Father shares inviting weight-loss travel and life transformation


Father shares inviting weight-loss travel and life transformation

we are back with a truly amazing transformation in our series take it off today you're about to meet by our buyers take on a father of two who changed his life after a wake-up call from his doctor for most of my life I've always been overweight at my heaviest I weighed 400.

Pounds I often feel so tired that I would have to sit down to do the dishes or tell my kids that I was too exhausted to play with them my wife would encourage me to start walking but I lost interest in doing anything in January 2021 I finally paid a visit to my doctor I was diagnosed with the severe high blood pressure high cholesterol and type.

2 diabetes and then he told me I was only expected to live until my 40s that was the moment I knew I had to make a change so I switched up my diet but my biggest challenge was that I was addicted to Sugar I usually consumed about 200 grams of sugar a day over time I learned how to control my portions which slowly killed my Cravings I.

Started walking running swimming and eventually started strength training last summer I even completed my first triathlon today I have lost nearly half of my body weight shedding 230 pounds in two years and I have never felt better wow that's quite the transformation so we want to pull up this picture here this was by our two years ago okay and.

He's with us here here is by our now we're here oh my goodness Hi how are you thank you for coming congratulations thank you for coming have a sit there yes so all right I mean you look great how are you feeling do you feel as great as you look I definitely do I mean the feeling of it's it's actually amazing.

And then wow I want to share it I love that it and you know not just share it with your beautiful family but to share it with everyone watching so let's get into the nitty-gritty here because you you admitted in that spot that sugar was your weakness you craved sugar you couldn't give up sugar so how are you.

Able to curve that craving I mean it takes a time it took me a definite lot of days and years and months I mean months and years right now um I learned how to temper it down because as a as a human being you cannot just stop everything at the same time right because your your brain is not actually meant to do that so it takes.

Time but like I had to cut a little by little and that's how it started yeah so you went to the doctor initially Everett or one of the reasons was because you were really tired all the time was the weight affecting your sleep yes so um as as I I mean what I was experiencing was like I had to actually take naps my naps was not even regular.

Natural like I had to take two hours we were like sleeping I was like sleeping for two hours in the afternoons every single day even at jobs on my chairs and then it was crazy you you were someone who never exercised before and then all of a sudden you do you start with the strength training and then I read that you actually competed.

In a triathlon amazing and now is it true you're training for another one yes so last year I did a Nine Mile I believe it was this year I'm doing it 32 miles wow yes challenging myself wow wow are you ready for it August 27th it's coming up it's coming up so I'm actually about to start my sessions soon wow I'm training for you how old are your kids I.

Have a five and a nine year old a five and a nine so your kid's old enough to understand what Daddy has been through and then they are so motivated by me that there are actually like doing something on their own right now like the push-ups and stuff like they see me doing it now they're doing it on their own without even me telling them you're.

That example for them how to say your mental health is tied into your weight loss uh it has definitely changed my life because when I was obese I mean I was morbidly obese so when I was at this stage I was lazy I did not have motivation to do anything um no short-term long-term goals thinking about it I just learned to just.

Live day to day but now today I'm like more motivated to do things and Inspire and especially my mental health has been to the point where like even like in this simple task like remembering things it changes lives because when you're obese your brain does not work the way it's supposed to and you don't even remember things like for.

Like your tasks so even like simple like that wow I love it we talk a lot about health and wellness on the show and I think for all of us we all agree it's not about the number on the scale right we know a lot of folks who you know our weight fluctuates or have you but what would you say is the takeaway for people watching at home it's more than just.

Pounds isn't it it's more than just weight it is definitely more than just the weights like right now I'm going through a situation where I'm shrinking but the pounds are staying the same so uh I've learned that people are getting dismotivated by the scale so I would definitely tell people not to do that I would like to motivate people just take.

The practice keep going stay consistent with it but definitely find your motivation what motivates you uh that's the key to it yeah well done sir I know well done so proud and I know your wife and kids are too yes thank you very much that was good and to learn more about by your story you can head to today.com hey thanks for watching don't miss the.

Today show every weekday at 11 A.M Eastern 8 Pacific on our streaming Channel today all day to watch head to today.com all day or click the link right here

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3 thoughts on “Father shares inviting weight-loss travel and life transformation

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