‘Gotta be dreary or crazy’: Win. Schiff’s warning on Trump’s most up-to-date E. Jean Carroll assault


‘Gotta be dreary or crazy’: Win. Schiff’s warning on Trump’s most up-to-date E. Jean Carroll assault

Joining me now is democratic congressman Adam Schiff last week he Advanced to a November runoff in the race for US Senate congratulations on your Victory and the primary race I know you still have a a general election ahead but there's just so much to get to and I really wanted to start here with the immunity claim uh because Donald Trump.

We we've seen this Playbook before many many times we've seen this movie before but this trial is supposed to start in two weeks is it possible it could be delayed beyond that simply because of his immunity CL here uh it is possible and this has been Trump's most operandi from the very beginning delay delay delay in the hope that Justice delayed.

Can be Justice denied but there there are a couple absurdities about this first the whole argument that as a president you're immune somehow that even if you try to overturn the election the ultimate check on Presidential Power the election that somehow you're immune which would be an open invitation to any presid in the future to do the same that.

Claim is going to fall even with the Supreme Court but what he's hoping is he's hoping for delay it is even more absurd though in the case of this New York prosecution because one other requirement of even making this claim is the acts have to be official in nature well what kind of an office was he holding if writing hush money payments.

To a porn star was part of the job description some office I guess so uh so it's an absurdity but this has worked for him uh we litigated against him uh to get the Deutsche Bank records he strung that out for years the oversight Committee litigated Against him to get the accounting fir masers records of his he strung that out for years and he's.

Hoping to string this out past the presidential campaign and there's a lot of money he owes in judgments that have already been made I do want to plan I mentioned this in the opening he continues to attack aan Carol so I want to play a little bit of what he said and get your response to that Miss Berg off Goodman a person I.

Never I never met I have no idea who she is except one thing I got sued from that point on I said wow that's crazy what this is I got charged I was given a false accusation and had to post a $91 million Bond on a false accusation I mean he had self-control for like a second there I mean do you.

Hear that as meeting the bar of defaming and do you think if you're Robbie Kaplan you should act on that it certainly could I mean jury could certainly conclude he's at it again uh and what's more the fact that he keeps having these judgments against him uh is just further evidence that he knows what he's doing is wrong he knows he's defaming someone.

It just cumulatively adds the proof against him but it also shows both that you know you got to be either stupid or crazy to keep doing the same thing that is costing you or both uh Millions but it but also shows no matter what he's instructed by his lawyers or anyone else he just can't control himself and you certainly don't want someone in the Oval.

Office who has no impulse control not when they have the finger on the button as a in addition to many other things one of the things that's been concerning to me and you've spoken a lot in the past about where the money is coming from and how we should be watching that is you know he just made one payment a bond payment um in in in one of these.

Cases in the Ean Carol case he owes a whole lot more money in the New York civil fraud case uh we don't necessarily know who co-signed if anyone co-signed we don't NE there aren't a lot of limitations on who can pay for this how concerned are you about that and somebody having kind of Leverage over somebody who might be sitting in the.

Oval Office I'm very concerned about it I think all Americans should be concerned that someone could potentially have leverage to the tune of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars over the president of United States but even more broadly what we've seen of Donald Trump whether it was his efforts to build Moscow Trump Tire Trump Tower and his.

Lies to the American people about it or his son-in-laws dealing with the gulf Nations this is someone who will use the Oval Office if he ever gets the chance as essentially a cash cow if we think the emoluments and enrichments and the you know the stays of Trump Hotel and all the rest of that were were troubling and violative of the Constitution and.

Conflicts of interest that is childplay considering what he may do if he's at risk of losing everything which he is right now he's at risk of losing everything uh this is someone always motivated by greed and the fact that uh whether it's Russia or the Gulf or other nations that he could be so desperate to recoup his money that he'd be willing to.

Do anything sell out the country ought to be of grave concern to us and any of those Powers as I understand it could pay in some way or help him pay for Bond payments in these cases where he owes money where the judgments have already been made well the could and and if passes prologue to get those records to find out you know who may be signing.

These or who may be guaranteeing these these loans uh could take years let me ask you about you spent a lot of time in the National Security space and it's it's worth restating how bizarre it is that the week he essentially secured the nomination he decided to meet with prime minister Orban at today Orban said Trump quote will not get a penny to Ukraine if.

Elected which is telling it's going even further than Trump has um what do you make of the fact that we're getting more from the leader of Hungary than Trump on what his plans are and is that kind of confirm what you already thought or make you even more concerned you know both it confirms you know the worst fears we have about Trump.

But you know here's someone who uh in Victor Orban is kind of a proxy enabler stooge of Vladimir Putin on the one hand on the other hand as you were pointing out has dismantled his own democracy so these are birds of a feather exactly what Donald Trump wants wants to do and and you're you're precisely right this doesn't show Trump's strength that he.

Emulates these dictators it shows his weakness he wants to be them because he lacks power uh he's a weak figure uh and he emulates these strong men he aspires to be like them uh he has disdained for our Democratic allies uh no wonder NATO is terrified but here's the good news in all this NATO is enlarging NATO is growing NATO is becoming stronger not.

Withstanding what Putin did notwithstanding what Trump is threatening NATO is growing and thank God it is and thank God we have a President Joe Biden who recognizes the value of NATO and how NATO has kept our nation safe uh it's going to be a in many respects a very clear contrast between these two candidates for.

President but in no area more than National Security does Joe Biden shine uh in supporting this International rules-based order which has kept our country safe and in no other way does Donald Trump uh so um endanger us than when it comes to Nato and National Security it's so I mean it's such an interesting place to pay attention to.

And you and I both share a love of National Security issues there was another report there was a lot of reporting over the last 24 hours former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly Kelly said this to CNN my theory on why he likes the dictator so much is that's who he is every incumbent president is shocked that they actually have so.

Little power without going to Congress which is a good thing it's Civics 101 but in this case he was shocked that he didn't have dictatorial powers to send us forces places or to move money around with the budget and he looked at Putin and G in that nutcase in North Korea as people who were like him in terms of being a tough guy which sort of confirms.

I mean he was his chief of staff what we all think but what do you what do you make of those comments from John Kelly well they it kind of hearkens back to Trump saying that under article two he could do whatever the hell he wants um he he has no interest in our institutions and our democracy all he wants is power and and.

The tragedy is that what has made him possible made him possible in the first term what makes him still viable is so many of the people I serve with on the Republican side of the aisle also as it turns out all they care about is power too and notwithstanding that they they think he's a danger notwithstanding they think he's unethical and immoral and a.

Liar they will line up behind him they've lined up behind him before Mitch McConnell who said basically he wasn't going to Peach because there were other remedies like prosecution just lined up behind him again all it is is about power and this is what is has our democracy hanging by a thread it's.

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3 thoughts on “‘Gotta be dreary or crazy’: Win. Schiff’s warning on Trump’s most up-to-date E. Jean Carroll assault

  1. Most of trumps enterprise dealings had been in NY. , nothing came about in NY without the Mafia getting their fragment. the “don” grew up with that, he realized effectively. Now, he's even handed one of essentially the most bad, the trump syndicate.

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