‘Fox & Chums’ on new Hunter Biden bombshell: ‘It’s all coming together’


'Fox & Chums' on new Hunter Biden bombshell: 'It's all coming together'

Meanwhile 705 here in New York City the house oversight committee revealed yesterday the name of a third Biden family member who received a cut of money Wired from a Chinese firm to a hunter Biden business associate so the White House Now labeling the findings as a disgusting attack Mark Meredith is live from Washington with the latest for.

Us Mark Ainsley Steven Bryant good morning to all three of you Republicans on the house oversight committee say they've been looking into the Biden business dealings now for several years but they just received some banking records which they say detail how money from a Chinese Energy company eventually reached multiple members of the Biden.

Family they released this report they came out on Thursday that shows that multiple members of the Biden family through a Biden family associate received some 1.3 million dollars in payments over a two-year period from 2015 to 2017. the records show even the president's daughter-in-law received some thirty five thousand dollars back.

In 2017 however it's unclear what the money was for we we are hearing from the chairman of the committee Congressman James Comer who says these records only raise more questions Biden's Defenders have said is this is a business deal this is a business deal there's no business they were influence peddling they were it looks like they.

Were getting money for some type of service now I don't think Hunter Biden could provide the type of service that would generate millions and millions of dollars from the Chinese Communist party but I believe his father could the White House pushing right back with the statement on Thursday saying after a disgusting attack lamenting that the.

President's deceased son Beau was never prosecuted while he was alive Congressman Comer has now decided to go after Bo's Widow we are also hearing from an attorney for Hunter Biden the president's son in which they say hunter a private citizen with every right to pursue his own business Endeavors joined several business partners in Seeking a.

Joint venture with a privately owned legitimate Energy company in China the White House likely to face a lot more questions about this heading into the weekend and of course this investigation by the house oversight committee shows no signs of wrapping up the committee says that there are continuing to look to see whether or not that there was any.

Ethical uh rules or laws that may have been broken and they also say that they're continuing to find out where all of this money may have come from Steve Anson Brian back to you guys on the St Patrick's Day a big day St Patrick's also here at the White House we've got the Irish Prime Minister stopping by a little bit later on right no press.

Availability right Mark uh we we will see the president today uh in fact uh we're the pool coverage today so we're hoping to be in the Oval Office when he welcomes the Prime Minister about three hours from now John Pierce said that you would be able to shout questions at the president so what are you going to ask him uh well I I think.

There's no shortage of questions today I think we also really have to follow up today on the uh the incident with the Drone I mean it's just such a wild story as well thanks and the banks we'll be watching you scream at the top of your lungs are you wearing green is there any green I got dressed in the dark or my wife brought her one-year-old into bed.

With us at like 4am and I was like yeah you're blaming the baby no you get a pass just I'm sorry related to that we do not want to wake up the baby uh I know do you have a chief of staff that could run home for your in between your hit that you could send a product I don't make the kill me money so.

Unfortunately I also have to serve as myself that's right I forgot about that there is there's such a salary disparity indeed I appreciate it thank you very much Mr Meredith all right so um there's a lot we don't know but what we know according to the house oversight is apparently three million dollars was wired to a Biden family associate a guy.

By the name of Rob Walker and he divided up the money and this is how the money went down a million dollars went to a business partner of a hunter by the name of James gillier then Rob Walker himself got 869 000. Hunter got 610 000 James Biden the president's brother got 360 000 and Haley Biden the Widow of Beau.

Got 25 000. remember this was a couple of months after Joe Biden left the office of Vice President we don't know exactly why this payment was made and that's what the house oversight committee is trying to figure out says 25 okay Mark said 35 right yeah this this article says 25.2 you're right right yeah.

There's two separate payments I have 35 000 two transfers in total total so uh so the bet they also say the bank account also identify in the records one name of Biden so everybody else got first and last names so Hunter's real name was is not Hunter I didn't know that but uh they just was Biden so without a first name that's kind of odd.

And also in 2017 is the first time you see references to the big guy uh the big guy is referenced by Tony bobolinski as well as uh James gillar so that's kind of interesting so that's where they're heading with this this is just the first trench of bank records that the Secretary of Treasury was holding on to and now she can't Miranda Devine was.

With me earlier uh and she talked about how this is all coming together it just shows that um Haley who worked at a primary school there in Delaware as a guidance counselor didn't have any expertise any more than Hunter did to work on these big international business deals it's just a kickback for Joe Biden's immediate family members this.

Was an arm of the president XI jinping's Belton Road initiative and that's his way of trying to ensnare the rest of the world with bribery we know from Hunter's former business partner Tony bobolinski and from multiple evidence on the laptop that this money was being paid for work that had been done opening doors and influence peddling around the world by.

The Biden family and their Associates like Rob Walker on behalf of of the Chinese Communist Party so the Republicans are following the money but they have not yet you know uncovered any evidence of any wrongdoing uh it's not illegal to do business with China we don't we don't know why they got all the three million dollars.

They're trying to put it all together not illegal to do business with China look at Apple look at Intel look at Tesla a lot of but for President Biden and then Vice President Biden to have all these years of experience and know what China brings to the table and their ultimate goal is to circumvent us as the number one superpower and economic power.

In the world their evil intentions on taking they would take Hong Kong and then uh Taiwan and have no problem dealing with China an energy company associated with a communist government whose belt and Road program was there for influence in Nations that we oftentimes would have stakes in from Pakistan uh throughout Africa and we.

Know with that program would ultimately do so you have to wonder what business they had people were upset that Ivanka was selling handbags can you imagine influence pedaling using your name in one of our our number one enemy economic and military power this to me on the surface if that's my son and my brother and my my daughter-in-law I'd say excuse.

Me cease and desist what about France doesn't Australia have anything that we could invest in can we can we invest in a building in America do we have to deal with a Communist party and what do they want in return for this and can I mention you have no expertise in anything they want except my last name I'm Steve Ducey I'm Brian Kilmeade and.

I'm Ainsley Earhart and click here to subscribe to the Fox News YouTube page to catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis

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3 thoughts on “‘Fox & Chums’ on new Hunter Biden bombshell: ‘It’s all coming together’

  1. Comer and his goon squad own been investigating Eternally on the Bidens they effect now no longer own anything fully nothing all americans is aware of they effect now no longer own anything and is now no longer going to own anything on Joe Biden. If Comer had any proof whatsoever he could be skywriting it, he could be wallpapering the walls of congress with it he's beefy of crap. This finest thing that right here’s about is Revenge for that loser Donald Trump. Relate up the lies Fox News I wager you all haven't realized any classes haven't paid enough money for your complete lies you advise. I will be succesful to't wait to explore what you all have to pay out next

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