Feeble Boeing engineer unearths current twist in Alaska Airways door crawl blowout


Feeble Boeing engineer unearths current twist in Alaska Airways door crawl blowout

joining us now Aviation expert and former Boeing engineer he's Peter lemy Peter it's good to see you or rather have you on the show thanks for joining us okay this new story from the Wall Street Journal that door that blew off midair on that Alaska Airlines plane made by Boeing Peter some of the bolts.

Were actually missing on that door door when it left the factory when the plane left Boeing's Factory the bolts were appeared already missing how did that happen uh it looks like a work order failed to note that the door was being uh opened and closed and so the work order to put the bolts back in is missing never happened Peter how so what.

Is going on with Boeing what are you hearing um I think on the 737 uh you know exit door situation uh the really troubling issue number one we're all grateful that nobody died or was seriously injured in this event but in investigating it we've already heard reports from both Alaska and United uh that they found a number of uh Hardware.

Discrepancies loose B so to speak which is very troubling this whistleblower report that's come through uh outlines the fact that the factory seems to be very much accommodating to what boing refers to as quality escapes uh much more than we would have expected what does that mean quality what does quality escapes mean this is a a a a way of.

Describing a screw up or a mistake uh it's just a nice way of saying it so to speak so what does that mean that there they have more quality escapes meaning breakdown in quality controls and they don't care they're not doing anything about it they seem to be willing to rework it so normally the idea is to build the airplane right the first time.

Uh and not have to rework areas that don't come up to spec and it appears that more and more rework is being done on these airplanes than anybody would have expected so how bad is the breakdown behind the scenes at Boeing's factories you know the one in Washington Washington State I you know the question is do they go through a final inspection.

Before they're put in the air because you know a lot of indust officials increasingly believe that Playmakers employees failed to put the bolts back on but who's watching the store well there's a there's a process you know the airplane's made up of hundreds of thousands of parts so no single person certainly could stand up.

And and say that they've inspected it all it takes a team of people um the problem is there's trust in that process that it's being done correctly and that the paperwork is complete and I think the fa at this point uh their their trust in Boeing is shaken and perhaps is uh is completely fractured and I think we're waiting to hear what the fa is.

Finding when they uh when they get into the factory so are you checking the type of plane that you're flying before you get up in the air say if you're going on vacation are you doing that you know I've always I've always paid attention to that of course and I do trust these airplanes um I think the uh the finding of the loose bolts is.

Certainly uh very troubling and um uh I would note that you know boing uh I I I believe that there's still safe airplanes I do I honestly do um but there's certainly a big gap right now in where they should be but what happened inside Boeing that led to these lapses I mean what happened to the culture inside Boeing well it I think that goes back.

About 30 years uh I would I would kind of put my finger on Phil Condit uh in the early 90s pivoting towards share price as being the goal for the company uh instead of product quality um and I I think uh you know that uh that method uh uh mindset has proliferated by their choices and who's managing the company um and they've also they've also lost a.

Little bit of their uh willingness to really push the company forward they're resting on their Laurels uh and and taking the money out of the company instead of investing in new products um the focus has been profit not product quality and I think that's the Crux of the problem today at boing this could all be fixed though Peter right final.

Word I think it can be fixed but it's not going to be a a quick fix it's going to take uh probably 5 to 10 years to turn this boat around fully wow okay thank you for your analysis there Peter leming we appreciate you

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3 thoughts on “Feeble Boeing engineer unearths current twist in Alaska Airways door crawl blowout

  1. Thank goodness this door fling did now not like aircraft down. No one killed. Right here is a legitimate lesson to Boeing. Clearly the aircraft is a legitimate occupy airplane. It is proven, Right here is a one off job, and wants the process mounted. Extra nice inspection to see serious areas, sooner than closing panels. All these news reports about boeing aircraft having disorders, is same old. Engines repeatedly like disorders right here and there. Right here is a 747 engine fireplace, Fire bursted out, Fire loop detection system notified air crew, all system that boeing occupy extinguished engine fireplace and aircraft return to inferior. Mark fresh airbus 321 neo carrying pittsburgh steelers, misplaced engine oil stress in #1 engine, and returned to inferior. One document fleet reported this on the news, No one cared about airbus, If that became as soon as boeing 24/7 news protection. These newshounds want to document one thing else.. They all sound boring on aviation..

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