Greg Kelly uncovers the FBI’s fear tactics on Trump classified doctors case


Greg Kelly uncovers the FBI's fear tactics on Trump classified doctors case

All these cases against Donald Trump you need some witnesses the government has to apply pressure to get people to talk to them and that's where this guy comes in the whole thing about the documents and uh you heard Robert her and Joe Biden and getting off scott free I'll get to that soon but first Donald Trump is still in trouble over this nonsense.

In part quite frankly thanks to this guy I don't know how much I blame him his name is Brian Butler he worked for Donald Trump for many years at maral Lago and maybe other facilities and they got along uh really well but then an atrocity happened maral Lago was raided by the FBI August 8th 2022 I'll always remember that moment where I was I felt.

Like the whole world had shifted I didn't understand anything really for a few minutes the FBI the FBI well they did it they shouldn't have you know the FBI they're kind of banking on Prestige they accumulated decades ago and for people to somehow remember that and some people do and think that the FBI are oh that's a best it's a great.

Law enforcement agency no it's crummy it needs to be totally dismantled and reformed new name but when the FBI shows up like they did to our friend Mr naive I mean Brian Butler people get nerv nervous why are you speaking out publicly with your story now well I mean it's it's been almost a year since FBI agents showed up at the at my house when.

My wife was at home and you know over the course of the last year emotionally it's been a roller coaster so the FBI shows up at his house he works for Donald Trump I could see that rocking his world right I mean he probably grew up thinking that the FBI the do J right they're they're the good guys of course they are well he doesn't.

Know what we know about how they become a partisan weapon used by democrats he's going off the old information not the new so the FBI they must have something really really important to talk to uh Mr naive about H uh let's let's hear the the Crux of his story this is what he had to offer the FBI we got the airport I ended up.

Loading all the luggage I had and he had a bunch of boxes you noticed that he had boxes oh yeah they were the boxes that were in the indictment the white Banker boxes that's what I remember loading we were just taking them out of the Escalade piling them up I remember they were all stacked on top of each other and then we're lifting them up to the.

Pilots how many boxes was it you know they asked me in in the interview and I I believe it was I 10 to 15 at the same time he's going in there the boxes are going from somewhere into a vehicle which are eventually going to the plane which I load look I I didn't even know what I was moving until I was at the plane and that's when I remember moving.

Boxes wow that's a lot of boxes boxes I remember when they indicted Trump right the pictures of all the the boxes there were boxes all over the place there were boxes on the stage uh there were boxes in the bathroom uh there were boxes in the storage room there were boxes all over the place they wanted us to be really freaked out by these boxes uh.

Folks there's nothing to be freaked out about because of all those boxes how many classified documents did the FBI actually get how many uh it's in the indictment 102 documents at Mar Lago 102 pages of material here's one box here's 120 Pages worth of stuff it fits all right I like to make.

This point those pictures were designed to scare people and mislead people maybe even our friend Mr naive how many times did he tell the Box story and what Sam said to Fred who said to this guy and that guy how many times did Jack Smith and his boys talk to Mr naive I should be clear Jack Smith's.

Investigators sought you out how many times do you think you've have you talked to investigators now say probably uh between four and five times that's harassment the FBI four or five times to talk about those boxes oh but there was also the security cameras at Mara Lago I don't think that was on the warrant actually the security.

Cameras but there are security cameras because it's not an ordinary home it's a great big uh palatial club and people are there check this out youil tares is he was the it employee at maralago that in the indictment it says Carlos had the conversation with about deleting the server right correct but that's the.

First I had ever heard of that is when a friend tells me that my friend's in trouble all right I barely know what's going on at this point okay it is so ludicrous all of this stuff meanwhile Joe Biden is throwing around this junk all over Delaware and Maryland and Washington DC and Virginia and hunt the garage but I do know this the Fourth.

Amendment of the Constitution the idea take a look at this the right of the people to be secure in their persons houses papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated now folks did the founding fathers did they know about security cameras right you know we have these things that can watch the room for.

24/7 all the time hallways whatever they weren't thinking about that you got your documents you got your boxes now you want to see all of that footage it is crazy Mr naive here though again he trusts the FBI he trusts the government quick review why you shouldn't at this point certainly not if you're Donald Trump okay who remembers.

Peter stro and Lisa pagee this has all been swept under the rug but top level EP Executives plotted for Trump to lose the 2016 election and they are still mad anybody remember Jim Comey yeah before Mueller the Muer report there was Jim Comey this guy was so utterly firable they investigated Trump for firing the fireable guy even Democrats wanted this.

Guy gone it is insane back to Mr naive all right here he talks about there's something to this actually there's something to this not about Trump but they're doing what the FBI what the what the culture is doing take a look this is the thing I see this guy.

Has the former president has divided the nation like I've never seen before and he's now divided like my best friend since I was 19 years old almost you know we we we've been friends for so long and just think now you're just it's I don't know it's just very it sucks all right um his friend worked at Trump.

And the Trump uh the guy has been indicted and they're not talking to each other because this guy's a witness essentially against him and the government totalitarian States I heard that they like to do that you know get friends to turn on friends family members to turn on family members this is the excess Trump is not dividing this.

Country how about the people who tried to sabotage his administration in 2016 2017 1819 the doj the FBI they're still at it they're still at it you want to talk about dividing the country listen I mean if people believe that this is a good thing uh transgender whatever drag queens hanging around with children that's where our leaders are right.

Now we don't have to be United right now actually this is bad this is horrible and those who think it's good I don't want to be United with them those who think the Border should be wide open where is the compromise with those people how do you find Unity I actually don't think there is any unifying over that issue but people.

Can be persuaded this is what's going on we're the good guys we're not the bad guys and meanwhile Joe Biden Corvette all that junk all that classified stuff he had no right to in the garage and he gets off scott free talk about a rig system but we're still in the game all right what's.

Next Cassidy Hutchinson I had her number two years ago I thought that she was very well not to be believed quite frankly I found that she lacked credibility even when she said things they weren't of any significant import very strange the media embraced her so did Democrats and Liz Cheney because of the way she looked quite frankly sounded.

Looked like a star witness so she must be a star witness Cassidy Hutcherson uh was an exemplary witness who demonstrated remarkable courage and character Cassie Hutchinson made a brave Choice today look I think that what uh what Cassy Hutchinson did was um an unbelievable example of bravery and of courage um and.

Patriotism in the face of real pressure she was a great witness she was absolutely precise she was just Brant a a 26-year-old patriot and it goes on like this why what do they like they like the way she looked now the January 6 committee they put together that report which in and of itself is a I think a crime it's a corrupt document.

Political document it does nothing to talk about about the actual failures in security which happened on January 6th and finally we have a government document from the house administration subcommittee on oversight this is Congressman loudermilk's uh work and it's fantastic and also very disturbing uh they write that since Liz Cheney's.

Committee failed to sufficiently investigate the security failures as a result the capital is no safer today than it was when the select committee was created in order to properly protect the institution in the framework of American democracy Congress must take a serious look at why the capital was so ill-prepared and what security changes.

Are needed to ensure adequate protection can you believe it that they actually didn't do it you know all this time all this politics and Cassidy Hutchinson one of my favorite parts of this report I mean they catch her they catch her she was they believe deceptive and I think they have a great case here in finding after finding the testimony of four.

White House employees directly contradicts claims made by Cassidy Hutchinson goes on to say uh her public testimony is directly contradicted by the White House employees and the US Secret Service agents transcribed interviews which were never released publicly more there's more everything she said they found a big problem with.

She tells a new version of events and explicitly contradicts many statements she made under oath in her initial three transcribed interviews uh and it goes on all right there's just there's a huge problem here the other wild thing is even her stories actually weren't significant yet they made this person the star they're reorganizing the.

Government based on what she said listen to this I first noticed there was catchup dripping down the wall and there's a shattered porcelain plate on the floor the valet had articulated that the president was extremely angry at the Attorney General's AP.

Interview and had thrown his lunch against the wall all right if that's true what difference does it make it's gossip it's gossip I don't think it is true but it's gossip it's incredible they feasted on this yet they neglected why was there only one cop guarding the capital in this critical Avenue of approach you see.

That at 11 that is uh peace Circle there's one Capital police officer because of politics because of Nancy Pelosi it's all in this baby we'll have more when I come back

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3 thoughts on “Greg Kelly uncovers the FBI’s fear tactics on Trump classified doctors case

  1. Trump didn’t divide the nation the Democrats and the Biden regime divided the nation due to they know a divided nation is much less advanced to conquer than a United nation one amongst the first guidelines in fight divide, then overcome

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