Global Students working rules in Australia will replace rapidly!


Global Students working rules in Australia will replace rapidly!

We're gonna talk about the end of the full-timework permission for international students um here I am working from home and here live withyou so we can talk about this um in a month's time today is the 31st of May in a month's timethings will change for international students in Australia uh the temporary was always going tobe temporary the temporary relaxation of work limitations will end so what we're going to do umis talk about this I just turned the comments off um just so I can concentrate on telling youwhat's important we opened up box of questions for you yesterday if you had questions we've gota few questions I'm gonna go through with you but mainly we're gonna talk about why this relaxationhappens why is it ending how it's ending and what it means to you if you're here in Australia andyou're holding an international student visa so.

From since the dawn of time the student visashad a work limitation on them so students can work a limited number of hours why becausethe government wants students to focus on studying they want you to primarily study andincidentally as a consequence of being here on a student visa they want you to have access tosome work rights so for as long as I can remember International students could only work part-timeso 20 hours a week in 2016 there was Rewritten and the condition said 40 hours of fortnightso if you have a permanent job you can work 40 hours of fortnight that means 20 hours a weeknow if you have a casual job where this week you may have a lot of work if you work in a restaurantthe restaurant's busy next week it's not so busy your boss can send you home you can work uh morehours in one week Less hours in another week as.

Long as those 40 hours were distributed over thatFortnight Fortnight means 14 days or two weeks now with the pandemic many things that have neverhappened before happen in Australia and one of them was the government changing this rule for thefirst time ever in the whole history of student visas in this country and the government saidin January 2020 International students can work as much as they want regardless of which industrythey're working in the type of employment if they have one job or 20 jobs it didn't matter and stilldoesn't matter now those changes started gradually first the government allowed Internationalstudents in critical sectors such as Healthcare and aged care to start working as many hoursas they wanted and that was due in 2021 then in Hospitality because things got so complicatedfor Hospitality workers in the industry we did.

Not have any International students or Backpackerscoming into the country so that became a problem so then the hospitality and tourism industrywas also added to a critical sector's least by January 2022 even though the borders hadreopened for international students in December 2021 by January 2022 it was still um you knownot enough there's not enough people to work in those sectors so the government decided to removethe limitation for all International students and their family members so it has been over a yearnow uh which you don't know when it was going to end but we knew it was going to end because it wasalways called a temporary relaxation now with the current government since they have coming to powerlate last year they gave us a date they said okay um there is a date it's gonna end at the end ofthis financial year which is the 30th of June.

So the 35th of June is a Friday from the Saturdayafter that the first of July we go back to having limitations however it's very important that thoselimit you understand that those limitations are going to be different from what they were beforenow where is your work limitation on your student visa you need to look at the Visa conditionsattached to your visa and that comes if you're the primary Visa holder if you're the student yourwork limitation will be conditioned 8105 now if you are a secondary student visa holder if you'remarried to someone who's a studying or if you're in a defective relationship with someone who'sa studying then your condition will always be 8104 now condition 8105 today is you can only work40 hours of fortnight unless you are undertaking a masters by research or a PhD that requires youto undertake work and then you can work full time.

Any other courses Master by course work atthe ba a post-graduation diploma Bachelor trades anything you can only work um 40 hoursa week for tonight unless your course is not in session meaning it's a holiday a school holidayin your course or you have completed your course and you've got a little bit of time left at theend of your student visa that means your course is not in session you can work unlimited hours sothat is going to go back the difference from the first of July is that instead of being 40 hours offortnight the condition is going to be Rewritten and it's going to be 48 Hours of fortnight whichagain in practice 24 hours a week so there's gonna be four extra hours there which it's not the bestcomparing to at the moment International students can work on Limited hours but it's better thanwhat it used to be so that's what's going to.

Happen to condition 8105. now one of the questionswe received from someone was will the changes apply to students in a master's degree and theirPartners so I want to use this question to talk about the dependence on a student visa so we geta lot of questions from people saying I want to apply for a partner visa and we think okay you'rein a relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent residence and they're in a relationshipwith someone on a student visa in that case you are going to get a student visa as a partneror a spouse so people in this circumstance they will always have condition 8104 today condition8104 says you can only work 40 hours a fortnight so there's no unless your course is not insession because there's no course so that partner that spouse they don't have holidaysthey're not studying so they don't have that.

Period during their holidays where they canwork full time they can only work 40 hours a fortnight unless the students the primary studentvisa holder is undertaking a master's degree or higher so if it's a masters by coursework amasters by research or a PhD that partner or spouse can work full-time and that willcontinue so answering the question from our follower who asked this question Partnerswill continue to be able to work full-time if they're the students the Primary students isundertaking a master's degree or higher now those partners and spouses whose Primary studentsis not they're not undertaking master's degree so when they're studying bachelor degree vocationalcourse English course then they'll have the partners will have the work limitation and thework invitation will continue but it's also going.

To go up to 48 so it's not going to be 40 hours aweek sorry a fortnight anymore it's going to be 48 Hours of fortnight so 24 hours a week so untilthe end of the month so we have the whole June you can still work full-time if you are theprimary student or a secondary student visa holder a partner a spouse but from Saturday the1st of July it goes back to having limitations but the limitation will be 24 hours a week insteadof 20. what remains is if you're the student you can work on Limited hours on the course holidaysor at the end of your studies if you still have time left on your student visa and if you arethe partner or spouse of someone undertaking a master's degree or higher you can workunlimited hours anytime so they continues okay so not so very good news but we knew the partywas going to end eventually so why why did the.

Government change these rules because they weredesperate for skilled workers workers in any industry even unskilled workers and they continueto be we still need workers in all Industries now what do you do if you have a full-time job ifyour employer is desperate for people and your work limitation is going back to what it usedto be what do you do what does your employer do um there's a few options and that's something wewanted to talk to you about and we've got a few questions about that now someone mentioned whatother options I have other than the 408 covid Visa now this Visa is also going to end guysum we don't know when but it will um you know here at Bravo we do a lot of research we arealways attending meetings and seminars with the Department of Home affairs with the migrationInstitute of Australia I myself am an examiner.

For the Capstone exam which is the entry levelexam for people who want to be migration agents and we present to other migration agents cpgsand so on so we're really always thinking about immigration law and we have our theories so webelieve that the 408 Visa may also finish may end um in July um because what is the what is thepoint of getting students to go back to working Limited hours and keeping a Visa such as the408 open where people can work full-time so um the same reason why thegovernment created this relaxation of um uh the limitation for international students umthis it was because we need workers and because of borders closed for almost two years we didn't getenough workers coming into Australia on temporary visas such as student visas and Backpackers forthis reason we also created the current version.

Of the 408 Visa so let's talk about this Visa alittle bit the 408 Visa has always existed it's a VISA we use for artists coming to perform inAustralia there's a entertainment stream there's a sports person stream so people who come here tocompete or train athletes Ministers of religion who come on emissions from a church and Etc andpeople doing research in universities this Visa has always existed with different uh streamsand it used to be called a different number but it in one format or or another this Visahas existed for a while when the pandemic hits the government realize there's people here whoare not going to be able to leave the country their visas are expiring and we don't want themto be here unlawfully so let's create a stream um under a Visa that we can call it the kovich19 stream and we can use this stream so people.

Can get some sort of emergency visa and they chosethe 40 weights so we have a stream under the 408 Visa called pandemic covid-19 which is like anemergency stream it started pure and simply as a um visa to help people who couldn't leave thecountry and could not apply for any other visas and this was for them to stay legally in Australiaso for example we had lots of parents of clients visiting and all of a sudden you know they were ontourist visas and they wanted to go home but there were simply no flights to travel in the beginningof the pandemic like a lot of airports were closed so they didn't want to be here lawfully so weapplied for this visa for them to keep them here legally as time went by the government usedthis visa to keep people in the country with full work rights working in critical sectors so firstthey started allowing people to apply for this.

Visa to work in the health and aged care sectorthen child care then hospitality and then after that they opened this visa for everyone sinceearly 2022 anyone in any industry can apply for this visa and you get one year of fourwork rights so you can stay here and work now if we're bringing students down and limiting theirwork rights why would we leave this Visa open and then anyone can apply and work so if we're youknow Central students okay things are going back to normal you going to you know focus more onyour studies rather than working it's probably um going to affect the 408 fees and we mightsee this Visa um being closed under the stream the kovid stream might be closing soon if it'snot closed by July it's gonna be finished by the end of the year so someone asked a questionsaying if I want to continue work full time what.

Other options do I have other than 408 visa andthe natural option is if you're working in your fields or in a field that you started working inAustralia and you have work experience you should be considering the sponsorship Visa now more thanever because the government has already confirmed that by the end of 2023 there will be a pathwayfor permanent residents for everyone who's on a sponsorship Visa regardless if your occupationis in high demand if it's an occupation in the medium and long-term skills shortage list themslt SSL mltssl or if your occupation is on the short term list it's going to go back to how itwas before before 2018 which is the view of the labor government if you get a job here and you geta temporary sponsorship Visa where you know you're here you're contributing with your skills and andtax paying in the country the labor government.

Wants you to have a pathway for PR is it going tobe forever we don't know but at the moment that's what's gonna happen and we're all gearing up forthis change to come at the end of the calendar year 2023 so more than ever if you don't want togo back to working Limited hours and if you can get sponsored you should be thinking about it nowum the person her name is Suzanne who sent us this question she also said what are the options if youdon't have an occupation in any of the lists and you don't have any proven experience then you'rein a bit of a pickle because the sponsorship Visa is part of what is called the skilled migrationprogram the skilled migration program is for skilled workers meaning you need to have anoccupation and you need to have skills so if you don't have an occupation or skills unfortunatelythis program is not for you so to be sponsored.

You need to have a qualification in the samefield as the position being offered to you here or you need to have a lot of work experience toreplace the qualification in some cases you need a qualification if you're being sponsoredas a doctor a nurse you can't just have work experience you need to have obviously aqualification regardless you also need to have at least two years of work experience so you can'tjust be sponsored come just straight on a student visa start a new career so let's say you werean engineer in your home country and then you start working as a restaurant manager while you'rehere studying and then the restaurant owner wants to sponsor you um it may be possible if you haveenough experience if you have at least two years of full-time work experience or equivalentpart-time and if we can somehow connect your.

Qualification to that occupation but if youdon't have enough proven work experience in a field that the sponsorship fees is notthe best option but if you do talk to us um we offer free assessments for people who havejob offers in Australia we check if you can get sponsored um because you know it's going tobe a very good Pathway to migration again um also there's something called the Aged carelabor agreement happening finally aged care has never been an occupation that was possible to geta sponsorship Visa under and with the agreement coming into effect soon aged care centers will beable to sponsor aged care workers now for you to be sponsored as an aged care worker you needone year of full-time work experience or two years part-time so if you're a year as a studentand you are working in the Aged Care Center this.

Could also be a very good Pathway to permanentresidents because you can get the sponsorship and two years later get a permanent Visa as an agedcare worker now that these labor agreement is coming to fruition so again we can help you withthat as well if you don't have any work experience you need to continue studying and hopefully get agraduate these at the end of your studies and then acquire work experience so you can get sponsorednot every course allows you to get a graduate fees at the end so again get in touch with us so wecan check if your studies would take you to a graduate Visa and if you have a little bit of workexperience or if you're finishing a course and you can't get a graduate Visa we can also look at atraining Visa Australian employers can sponsor people on training visas uh the training Visacan be approved for uh up to two years and it's.

A great way of acquiring the experience you needso then you can apply for the sponsorship Visa it's a longer pathway but again the sponsorshipVisa is again a pathway for permanent residents um yes so I'm looking at questions that you guysare sending now so I answered the question about um no experience or knowledge patience again it'sa skilled Visa program you need to have skills someone have a has a question about the task thisis a little bit of topic but I'm gonna answer to you looks like Vitas is taking a long time whatshould I do I don't know um it doesn't look like we're working on your case so I don't know ifyou send the right documents I don't know if you are going to be approved normally what we do iswe stay on the back of the classes and you know sense what is called decision ready applicationwhich means it's going to be processed quicker now.

You're saying that you are working full-time andthe company is waiting for your skills assessment to start the sponsorship Visa look I'm not sureif your employer is working with a migration agent but a skills assessment is not necessarilyrequired for you to apply for sponsorship Visa only a few occupations require excuse Assessmentsin the majority of cases you don't need a skills assessment so um I bet you fifty dollars youremployer decided you needed excuse assessment and made you apply or they're working with a not soexperienced agent so get in touch with us because you probably don't need this vertices anotherquestion what about ABN work um ABN is there's no difference you what happens with ABN whenyou're working in Australia either work as an employee and in that case you give your employeryour tax file number or you work as a contractor.

In which case you have your own text file numberas a mini company and you provide services and your employer pays you instead of a salary theypay you contractor fees regardless of how you work the law is the same you can only work um what yourstudent visa allows you I know a lot of people believe that if I give someone an ABN I can workas many hours as I want but that's not the case um you would still be inBridge of your Visa condition um yeah so until the 30th of June you canwork unlimited hours after even with an ABN you can only work 24 hours a week or 48Hours of fortnight and the last question for today when the rules will start you beingimplemented first of July this is your day the devices if they from the first of Julyonwards we go back to having work limitations.

Alrighty so um that's me for today thanks forwatching us get in touch with us if you have a job offer uh in Australia if you want to continueto work full-time get your employer to get in touch with us as well we also talk to employersand explain to them what it takes to get someone on a sponsorship visa and if you want to discussany other matters we also have a Visa action plan consultation to create a long-term strategy foryou most cases this consultation is only available if you are here already so hope this has beenuseful thank you for watching and I see you later

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