watch and have no idea what you just watched right and and and that's the thing if you can remember the spot and you can't remember the product in in some ways that that has to be a fail when you're talking about all the money that you're putting up just to get it out there right when you think about to your point you talked about a $7.

Million ad bu and then you have the money they spent with scors ay which had to be significantly more than even the adby and then the production cost so you really want typically in our world you want a 3 to1 Roi a 3 to1 return on investment so if you're spending $30 million for a spot you want $90 million in sales to to justify I can't believe.

They're going to get that from that spot absolutely those are huge numbers Scott badill always a pleasure to have you my man oh it's a pleasure for me too good seeing you both yeah good to see you as well

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3 thoughts on “Expansive Bowl commercials: Most productive and worst of 2024

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