Gaza: Has Biden misplaced protect a watch on of Netanyahu? with Sami Hamdi


Gaza: Has Biden misplaced protect a watch on of Netanyahu? with Sami Hamdi

There's this irresistible wave that is goingacross America America is an Empire European tolerance is the Holocaust it's SpanishInquisition is the warsa program is the genocide being committed by the serbians againstthe bosnians is Netanyahu out of control I'm like the reason we're focusing on labor is because wewant to show that you can't get to power through genocide but there is this argument that you aredeeply sectarian Biden is certainly at ease that nothing will come from the Muslim World Saudi ueeat least they are in the Zionist Camp Sami Hamdi for the past 5 months has helped us to untangleand understand the motives and actions of the actors that wage genocide in Gaza the conflictif that is even a proper term to use seems to be continuing despite discussions of an end gameat the time of recording this interview we have.

Heard from Joe Biden casually licking an ice creamand talking of ceasefires when tens of thousands starve in Northern Gaza the callousness with whichthe West now talk of mopping up a crime scene scene is staggering how can a liberal West fixatedon preaching rights how can they have maintained this Collective pretense today we explore thesetwo conflicts and in a way they are one they are recent episodes of a Muslim World in crisis ourumah today lives in a Perpetual state of conflict can we escape this dire situation we are now a 100years since the former devise of the Ottoman State the ottoman caliphate what does the next 100 yearslook like samam and welcome back to the thinking musl thank you very much for having me mam it'swonderful yet again to have you with us and we really honor the time you you give to our programSammy I noticed that you've been moving around the.

World you spend a lot of time in America as youtold us in the last session and also in Canada and you're going to Australia I believe what's thesort of reception you're getting first of all I'm the one honored to be here it's not the other wayaround and a lot of people send their Salam to you Muhammad as well and the thinking Muslim podcastI think that my observations of America are that overwhelmingly not just Muslims but non-muslimsas well a lot of them have changed their minds with regards to what's happening in Gaza a lotof non-muslims have are openly stating that they cannot vote for genocide Joe that they cannotvote for genocide and as a result there is this very unique position that the Muslims in Americafind themselves in whereby they find themselves not alone in seeking to punish Biden I thinkthat's what's really started to concern Biden.

And the Democrats there was an article recentlythat said that Biden is now concerned about the Left Flank the left members of his party who arenow saying that we also cannot vote for genocide Joe there was 13 pastors of the African-Americanchurches who wrote a letter saying we cannot tell our congregation to vote for you which is one ofthe reasons Biden started his primary campaign in South Carolina in order to try to find towhat extent has he been damaged in Africa in in in amongst the African-American populationthe point here being is my observation the reception in America to the idea of punishinggenocide Joe punishing a genocide punishing a politician who gave the cover for a genocide andproactively supported by sending weapons I don't think there's much debate in terms of this regardthere is a minority debate taking place in terms.

Of how do you punish him and I think there aretwo schools of thought there is one thought in which you can pressure or or one in which yousimply don't vote for him and you tolerate the consequences I.E a trump presidency and the otherperhaps is a bit more Nuance the idea that you can pressure the Democrat Party to perhaps changethe presidential ticket in which you convince the Democrats to change Biden as the representativewhich seems unlikely but in any case there was an article in the Atlantic maybe about a week fromthis a week ago from this recording in which it suggested it called on the Democrats to changeBiden that look if you Biden is your candidate you are going to lose you need to consider changingBiden and that's why now you have the emergence of these campaigns uncommitted and the like I thinkthat while the idea is clear the idea of putting.

Pressure on Biden I do think that there are stillsome organizations that see some hope for Biden to redeem himself amongst the Muslim Community whichis a very dangerous approach in my opinion but I think 99% of the Muslim Community in the US noware want to punish Biden in Canada I found that the the room for debate was much more limited thanit was in the united states in United States I spoke at Berkeley at Stanford at UCLA at at someof these other universities as well and although in Stanford there was some sort of there was somebacklash from zionists who were coming out and and I emphasize the difference always betweenZionist and Jews as you've seen very clearly anybody watching thinking Muslim podcast can seethe interviews with the likes of aish schlame and the likes they'll see there's a clear differencebetween Jews and Zionism I I found that there were.

Some zionists who protested to some of the talksthat took place in Stanford they came and they heckled but the overwhelming mood that I found inAmerica was that even amongst non-muslims there is a shift away from Biden not for Trump but rathera lamentation that how did US democracy get to a stage where the two choices are a genocider anda racist and that's why I think that the Democrat argument that democracy is under threat has is isis not winning enough over o over those over the general masses I think that the the the battle ofthe narratives in Canada is a bit different from that in the US in Canada you feel like you knowit's a much tougher battle um certainly there's been a lot of pressure I remember some academictelling me that they've been pressured to take leave of absence from their universities in orderto ensure that they wouldn't be able to talk about.

Festine lots of events are being canceled some ofthe universities are struggling so if they cancel Palestinian event they'll cancel a Zionist eventand then there'll be backlash there's a lot of heated discussion taking place on the Universitycampuses but if I had to answer your question directly I think there's this irresistible wavethat is going across America in which now more and more people are talking about the genocidemore and more people are changing their opinions with regards to the Zionist there's a hysteriaamong amongst the Zionist and we see it even here in the UK you know it as well the idea ofexpanding the term of anti-Semitism to include anti-zionism something that many Jews adamantlyreject and I think that in terms of the general Trend I think it creates a series of opportunitiesto manifest the legitimate Democratic rights of.

The citizens to punish genocide it's also forcedthe discussion as to where we lack as a community and where we can improve I think that while thecommunity produced a lot of doctors lawyers and Engineers I think there's now serious discussionabout how do you create political analysts how do you create more people in the media how do youcreate more people who are able to represent the community in the narratives themselves and thefinal Point that's worth noting is there's also much more Innovation and creativity and also anassertion of the citizenship of Muslims of these countries I think that in America in particular Ithink I I I'm very fond of the notion that Muslims in America believe themselves legitimately soto be American they believe that they are part of the nation they believe that they identifywith the land on which they were born and they.

Were raised and legitimately so Allah createdthe whole entire Earth didn't just create Saudi Arabia and the lands next to it and I think thatwhat we're seeing more is Americans or American Muslims now actively trying to assert theirlegitimate Democratic rights in a way that is becoming increasingly effective and that's whywe're seeing Innovative creative ways to engage even with non-muslims in pushing that Ence andI give an example in Chicago there were these Billboards which said you know we give 3.8 billionto Israel every year and I can't afford Healthcare we give $3.8 billion to Israel and I can't forhomeless the ability to really communicate with the society and the community at large that isamplifying the threat to Biden's presidency and an awareness amongst the Muslims that they arenot alone in this that there are non-muslims of.

Conscience who are standing with them but theinteresting thing is that the Muslims are in a Cause adver advocating for justice and Allahsays in that when you stand for what is Right Allah increases strength to your strength theidea being is you have your strength but Allah will give you strength from elsewhere in America Ifeel like you're seeing the implementation of that aah Muslims moved for and all of these non-muslimallies are coming and they're joining them and they're saying to them we will stand with youagainst this genocide without necessarily the Muslims having to compromise on their values ortheir beliefs but rather winning the admiration of their allies with regards to their values andtheir beliefs okay can I can I pick up on that because it's an interesting point um we knowthat America is an Empire at least that's how.

Some describe it and American exceptionalismis so strong that even Muslims who arrived in America maybe you know in the 60s and 70s they'veadopted this exceptionalism mindset uh you talk about how Muslim Americans feel that they arepart of that society and they have a right to use the political levers to fight for causeslike Gaza but has the narrative moved beyond that has the narrative moved to Muslims actuallyexpressing their anger with the American Empire their anger with American exceptionalism theiranger of a of a country that has Reed havoc in the Muslim world not for 20 years but forprobably the last 50 60 years like is there a recognition that they have a responsibilitylike MSA alisam in uh in Egypt in in the heart of faron's City like mus alisam spoke against thethe structure that undermined bani Isel has that.

Narrative moved to about space I think that thereality is that I think the Muslim Community in America has always been highlighting The Viciousnature of the empire of America I think that this has been going on even before 9/11 tookplace and I think that anyone who listens to IM Omar suman's podcast with Lex Friedman he'svery blunt and he repeats it constantly and he tells the Americans but he speaks as an Americanhe says we need to understand that we in America have a very vicious foreign policy abroad thatwe a foreign policy abroad is not something that we can be proud of and and he says that as as anAmerican as well but the thing the reason why I push back on the question slightly is because itimplies the Muslim Community are not doing it I think the problem before was the Muslim Communitywere doing it but there was not enough non-muslims.

Doing it and I think what Gaza is doing is thatit's really awakened a debate within America itself where now you have not only the Muslimscalling out the Empire but you have non-muslims also calling out the Empire and saying what arewe doing and it's coming in different shades so if you remember for example during the primRepublican primaries that rashami for example was coming out and saying why are we gettinginvolved in so many wars abroad why in Ukraine even questioning Israel from time Donald Trumpsuggested we shouldn't go to war abroad for free anymore like why are we getting involved in allof these Affairs Anyone who reads James Jeffrey the US Envoy to Syria in his interview with Almonor he says one of the biggest issues we had with the Trump presidency was he kept askingus why we're there why are we in Syria why are.

We in these places why can't we bring our boyshome if you look at taka Carlson I don't watch Tua Carlson I want to go and record I don't watchTua Carlson somebody showed me this clip which is why I know he said this but taka Carlson himselfasking the question why are we even giving money to the Israelis the point that I'm saying is thatwe saw the debate expand and Democrat leftists criticize foreign policy but we're also seeing iton the right of the Republicans why are we getting involved that's why people are talking aboutAmerica becoming isolationist it's why we're seeing the debate about NATO that NATO won't befunded by the Americans if Trump comes to power the idea being that America is pulling backthat America is looking at this Empire abroad and now discussing and this why I said differentshades it may not be in the same way or for the.

Same reasons or for the that they're criticizingit but it's become a central debate and Gaz has Amplified that debate as well so I think theMuslims have always been criticizing it in my opinion to different degrees and varying degreesI think even those who identify as Americans and I think most Muslims identify as Americans thereason why I mention that is because I think there's something to learn from it in terms of howwe in Britain perceive perceive ourselves as part of the social Fabric in the UK itself particularlygiven that the debate on islamophobia is designed to deny us our legitimate rights as Citizensin this country the idea of being the other and I'm very wary of how we British Muslims speakabout our position here in the UK because I think that to suggest that we are not part of it simplyaffirms what they are trying to say about us in.

Their ability to deny us our rights I was born andraised in London born and raised in Wembley what there is no feeling like Landing in he airportif I land in Tunis or land in Alger originally from it's not the same feeling as Landing in heairport where you land and you say I'm home and when you go to wem you say I'm home I think thatthere is something to be said about this identity that does not contradict with your need and desireto stand for justice and I think that what Gaz has demonstrated as you yourself have been workingvery heavily on and so have other people as well the idea of how do we mobilize within our rightsas citizens of this country to affect the system in a way not that benefits us I don't like thisparticular term but rather that upholds Justice what is making non-muslims stand with us in theseissues is not the fact that we are pursuing our.

Interests but that we as a community are pursuingJustice and therefore they are rallying around us which is why an issue that should not have causedsuch a rupture in the labor party in K is causing such a rupture why because Allah gave everybody af and our call for justice is resonating with that F so when we mobilize for justice those with theF who resonated with the justice and now joining us in those particular efforts as well can Iask you is there a contradiction between being Matic and being British or being American I thinkthat one of the areas that strikes me and I don't have a definitive conclusion on this I thinkone of the areas that strikes me very strongly is we created you in Nations and tribes andthe the and the closest to Allah is or the the most uh elevated is the one who is closer toAllah or the one most God-fearing the reason why.

I say this is because in this a there's a clearsuggestion that there does not necessarily need to be a denial of an affinity to a nation orstate rather what should be a denial is the supremacy of that identity over the TIC identityand the supremacy of that identity over your duty to uphold Justice even against your nation andagainst your tribe I think that those are two very different distinctions because for forexample I can say that I am British and I can say that I grew up here I can say that you knoworiginally ethnically I may be to an Algerian but that I know more about Britain and more about itscustoms and norms and I'm probably more closely associated with their customs and Norms than I amwith Tunisia and and Algeria and that's the truth of the matter I can say for example that you knowthe British passport has protected me and that I.

Enjoy and to be honest I'm quite proud of it I'llbe honest with you when you go around and you say look at the end of the day we have recourse to thecourts we have islaman has been trying to ship off refugees to Rwanda for ages one judge said noand she can't do it go to the Muslim world and try and get to the judge will do what the what theruler tells him to do I mean we see it all all the time even in even and I know it it it pains myheart to say it and it might unnecessarily upset people but I remember for example when turkey andSaudi Arabia were reconciling with each other and erdogan kicked out the Kash case from the courtsif if someone tried to do that here in the UK it would bring down a government but it's justconsidered normal over there the reason why I say that there is not necessarily a contradictionis primarily because at the end of the day the way.

I see it is that every single community has itsvery unique challenges and that's why in America for example they're now pushing in terms ofthe battle how to punish Biden for genocide you look at for example in Saudi Arabia it's howto resist bin Salman's reforms you look at Egypt it's how to resist dictatorship you look at the UKit's how to establish a system of values whereby genocide does not get rewarded K is of the beliefthat he has to support the genocide otherwise his political career is finished we are now mobilizingto convince the English people who for the record they are my in-laws my wife is half English andI'm I'm married into to the English uh Society but in any case the idea being is to tell them listenit's it's not about you know the Muslim issue per se and the reason why I say this is I I'm verycareful when we talk about Muslim to understand.

What it means when we say something is a Muslimissue because Islam is synonymous with Justice to suggest that they can be two opposing things ortwo separate things is a very dangerous discourse to follow and this is why when I'm talking aboutupholding the values of Justice I'm talking about them upholding the values of Islam it's synonymouswith each other and we are trying to tell Society you cannot be a society that rewards genocidethat your system of governance cannot be one that rewards short-termism there are values andprinciples that are also worth holding to and the reason why I say that is because I think that kindof language resonates deeply with how I've read the da of the Prophet Muhammad sallallah alaihiwasallam in which he would go to qur and say to them that there is no God but Allah and Muhammadis his messenger stop abusing your neighbors.

Uphold your Justice he would tell them speakto them in these language in the same way we're trying to speak to societies in those language aswell so I don't think it necessarily contradicts with what istic I think rather instead what that ademonstrat is our diversity our tribal diversities our national diversities they are not they are notthose identities are not supreme but they result in US operating and bringing something new to thetable where we can learn from each other to know one another take what is Good from one anotheraddress what is bad in each of those customs and culture and that's why I think what's beautifulis and you know I mean um I don't mean to plug but one one of the reasons why I enjoy the travel sideof things in terms of what we do with travel guide is when you go to the different Muslim communitiesyou can clearly see distinctions in between the.

Bosnian Muslims and the USC Muslims and thebeijan Muslims in Barbados and the like but you see it in a way that looks beautiful that doesnot necessarily contradict Islam and this is why I think that there's something quite beautiful in itbut I think more in from a political sense I think what it means is and I'll finish on this pointwhat it means is every society and community has its very unique set of challenges and I realizedthis actually recently in America where people would tell me what can I do about what's happeningin you know a country thousand I tell him focus on the battle that's in front of you here which isthat you are at risk that in November a man who committed genocide might win a second term youhave the power to prevent that focus on that and then if I go talk to an Egyptian I tell himyour battle is different ignore the battle that's.

Happening in America we have the Left Flank that'sfocused on that you're the right flank and that's why I think that when we look at the umah as onebody each body does something different when you look at an army for example each unit of the armydoes something different you don't ask the Cavalry to do what you want the Spearman to do and Ithink if we can appreciate that I think that we can move more atic the idea being for exampleand and the clearest example is this and I promise this is the example I'm going to finish on whatwhat's going to happen in America will affect what happens in Saudi what's going to happenin the UK will affect what happens in Europe you think that focusing here is not being aticI argue that's a narrow-minded approach what you achieve in your battle here will have a dominoeffect elsewhere and the proof is that look we.

Mobilized to raise awareness Forza we wenton social media and then people established the Muslim vote and the Muslim Council in Britainhad its own approach to this and we have you know other people trying to mobilize to move there'sa debate taking place how do we maximize it then lean Muhammad gets you know in ilford Northchallenging West treating he goes in LBC the next day and says yes yes yes I'm Pro C5 becauseI've only got 5,000 majority and as a then S&P Hamza YF Hamza Yu who was derided when he came topower in Scotland for example and I admit people had their discussions their debate I stayed out ofit I didn't get involved in it I'm not making any conclusions about it I'm not interested in thatdebate I'll be honest people say I could not be interested I'm genely not interested in it but Hus comes to I honestly think as if Allah put him.

There specifically for Gaz let's be honest do youthink NCA sturgeon would have put three ceasefire bills through Parliament and made them vote on itlet's be honest with each other but h you to put it in and put K in that position that causedthat Fiasco in Parliament that has everybody talking about islamophobia to the extent that thezionists are now complaining on the James O'Brien show and saying why is everybody talking aboutislamophobia keep the point on anti-Semitism and anti-zionism because we want to stifle debate onIsrael by pushing anti-Semitism the point is you can see that domino effect which results inthe world watching which affects everything else and that's why I think going back tothe question yourself I know that there's a philosophical discussion about what it means tohave a nation Identity or a tri Identity or the.

Like but I think that philosophical discussionemerges from what you interpret that identity to be I interpret it as a as a as a geographicalarea where you have a series of unique tests and challenges that Allah gives specifically toyou and within this nation and tribe I have to fight these particular but the omatic aspectis that Allah links all these challenges together and allows us to use the results of that battleto affect different terrains elsewhere so I was going to ask you about um your your work outsideof what you do as as a day job so you work with your wife on this Halal travel guide and I Isuppose in my discussions with you uh I got from you that one of the reasons why you do that yougo to countries and you tour those countries you bring Muslims from the west of those countries isyou want to make them appreciate our history and.

Our culture and our um in a far greater you knowalmost like an anthropological sense you want them to experience this and they wanted to be closeto this now you know that here in Britain there is this intense hatred that comes in particularfrom the right wing I mean the left had their own hatreds but the rightwing in particular see eventhat even going to Bosnia and uh you know exposing Muslims and young Muslims to Muslim culture thatis a denunciation of British identity and that's unacceptable that's where the debate seems tobe moving and you saw that in the last week this horrendous islamophobia debate where even themost innocuous Islamic practice you know going to omra very often or you know is seen to be asign of islamism and a sign of of of isolationism of of you know moving in in a separate directionto Britain I mean how do you how do there may be.

Some Muslims in fact who who then look at that andsay we need to tread carefully we need to be more careful about our relationship with Internationalcauses and and our relationship with the um at large because that may jeopardize our positionhere I mean how do you respond to that I think that look the reality is that when you look atWestern societies themselves we talk about the idea of has always been reconnecting the memoriesof the um together the idea being go out and see what the um actually looks like go out and see theway Bosnia have survived the Yugoslavian communism and the genocide and the Serbian war and howthey came out on top miton told Clinton the French President Once Upon a Time he told ClintonI will not tolerate a Muslim state in the heart of Europe where a Muslim State now in the heartof Europe the bosnians they survived all of that.

Even though the SS were B by Russia croats bed byEurope and the bosnians were seemingly abandoned but Allah gave them the strength my my aim wasalways to take people to see that so they could see the um is actually stronger than you thinkit is but but the reason why I I mentioned this idea you know tread carefully or you mentionedthe idea tread carefully and you know we should be War you know how we engage and I think that oneof the things that's worth noting is the Americans are everywhere they're engaging everywhere theUK are engaging everywhere Europe is engaging everywhere China is engaging everywhere Russia isengaging everywhere and I think in this many in many ways the reality is that we are one HumanityAli Tali said you're either my brother in Islam or my brother in humanity the idea being is thatwe are always interconnected with each other.

And even when we look at this backlash withislamophobia that's taking place I think at the same time there is this push against the ideayou know they were using the word islamist or the like or islamist mob that was used with regards toParliament I think equally when you open Twitter or you open the social media you see a lot withinBritish Society itself non-muslims who are coming out and saying what on Earth I saw Nick FerrariNick Ferrari on LBC for those who don't know Nick Ferrari Nick Ferrari is known for being he muchof the more right-wing kind of presenters Nick Ferrari asking a conservative government Ministertelling him is what Lee Anderson said islamophobe no he tells him what did he do wrong because hesaid he he was Ill the comments were ill judged and Nick Farrari says okay but what did he dowrong he said what he said was yeah but what.

About what he said was wrong and then you can seehim get frustrated he's like okay let me reward it was it islamophobia the guy doesn't was itislamophobia was it the point is even someone like Nick Ferrari is saying this is out of orderwe can't tolerate this here you look at John soel for example the former BBC on on you coming outand saying this they've opened like a Pandora's Box that should not be open this is horrendousJames O'Brien coming out and saying that you're saying that we're talking about anti-Semitism weneed to talk about islamophobia as well and this is the reason why sometimes I feel like Muslimanalysis tends to focus on the problems but does not necessarily focus on what what's happeningin on in terms of the course that that problem is taking because it shows you that withinBritish Society itself there is an abhorrence.

Towards ideas of racism and xenophobia in thatwhile you may hear it being loud there's also very loud voices against it as well and they'redoing it based on a f values and principles as well and that's why I think when you consider thatthe prophet Salli wasallam is is a Mercy For All Mankind there's a reason he's called a Mercy ForAll Mankind it's because the message resonates and that's why I think it all depends on the issue ofhow you perceive CE da or in what environment do you perceive da are you somebody who believesthemselves to be similar to the sah of the Prophet Muhammad s wasallam who only minority areburied in Medina the majority are buried outside of Medina because the majority interpretedIslam as going out as going out to these new societies as putting up with that backlash aspushing through because they knew that Allah.

Said push back against that backlashpush P back with that which is best for it may well be the one who is yourenemy today tomorrow becomes your warmest Ally Allah says it in the aahwhere he talks about da the full part is is there any better speech the one who callsto Allah does good deeds and says I am from the Muslim I'm doing it because I'm Muslim thesame way we do here in Britain I'm a British Muslim I'm doing my actions because I'm a musit's like is begovich the European ethnically European is begovic the Bosnian presidentwas asked by a European reporter during the war that you talk about a Bosnia of Tolerance aBosnia of coexistence between Muslims Jews and Christians because Sara was called the Jerusalemof Europe because when the Muslims ruled it it.

Was the only city in Europe aside from Andalusiawhere where they could live harmoniously because Islam affords that Ali begovich they said tohim this European tolerance that you uphold and he interrupts and says wait a minute thisis not a European tolerance European tolerance is the Holocaust European tolerance is SpanishInquisition European tolerance is the Warsaw program European tolerance is the genocidebeing committed by the serbians against the bosnians my tolerance is an Islamic toleranceI am European but my tolerance comes from from from Islam as as a European Muslim and when youlook at the Ayah that there is no better speech the one who calls to Allah does good de andsay I from the Muslim the next aah tells you what da feels like and this is the point I want toemphasize to Muslims the next aah tells you what.

It feels like the good deed and the bad deedare not equal imply that after you give that da there is a reaction that might be negative soAllah is telling you that those negative tactics used against you do not justify you using itfor the good deed and the bad deed are not equal push back with that which is best for theone with whom you have an enmity today the one islamophobic to you today the One races to youtoday the one shouting at you today the one doing a hit job on you today to tomorrow might becomeyour warmest Ally and that's why I always wonder about an um that reads about who goes to abisiniato bring the Muslims back and celebrates how he becomes the one who takes Islam to Egypt howthey say masallah but cannot envisage a similar scenario in front of them today how they can readto lead an army to defeat the Muslims in to become.

The sword of Allah who takes Islam elsewhereafterwards later on they say mashallah to the story but cannot envisage the situation happeninglike that today why because subconsciously they believe the S to be a historical book not amodern book to be read and applied in modern terms and that's the point I saying that you arecorrect to highlight that there is a rightwing push you are correct to highlight that there ispressure being brought to bear you are correct to highlight that there is islamophobia but I thinkthat if you stop there it's a half truth it's like it's like you stopping in Midway through the ado not approach prayer when you are intoxicated it's like we have a saying in Arabic don't befrom the people because if you stop the a here it means don't approach prayer finish it thereis islamophobia and rightwing but there is also.

Push back to that islamophobia and the laborand conservative party are in trouble because of that racism when Rishi suak has to apologizefor it it's because it's it's caused enough of a backlash where the prime minister is forcedto comment on it and even if he won't call it islamophobia it shows he's under pressure how doI navigate it but under pressure from who a public that will not tolerate that sort of language orislamophobia and that shows you how far Society has come because of the da that the Muslims givea DA that tells them we're not here to take over the country the way these guys are claiming wehave a series of values and principles and you have freedom of speech and we are using thatfreedom of speech and this is the final point I want to say and this is the reason why Islamis attacked in a way Buddhism and Hinduism is.

Not because in freedom of speech Islam thrives inFreedom Islam thrives why because Islam is built on the idea of a free submission to Allah Allahtells you you can't bring somebody and make them prostrate because Allah will not accept it thereAllah tells you there's no point in using Force to convert somebody to Islam you must willingly useyour dialogue and convince them wholeheartedly to believe that's why I always tell I always believethat Islam in Freedom thrives give me freedom of speech Islam thrives it's repression that Islamopposes and that's why when you look at Gaza who's the one doing the repression today who'sthe one doing shutting down the voices who are the one canceling events to prevent debate takingplace it's the zionists and their allies it's the Muslims saying give us freedom of speech becausewe know that in Freedom the population will see.

The just cause of festine and they will joinus in the protest to denounce genocide now I said at the start that I want to explore youranalysis on Gaza and Sudan uh um let's start with Gaza first is Netanyahu out of control and isBiden attempting to Reign him in I think that the situation as it stands is that Biden is certainlyuncomfortable with what Netanyahu is doing but not uncomfortable because there's a genocide Bidenis not uncomfortable because the Palestinians are being killed Biden is uncomfortable becausehe was told in the beginning that he would pay an electoral price for his support for genocidebut never truly believed it and the reason Biden never truly believed it is because the UAE toldhim we have no problem Saudi Arabia gave him a fatwa saying it's all good no problem we'll justtell them make Dua and not talk about because it's.

A FNA he saw that erdogan was more keen to keepthe neutral stance or the like Biden believed that given the Muslim nations themselves are notnecessarily anti what's happening in Gaz or rather demonstrating an apathy towards what's happeningtur Al the head of General entertainment Authority in Saudi Arabia announced yesterday that they'reannouncing Anthony Joshua versus inano and this is going to be the fight and they're really pushingit and amplifying it as well Biden believed that you're telling me Muslims will punish me but theirMuslim leaders are telling me that there's no real issue in terms of what's happening at all Bidenalso believe that when he engaged with some Muslim organizations in the US they were telling him thatyou know yes you're committing genocide but if you show some empathy in the words of one uh Muslim uhwho put a tweet out prominent presence on social.

Media I don't want to mention his name but in anycase he said you know if if Biden can show empathy then he can still win back enough Muslim voterseven after 30,000 the Democrats were hearing this kind of language or Biden was hearing thiskind of language and said okay this shows they're not an organized block if they were organizedthey can punish me this shows they're not an organized block this shows there's a way back forme let them continue to genocide why because the fundraising that I'm doing is coming from theZionist and they are saying that I'm standing with Israel I don't want to jeopardize that atall as Biden becomes more and more concerned of his electoral chances that's when we're seeingthe frustration start to grow the idea being that Biden now uh tried to host sent blink toCairo uh two weeks from this recording where.

They discussed and they talked about potential uhceasefire Netanyahu refused to allow an Israeli delegation to join but in the Paris discussionstwo days ago or over the last weekend from this recording Netanyahu let a delegation go and thenthat delegation afterwards went to Doha the idea being that that the the the offer when it goesto Doha means it's being given to Hames for Hamas to decide what's going to happen next so there'scertainly diplomatic movement Biden mentioned the idea that there might be a ceasefire this mightbe psychological warfare to sort of because the statement came just before the Michigan primarieswhere he's worried that the uncommitted vote might you know cause problems for him in in Michiganitself I think Biden is certainly frustrated but I don't think Biden is at a stage where he believesthat the Zionist vote is worth compromising by.

Actually coming out and seriously imposing his SEwhich is why even when he's isolated he's still imposing that veto I think that Netanyahu iscertainly out of control in terms of his desire to fully Annex Gaza and if we put it you knowfrom a political perspective put yourself in his position it's it's just a methodology of politicalanalysis but in any case you entered Gaza you've taken Northern Gaza you took Gaza City you tookKan yunas and now you're on the last part which is RA you you're already there you're on the finalstage why stop there this is a golden opportunity to go into ra and to take it and seiz it and toanex Gaza and kick out the Palestinians and you have the Western allies who are still givingyou impunity yes there are statements but no real action yes there are cuse for ceasefirebut no real action we're still seeing you know.

A Crackdown on the campuses all the like so theidea being is that Netanyahu from his perspective believes why should I stop here let me an nextGaza and this is what the Israeli population will Lord me for because by because Netanyahubelieves perhaps legitimately so that the way to win elections is to Massacre Palestinians the morePalestinians you kill the more votes you win in Israel the more land you take the more votes youwin in Israel and I think when even when you look at the Israeli protest and I've been very carefulto emphasize this that the Israelis are protesting the hostage situation not what's happening inaz Ithink that's an important distinction Israelis in Israel when they stand in front of N and they'reprotesting because I I've alluded to it a few times and some people misinterpret it as thatthey're protesting for what's happening in they're.

Not they're protesting the idea of the hostagesbeing still in Gaz they're not protesting what's happening in Gaz itself and that's why I think youstill have a lot of Israelis who are or be there are some Israelis against Gaza but I do thinkthat if Netanyahu believed that he would lose an election because of Raz he would have stopped heknows that that's the way he can win election in Israel which shows you the state of the societythat is in Israel today the point being is Neto is out of control but in some way there is apolitical logic to what he's doing in that if the world is not moving to prevent his genocide andnot moving to prevent his ethnic cleansing and he openly believes in this from The River To The Seawhich is the leud Mantra it wasn't originally it was a leud mantra 19 in their I know people wantto make it as if it's genocidal Palestinian chant.

It's actually the Israelis but the point being itreminds me actually I was sitting in Washington and there was a friend who said to me uh we weretalking about how do you push back against zus propaganda and he said to me Samy sometimes Ifeel like we overthink it just give them the microphone just give the Israelis the microphoneand they'll destroy their own propaganda in terms of their language and their rhetoric I think netbelieves this is a golden opportunity I think the zionists believe this is a golden opportunityI think they believe they have the the enduring support of Washington and I think and this iswhere I have a bit of regret and that I think that if the Muslims of America had been very quick tobe absolutely clear that they categorically will not vote Biden because of the genocide I thinkthey there was a window of opportunity to force.

The Democrats to change Biden as the candidatebut I think that the presence of some voices in Washington and some prominent commentators whoyou know I enjoy following on Twitter from time to time but the ones who are saying oh my God ohmy God yes I'm against B but Trump is going to be worse Trump is going to be worse Trump is goingto be worse I think that sort of rhetoric made Biden feel like listen let me continue supportingI think the final Point that's worth noting here is I think that although Biden might feel thatthe Electoral threat is not great that doesn't mean the Electoral threat is not great there iscertainly a suggestion that I believe that Biden is not aware of how bad the situation is for himelectorally and yesterday on Reuters it's actually interesting the campaign manager for Biden cameout and said according to writers or one of his.

Campaign team they said we've come to realizethe problem is far greater than we anticipated the suggestion being that Biden is in a bubble andso is blinkin that they've refused to believe that they could possibly lose a November electionover Gaza the reason why I want to make this distinction is this that when people hear thatBiden doesn't believe he will lose in November people might feel like that means their effortswere useless no the efforts are working it's shifting American public opinion it's creatinga facto situation where Biden will lose even if Biden doesn't appreciate it yet and that's whyI want to make that distinction it's not that Biden will not suffer for J Biden believes he willnot suffer but he's mistaken in that belief and that's why he's very interested in what happensin Michigan in that I know some people are saying.

That the results weren't what were expected but ifyou actually look at the numbers and I looked at the numbers just before I came in there's the thelatest numbers I saw was there's at least 100,000 who voted uncommitted 100,000 was the swing youknow in that in that state which means there are 100,000 suggesting they will not vote for Bidenwhen the elections come in November and that's going to cause alarm bells in the Democrat andthat might actually Force the change itself the final thing alth I said final thing but the finalalso worth is don't forget the icj proceedings yes all these countries are lining up one byone lambasting the Israel and Germany withdrew from the case as well saying I don't want tobe part of this case as well and the countries lining up one by one to confirm this settlercolonialism that's taking place and blinkin.

Talking about the idea that settler a colon thatthe settlements are contradicting international law that in and of itself suggest a break withprevious rhetoric in which the Americans used to defend those settlers I'm not saying thatthese are major victories I'm saying these are reflections or they reflect a changing positionthat is taking place as a result of uncertainty and that uncertainty is being brought about bythe efforts of ordinary Grassroots and that's why I think that the situation is changing there'stalks about a ceasefire whether it will come about or not in in in in the near future is difficultto ascertain what's certainly clear is it's the Americans and the Israelis who are panicking morethan the Palestinians are I by Palestinians I mean the Palestinian political factions becausefor the Palestinian factions they believe the.

Narrative has shifted in their favor but we askyou know genocide is not easy to talk about in any case so we ask Allah to make it easy so fromyour understanding from your analysis and it it makes a lot of sense Biden is really being movedby his electoral chances rather than any disdain he may have for genocide or ethnic cleansing andand in many ways the plan of Netanyahu and Biden are they're at one when it comes to uh the thegenocide of of of Gaza it's just how and at what intensity and how that's going to have a potentialproblem for him uh domestically so if that is if that is an acceptable uh premise to start from umcan I ask then about the question that's asked by everyone actually when when we raised the issueof abandoned Biden and that is um Trump now of course you know the discussion about Trump isgoing to be worse is is one discussion but on.

The issue of Gaza there is really no differenceI mean if if Trump was the president at this moment in time I suspect Trump wouldn't even bethinking about talking at least tonally trying to talk against netanyahu's most extreme policyand we know it's all fabricated in nonsense but you know Trump would be egging him on I suspectand would have no problem with the genocide and you know he's he would be pretty open aboutthe inhumanity or the the dehumanizing of of of Muslims in in Palestinians in in Gaza so from afrom a you know it's a two-party system abandoning Biden is only going to replace Biden with Trumphow do you answer that really specific claim on Palestine rather than the sort of the other issuesthat banning Muslims from traveling whatever how do you address that I believe that politicsis a science of human relations politics is.

Not a science of systems it's a science of humanrelations and systems are the outcome of those human relations the reason why I start with thepremise of human relations Is to highlight two points the first thing is that one of the reasonswhy I'm uncomfortable with that discussion is is because you are talking you are neglecting whatactually happened to talk to me about hypothetical a judge Jud in a courtroom will not condemn theone who might commit a genocide he will condemn the one who committed a genocide that's the firstpoint let's focus on the one who committed the genocide not the one who might commit a genocidebecause we don't know what the environment or the situation might be it may well be that Trump mightnot even commit a genocide I'm not defending Trump here what I'm saying is it's important to look atthe facts that are before you first and foremost.

A genocide was committed by genocide Joe I'mnot saying genocide Joe supported I'm saying he committed it because he allowed it to happen andhe ly supported and he gave arms in the words of Joseph borell the EU foreign policy chief he saidyou keep saying you're against what's happening in Gaza how does that make sense when you keep givingthem weapons that it makes no sense your words don't align with the actions Muslims survivedfour years of trump in the words of HMI 30,000 Palestinians did not survive four years of Bidenso you're talking about hypothetical Graves I'm showing you 30,000 Graves that's the first pointI want to highlight when people talk about what Trump might do you don't look at 30,000 Gravesand then say to yourselves 30,000 is a lot but let me calculate how much number that guy mightbe able to make I don't want to hypothetical from.

That regard the second point that is worth notingis that politics is a science of human relations do you think that when Joe Biden loses that whenJoe Biden loses in November do you think Jal he's going to go home and say alhamdulillah at leastTrump is in power at at least the politics is going to stay the same with regards to Israeldo you think that Biden walks out of the White House having lost to Trump and says to himself thesystem is the same Israel is going to be no Biden is going to go home feeling so humiliated that hegoes down in history as a one-term president he will go home thinking how could I have done thingsdifferently was Israel worth ruining the future of my political career was Israel worth compromisingmy second term he will ask the opposite questions of what you're asking the reason why I say thisis because if that's Biden's reaction what will.

Be the reflections of the Democrats will theysay thank God the system is the same thank God Trump is going to do the same that we're goingto do in Israel thank God Israel is safe even though we lost no they're going to say was Israelworth losing was Israel the point is there will be a political momentum reflection that willtake place that has the potential to maximize and amplify into something that can shift thepolitical language and rhetoric in American society the point being is that when you punish aUS president for a position of genocide the next president looks at him and says he fell becauseof Gazza he didn't fall because of the economy he fell because of Gaza I don't want to fallbecause of this situation I will think twice as a result I'm not saying that what Trump will do I'msaying that's what the discussion amongst American.

Politicians will be and I always give the examplewhat makes the Zionist Lobby is so successful in America it's not that designist Lobby delivercandidates if it was all they if all they could do was deliver candidates then the candidate wouldwin and betray the zionists like the way that bush did when the Muslims delivered him in Florida andgave him that swing that he needed the reason why Bush was able to turn on the Muslims so easilyafter 9/11 is because he knew the Muslims could not punish him the Zionist can punish a Canadathey throw 20 million into a swing state to try to topple rash for example because she keepstalking about Palestine in Congress they'll throw Millions at they might not have an alternativecandidate but they'll be like we won't let you stay in power and that's what fears the Canadathis is the first time Muslims have power and.

I always give this example orbe it's a bit comedicbut but I think it helps people to make sense when a congress person goes to visit a Masid today forexample a congress person knows about the Jewish holidays and they know about the African Americanyou know Milestones because African-Americans and the Zionist are the two minorities that havethe power to punish candidates Muslims have never shown that power so because Muslims don'thave that power usually when the Congress person visits they don't visit because they want to winthe Muslim vote they visit because the IM asked them to come so they be like okay fine how canwe win over these Muslims you know they'll look at their phone and they'll be like you know giveme something that will make the Muslims go wow so they'll be like okay on the way in the car theydon't research before they research on the way.

The secretary would look on the thing and he wouldlike how to make Muslims go and they'll look they see say they have a saying it's the way uh what'shis name that former Health Minister here in conservatives oh yes uh yes how could I forget hisname the co one who messed up on Co so ID bubar wasn't it no the in the yeah yeah yeah so so hewent in the mosque and he made it blunder Georgia yeah yeah so I can't remember I can't believe Iforgotten his name but in any case so uh you know when he's doing the secretary the secretary islook he's like you knowum they have that greeting so he thinks okay I'm going to go wild them bysaying their greeting so I would stand up be like you know like kind of thing and musim be like youknow they they be like thank you for trying you know it's actually asalam alaykum and that kind ofthing Matt hanock Matt Hancock I can't believe I.

Forgot his name in any case Matt hanock so Matthanock for those who don't know went to a Masid and it's really you know I applaud him for tryingI won't lie I'm not I'm not here to to deride them and stuff but when he opens a she you know hetries to read asalam and he struggles to read it one of the reason he struggles to read it inmy opinion is that he realizes the Muslim vote is an addition but it's not really like an importantone he won't make that mistake when he goes to the other minorities that make a difference so rightnow because the Muslims don't have the ability to punish you know Congress people they make mistakeswithum they make mistakes you say and that stuff and then they go they go imagine if in Americansociety there's a precedent where as a result of the genocide in Gaza the Muslims and their allieswent and punished a sitting US president even.

Though it was going to bring Donald Trump to powerthey said listen we would rather vote based on principle and value than short-termism imagine theshift that does where a congress person suddenly says listen I need to go to these Mass I need tovisit them because these guys show that they can topple a sitting US president that Congress personwill not only be able to sayam when he turns up he might turn around to you and say you know whatMuhammad you know Jalal you know we got a tough road ahead of us you know as long as we staypure of heart we can achieve it it's like being in America cuz the prophet Muhammad said and youknow a road might be tough but as it says in the Quran the point is why does they know this thingbecause it shows that they have power the ability to punish the most and that's why I think thatwhen you're talking about Trump you're talking.

About what ifs I'm talking about what happened I'mtelling you what happened here you're telling me what ifs this is why I always say and and and Iknow some people might be upset with this example but I want to finish on this example so peopleunderstand it I believe that when you read the of the Prophet mam when he fought better he didn'tknow was coming when he for he didn't know was coming next when he was in the trench he didn'tknow was coming next when he signed H he didn't know the next year he'd be entering Mecca thepoint is the S is chapter by chapter by chapter our chapter here is about president who committedgenocide and the labor party that continues to support genocide and believes that's the wayit can come to power some people are saying but conservative all support genocide I'm likethe reason we're focusing on labor is because we.

Want to show that you can't get to power throughgenocide that's it the conservatives fine like we deal with them we know what they but labor aretrying to say we get to power through genocide and that's the point that I want to make here is I'mnot saying that the next four years are going to be Rosy I'm saying that the next four years aregoing to be difficult irrespective of who wins whether it's bid genocide or Trump in that caseI can't choose to have an easy four years so that choice is out of my hands I need to look at thenext stage so what choice do I have do I have the ability to change the debate in American societyregarding genocide and red line yes I can make it so that Americans know the American society Ican establish a precedent that genocide ruins your political career I can establish a president thatit destroys your political career at least that is.

Better given I don't have the choice of who cancome into power like it but not only that to put it more simply I always tell people that the nextfour years will be tough but your choice really is do you want to live those four years in dignity orhumiliation do you want people to say that you are a people of dignity that you stood on principleand you punished genocide Joe you punished what actually happened and then you make preparationsto resist Donald Trump in terms of what he's going to do with your legal teams and with your you knowanalysis and media and narratives and developing the alliances or do you want to live four yearsin humiliation where the American political class they say that zionists stand up for Israel andthey throw everything to defend Israel that the African-Americans defend African-Americans theythrow their resource defend their interests when.

The Muslims you can kill 30,000 in Palestineand they still come back to you because they're worried about a Muslim ban in the comfort offour bedroom homes and that's the point that I want to make is I appreciate I didn't answerthe point about how do we reconcile what Trump I think Trump is a looming threat and problem thatthere needs to be a serious discussion how to push back on it I think and I'm going to say somethingcontroversial it sounds quite Blasphemous to say to Americans I think that Muslims should startreaching out to evangelicals and Republicans to try to find ways in which we can communicatewith them at least to try to temper the worst of trump I always give the example if you rememberJal in July when the Muslim parents in Michigan they denounced the LGBT in the schools and theydid the protest in front of them I saw I don't.

Know if you've seen it the Fox news coverageof the protest it was very positive the folks look at these Muslims they stand out with it showsthat there are ways in which you can there's a in East on the East Coast he sent me something veryinteresting he said that there was an Evangelical priest who used to pray zionis and pray zionis andthen the the Muslim IM went and said to him do you know what zus say about Jesus Christ and thenthey showed him about what they say about Mary about you know horrific things that they say aboutand he said I found the Evangelical like deeply troubled by it the point is sometimes I feellike we underplay the role of Da politically yes we underplay the sections of the s thatwe don't let me choose my words wisely I was about to say we don't like but that's not what Imean and I'll give the example people understand.

What I mean we read that the prophet during the Hseason the first 13 years would go to each tent of the tribal leaders who' come to for anybody whowould hear his message and qur would laugh at him the prophet's dignity was not diminished inany way when he did that and that's why I think that the reality is that when I look at takal andra these other guys talk about why we supporting the Israelis that shows there's a debate amongstthe right Wingers at least of people questioning the role of Zionism or the like and and and tosummarize this particular point and I'll finish on this point one of the fascinating things that Ifound about the way the zionists are losing their control or their ability to influence theirallies was when Eli Cohen the Israeli foreign minister went to the EU to present his plan ofthe artificial Island to put the Palestinians.

On because both the 27 member states and Eli kohenwere both horrified in that meeting the EU member states were horrified that they were sittingin a meeting where Eli Cohan was presenting an artificial Island to put Palestinians in EliCohan was horrified that they were horrified he was horrified he was like when did you guys startquestioning us when do you start questioning what we're doing when did you guys start you knowasking us about this and ask us about that and I think given that Republicans are also doing itas well I do think that in the spirit of dawa I'm not saying go out and support Trump not at alllike that's not what I'm saying at all what I'm saying is politics is a science of human relationsin the same way that Biden you know will not leave office and sayd the system's in place that's whyI always argue when Muslims tell me the system.

Stays the same I'm like do you think Biden viewsit in those terms do you think blinkin views it in those terms do you think Kamal and Harris issitting there thinking Al they don't because they know that the punishing of Biden will have animpact on the politics and and I want Muslims to appreciate that as opposed to the macros okayso that's really interesting because of course there is a qualitative difference between Bidenand Trump I mean it's wrong to say that their policy remains you know static and similar infact there is now a gulf between the Republican right and the Democrats in particular towardsforeign policy and this anti-globalism agenda and and I think the Republican right is movingquite decisively in in the direction of sort of U uh almost erting the last 60 years of Americanforeign policy and coming to A A different Pol.

Foreign policy standard uh and a standard thatmay actually bring down the US Empire at least weaken the US Empire at least that's what uhsome American commentators suggest so if I was to reading between the lines your suggestion hereis that if we were to look at a as a or at least part of Aer as political Dow you know it's in ourinterest to make sure that the American Empire does uh continue that rot that Trump representsis am I going too far there I think that look in my opinion the Muslim here's something to behonest my people always tell me what books do you read for politics or the like and to be honest I Ishouldn't underplay the fact that I had a teacher and you know my father was was my greatestteacher and remains so I always tell people if you're impressed with my political analysisyou haven't met the big boss and and you met.

Him had a chance to me you had chance to meet somy father used altered my view of Da and he said the Muslim should always hope for good the Muslimshould always hope for what is good for society in general not just the Muslim Society but Societiesin general the muslim's preference should always be that people become guided not that peopleshould go to Hellfire the Muslim should always pray that Allah subhana wa taala will bless thisum and bless our tongues to convince people of the goodness of Allah subhana and Islam that it isdarer for the Muslim that a society enters Islam rather than that Society to be destroyed and thereason I say this is even when you look at and it's true that we have you know prophets theyget frustrated and they say Allah just destroy these people there's no hope for them and Allahdoes destroy some people as well but that's what.

Allah decide what to do with them the prophets aresent to give dawa until their last breath or until Allah tells them otherwise makes his lamentationI've called my people day and night when I call him they run away from me and and and he continuesto lament terms of his but he doesn't stop giving it because Allah hasn't told him to stop givingit he only stops giving when Allah commands him to I interpret from that that Allah unless Allahtells you otherwise our da should be consistent and that's why I went back earlier to the idea ofyou know these Muslims who say they are American or the or the or the or the Muslims in Britain whosay they are British like myself the idea being is that what is Dara now I look look at my daughterfor example Selma Selma has English blood that runs through her veins Selma's grandmother is notMuslim sorry Selma's great-grandmother is not her.

Grandmother Muslim her great-grandmother is notMuslim Selma has uh great aunts who are not Muslim when I look at Selma and Selma shares the bloodrelation with them you cannot tell me that Selma's you know dream or desire is to see these peopledestroyed rather she wants I met for example IM Su web and he said something very interestingIM web you know a man who entered Islam went out learn Arabic learned the Hadith learn the Quranin a way that let's be honest Arab Muslims don't do like but I remember he made a remark while Iwas sitting with him and he said you know when I go back to my and many of his family membersare still not Muslim yet but you can see on his face that he desperately wishes that they weredesperately wishes and I think the reason being that is the attitude of the Muslim and that's sowhen when when people want to mention is that yeah.

Trump will ruin the American Empire that may willwell be the political analysis of what happens but I think the focus of the Muslim Community inAmerica and the f Fus of the Muslim Community here in Britain is to show them how Islam is what willguide them from that Islam is going to benefit you we keep talking about what we see on the tubelines if you see harassment of a woman report it and we make the jokes hasht creeping Shar butthe reason we're saying hash in reality what we're saying is you're now seeing the good of Islam andwe celebrate that you're implementing it you're now seeing the good of the way we treat the oneand we're celebrating that you're implementing and we want to encourage that and that's why I thinkthat political analys can sound crude Trump will come to power America will Retreat it will open upopportunities for erdogan for the Muslim State and.

That may well be true in political analysis thatdoesn't necessarily mean it will provide good for the um to be honest like because at the end of theday I don't know if more autonomy for binman will be good for the um or more good for Ben that'snot the point and that's why I think that that attitude may be good for analysis but not in termsof at terms of how we proceed with the gos of the Americans and and and and I'll summarize it withthis particular Point let's be honest we thought thought that we could not convince people toabandon Zionism to support the Palestinians we thought the zionists were too strong that theydominated but Justin Trudeau two days ago comes out and tweet he goes He laments that social mediahas now surpassed mainstream media but why does he lament it he laments it because mainstreammedia which used to control the narrative.

No longer has the control and now it means thatthe Palestinian narrative has broken through that Monopoly that Chokehold that they impose but whatis Justin Trudeau worried about he's not worried about that phenomenon he's worried about whatthat phenomenon is producing which is ordinary Canadians non-muslims who were zionists yesterdayor palestin BR Palestinian today what he's worried about is when you open up the freedom for peopleto talk and present their opinions he's worried that the freedom which is the essence of theirvalues is benefiting the daa is benefiting the Muslim cause in terms of getting people who arenon-muslims to now sympathize with it I went to Sacramento in in in in in in in in California andI remember in in the in the in the Muslim Center where I was giving my talk there is a Jewishcandidate who is running who came and said I I.

As a Jew I denounced this genocide and I'm runningit and I want you guys I promise like let's work together against this it was so humbling to watchit why because it showed that the F resonates what is right and that it can be done the point thatI'm saying is that the reason why I push back against the framing is because if your questionis if Trump comes to power what will happen to America I will say to you that American influencewill will you know start to you know be brought back you know and and and American truths willwithdraw and that kind of thing if your question is whether it's good or not I'll be honest withyou I don't know because an opportunity doesn't mean you take it those who are left behind inthat vacuum it doesn't mean they'll take it Obama didn't do anything in Syria civil war Obamaintervened nato in Libya Civil War the Dynamics.

Of each issue have their own very unique specificD which is why I pushed back when you said to me about the system Remains the Same I the reasonreason I say symptoms are consequences they're not the base the norm is human relations systemsemerge from that that's why systems are constantly changing but the point I want to make and I'llfinish on this particular point is this idea that when we're looking in terms of the Muslim attitudein terms of moving forward if now on Palestine we show that when we raise our voices for andshow what's happening and we hold our ground and we insist on the Justice the ones who are ourenemies yesterday became our allies today the ones who were Zion y became Palestinian today whichshows there is an environment conducive in these societies where a DA can have an impact I knowpeople criticize Hamza yusu sad Khan and these.

People all the life but the reality is that youmight think of them as rather deformed versions of representation of the Muslim Community and thatmay well be the case in many years 100% it's true and I'm not here to defend anything that theydo what I'm here to say is this why is it that the Muslim looks at it and wants to tear it downbecause he says that doesn't represent me in the way that I demand that they represent and why doesthe right-winger instead look at it and say that 20 years ago there was no muslim representationguys this is dangerous there's a trajectory that is happening if today it's sad Khan tomorrow it'shijabi if today it's hamu YF tomorrow it's this why does the right-winger believe the trajectoryis leading to a greater spread of the dawa but the Muslim believes that the da is deformedand this is why I find it quite fascinating.

When Muslims talk about politics generally in thatwhen you hear the other side they see Islam as an irresistible Force when you talk to the Muslimsthey tell you it's a waning force or they tell you and that's what I find quite which is whyI prefer and this is why I know it's I say it semi jokingly but you know I always say sometimesthat Netanyahu believes in the power of Allah more than many Muslims do and and and blink believesin the power of Allah more than most Muslims do because they're aware that the omatic identityand the Muslims are getting stronger every day because their da is getting stronger but and andI promise this the final point I'll say why do they believe it's getting stronger not because ofthe material aspects because Islam wins hearts and people don't leave Islam after they've entered itPaul Williams the English Reaver abim Morad those.

Megan rice who was on Tik Tok first two weeks ofGaza and then became Muslim after what happened in Gaza that girl in La who does the video says I wasZionist and I grew up Zionist and now all my Tik Tok videos I checked her account yesterday she'sstill doing every day on on festine all the like what they're worried about is the power of Islamis not necessarily in its material capabilities that's a consequence not a cause the power ofIslam is what was Dem during the first 13 years of life of the prophet sallam in that it wins heartsin such a way that people abandon the material power to enter Islam itself like you sayingGB news is is his profound a profound station is that what we're saying now Sam I'm saying thatthat even GB news even the phenomenon and this is why I think that you know GB news is saying thatwe're we're identifying a trajectory whereby the.

British identity is changing and then the Britishidentity is beginning to Encompass more than just the white English person and they are concernedabout that but that debate in and of itself what does it mean to be British I'm not saying that'sa debate Muslims you know necessarily you know should spend day and night thinking about it I'msaying that the reason they're having that debate is because as the dawa grows people are havingto ask okay these are British people here they believe in Islam how does that fit within oursociety and I think that debate in and of itself is a chance for Muslims to demonstrate that wedidn't come here as a curse we came here as a mercy so let's go back to uh the geopolitics yourassessment the last time we met was came out to be broadly true that Iran would not escalate thecrisis but actually would keep a lid on some of.

Its Assets in the region uh save a few tokenisticmoves on the border of of uh of uh Lebanon Israel uh however there has been a market change inthe way the hoies have acted they disrupted and continue to disrupt the trade uh tradeing inthe Red Sea and um we've had of course us uh and UK military action against firm uh at this pointdo you think the huies are working autonomously to to to that of Iran I understand the questiondistinguishes between theis andah but it is worth noting and I'm not taking anything away fromthe huis I I do believe that the huis have made a difference in terms of what's happening I'm nottaking that away from them albe it people know my reservations about the Iranians and you know I seesometimes in the comments people like whenever he talks about the Shia resistance he it's not thatit's as said I just believe that Iran's proxies.

Have killed more of the Sunnah than Israel havekilled Palestinians but it's important to to you've used the term Shia resistance I mean I Inoticed you don't use that term normally you talk about Iranian resistance they say they use theterm Shar so I adopted their terms but but there is this argument that you are deeply sectarianuh I mean do you want to address that it's not about whether I want to address it or not II always think that after the Saddam regime fell in Iraq I do think the Shia parties or thepro-iran parties if we going to be more accurate because you know I grew up with with the likesof you know there was a famous Iraqi po Dr abas janabi Who was Shia and anti-iran like very muchanti- Iran and he was phenomenal in my development of my own Arabic language he passed away likehe was a very you know big influence like on my.

Life and on my upbringing as well so if you lookat you know other Shia as well they are that's why I always use the the Iran Iran proes I don'tuse the Shia resist they say whenever Sami talks about Shia resistance I'm not talking about Shiaresistance I'm talking about Iran and what Iran is doing because Iran also Shia who aren't alliedwith Iran yeah I always argue that when the Saddam regime fell the pro-iran parties had a chance toshow us what their rule looks like and it ended up sectarian yeah they ended up going to Di and youknow kicking out a lot of the Sunni population when they went to MOS they unfill those banerswe take revenge for us they showed us what it looks like and and that's the reason why I thinkthat they don't have a moral leg to stand on when they do you look at Syria for example and I admitthat Syria this going to sound controversial I I I.

Think that Syria was not as ready for a revolutionI do think that although Syria had the elements of a revolution I think the kataris got OV excitedyou know after what happened in Tunisia Egypt Libya and kataris got over excited they thoughtthey had a c Blanch from the Americans to do what they wish and they really you know tried to forceit and that's why I think that there was a lot of I always say this the essid regime the peoplewanted to topple it to have the right to choose their own leaders that doesn't mean the Americansdidn't want to the Americans also wanted to tople it for different reasons as well I don't thinkthat discredits the legitimacy of the syrians wanting to top all the Assad regime but I'm notdenying the American role in it I'm just saying that it's not the Americans who caused the crisisin Syria I think it was the and oppression of.

Bashar Assad we have the Maxim in Islam the fifthof the rightly guly calfs considered the fifth of rightly Cals he receives a letter from one of hisGovernors and the governor says to him I need more reinforcements to keep these unruly tribes inorder you know he uses the word writes a letter back refusing reinforces and says fortify withJustice don't fortify with fortify with Justice keeps it I think you know leads to oppressionEssence oppression led to it but but going back to the point with regards to the andah I think theIranian have maximized what they're going to do which is missiles on the Lebanese border missilesin the Red Sea no response from Syria because Ed is focused on bombarding idlib and taking tryingto take idlib and try to push the TKS out ass said wants to restore his authority with the help ofthe Russians and the Iranians I think that the.

Iranians as was said in that reuter's articleit was said that Han the Hames polar bu went to the Iranians and said we want more assistance theIranians said you didn't consult us so we're not giving you more assistance than we're actuallygiving I think the huis in the Red Sea are very encouraged by the reaction of the Muslim world tothem now no one talks about their coup there seven wars the no one talks about you know the Carnagethey W on Yemen you know over the past n years everybody's now focused on what they're doingfor the sake of Gaz in many ways I understand the admiration in that theis were on the vergeof signing a deal with the Saudis to recognize their Authority they had humbled the Saudis inpolitical interest terms they they didn't need to get involved in this you know they they theycould have just ignored it and and benefited they.

Chose to compromise that for the sake of fistinand I believe they truly believe for the fistin Gaz But to answer your question directly I thinkwe've seen the maximum of what Iran is willing to do and I think that Iran has communicated to theAmericans and the Americans commun Iranians that this is the status quo that we Iran is sayingplease guys let's get ceasefire quickly but the Americans are assured that the Iranians won'tescalate as as much and that's why sometimes when people say that the resistance you know has madean impact they call you know the resistance axis I always say look I understand the desire to Lordthe resistance but we have to be brutally honest as well Israel is now near they've they've enteredlike they're now near it's like the final stage so this resistance hasn't succeeded in pushing theIsraelis back okay casualties here casualties.

There bit of mental health issues for some of theIsraeli soldiers or the like but in the overall scheme of things in terms of militarily likethey're ra now CC appears to be building something on the border to receive those pal and and andBiden his rhetoric is all I just need a plan what you're going to do with the civilians and they'retrying to drive them across that border as well so I think that with regards to Iran Iran has donethe max it's willing to do and I think Iran is hoping that that pressure will try to push fora ceasefire but I think the primary driver of a ceasefire will be public opinion not necessarilywhat the Iranians are doing but nevertheless the huthis have have made an impact and they'vehumiliated the other Arab regimes because when you use you know subpar weapons that you youknow homemade to make that difference you know I.

Saw I think it was Al jazer they were comparingIsrael's multi-million pound missile to you know like a cheap you know you know missile made by thehuis themselves and shows all the disruption that they can you know impact on the Red Sea I thinkyes the huis have done something but I think on the overall scheme of things I think Iran isat its maximum and and the rest of the Muslim rulers the Arab rulers Turkey um we've reallynot seen very much more from them since we last spoke I mean do you feel that uh the Americansare pretty uh happy and content that there is really not going to be any substantial actionfrom the Muslim world I think Biden is certainly at ease that nothing will come from the Muslimworld yeah Biden is certainly at ease that Saudi Arabia is more concerned with the concerts and andeverything that's taking place inside that the UAE.

Is more focused on Somalia more focused on Sudanon Libya and and these issues I think that the UAE made some concessions it it reduced some of itsrelations with China and Russia in exchange for getting itself lifted so for those who don't knowUAE was put on a gray list for moneya laundering because of its ties with Russia and so there's asuggestion that the UAE you know it cancels some contracts with China to try to appease the the USto get its name lifted and it was lifted about two days ago but the point is I think that for theBiden Administration and I say this and I know I get criticized for it but I I put it quite bluntlyI think Biden is convinced that Saudi uee at least they are in the Zionist Camp wholeheartedlyand I think it was interesting to hear Biden say when he was licking the ice cream he saidthat you know the Muslim nations are saying.

To us you know that they're no he was saying itto Seth Meers in his talk show he said you know that the Muslim nations are telling us that youknow they're ready for the next stage which you know to recognize Israel to work with them andI think that means he he's getting reassurances from those Muslim nations that we're ready torecognize I don't think erdogan necessarily is doing I think erdogan is more focused on youknow NATO ratification of Sweden in exchange for you know fighter jets and that but everybody'sall focused on their own thing so I don't think Biden is concern by any motion any movement fromthe Muslim world having said that I do think that Muslim leaders are concerned by Muslim publicopinion so if you notice two weeks ago there Saudi Arabia came out with a statement in whichthey changed the language so before they were.

Saying we will recognize Israel in exchange for apathway to recognition of a Palestinian State then they came out two weeks ago and they said we willnot recognize Israel unless there's a recognition of a Palestinian state so people thought this wasa move forward by the Saudis but it's important to look at that statement in context in that week theIsraeli Channel had come out and said that Saudi is part of a land bridge to bypass block ofisand Muslim social media went viral on it like it went mad I think there was even a thinking Muslimcut you guys you got millions of of views talking about bin man yeah it was under that pressureso the point I'm saying is that statement is not directed at Biden or the Israelis the Saudis areassuring Biden and the Israelis that normalization still on the cards that statement was directed atme and you just tell us look here's a statement.

Now please just be quiet because you know hopingthe words and and and it's true I saw some people coming out on Twitter some IM saying this is theSaudi position you're like there's a difference between what they're saying and what they're doingthere's a difference between what they're saying and between having Jared kushna coming to youtalking at a Saudi Forum he was in Florida they did this investment in Saudi Forum jar kushnaagain was a keynote speaker this is two weeks ago so they're giving you words on one hand andthe actions are saying something different but to answer your question directly I don't thinkthey're worried about Muslim rul is doing anything I ask you one final question in Gaza andI appreciate we've done a lot on Gaza and we need to move on to Sudan but the pa uh the PalestinianAuthority um there is some discussion about how.

Uh I mean historically I think it's it's notuncontroversial to say that the PA is has really betrayed the the Palestinian movement I thinkI think that's widely accepted but there is a discussion about why the PA has REM remained quitePlacid even in the face of you know this genocide I mean they could have started up a separate frontuh in the West Bank at least that's a discussion that some Palestinians are having um how do youassess the the status of the PA and and its um culpability I suppose in in this crisis I thinkyou look at pictures ofala Israeli tanks are in rala itself palestin Authority does not have theability to resist the Israelis I think that there was a suggestion that maybe the people in thoseareas would take to the streets as well in order in was in the people didn't I think maybe thetime perhaps was not right for it all the like but.

Certainly if you also remember as well is therewas Israeli buildup in the Janine refugee camp as well so Israeli positions were well poised tosubdue the West Bank this was preemptive you know preemptive they were already ready to subdue theWest Bank itself and I also think that consider yourself in the PA position and I'm not defendingthe PA I agree with you the PA are a tool used by the Israelis to suppress the Palestinians I agreewholeheartedly but let's suppose in a hypothetical situation that they are not a tool and that theyhave some agency if you if you're looking at what happened to Gaz do you want to bring that onyourself in alal in the West Bank do you think that it is moral to bring that upon yourself inthe West Bank do you think that it is heroic and brave to bring that genocide and destructionwatching 30,000 get slaughtered inaz do you.

Think there is something heroic Brave and Noble inbringing that on yourself in ramal or in the West Bank itself do you think that it is Islamicto enter a war you know you cannot win when perhaps you might want to consider other optionsas well does Allah tell you to go to halak go to utter destruction and say that that is a moralobligation to do so the reason why I say this is an interesting story so in 1920 1910s we weretalking about the mentioned the ottoman state so I always argue that the ottoman State collapsed in1909 when suan ABD Hamid was toppled and then The Young Turks came in and you know the Turks alwayssay the Arabs betrayed them I always say the Arabs didn't betray the Ottomans the Arabs betrayed TheYoung Turks who made it clear that the ottoman was no longer an Islamic empire in any case the Sultanin 1917 1916 he asks the suusi movement in Libya.

Who are fighting the Italians that the Ottomanshave abandoned Libya and left the suusi to fight the libyans they asked the suusi order to crossthe border in Egypt and attack the British as part of the war and the British are the ones allowingthe supply of weapons to the sunusi because the British they don't want to see the Italians andthe French in North Africa so they're like listen we don't really care much for the sunusi but theythey're keeping the Italians at Bay if the weapons are going to come to them from wherever let thelet it come just turn a blind eye to it let it go the sunusi knew that the apathy of the the Britishhatred for the Italians meant that they R turning a blind eyee to the sultan sends them an order andtells them I want you to go and attack the British over a war where the ottoman should not even haveentered you know on the side of the Germans they.

Get together the suusi and they say to themselvesbluntly if we cross the border and attack the British they will annihilate us and they willno longer allow the supply of arms and that will ruin our ability to resist the Italians whoare encroaching and coming into Libya and another faction said but Allah says we have to obey theruler the the ruler has given us an order the other says Allah tells you don't go to H don't goto destruction we we don't have the power to beat the British like we will get annihilated and wehave the Italians in front of us the sultan is not taking that into consideration and these are TheYoung Turks then they're not t they're not valuing our situation in the end the head of the sui saysmy duty to Allah T I have to obey my Sultan they cross they attack the British first week theyget some gains they enter into Egypt and then.

The British rally and they annihilate them andthen they cut off all supply of weapons that come through the British and we all know the story ofOmar who took over afterwards thei order and how destitute the movement was against the Italianswe saw The Italian momentum I'm not saying that the PA are anywhere anything like the sunusimovement or anything like Omar M I'm not saying that at all what I'm saying is that there is alegitimacy to assessing the wisdom of entering a battle that you cannot win and asking yourself ifthe prophet Muhammad s. wasam was somebody prone to doing that or not because I don't think theprophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam ever sought to willingly put Medina in Jeopardy but used to buyhis time in order to build the necessary strength to do so the reason why I went from it from thatangle is not to justify the PA but to ask people.

To think realistically what are they asking the PAto do we already knew was a defunct organization but do we really want the West Bank to suffer thesame way has suffered I don't have a definitive answer to this question that you posed I'm simplythrowing out thoughts and thinking out loud as an analyst the one thing that I love about my jobis I don't need to have definitive opinions I just need to analyze the Dynamics out in frontof me I give my receip and I go home of course I'm not asking you to pay me but in any case asin I love the job that that lacks responsibility I'm not responsible but I do think that the WestBank I think what is telling is that they want the Palestinian Authority to rule over Gaza but what'salso telling thing is that netan doesn't want the Palestinian Authority to rule over Gaza either andthere is this talk now about maybe a technocrat.

Government that Hamas might accept a technocratgovernment to rule over Gaza the UAE has an idea to impose its own puppet in Gaza Muhammad D hedid an interview a wide reaching interview UAE and Egypt are suggesting that maybe they can you knowhelp to impose a government and demilitarize the Palestinians as a favor to the Israelis all thoseoptions are on the table itself but the PA itself I think that look at the end of the day I thinkit's true they betrayed the Palestinian cause but I think on this particular issue what did youwant them to do and I think the the swiftness with which Israel entered ramal and the West Bank yeahshowed that they don't have the power really to do anything either right s mean we've now coveredGaza and we haven't yet it's it's almost we've done a podcast in itself on Gaza we need to nowmove on to S Sudan I mean uh I've got my famous.

Dark chocolate do you want to take a break andand uh let's have some come back and discuss please remember to subscribe to our socialmedia and YouTube channels and head over to our website thinking tosign up to my Weekly Newsletter jaak

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3 thoughts on “Gaza: Has Biden misplaced protect a watch on of Netanyahu? with Sami Hamdi

  1. Im enthralled by how gorgeous islam is by precise looking out at palestinian teens n folk. When put next with christianity islam is far more correct n realistic ❤. Im a bhuddist but i so devour islam. Thanku for this podcast.

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