Glimpse Maddow shred Trump with are residing truth-study of victory speech


Glimpse Maddow shred Trump with are residing truth-study of victory speech

This is a decision that we re revisit constantly and that we will revisit constantly but tonight uh we're expecting Trump to speak momentarily we are going to go to those remarks uh to see how he uses this moment at least at first we'll see how it goes again this is a decision that um is one that we consider to be an open-ended live.

Decision um let's go to Trump headquarters right now in nsha New Hampshire thank you everybody thank you whoa us us us us us USA USA well I want to thank everybody this is a fantastic.

State this is a great great state you know we won New Hampshire three times now three we we win it every time we win the primary we win the generals we've won it and it's uh very very special place to me it's very important if you remember in 2016 we came here and we needed that win and we won by 21 points and it was.

Great and today I have to tell you it was very interesting because I said wow what a great Victory but then somebody ran up to the stage all dressed up nicely when it was at 7 but now I just walked up and it said 14 but she ran up when it was seven and you know we have to do what's good for our party and she was up and I.

Said wow she's so there we go um so this is part of the issue here uh so Donald Trump saying that he won New Hampshire um not only in previous primaries but that he won New Hampshire in the general election um is not true Donald Trump did to his credit um in 2016 16 win the New Hampshire Republican primary he did in 2020 win the New Hampshire Republican.

Primary but both in 2016 when he was competing against Hillary Clinton in the general election he narrowly lost New Hampshire in the general election and then in 2020 when he was competing against Joe Biden in the general election he lost New Hampshire New Hampshire by a good Fair chunk of vote so uh the former president has opened.

His remarks tonight once again by proclaiming um falsehoods about previous elections this is what makes it hard to take him uh his pronouncements live we'll try again though here we go you have the very the now very unpopular governor of this state this guy he's got to be on something I've never seen anybody with.

Energy he's like a hopscotch and you know I'm I'm watching this guy and two weeks ago he said we're going to win we're going to win in ATL start we're going to win about 3 days ago he started saiding well we want to do well that's a big difference but I walked out just now we're 14 points up and I don't know what it's going to be.

But when she was up here was like six or seven and you know with like 7% of the vote counted now let let me just tell you we uh we had an unbelievable week last week in Iowa we set a record it was the best in the history of the caucus in the history and uh I remember I sort of had the same feeling I'm up and I'm watching and I said she's.

Taking a Victory lap and we we beat her so badly she was but Ron beat her also you know Ron came in second and he left she came in third and she's still hanging around the other thing she only got 25% of the Republican votes I don't know if you saw that tremendous numbers of Independence came out because in this.

State because you have a governor that doesn't frankly know what the hell he's is doing in this state in the Republican primary they accept Democrats to vote in fact I think they had 4,000 Democrats Democrats before October 6 they already voted now they're already voting because they want to make me look as bad as possible because if you remember we won.

In 2016 and if you really remember and if you want to play it straight we also won in 2020 by more and we did much better in 2020 than we did in 2016 but as they said we lost by a whisker just by a whisker no no no but.

We can't let that happen you know you have to have people that speak up I said I can go up and I can say to everybody oh thank you for the victory it's wonderful it's or I can go up and say who the hell was the impostor that went up on the stage before and like claimed a victory she did very poorly actually she had to win the governor said she's.

Going to win she's going to win she's going to win then she she failed badly now I have here if he promises to do to do it in a minute or less but the only person more Angry than let's say me but I don't get too angry I get even the only person the only because he was there and he did fantastically well by the way and.

Then he endorsed me and we don't have to talk about Tim Scott who by the way just got engaged we have to tell you and that's more important than all of this stuff but a man that got to know her very well is VI I said VI I said V go up and say a few words about it he.

Has to do it in one minute or less and then we're going to just say we had one hell of a night tonight and one other thing before VI comes do you see that poll we're going to put it up we have beaten Biden you could almost say who can't who the hell can't the man can't put two sentences together he can't find the stairs off a.

Stage who can't but VI one minute or less go do it what we saw giving Donald Trump giving an an unusual victory speech um in New Hampshire um in which uh he initially at the outset of his remarks said that he had won New Hampshire both not only previous primaries but had won in previous.

General elections he lost both in 2016 and in 2020 in the New Hampshire uh general election contests um he then reiterated that and then handed over his victory speech to ramaswami um after saying we don't need to talk about Tim Scott and by the way he got engaged and that's more important than any of this and then we did.

One so he seemed to suggest also that the governor of New Hampshire is on some sort of drug yes he said I don't know what he's on the governor which which I think is utterly baseless just to be clear yes um but he I just want to be clear like you said this he so he he said it casually we won the primers and we won the general he came back to.

Linger on it yeah acknowledging at one point like they said we lost by a ER what really we we won and we won in 2016 and we won by a bigger amount in 2020 and again like there are statements there are uh you know have truths politicians tell but like the fundamental core lie that is the core of the whole Democratic crisis the country.

Faces right now revolves around this just simple matter of History you see it reflected in two-thirds of IA primary voters saying that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected one half of those voters in New Hampshire like so this is just in a different category I would submit well let and let's just I mean let's just be really clear about this.

Right so Trump saying tonight after having won the New Hampshire primary which he has done twice before having then gone on to say that's not enough you can't just claim credit you have to claim credit you have to falsify the election results in the twice in the two times that you lost the state is a form of like reality bullying in a way and.

He's done this around Iowa as well so for example he doesn't have bragging rights about winning the Iowa caucuses he lost the Iowa caucuses in 2016 to Ted Cruz but after winning the Iowa caucuses this time he said oh it's really great to have won it for three times in a row and he knows that it's not true and he knows that everybody listening to him.

Knows that it's not true it's like his insistance on the date of the Spanish flu epidemic or his insistance on what the hurricane track was going to be that he had to draw in with the Sharpie it's it's it's an exercise in bending reality to his will and insisting that that others follow it's an exercise in making people who love him denounce reality and.

Endorse his view instead as a form of fty as a form of loyalty and it's a way of breaking the truth yes in our country and showing that his most loyal people will do that in a performative and a facing way it's called religious Faith the psychiatrist who wrote the book about him literally uh all agreed that this is a very serious lifelong problem.

He's now in his like 70th year of never being satisfied with reality even on the days when he wins uh because life can never ever give him what he wants his insecurity being so profoundly deep and and permanent the victory speech by the way in political campaigns in the primary season is always supposed to be about winning more voters yes uniting.

The party the next election whether that's the general election or the next state you are supposed to reach out to voters who expressed a different feeling tonight say reach out to the voters who voted for Haley you don't have to specify that that's what you're doing but every politician prior to Donald Trump has found a way to do that he.

Never has and and just I think it's because you set it up with the last time which is that you know throughout these however many years we are now into this uh nine years I suppose right 2015 is when he sort of starts uh you know there have always been these moments where there like he he's able to sort of perform some version of like.

Conventional campaigning he stays on script and people say oh if only that you know that it's like a joke it's a Trope right like it's only that Donald Trump and so like last time in Iowa it was a more conventional it was gracious it was thank you so I'm glad that we saw that because that is that's the sort of this sort of petulant incoherence which.

Is really kind of the no it's really the rhetorical register that he is at at all times I mean and particularly in the last three days on the trail I mean I don't know if people have been seeing the clips but it is a constant degree of essentially petulent and coherence

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