Gold’s Wild Stride: Aussie Greenback Dips Amid Lower Retail Gross sales


Gold's Wild Stride: Aussie Greenback Dips Amid Lower Retail Gross sales

Hello guys welcome back to another video hereon YouTube um from ACY Securities channel uh and today uh you know we don't have much happeninguh this week um but before we go through any anything I would like for you um to subscribe tothe channel give us a thumbs up on the video and share this content with your friends if you'vewatched yesterday's video I'm much more happy uh because I did had a good night of sleep todayum yesterday was just crazy I was so so um tied and uh the the reason being because on SundayI went out um for a walk and then that was 9:30 p.m. and I was like oh let's have a coffee umyou know that's not a is my decision to do at 10:00 p.m. 9:30 10 p.m. um and then I couldn'teven sleep on uh Sunday to Monday so I was like oh my God Monday I was I was very very tied umbut hopefully everyone is feeling good um and.

Ready for another week so um today what will wehave into the economic calendar won't make much difference all I want to talk about another thingum but let's go through it so uh we only going to have at 8:00 p.m. um the French the French jobSeekers total and the most important would guess I would be I would be guessing that we'll be at11:30 PM German Boer um giving us a speech and it was and this will be all because pretty muchwe don't have anything else uh we did had retail sales at 11:30 a.m. today um from Australiamonth of a month the month of April coming lower than what the consensus um was expectingum the previous was .4% the consens was 3% and the actual was .1% so therefore um the the theactual came in lower than the consensus of 0.3 it came 2% off that's what um in a professionalterms that's what we say oh yeah how was the the.

How was the retail servies yeah 0 2% off sobasically lower than the previous by 2% okay um and um this of course did had an impact onthe Australian dollar if we look at the Aussie dollar Australian dollar against um the US dollarwe can see that we came up from the 66740 all the way now to 66 640 so basically 140 uh sorry 100points um of uh of a difference a 10 Pips move there in the last two hours um now what we on totalk is gold all right gold is dropping um as we just saw last week uh right at Thursday letme get the price of gold right here so right at Thursday uh we had um a continuationof dropping all right we we we we HED the alltime high as 2,430 uh 2,447 49 something aroundthose numbers and then we dropped all the way to 2,325 so what a drop this is pretty much muchum all the way to 452 all the way to 250 that's.

Pretty much 150 160 points of um of a drop inless than a week all right less than a week why I say that because we've just started this dropon Thursday and today's Tuesday so pretty much for days all right um I was long and I tooka loss all right I don't have a problem to say that and this is how Market works andthis is why you need to manage your risk properly now do I think that gold will probablycontinue to go down maybe there is a possibility for that to happen why did the gold have done allof this move um even Peter I was talking to Peter Pan one of the other analysts here at Acy andum I was talking to him and was like Peter do you actually believe that God can continue to godown you think that God will continue to go down and he was like yeah most probably go willcontinue to go down this is what Peter say.

I'm just quoting quoting what he say um and hecontinues to say he address um he adds on this saying that um the reason being is that gold havebeen so much High because people were thinking on an escalation of um China and Taiwan and Iranand Israel um becoming a World War let's say um and some of the some of the market participantsthey were actually thinking this could happen I've never thought this would happen I think it'sout of um I think it's out of sense right now for this to happen um I just think that uh you knowthe market was a little bit too crazy thinking about it um do what do I think that can possiblycontinue to go um happening with gold here I I do believe that gold can come back to $2,310 aroundthat area I just see a potential on happening that because there is remember for those who are on mywebinar um we always I've always mentioned that.

Those boxes have to be filled before any othermove and it's not me saying that it's the big Banks it's the big corporations um because theseare the areas that most of the orders are placed in the market so if the market wants to comeback to that there is possibility of adding ons um into their areas all right I'm saying aboutthe market I'm not saying for you to do that um just to so it makes very clear um and thenafter that we may have another possibility of becoming um on an uptrend again um but when welook to gold in um in a whole year all right in a very long term in the next 6 to 8 months umthere is a possibility of this continue to go up most probably yes all right um gold is is um isa is a commodity therefore every time that happen something that just happened last last year uh theyear before this year and will probably continue.

To happen because this is made by humans humansyou know us um most probably we will continue to have gold um rolling up uh the targets have beenI've talked to Adrian on the last podcast not the last one I I can't remember if it was the lastone but probably no it wasn't so the two podcasts ago I've talked to Adrian and um I've mentionedwe've mentioned that um he's looking for 3,000 $2 3,300 the target for the Aussie for the um for thegold all right so I've I made his words my words and I do believe that God there is a potential toreach that area um so we probably looking another $1,000 where gold is at the moment um $1,000 movewill this happen tomorrow no want all right it's a ,000 move it's not a $1 move so just I thinkevery everyone here knows but what I'm saying is not a financial device I'm not saying to you goand buy gold and hold until the end of the year.

No completely no all right um it's just what I'mthinking based on the analysis I think you guys are very smart to understand that um besidesthat guys um if you have any questions if you have any um thing you want to talk to me pleaseput those in the put down in the comments and I will be happily looking to it um anything is justcomment in the video like this video share this content with your friends and most importantlysubscribe to the channel we've just reached 8,000 subscribers so we are very happy that umyou guys are making part of the family of the YouTube channel and sharing this good knowledgeum that we've been producing every day here for you um I see you in the next video and U takecare and have a good week ahead see you CH cha he.

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