Fani Willis describes how she split payments with Nathan Wade: ‘Don’t be lovable with me’


Fani Willis describes how she split payments with Nathan Wade: 'Don't be lovable with me'

Did you ever go out to eat together other than the lunches you talked about during 2019 or 2020 I would think that we probably went to lunch but it wouldn't have been let me think 2019 I'm going to say I don't know I'm I'm going to say we probably broke bread.

Someplace in 2019 I don't remember it but it seemed like we would have broke bread sometime in 2019 so I'm going to say yes although I have no recollection um but it seems to me I got I go out to eat and drink with pretty much everyone so I'm going to say yes so outside of the vacations that we've already talked about did you ever go out to dinner with.

Mr Wade I I mentioned to you that I object as to what time period like we're asking very Bain questions I thought we were treating the witness as hostile under 611 we're no longer doing that so are we going to go back and forth we need to be more specific with our questions if we're going to treat her as hostile.

All right M Merchant it's not so much I think you can elect between leading and opening questions but I think we are still wondering about and I think we need to get back on track of focusing on the financial benefit or the relationship and my next question about if you did go out to dinner who paid when you went out to dinner he paid I.

Paid you both paid okay so let me be real clear we didn't say oh the bill is $102 you give $51 I'll get $51 I don't operate like that with my girlfriends I don't operate like that with anyone he caught the bill I caught the bill whom did you ever pay him through cash app no you only ever paid him through cash what yes we're talking about I'm.

Very confused you've never given Mr Wade money through cash app no the only money you've ever given him outside of a contract is cash I didn't give him money in a contract so that was cute but I didn't give him money out in a contract what happen it no we going to answer it since you said it he worked he worked more hours than he was paid and the.

County paid him for the work that he did so don't be cute with me and then think that you're not going to get an answer and I will ask you about the contract in a minute I asked you about cash did you ever pay him anything and I'm trying to qualify my questions I'm not talking about the contract at Sultan County that was paid I'm not talking about that I'm.

Talking about outside of that did you ever pay him anything other than cash I've only given him cash a few times in in the course of what we're talking about so go to let let her finish her answer if we would go to dinner I wouldn't give him cash cuz he paid for dinner or I paid for dinner I've given him cash only a few times in life.

Probably four probably the most money I've ever handed him is $2,500 the least amount of money I've handed him probably between $500 $1,000 you never wrote him a check ma'am I don't have checks okay um so you have no proof of any reimbursement for any of these things because it was all cash right the.

Testimony of one witness is enough to prove a fact so my question tell is that what you're intimating right here I'm asking if you have any proof that you P from any of these the proof is what I just told you you have no written proof is that correct so I have some um probably some transactions like in.

Believe I probably spent $500 on my card uh in believe I spent 800 I can't remember 900 bucks on each of our tickets to go to bise I did the $700 I probably got some minor expenses in AR Ruba that would be on a card but for the most part for those trips other than so the two cruises I gave him money for those before we ever left um cuz they.

Were pre-book let me answer well the the question was if you had any written proof and so so I've answered you that I've had written we move to the next question if you've answered if who had any written proof and that was my question um I want to make sure that we're clear that for the two cruises I asked if she.

Gave not going to talk over Miss Merchant she answered your question so we can ask the next question Miss Willis Miss cross will have plenty of opportunities to let you clarify your answers when it's her turn thank you judge knowing your role as district attorney you know that public funds are scrutinized and money is scrutinized and.

Things like that you understand I'm sorry goad you understand you're under a microscope you have reporting requirements all of those types of things um you have no record other than your testimony of the money that you've given Mr W you've already asked that question let's keep going

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