Fears of Violence in Jerusalem as Ramadan Begins | CBN NewsWatch – March 11, 2024


Fears of Violence in Jerusalem as Ramadan Begins | CBN NewsWatch - March 11, 2024

Thank you so much for joining us for CBN News watch I'm F from Graham ahead today fears of violence in Jerusalem and tight security as the Islamic holy month of Ramadan begins without a ceasefire and as President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly disagree over Israel's policies the growing crisis in Haiti as the US.

Evacuate some of its Personnel from its Embassy amid fears of a humanitarian catastrophe the surgeon homicides right here in the United States in our nation's capital we're going to bring you that story from Washington and an important announcement about season 4 of The Chosen so when will it be streaming online and what is its future as a free.

Show all those stories and more ahead today right here on CBN Newswatch this is CBN newsat We Begin this half hour in Israel with tight security amid concerns of violence in Jerusalem as the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins today without a ceasefire in place between Israel and Hamas and the Israeli forces push ahead.

Against Hamas President Biden prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu are disagreeing publicly over Israel's policy cbn's Middle East correspondent Julie stall is on our story President Biden said he's worried about violence in Jerusalem without a ceasefire as Israel braces for trouble in Jerusalem Judea and Samaria known as.

The West Bank and Beyond during Ramadan Muslims gathered for prayer at alaka Masque on the Temple Mount Sunday evening Israel repeating its pledge that it will allow Muslims from Palestinian areas to pray there in an interview with MSNBC President Biden said Netanyahu has a right to pursue Hamas but must take into account the plight of gaza's.

Civilians but he must he must he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions taken he's hurting Israel more than helping Israel it's contrary to what Israel stands for and I think it's a big mistake Netanyahu responded in an interview with Politico that his policies represent the vast majority of.

Israelis they support uh the action that we're taking to destroy the remaining terrorist battalions of Hamas and they also support my position that says that we should resoundingly reject the attempt to Ram down our throats a Palestinian State the president sent a mixed message to Israel on its plans to attack Hamas in Rafa Biden calling it a.

Red line but also said the US will not abandon the Jewish state it is a red line but I'm never going to leave Israel the defense of Israel is still critical so there's no red line I'm going to cut off all weapons so they don't have the Iron Dome to protect them in an effort to get more Aid to Gaza the US is working towards construction of a.

Temporary Pier a US ship departed Virginia with equipment needed to build the structure rure meanwhile in London a number of people blew chauff fars to bring attention to the hostages held in Gaza the chauffeur is all about an Awakening and we want to reawaken the world to this horrific plight the hostages have been facing for.

155 days in Amsterdam Israel's president Isaac Herzog helped open the Netherlands Holocaust Museum despite Pro Palestinian protests and calls ahead of time to arrest him 34s of Dutch Jews were wiped out in the Holocaust meanwhile a group of survivors of the October 7th Hamas attack filed the first lawsuit against unra USA a recognized charity raising.

Money for unra the suit claims the group is responsible for materially supporting terrorism by knowingly and actively using their charity to operate a terrorist financing scheme in violation of federal law Julie stall CBN News Jerusalem continue our coverage now is CBN News Middle East bureau chief Chris Mitchell joining us from Jerusalem so.

Chris we've been talking about possible violence on the Temple Mount during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan which is now started has anything happened and what are the concerns today well the concerns every room right now are increased Terror attacks has been a few in the last few weeks uh the concerns about riots especially on the.

Temple Mount uh concerns about incitement as well on social media where people are trying to incite Muslims to create uh you know go ahead with those Terror attacks or the riots uh Israel for its part uh as Julie reported announc no special restrictions on for Palestinians to come to the Temple Mount but what they're planning to do is.

Reassess the situation as circumstances warrant there's hundreds of police Jerusalem police Border Police that have been deployed I was at a local H hotel last night in the city uh speaking to a group and I saw a number of Border Police actually moving in I'm I assume they'll be there perhaps for the length of Ramadan we'll see uh but but to.

Prevent some of this uh in the last several months actually they've arrested about 3,500 suspects 1500 with links to Hamas last night there were a few incidents but still with a month too uh there were minor incidents uh prayer Ministries here in Jerusalem the world asking for increased prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem during this month of.

Ramadan President Biden said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is hurting Israel more than he's helping uh is that how Israel sees it I think just the opposite eim I think they see it the other way around uh in a poll recently about 70% of Israelis they feel President Biden support really has declined since the beginning of the war.

On October 7th uh they also see the Biden Administration meddling in the war like opposing the military operation into Rafa which is really key to finally defeating Hamas and eliminating it as a threat and also as netan mentioned in Julie's report the two-state solution uh israelies don't want that it hasn't worked since.

1993 and uh and they don't want to uh you know have this imposed on them especially when the Palestinian Authority and certainly Hamas really see Israel as their enemy and they want to destroy the Jewish state uh many people here they just see them fighting for their survival yesterday I was down in the south at kabut baeri I heard a.

Briefing on what happened on October 7th and I think we can't underestimate the shock to the people of that kotz and throughout the country so overall I think Israelis are supporting what netan is doing are hopes for a ceasefire and hostage deal fading at this point I think they are they look really dim right now especially that Ramadan.

Has started there was a hope that if they could get a deal a ceasefire for 6 weeks and maybe as many as 40 hostages released but the head of the Hamas mad rather he stated that Hamas leadership really wants to use Ramadan to incite uh Jihad and riots and Terror and not for a ceasefire so uh presumably we may not see a deal for another several weeks but.

Keep praying indeed indeed there are reports the number three Hamas High command official was killed in an Israeli strike what have you heard about that so far well we've heard the same thing uh the IDF is checking actually to see what happened if if it was the number three uh leadership of hamash that was struck.

It was a camp in the Gaza Strip if so it would be the highest ranking Hamas member uh struck in the war and the other two leaders are Muhammad de and Yahya senoir uh you know they to are remain elusive many people think they're somewhere in Rafa in a tunnel some people speculate he may be in actually Egypt but uh but if they can get the.

Those two leaders that would be a very symbolic and uh very very um significant um advance in the war if they can get the leadership of Hamas there in Rafa indeed what can you tell us about the lawsuit filed against the United Nations relief and works agency over its role in the October 7th attacks well specifically Ally eim it's.

Actually the unra USA that's the larest largest private donor to unra in the United States it supports unra uh through fundraising and this is part of what the lawsuit says education and advocacy in the United States and and what it's saying is that really this group materially supported terrorism by knowingly actively and systematically.

Using their quote unquote charity to operate a terrorist financing scheme in the violation of federal law uh they just put that in in a Delaware Court uh recently and uh and they did it because of much of the evidence coming out about the onra staff uh participating in the murder and abductions of Israelis and Americans on October 7th and allowing.

Their facilities these un facilities to be used by Hamas for control and command centers as well as shielding hamas's tunnels and the IDF discovered actually in underground underneath the main unra facility there in uh in Gaza one of the main Hamas territ tunnels Chris Mitchell reporting from Jerusalem thank you so much as always.

Stay safe we appreciate your insights and of course we back here are praying for you and our staff there in Israel coming up a growing crisis in Haiti As Americans are evacuated from the US Embassy and here at home the surge in the homicide rate in our nation's capital we're going to have both both of those stories for you and.

More when we come back stay with us with Haiti on the verge of collapse from gang attacks America's military began evacuating non-essential Embassy Personnel over the weekend and there are increasing calls for foreign intervention to stop the violence before humanitarian catastrophe unfolds CBN.

Dale herd is on this story Caribbean leaders have called an emergency meeting today with the United States Canada and France in an effort to stop the worsening gang violence in Haiti armed gangs continue to launch large scale coordinated assaults against multiple government buildings and the presidential Palace after attacking.

Prisons last week and freeing close to 5,000 inmates this elderly woman was caught in the crossfire during a shootout between police and gangs in the capital of Porto Prince she survived Street battles between gangs and police have crippled Haiti's fragile economy with un officials saying more than half of the country's 11 million inhabitants.

Don't have enough to eat and 1 and A2 million are starving Canadian citizen Richard Phillips can hear gunshots from his hotel the country just deteriorated really really quickly the the real fear is that if the police force collapses in Haiti you become very vulnerable as a hostage quite frankly the man behind it all is Haiti's most notorious gang.

Leader a former police officer named Jimmy barbue sherzer he says the first step is to overthrow prime minister HRI and then go after what he calls the corrupt oligarchs and politicians Dr David Vanderpool heads a Ministry to Haiti he spoke to cbn's Faith Nation from his home in the US well this is uh sort of the culmination of gang running.

The country for the last three or four years the government has uh collapsed uh the president was assassinated in 21 the Judiciary was uh also terminated as well as the parliament so there's not been an Effective Government in place uh since 2021 and the gangs have had full run of the country Vanderpool says only foreign military intervention will bring the.

Chaos to an end we need to pray for the safety of the individuals uh especially the vulnerable populations pregnant women and children older people we need to pray that we're able to get food and Medicine into Haiti the violence has caused thousands of Haitians to cross into the neighboring Dominican Republic and it could drive a.

New surge of migrants toward the US border Dale herds CBN News and here at home the nation's capital is facing a major concern violent crime remains a major issue for many Americans even though the number of homicides fell substantially in 2023 still two cities saw surges in homicides last year including the nation's capital.

National Security correspondent Caitlyn Burke takes a closer look here in Washington murder took the lives of 274 people in 2023 that's a 36% increase year toe and a 20-year high and it's become a real factor in providing for a productive and safe work Place Tom Wickham focuses on State and local policy at the US Chamber of Commerce he.

Says his employees no longer feel safe during their work commute getting lunch or engaging in other regular activities and then when we have these violent events occurring very close to our places of business it only causes those fears to rise local DC businessman Mike Gil recently became the victim of a fatal carjacking in the downtown.

Business district at rush hour Wickham tells CBN News Gil's murder hit especially close to home a local business leader someone who had been also a government official like many of us who appreciates what government service is and uh really knows the business Community well and taken in such a.

Tragic way it uh galvanized all of us to to do something more to to reach out to the policy makers to try to put an end to this Rising violence the Chamber of Commerce joined 69 other downtown businesses and organizations in demanding the city take action to crack down on crime and we offered our hands in Partnership to work with the mayor.

And city council to look at ways that we can reduce this violence a recent study from the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform and the DC police department found it's likely only 500 individuals driving a majority of the district's repeat gun violence it concluded that since their violence is predictable it's also.

Preventable at the beginning of the year the justice department moved to allocate more Federal prosecutors to work on DC violent crime cases the FBI and other federal agencies are also stepping in meanwhile the DC Council voted to reverse its Progressive strategies by passing a sweeping crime Bill to change how policing and punishment are carried.

Out thank you Madam Secretary the bill is approved unanimously included in the bill no loitering Drug Free Zones harsher penalties for gun crimes new felony designations for organized retail crime and expanded pre-trial detentions for those charged with violent crimes one of the more controversial Provisions allows authorities to collect DNA.

Samples from suspects and enter them into a National Database without first waiting for a conviction the US attorney's office praised the bill saying it provides law enforcement with crucial tools Caitlyn Burke CBN News Washington still ahead fears Russia may have its eye on another country after Ukraine the tiny nation of mova we're.

Going to take a look at how that may mean danger for the small Christian Community stay with us we'll be right back we head back to Washington right now where more aid for Ukraine has been a key debate in Congress as the war enters its third year there's concern Russia now has its eye on the tiny.

Country of malova if Russia invades moldova's small Evangelical Community would face a dangerous future cbn's George Thomas brings us this exclusive report from inside the region Alexander Biv remembers when at 7 years old four Russian KGB officers showed up at his parents' home in mova all his five siblings had to sit in one.

Room as they searched the house for Christian literature Bibles and anything related to Christianity the agents found all sorts of Christian literature in the house that morning in 1982 they hauled Bay's father a prominent underground Baptist pastor off to prison where he spent the next 2 and a half years behind bars for his faith.

This is video captured secretly that day of his father being led through prison Gates several weeks later the young B would visit his father BFF pastor of a church here in moldova's capital city Chau now faces the prospect of enduring the same Christian persecution his father suffered 42 years ago 2 years after the war in Ukraine we know the.

Very real scenario that Russia could easily invade mova and if that happens we'll have the same type of persecution that is happening today in the Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia and like it was during Soviet time home to roughly 3 million people mova sits between Ukraine and Romania Russia's war against Ukrainian forces.

Raging barely 100 miles from moldova's border I have no doubt that the Russian military planning has an invasion of mova on its books something they're thinking about and something they can easily do if they want to test the West so far Ukraine has man managed to stop Russians from advancing west of hon in their drive to take key strategic cities.

Like molive and adessa and likely preventing a potential march on Moldova again we are very thankful to Ukraine for their resistance because this is a guarantee for the peace in Moldova the spark that could ignite a potential Russian invasion of mova could happen right here in a region known as transnistria CBN News traveled to the.

Pro-russian Breakaway territory of moldova's Northern front along Ukraine's border where Moscow has in recent months stirred up political turmoil we made our way through several checkpoints manned by Russian troops to the Region's capital of teraso where a huge statue of Lenin adorns the Town Square pro-russian Rebels here have asked President.

Vladimir Putin for protection against what they claim are economic threats from moldova's government while the majority here in transnistria would rather be part of Russia they know that moldova's recent tilt West and desire to join the European Union are given the Kremlin heartburn experts believe Putin is using transnistria as a Russian proxy.

To Scuttle moldova's EU aspirations people are more anxious they are concerned about their fate and the possibility that they be forced to leave their home because of an invasion analysts warned that if Ukraine Falls to Russia mova will most certainly be the kremlin's next Target George Thomas CBN News reporting from chisana mova and.

Teraso transnistria coming up an important announcement about the season 4 of The Chosen series and when it will be streaming online we'll have that for you when we come back an important development for the hit series The Chosen about the life and Ministry of Jesus the Creator and.

Director of the series Dallas Jenkins announcing online season 4 of the series will not come to streaming as soon as planned for financial and legal reasons we cannot release season 4 to streaming now uh and there will be a delay a delay longer than we anticipated and hoped for uh there are some legal matters that we are dealing with right now that are.

Hopefully being resolved um and they are in fact uh the goal is to have them resolved so that we can long-term and shortterm better serve you uh ensure the show remains free forever and gets to over a billion people keep in mind it's not coming as fast as we wanted to it's the free streaming but it is coming to the chosen app so bear in mind it will.

Be coming to the chosen app as soon as we can and it will be free forever Jen is explained the economic details of producing and releasing The Chosen and the team's goals for the future we'll have ongoing coverage of this story at cbnnews.com and on our CBN News YouTube page time now for your Monday motivation.

I'm going to leave you with this thought as we begin another week together a good thing isn't always a God thing be sure you aren't just doing good you want to do what God wants you to do with that word I encourage you to make today a marvelous Monday crown him King and and allow him to rule give him your heart and give him your will you'll be glad.

You did that is going to do it for this edition of CBN News watch you can always find more of our news programs on the CBN News Channel you can find them there at any time as well as online cbnnews.com let us know what you think about the stories you've seen here today you can email us Newswatch cbn.com you can also reach out and touch us on.

Facebook Twitter and Instagram hope you'll join us again right back here same time tomorrow goodbye God bless

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3 thoughts on “Fears of Violence in Jerusalem as Ramadan Begins | CBN NewsWatch – March 11, 2024

  1. two of them the same why “on the day when their faces shall be tossed about in the fire they are going to recount oh would that we had paid effect un to God and paid effect unto the apostle …”who…is..teralst….with out humanty……and…iradicate…home………hosepital human beng…..

  2. Some ignorant scoffers who doesn't know the word of the Lord. Goal laughed. But they never watch up themselves. Crying and hungry. Shouting on the streets, free palis little, way freed from meals and electricity?Freed from structures and homes? Getting free free foods from the air, airdrop?Salvage to know the reality. Like and obey the Lord Jesus Christ.

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